[pomp-announce] pomp version 0.38-1 released

Aaron A. King kingaa at umich.edu
Tue May 24 15:34:30 CEST 2011

Dear pomp users,

I've just submitted version pomp 0.38-1 to CRAN.  Source code and binaries 
should become available on the mirrors over the next few days.  This is a 
feature and documentation upgrade.   There have been two major changes.

I have improved both the tutorial vignettes.  The "intro to pomp" vignette now 
walks through the SIR model and its implementation in several stages.  
The "advanced topics" vignette now goes into much more detail about various 
options for speeding up model codes.

I have generalized the 'pfilter' algorithm so that it is now possible to use 
different numbers of particles at different points in the time series.  This 
lays the groundwork for an adaptive particle filter.

For specific changes, see the NEWS file.

Best regards,


Aaron A. King, Ph.D.
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Center for the Study of Complex Systems
University of Michigan
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