[Picante-commits] r141 - in pkg: . R man
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Sat Jul 19 02:55:55 CEST 2008
Author: skembel
Date: 2008-07-19 02:55:55 +0200 (Sat, 19 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 141
Merge gsoc branch into trunk in prep for 0.3 release
Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION 2008-07-19 00:51:58 UTC (rev 140)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
Author: Steve Kembel <skembel at berkeley.edu>, David Ackerly <dackerly at berkeley.edu>, Simon Blomberg <s.blomberg1 at uq.edu.au>, Peter Cowan <pdc at berkeley.edu>, Matthew Helmus <mrhelmus at wisc.edu>, Cam Webb <cwebb at oeb.harvard.edu>
Maintainer: Steve Kembel <skembel at berkeley.edu>
Depends: ape, vegan
-Suggests: circular
+Suggests: brglm, circular
Description: Phylocom integration, community analyses, null-models, traits and evolution in R
License: GPL-2
Copied: pkg/R/pblm.R (from rev 140, branches/gsoc/R/pblm.R)
--- pkg/R/pblm.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/pblm.R 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ # Make a vector of associations
+ A<-as.matrix(as.vector(as.matrix(assocs)))
+ data.vecs<-A
+ #numbers of species and interactions
+ nassocs<-length(A)
+ nspp1<-dim(assocs)[1]
+ nspp2<-dim(assocs)[2]
+ sppnames1<-rownames(assocs)
+ sppnames2<-colnames(assocs)
+ #make names of species pairs
+ pairnames=NULL # make a vector of pairwise comparison names
+ for (o in 1:(nspp2))
+ {
+ for (u in 1:nspp1)
+ {
+ pairnames<-c(pairnames,paste(sppnames2[o],sppnames1[u],sep="-"))
+ }
+ }
+ #Clean Covariates
+ #If the covariate applies to both sets, then it should be in the matrix of the longer set
+ covnames<-NULL
+ C1covs<-NULL
+ if(is.null(covars1))
+ {
+ C1<-NULL
+ } else {
+ if(is.null(dim(covars1)))
+ {
+ C1<-matrix(covars1,nspp1,nspp2,byrow=FALSE)
+ if(is.factor(covars1))
+ {
+ C1<-as.matrix(as.vector(C1))
+ C1covs<-cbind(C1covs,C1)
+ C1<-as.matrix(model.matrix(~as.factor(C1)-1)[,-1])
+ colnames(C1)<-paste(rep("covar1",length(levels(covars1))-1),levels(covars1)[-1],sep="-")
+ } else {
+ C1<-as.matrix(as.vector(C1))
+ C1covs<-cbind(C1covs,C1)
+ }
+ covnames<-c(covnames,"covar1")
+ } else {
+ C1<-NULL
+ for(i in 1:dim(covars1)[2])
+ {
+ C1hold<-matrix(covars1[,i],nspp1,nspp2,byrow=FALSE)
+ if(is.factor(covars1[,i]))
+ {
+ C1hold<-as.matrix(as.vector(C1hold))
+ C1covs<-cbind(C1covs,C1hold)
+ C1hold<-as.matrix(model.matrix(~as.factor(C1hold)-1)[,-1])
+ colnames(C1hold)<-paste(rep(colnames(covars1)[i],length(levels(covars1[,i]))-1),levels(covars1[,i])[-1],sep="-")
+ C1<-cbind(C1,C1hold)
+ } else {
+ C1hold<-as.matrix(as.vector(C1hold))
+ C1covs<-cbind(C1covs,C1hold)
+ colnames(C1hold)<-colnames(covars1)[i]
+ C1<-cbind(C1,C1hold)
+ }
+ covnames<-c(covnames,colnames(covars1)[i])
+ }
+ }
+ data.vecs<-cbind(data.vecs,C1covs)
+ }
+ C2covs<-NULL
+ if(is.null(covars2))
+ {
+ C2<-NULL
+ } else {
+ if(is.null(dim(covars2)))
+ {
+ C2<-matrix(covars2,nspp1,nspp2,byrow=TRUE)
+ if(is.factor(covars2))
+ {
+ C2<-as.matrix(as.vector(C2))
+ C2covs<-cbind(C2covs,C2)
+ C2<-as.matrix(model.matrix(~as.factor(C2)-1)[,-1])
+ colnames(C2)<-paste(rep("covar2",length(levels(covars2))-1),levels(covars2)[-1],sep="-")
+ } else {
+ C2<-as.matrix(as.vector(C2))
+ C2covs<-cbind(C2covs,C2)
+ }
+ covnames<-c(covnames,"covar2")
+ } else {
+ C2<-NULL
+ for(i in 1:dim(covars2)[2])
+ {
+ C2hold<-matrix(covars2[,i],nspp1,nspp2,byrow=TRUE)
+ if(is.factor(covars2[,i]))
+ {
+ C2hold<-as.matrix(as.vector(C2hold))
+ C2covs<-cbind(C2covs,C2hold)
+ C2hold<-as.matrix(model.matrix(~as.factor(C2hold)-1)[,-1])
+ colnames(C2hold)<-paste(rep(colnames(covars2)[i],length(levels(covars2[,i]))-1),levels(covars2[,i])[-1],sep="-")
+ C2<-cbind(C2,C2hold)
+ } else {
+ C2hold<-as.matrix(as.vector(C2hold))
+ C2covs<-cbind(C2covs,C2hold)
+ colnames(C2hold)<-colnames(covars2)[i]
+ C2<-cbind(C2,C2hold)
+ }
+ covnames<-c(covnames,colnames(covars2)[i])
+ }
+ }
+ data.vecs<-cbind(data.vecs,C2covs)
+ }
+# Make U, the combined matrix of covariates
+ if(is.null(C1) & is.null(C2))
+ {
+ U<-rep(1,length(A))
+ } else {
+ if(is.null(C1))
+ {
+ U<-rep(1,length(A))
+ } else {
+ U<-cbind(rep(1,length(A)),C1)
+ }
+ if(is.null(C2))
+ {
+ U<-U
+ } else {
+ U<-cbind(U,C2)
+ }
+ }
+ # Begin to organize output
+ if(is.null(dim(U)))
+ {
+ data.vecs<-data.frame(A)
+ colnames(data.vecs)<-"associations"
+ } else {
+ colnames(data.vecs)<-c("associations", covnames)
+ }
+ rownames(data.vecs)<-pairnames
+ ######
+ # Calculate Star Regression Coefficients
+ #calculate for the star (assuming no phylogenetic correlation)
+ astar<-solve((t(U)%*%U),(t(U)%*%A))
+ MSETotal<-cov(A)
+ s2aStar<-as.vector(MSETotal)*qr.solve((t(U)%*%U))
+ sdaStar<-t(diag(s2aStar)^(.5))
+ approxCFstar<-rbind(t(astar)-1.96%*%sdaStar, t(astar), t(astar)+1.96%*%sdaStar)
+ Estar<-A-U%*%astar
+ MSEStar<-cov(matrix(Estar))
+ #######
+ if(is.null(tree1) | is.null(tree2))
+ {
+ coefs<-approxCFstar
+ rownames(coefs)<-c("lower CI 95%","estimate","upper CI 95%")
+ colnames(coefs)<-paste("star",c("intercept",colnames(U)[-1]),sep="-")
+ MSEs<-cbind(data.frame(MSETotal),data.frame(MSEStar))
+ return(list(MSE=MSEs,signal.strength=NULL,coefficients=data.frame(t(coefs)),CI.boot=NULL,variates=data.frame(data.vecs),residuals=data.frame(Estar),bootvalues=NULL))
+ } else {
+ #tree1 is the phylogeny for the rows
+ #tree2 is the phylogeny for the columns
+ #Clean Trees
+ if(is(tree1)[1]=="phylo")
+ {
+ if(is.null(tree1$edge.length)){tree1<-compute.brlen(tree1, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
+ V1<-vcv.phylo(tree1,cor=TRUE)
+ V1<-V1[rownames(assocs),rownames(assocs)]
+ } else {
+ V1<-tree1[rownames(assocs),rownames(assocs)]
+ }
+ if(is(tree2)[1]=="phylo")
+ {
+ if(is.null(tree2$edge.length)){tree2<-compute.brlen(tree2, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
+ V2<-vcv.phylo(tree2,cor=TRUE)
+ V2<-V2[colnames(assocs),colnames(assocs)]
+ } else {
+ V2<-tree2[colnames(assocs),colnames(assocs)]
+ }
+ #Calculate Regression Coefficents for the base (assuming strict brownian motion evolution, ds=1)
+ V1<-as.matrix(V1)
+ V2<-as.matrix(V2)
+ V1<-V1/det(V1)^(1/nspp1) # scale covariance matrices (this reduces numerical problems caused by
+ V2<-V2/det(V2)^(1/nspp2) # determinants going to infinity or zero)
+ V<-kronecker(V2,V1)
+ invV<-qr.solve(V)
+ abase<-solve((t(U)%*%invV%*%U),((t(U)%*%invV%*%A))) #NOTE: Ives in his Matlab code uses a Left matrix division symbol (\)
+ MSEBase<-(t(A-U%*%abase)%*%invV%*%(A-U%*%abase))/(nassocs-1)
+ s2abase<-as.vector(MSEBase)*qr.solve(t(U)%*%invV%*%U)
+ sdabase<-t(diag(s2abase)^(.5))
+ approxCFbase<-rbind(t(abase)-1.96%*%sdabase, t(abase), t(abase)+1.96%*%sdabase)
+ Ebase<-A-U%*%abase
+ ###################
+ # Full EGLS estimates of phylogenetic signal
+ ##################
+ initV1<-V1
+ initV2<-V2
+ # tau = tau_i + tau_j where tau_i equals the node to tip distance
+ tau1<-matrix(diag(initV1),nspp1,nspp1) + matrix(diag(initV1),nspp1,nspp1)-2*initV1
+ tau2<-matrix(diag(initV2),nspp2,nspp2) + matrix(diag(initV2),nspp2,nspp2)-2*initV2
+ # The workhorse function to estimate ds
+ pegls<-function(parameters)
+ {
+ d1<-abs(parameters[1])
+ d2<-abs(parameters[2])
+ V1<-(d1^tau1)*(1-d1^(2*initV1))/(1-d1^2)
+ V2<-(d2^tau2)*(1-d2^(2*initV2))/(1-d2^2)
+ V1<-V1/det(V1)^(1/nspp1) # model of coevolution
+ V2<-V2/det(V2)^(1/nspp2)
+ V<-kronecker(V2,V1)
+ invV<-qr.solve(V)
+ a<-solve((t(U)%*%invV%*%U),((t(U)%*%invV%*%A))) #NOTE: Ives in his Matlab code uses a Left matrix division symbol (\)
+ E<-(A-U%*%a)
+ #MSE
+ t(E)%*%invV%*%E/(nassocs-1)
+ }
+ # estimate d1 and d2 via Nelder-Mead method same as fminsearch in Matlab, by minimizing MSE
+ est<-optim(pstart,pegls,control=list(maxit=maxit))
+ MSEFull<-est$value
+ d1<-abs(est$par[1])
+ d2<-abs(est$par[2])
+ # Calculate EGLS coef w estimated ds
+ V1<-(d1^tau1)*(1-d1^(2*initV1))/(1-d1^2)
+ V2<-(d2^tau2)*(1-d2^(2*initV2))/(1-d2^2)
+ V1<-V1/det(V1)^(1/nspp1) # model of coevolution
+ V2<-V2/det(V2)^(1/nspp2)
+ V<-kronecker(V2,V1)
+ invV<-qr.solve(V)
+ aFull<-solve((t(U)%*%invV%*%U),((t(U)%*%invV%*%A))) #NOTE: Ives in his Matlab code uses a Left matrix division symbol (\)
+ s2aFull<-as.vector(MSEFull)*qr.solve(t(U)%*%invV%*%U)
+ sdaFull<-t(diag(s2aFull)^(.5))
+ approxCFfull<-rbind(t(aFull)-1.96%*%sdaFull, t(aFull), t(aFull)+1.96%*%sdaFull)
+ Efull<-A-U%*%aFull
+ ########################################
+ #organize output
+ coefs<-cbind(approxCFfull,approxCFstar,approxCFbase)
+ rownames(coefs)<-c("approx lower CI 95%","estimate","approx upper CI 95%")
+ colnames(coefs)<-c(paste("full",c("intercept",colnames(U)[-1]),sep="-"),paste("star",c("intercept",colnames(U)[-1]),sep="-"),paste("base",c("intercept",colnames(U)[-1]),sep="-"))
+ coefs<-t(coefs)
+ CI.boot<-NULL
+ MSEs<-cbind(data.frame(MSETotal),data.frame(MSEFull), data.frame(MSEStar), data.frame(MSEBase))
+ residuals<-cbind(data.frame(Efull),data.frame(Estar),data.frame(Ebase))
+ rownames(residuals)<-pairnames
+ #bootstrap CIs
+ if(bootstrap)
+ {
+ Vtrue<-V
+ Atrue<-A
+ atrue<-aFull
+ dtrue<-c(d1,d2)
+ ehold<-eigen(Vtrue,symmetric=TRUE)
+ L<-ehold$vectors[,nassocs:1] #A or L
+ G<-sort(ehold$values) #D
+ iG<-diag(G^-.5) #iD
+ # Construct Y = TT*A so that
+ # E{(Y-b)*(Y-b)'} = E{(TT*A-b)*(TT*A-b)'}
+ # = T*V*T'
+ # = I
+ TT<-iG%*%t(L)
+ Y<-TT%*%Atrue
+ Z<-TT%*%U
+ res<-(Y-Z%*%atrue) # residuals in orthogonalized space
+ invT<-qr.solve(TT)
+ bootlist=NULL
+ for (i in 1:nreps)
+ {
+ randindex<-sample(1:nassocs,replace=TRUE) # vector of random indices
+ #randindex=1:nassocs # retain order
+ YY<-Z%*%atrue+res[randindex] # create new values of Y with random residuals
+ A<-invT%*%YY # back-transformed data
+ pstart<-dtrue+c(0,.1)
+ estRand<-optim(pstart,pegls,control=list(maxit=maxit))
+ MSEFullrand<-estRand$value
+ d1rand<-abs(estRand$par[1])
+ d2rand<-abs(estRand$par[2])
+ # Calculate EGLS coef w estimated ds
+ V1<-(d1rand^tau1)*(1-d1rand^(2*initV1))/(1-d1rand^2)
+ V2<-(d2rand^tau2)*(1-d2rand^(2*initV2))/(1-d2rand^2)
+ V1<-V1/det(V1)^(1/nspp1) # model of coevolution
+ V2<-V2/det(V2)^(1/nspp2)
+ V<-kronecker(V2,V1)
+ invV<-qr.solve(V)
+ arand<-solve((t(U)%*%invV%*%U),((t(U)%*%invV%*%A))) #NOTE: Ives in his Matlab code uses a Left matrix division symbol (\)
+ bootlist<-rbind(bootlist,c(d1rand, d2rand, t(arand)))
+ }
+ nr<-dim(bootlist)[1]
+ nc<-dim(bootlist)[2]
+ #Calculate bootstrapped CIs
+ alpha<-0.05 # alpha is always 0.05, but could change here
+ conf<-NULL
+ for(j in 1:nc)
+ {
+ bootconf<-quantile(bootlist[,j],probs = c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2))
+ conf<-rbind(conf,c(bootconf[1],bootconf[2]))
+ }
+ signal.strength<-data.frame(cbind(conf[1:2,1],dtrue,conf[1:2,2]))
+ rownames(signal.strength)<-c("d1","d2")
+ colnames(signal.strength)<-c("booted lower CI 95%","estimate","booted upper CI 95%")
+ #organize output
+ CI.boot<-conf
+ rownames(CI.boot)<-c("d1","d2","intercept",colnames(U)[-1])
+ colnames(CI.boot)<-c("booted lower CI 95%","booted upper CI 95%")
+ colnames(bootlist)<-c("d1","d2","intercept",colnames(U)[-1])
+ return(list(MSE=MSEs,signal.strength=signal.strength,coefficients=data.frame(coefs),CI.boot=CI.boot,variates=data.frame(data.vecs),residuals=residuals,bootvalues=bootlist))
+ } else {
+ ########
+ # If bootstrapping not performed
+ conf<-matrix(NA,2,2)
+ signal.strength<-data.frame(cbind(conf[1,],dtrue,conf[2,]))
+ rownames(signal.strength)<-c("d1","d2")
+ colnames(signal.strength)<-c("booted lower CI 95%","estimate","booted upper CI 95%")
+ return(list(MSE=MSEs,signal.strength=signal.strength,coefficients=data.frame(coefs),CI.boot=NULL,variates=data.frame(data.vecs),residuals=residuals,bootvalues=NULL))
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: pkg/R/phylodiversity.R
--- pkg/R/phylodiversity.R 2008-07-19 00:51:58 UTC (rev 140)
+++ pkg/R/phylodiversity.R 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
+ if(is.null(tree$edge.length)){tree<-compute.brlen(tree, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
# Make sure that the species line up
@@ -262,8 +263,11 @@
+ samp<-as.matrix(samp)
+ if(is.null(tree$edge.length)){tree<-compute.brlen(tree, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
# Make sure that the species line up
@@ -323,6 +327,7 @@
+ if(is.null(tree$edge.length)){tree<-compute.brlen(tree, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
# Make sure that the species line up
@@ -378,6 +383,7 @@
+ if(is.null(tree$edge.length)){tree<-compute.brlen(tree, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
# Make sure that the species line up
@@ -400,7 +406,7 @@
- obs.PSV<-mean(psv(samp,Cmatrix,compute.var=FALSE)[,1])
+ obs.PSV<-mean(psv(samp,Cmatrix,compute.var=FALSE)[,1],na.rm=TRUE)
# numbers of locations and species
@@ -411,7 +417,7 @@
- spp.PSV<-mean(psv(spp.samp,spp.Cmatrix,compute.var=FALSE)[,1])
+ spp.PSV<-mean(psv(spp.samp,spp.Cmatrix,compute.var=FALSE)[,1],na.rm=TRUE)
@@ -440,6 +446,7 @@
+ if(is.null(tree$edge.length)){tree<-compute.brlen(tree, 1)} #If phylo has no given branch lengths
# Make sure that the species line up
Copied: pkg/R/phylostruct.R (from rev 140, branches/gsoc/R/phylostruct.R)
--- pkg/R/phylostruct.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/phylostruct.R 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ metric<-match.arg(metric)
+ null.model<-match.arg(null.model)
+ if(metric=="sppregs")
+ {
+ nulls<-t(replicate(runs,sppregs(randomizeSample(samp,null.model=null.model),env,tree,fam=fam)$correlations))
+ obs<-sppregs(samp,env,tree,fam=fam)$correlations
+ mean.null<-apply(nulls,2,mean)
+ quantiles.null<-t(apply(nulls,2,quantile,probs=c(alpha/2,1-(alpha/2))))
+ return(list(metric=metric,null.model=null.model,runs=runs,obs=obs,mean.null=mean.null
+ ,quantiles.null=quantiles.null,phylo.structure=NULL,nulls=nulls))
+ } else {
+ nulls<-switch(metric,
+ psv = replicate(runs,mean(psv(randomizeSample(samp,null.model=null.model),tree,compute.var=FALSE)[,1])),
+ psr = replicate(runs,mean(psr(randomizeSample(samp,null.model=null.model),tree,compute.var=FALSE)[,1])),
+ pse = replicate(runs,mean(pse(randomizeSample(samp,null.model=null.model),tree)[,1])),
+ psc = replicate(runs,mean(psc(randomizeSample(samp,null.model=null.model),tree)[,1])))
+ quantiles.null<-quantile(nulls,probs=c(alpha/2,1-(alpha/2)))
+ mean.null<-mean(nulls)
+ mean.obs<-switch(metric,
+ psv = mean(psv(samp,tree,compute.var=FALSE)[,1]),
+ psr = mean(psr(samp,tree,compute.var=FALSE)[,1]),
+ pse = mean(pse(samp,tree)[,1]),
+ psc = mean(psc(samp,tree)[,1]))
+ if(mean.obs<=quantiles.null[1])
+ {phylo.structure="underdispersed"
+ } else {if(mean.obs>=quantiles.null[2]){
+ phylo.structure="overdispersed"} else {phylo.structure="random"}
+ }
+ return(list(metric=metric,null.model=null.model,runs=runs,mean.obs=mean.obs,mean.null=mean.null
+ ,quantiles.null=quantiles.null,phylo.structure=phylo.structure,null.means=nulls))
+ }
Modified: pkg/R/specaccum.psr.R
--- pkg/R/specaccum.psr.R 2008-07-19 00:51:58 UTC (rev 140)
+++ pkg/R/specaccum.psr.R 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
perm[, i]<-r.x
sites <- 1:n
- specaccum <- apply(perm, 1, mean)
- sdaccum <- apply(perm, 1, sd)
+ specaccum <- apply(perm, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
+ sdaccum <- apply(perm, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
out <- list(call = match.call(), method = method, sites = sites, richness = specaccum, sd = sdaccum, perm = perm)
class(out) <- "specaccum"
Copied: pkg/R/sppregs.R (from rev 140, branches/gsoc/R/sppregs.R)
--- pkg/R/sppregs.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/sppregs.R 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ if(is.null(tree))
+ {
+ cors.phylo=NULL
+ } else { # If a tree is provided
+ if(is(tree)[1]=="phylo")
+ {
+ tree<-prune.sample(samp,tree)
+ # Make sure that the species line up
+ samp<-samp[,tree$tip.label]
+ # Make a correlation matrix of the species pool phylogeny
+ Cmatrix<-vcv.phylo(tree,cor=TRUE)
+ } else {
+ Cmatrix<-tree
+ species<-colnames(samp)
+ preval<-colSums(samp)/sum(samp)
+ species<-species[preval>0]
+ Cmatrix<-Cmatrix[species,species]
+ samp<-samp[,colnames(Cmatrix)]
+ }
+ cors.phylo<-Cmatrix[lower.tri(Cmatrix)] #vector of pairwise phylogenetic correlations among species
+ samp<-samp[,colnames(Cmatrix)] #only those species in the phylogeny are regressed
+ }
+ nplots<-dim(samp)[1] # number of units in the occurence data
+ nspp<-dim(samp)[2] # number of species in the occurence data
+ sppnames<-colnames(samp) # vector of species names
+ #make formula for model fit to each species
+ if(is.null(dim(env)))
+ {
+ nenvs<-1
+ envnames<-names(env)
+ if (is.null(envnames)){envnames<-"env"}
+ formu<-paste("y~",envnames) #Make formula
+ } else {
+ nenvs<-dim(env)[2] # number of environmental variables
+ envnames<-colnames(env) # vecor of env names
+ formu<-paste("y~",envnames[1]) #Make formula
+ for (t in 2:nenvs)
+ {
+ formu<-paste(formu,envnames[t],sep="+")
+ }
+ }
+ #Fit either the logistic or the standard regressions
+ spp.resids<-NULL #holds each species residuals y-yhat
+ spp.coef<-NULL #holds the coefficients of each species
+ spp.se<-NULL #holds the se of the coefs.
+ spp.fits<-NULL #holds the yhats
+ if(fam=="gaussian")
+ {
+ for(i in 1:nspp)
+ {
+ y<-samp[,i]
+ mod<-glm(formu,data=cbind(y,env))
+ spp.resids<-cbind(spp.resids,mod$y-mod$fitted.values)
+ spp.fits<-cbind(spp.fits,mod$fitted.values)
+ spp.coef<-cbind(spp.coef,summary(mod)$coef[,1])
+ spp.se<-cbind(spp.se,summary(mod)$coef[,2])
+ }
+ cors.resid<-cor(spp.resids)[lower.tri(cor(spp.resids))] #a vector of residual correlations among species
+ } else {
+ if (!require(brglm)) {
+ stop("The 'brglm' package is required to use this function with argument fam=binomial.")
+ }
+ samp[samp>0]<-1 #make samp a pa matrix
+ for(i in 1:nspp)
+ {
+ y<-samp[,i]
+ mod<-brglm(formu,data=data.frame(cbind(y,env)))
+ spp.resids<-cbind(spp.resids,mod$y-mod$fitted.values)
+ spp.fits<-cbind(spp.fits,mod$fitted.values)
+ spp.coef<-cbind(spp.coef,summary(mod)$coef[,1])
+ spp.se<-cbind(spp.se,summary(mod)$coef[,2])
+ }
+ # calcualte the correlations among species residuals given that they come from a binomial process
+ cor.r<-matrix(0,nrow=nspp,ncol=nspp)
+ for (j in 1:dim(spp.resids)[1])
+ {
+ invv<-matrix((spp.fits[j,]*(1-spp.fits[j,]))^(-.5),nrow=1)
+ invv<-t(invv)%*%invv
+ invv[invv>(10^10)]<-(10^10)
+ r<-matrix(spp.resids[j,],nrow=1)
+ cor.r=cor.r+((t(r)%*%r)*invv)
+ }
+ RC=cor.r/dim(spp.resids)[1]
+ cors.resid<-RC[lower.tri(RC)] # Observed correlations of residuals among species
+ }
+ #add names to output
+ colnames(spp.coef)<-colnames(samp)
+ colnames(spp.se)<-colnames(samp)
+ colnames(spp.resids)<-colnames(samp)
+ colnames(spp.fits)<-colnames(samp)
+ pairnames=NULL # make a vector of pairwise comparison names
+ for (o in 1:(nspp-1))
+ {
+ for (u in (o+1):nspp)
+ {
+ pairnames<-c(pairnames,paste(sppnames[o],sppnames[u],sep="-"))
+ }
+ }
+ cors.pa<-cor(samp)[lower.tri(cor(samp))] #obs pa correlations
+ names(cors.pa)<-pairnames
+ names(cors.resid)<-pairnames
+ if(is.null(cors.phylo)==FALSE)
+ {
+ names(cors.phylo)<-pairnames
+ }
+ correlations<-c(cor(cors.phylo,cors.pa,use="pairwise.complete.obs"),
+ cor(cors.phylo,cors.resid,use="pairwise.complete.obs"),
+ cor(cors.phylo,cors.resid-cors.pa,use="pairwise.complete.obs"))
+ names(correlations)<-c("occurence-phylo","residual-phylo","change-phylo")
+ return(list(family=fam,residuals=spp.resids,coefficients=spp.coef,std.errors=spp.se,correlations=correlations,
+ cors.pa=cors.pa,cors.resid=cors.resid,cors.phylo=cors.phylo))
+sppregs.plot<-function(sppreg,rows=c(1,3),cex.mag=1,x.label="phylogenetic correlations",y.label=c("occurrence correlations w/ env","occurrence correlations wo/ env","change in correlations")){
+ par(mfrow=rows,las=1,cex=cex.mag)
+ plot(sppreg$cors.phylo,sppreg$cors.pa,xlab=x.label,ylab=y.label[1],main=paste("cor =",round(cor(sppreg$cors.phylo,sppreg$cors.pa,use="pairwise.complete.obs"),4)))
+ abline(0,0,lty=2)
+ plot(sppreg$cors.phylo,sppreg$cors.resid,xlab=x.label,ylab=y.label[2],main=paste("cor =",round(cor(sppreg$cors.phylo,sppreg$cors.resid,use="pairwise.complete.obs"),4)))
+ abline(0,0,lty=2)
+ plot(sppreg$cors.phylo,sppreg$cors.resid-sppreg$cors.pa,xlab=x.label,ylab=y.label[3],main=paste("cor =",round(cor(sppreg$cors.phylo,sppreg$cors.resid-sppreg$cors.pa,use="pairwise.complete.obs"),4)))
+ abline(0,0,lty=2)
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: pkg/man/pblm.Rd (from rev 140, branches/gsoc/man/pblm.Rd)
--- pkg/man/pblm.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/pblm.Rd 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+\title{ Phylogenetic Bipartite Linear Model }
+ Fits a linear model to the association strengths of a bipartite data set with or without phylogenetic correlation among the interacting species
+ \item{assocs}{ A matrix of association strengths among two sets of interacting species }
+ \item{tree1}{ A phylo tree object or a phylogenetic covariance matrix for the rows of \code{assocs} }
+ \item{tree2}{ A phylo tree object or a phylogenetic covariance matrix for the columns of \code{assocs}}
+ \item{covars1}{ A matrix of covariates (e.g., traits) for the row species of \code{assocs} }
+ \item{covars2}{ A matrix of covariates (e.g., traits) for the column species of \code{assocs} }
+ \item{bootstrap}{ logical, bootstrap confidence intervals of the parameter estimates }
+ \item{nreps}{ Number of bootstrap replicated data sets to estimate parameter CIs }
+ \item{maxit}{ as in \code{\link{optim}} }
+ \item{pstart}{ starting values of the two phylogenetic signal strength parameters passed to \code{\link{optim}} }
+ Fit a linear model with covariates using estimated generalized least squares to the association strengths between two sets of interacting species.
+ Associations can be either binary or continuous. If phylogenies of the two sets of interacting species are supplied,
+ two \emph{phyogenetic signal strength} parameters (\emph{d1} and \emph{d2}), one for each species set, based on an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of
+ evolution with stabilizing selection are estimated. Values of \emph{d=1} indicate no stabilizing selection and correspond to the Brownian motion model of
+ evolution; \emph{0<d<1} represents stabilizing selection; \emph{d=0} depicts the absence of phylogenetic correlation (i.e., a star phylogeny); and \emph{d>1} corresponds
+ to disruptive selection where phylogenetic signal is amplified. Confidence intervals for these and the other parameters can be estimated with
+ bootstrapping.
+ }
+ The function returns a list with:
+ \item{MSE}{ total, full (each \emph{d} estimated), star (\emph{d=0}), and base (\emph{d=1}) mean squared errors }
+ \item{signal.strength}{ two estimates of phylogenetic signal strength }
+ \item{coefficients}{ estimated intercept and covariate coefficients with approximate 95 percent CIs for the three model types (full, star, base) }
+ \item{CI.boot}{ 95 percent CIs for all parameters }
+ \item{variates}{ matrix of model variates (can be used for plotting) }
+ \item{residuals}{ matrix of residuals from the three models (full, star and base) }
+ \item{bootvalues}{ matrix of parameters estimated from the \code{nreps} bootstrap replicated data sets used to calculate CIs }
+\note{Covariates that apply to both species sets (e.g., sampling site) should be supplied in the covariate matrix of the set with the most species.
+Bootstrapping CIs is slow due to the function \code{\link{optim}} used to estimate the model parameters. See appendix A in Ives and Godfray (2006)
+for a discussion about this boostrapping procedure}
+\references{Ives A.R. & Godfray H.C. (2006) Phylogenetic analysis of trophic associations. The American Naturalist, 168, E1-E14 \cr
+Blomberg S.P., Garland T.J. & Ives A.R. (2003) Testing for phylogenetic signal in comparative data: Behavioral traits are more labile. Evolution, 57, 717-745
+\author{ Matthew Helmus \email{mrhelmus at gmail.com} }
+\seealso{ the K metric, \code{\link{Kcalc}}, uses the same Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of evolution }
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: pkg/man/phylostruct.Rd (from rev 140, branches/gsoc/man/phylostruct.Rd)
--- pkg/man/phylostruct.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/phylostruct.Rd 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\title{ Permutations to Test for Phylogenetic Signal in Community Composition }
+\description{ Randomize sample/community data matrices to create null distributions of given metrics
+phylostruct(samp, tree, env=NULL, metric=c("psv","psr","pse","psc","sppregs"), null.model=c("frequency","richness","both"),
+ runs=10, alpha=0.05, fam="binomial")
+ \item{samp}{ community data matrix, species as columns, communities as rows }
+ \item{tree}{ phylo tree object or a phylogenetic covariance matrix }
+ \item{env}{ environmental data matrix }
+ \item{metric}{ if \code{metric="psv"}, \code{"psr"}, \code{"pse"}, or \code{"psc"} compares the observed mean of the respective metric to a null distribution at a given alpha; if \code{metric="sppregs"} compares the three correlations produced by \code{\link{sppregs}} to null distributions }
+ \item{null.model}{ permutation procedure used to create the null distribution, see \code{\link{randomizeSample}}}
+ \item{runs}{ the number of permutations to create the distribution, a rule of thumb is (number of communities)/alpha }
+ \item{alpha}{ probability value to compare the observed mean/correlations to a null distribution }
+ \item{fam}{ as in \code{\link{sppregs}} }
+\details{The function creates null distributions for the \code{\link{psd}} set of metrics and for the correlations of \code{\link{sppregs}} from observed community data sets.}
+\item{metric}{ metric used }
+\item{null.model}{ permutation used }
+\item{runs}{ number of permutations }
+\item{obs}{ observed mean value of a particular metric or the three observed correlations from \code{\link{sppregs}} }
+\item{mean.null}{ mean(s) of the null distribution(s) }
+\item{quantiles.null}{ quantiles of the null distribution(s) to compare to \code{obs}; determined by \code{alpha}}
+\item{phylo.structure}{ if \code{obs} less than (alpha/2), \code{phylo.structure="underdispersed"}; if \code{obs} greater than (1-alpha/2), \code{phylo.structure="overdispersed"}; otherwise \code{phylo.structure="random"} and NULL if \code{metric="sppregs"}}
+\item{nulls}{ null values of the distribution(s)}
+\references{ Helmus M.R., Bland T.J., Williams C.K. & Ives A.R. (2007a) Phylogenetic measures of biodiversity. American Naturalist, 169, E68-E83
+Helmus M.R., Savage K., Diebel M.W., Maxted J.T. & Ives A.R. (2007b) Separating the determinants of phylogenetic community structure. Ecology Letters, 10, 917-925
+Gotelli N.J. (2000) Null model analysis of species co-occurrence patterns. Ecology, 81, 2606-2621}
+\author{ Matthew Helmus \email{mrhelmus at gmail.com} }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{psd}} ,\code{\link{sppregs}}, \code{\link{randomizeSample}} }
Copied: pkg/man/sppregs.Rd (from rev 140, branches/gsoc/man/sppregs.Rd)
--- pkg/man/sppregs.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/sppregs.Rd 2008-07-19 00:55:55 UTC (rev 141)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+\title{ Regressions to Separate Phylogenetic Attraction and Repulsion }
+ Fit regressions on species abundance or presence/absence across communities and calculate phylogenetic correlations
+sppregs(samp, env, tree=NULL, fam="gaussian")
+sppregs.plot(sppreg, rows=c(1,3), cex.mag=1, x.label="phylogenetic correlations",
+y.label=c("occurrence correlations w/ env","occurrence correlations wo/ env","change in correlations"))
+ \item{samp}{ community data matrix, species as columns, communities as rows }
+ \item{env}{ environmental data matrix }
+ \item{tree}{ phylo tree object or a phylogenetic covariance matrix }
+ \item{fam}{ with \code{fam = "gaussian"} fits with \code{\link[stats]{glm}}; with \code{fam = "binomial"} fit logistic regressions with Firth's bias-reduction using \code{\link[brglm]{brglm}} }
+ \item{sppreg}{ object from function \code{\link[picante]{sppregs}} }
+ \item{rows}{ \code{rows = c(1,3)} plots in a row; \code{rows = c(3,1)} in a column }
+ \item{cex.mag}{ value for \code{cex} in \code{par} }
+ \item{x.label}{ x axis labels }
+ \item{y.label}{ y axis labels }
+\details{For each species in \code{samp}, the function fits regressions of species presence/absence or abundances
+ on the environmental variables supplied in \code{env}; and calculates the \code{(n^2-n)/2} pairwise species correlations
+ between the residuals of these fits and pairwise species phylogenetic correlations. The residuals can be
+ thought of as the presence/absence of species across sites/communities after accounting for how species respond
+ to environmental variation across sites. Each set of coefficients can be tested for phylogenetic signal with, for example,
+ the function \code{\link{phylosignal}}.
+ \cr
+ \cr
+ The function \code{sppregs.plot} produces a set of three plots of the correlations of pairwise species phylogenetic correlations versus:
+ the observed pairwise correlations of species across communities, the residual correlations, and the pairwise differences between (i.e., the
+ change in species co-occurrence once the environmental variables are taken into account). The significance of these correlations can be tested
+ via permutation with the function \code{\link{phylostruct}}.
+\note{The function requires the library \code{\link[brglm]{brglm}} to perform logistic regressions}
+\item{family}{ the regression error distribution }
+\item{residuals}{ the residuals from each species regression }
+\item{coefficients}{ the estimated coefficients from each species regression }
+\item{std.errors}{ the standard errors of the coefficients }
+\item{correlations}{ correlations of pairwise species phylogenetic correlations between: the observed pairwise correlations of species across communities, the residual correlations, and the pairwise differences between the two }
+\item{cors.pa}{ the observed pairwise correlations of species across communities }
+\item{cors.resid}{ the residual pairwise correlations of species across communities }
+\item{cors.phylo}{ the phylogenetic pairwise correlations among species }
+\references{ Helmus M.R., Savage K., Diebel M.W., Maxted J.T. & Ives A.R. (2007) Separating the determinants of phylogenetic community structure. Ecology Letters, 10, 917-925 }
+\author{ Matthew Helmus \email{mrhelmus at gmail.com} }
+\seealso{\code{\link{phylostruct}}, \code{\link{phylosignal}}}
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