[Phylobase-devl] phylobase Q#1: mktime

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Sun Nov 23 18:18:00 CET 2008

  (#1 of a whole slew)

  This isn't terribly important, but:

src/ncl/configure has a "mktime" test -- I don't
know why, but it's in there.   Line 21824 has a comment
to effect that:

   /* This test makes some buggy mktime implementations loop.
     Give up after 60 seconds; a mktime slower than that
     isn't worth using anyway.  */

It looks like the "mktime" on my current system (ubuntu 8.10/intrepid)
is buggy in that way (at least, the configure hangs for about 60 seconds
at this point and comes back saying that mktime isn't working).
This is somewhat annoying -- would anyone (Brian??) have any opinions
about whether NCL actually ever uses any mktime functions/whether this
test is really necessary?


Ben Bolker
Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
bolker at ufl.edu / www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker
GPG key: www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker/benbolker-publickey.asc

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