[Phylobase-devl] failed mac build

Ben Bolker bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Thu Mar 27 03:12:16 CET 2008

Steve Kembel wrote:
> Hi Ben,
>>  Nice idea.  How we would test it/fix it?
> Good question, it shouldn't be happening on R-Forge since they have the 
> master repository... but I have periodically noticed that my local 
> copies of files will have that <<<<<< >>>>>> text inserted if someone 
> commits changes to a file that I'm working on locally. The svn manual 
> has a section on this:
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.tour.cycle.html#svn.tour.cycle.resolve.byhand 
> I just made a trivial change to pdata.R. Try opening your local, 
> un-updated copy of that file, make a trivial change at the end of the 
> file, and then run svn update. There should be a new version of the file 
> created with the <<<<< >>>>> text, then try installing the package and 
> you should get that error?
> Steve

   This does seem plausible -- the error is not identical
but is close enough to believe that this is what's going on.
So I guess now we can follow up with R-forge admins and ask to
check/try to figure out how there could be an svn conflict
when they try to build??
   Marguerite, do you have an open ticket somewhere that you
could update?


Loading required package: ape
Error in parse(n = -1, file = file) : unexpected input at
1162: ]]
1163: <<
Calls: <Anonymous> -> code2LazyLoadDB -> sys.source -> parse
Execution halted
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'phylobase'
** Removing '/tmp/Rinst1442647810/phylobase'
Installation failed.
Removing '/tmp/Rinst1442647810'

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