[Phylobase-devl] [Fwd: [PhyloSoC] Google Summer Code]

Ben Bolker bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Sun Mar 23 22:40:51 CET 2008

   I am mostly ignoring the messages from GSoC applicants,
since most of them are clearly about other (non-phylobase) NESCent
projects.  However ... can we use this one?  (Probably not is
my impression -- would need too much to get up to speed?)
In any case it would be polite to answer, if we have a consensus.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [PhyloSoC] Google Summer Code
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:03:10 -0500
From: Sujal.Phadke at mail.uh.edu
To: phylosoc at nescent.org

Dear Coordinator,
I would like to participate in google summer of code however I am not 
sure if I am eligible as I have a very little experience with coding. I 
have used Java before and currently learning BioPerl. Currently, I am 
pursuing a Phd in evolutionary biology at University of houston where I 
was introduced to coding in bioinformatics by Dr.Ricardo Azevedo and 
Dr.Dan Graur

I am not sure which organization or task will be appropriate for 
me. Nevertheless, I am interested in coding for biological applications.

Please let me know if and how I can apply.

Thank you


Sujal Phadke
PhD Candidate, Zufall Lab
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Houston-Central
Houston, Tx 77204-5001

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