[Phylobase-devl] Planning the next release of phylobase

Peter Cowan pdc at berkeley.edu
Sat Feb 23 00:27:25 CET 2008

On Feb 22, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Ben Bolker wrote:

>> 2. Automagical subsetting of phylo4d objects.
> OK, what do you mean by this?

I mean that if I have a phylo4d object name foo, I should be able to  
do something like foo[-c('taxa1', 'taxa2'), ].  This should probably  
have a bit of discussion about how exactly it should work.  I would  
think that using the data frame sub-setting as a models is a good start.

>> 3. A final decision on how nodes will be referred to by other  
>> commands.
>> What does everyone think the best way to track and discuss these   
>> issues?  Via the mailing list?  A chat-room or telephone  
>> conference?   Or by the R-forge issue tracker?  Personally I'm  
>> interested in giving  the tracker a try, it would allow us to claim  
>> tasks and have  conversation about particular features/bugs.  What  
>> do other people  think?
> Tracker is fine with me for now.

We can have custom categories in the tracker, are there particular  
areas we would like to separate the package into, or should we just  
have a flat list for the time being?

I will look into getting changes in the tracker forwarded to the  
mailing list.

> I could chat or phone next week if people want ...

I'm free before Thursday for either chat or phone.


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