[Phylobase-commits] r917 - pkg/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Apr 8 23:12:54 CEST 2014

Author: francois
Date: 2014-04-08 23:12:54 +0200 (Tue, 08 Apr 2014)
New Revision: 917

file renaming from class-*.R to *-class.R

Deleted: pkg/R/class-oldclasses.R
--- pkg/R/class-oldclasses.R	2014-04-08 21:11:38 UTC (rev 916)
+++ pkg/R/class-oldclasses.R	2014-04-08 21:12:54 UTC (rev 917)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-## This file contains the old class definitions needed
-## better interoperation with other packages
-## ape classes
-## setOldClass("multi.tree") ## obsolete
-## ade4 classes

Deleted: pkg/R/class-phylomats.R
--- pkg/R/class-phylomats.R	2014-04-08 21:11:38 UTC (rev 916)
+++ pkg/R/class-phylomats.R	2014-04-08 21:12:54 UTC (rev 917)
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#' matrix classes for phylobase
-#' Classes representing phylogenies as matrices
-#' @name phylomat-class
-#' @aliases phylo4vcov-class as_phylo4vcov
-#' @docType class
-#' @param from a \code{phylo4} object
-#' @param \dots optional arguments, to be passed to \code{vcov.phylo} in
-#' \code{ape} (the main useful option is \code{cor}, which can be set to
-#' \code{TRUE} to compute a correlation rather than a variance-covariance
-#' matrix)
-#' @section Objects from the Class: These are square matrices (with rows and
-#' columns corresponding to tips, and internal nodes implicit) with different
-#' meanings depending on the type (variance-covariance matrix, distance matrix,
-#' etc.).
-#' @author Ben Bolker
-#' @keywords classes
-#' @examples
-#'   tree.owls <- ape::read.tree(text="(((Strix_aluco:4.2,Asio_otus:4.2):3.1,Athene_noctua:7.3):6.3,Tyto_alba:13.5);")
-#'   o2 <- as(tree.owls,"phylo4")
-#'   ov <- as(o2,"phylo4vcov")
-#'   o3 <- as(ov,"phylo4")
-#'   ## these are not completely identical, but are
-#'   ## topologically identical ...
-#'   ## edge matrices are in a different order:
-#'   ## cf. edges(o2) and edges(o3)
-#'   ## BUT the edge matrices are otherwise identical
-#'   o2edges <- edges(o2)
-#'   o3edges <- edges(o3)
-#'   identical(o2edges[order(o2edges[,2]),],
-#'             o3edges[order(o3edges[,2]),])
-#'   ## There is left/right ambiguity here in the tree orders:
-#'   ## in o2 the 5->6->7->1 lineage
-#'   ## (terminating in Strix aluco)
-#'   ## is first, in o3 the 5->6->3 lineage
-#'   ## (terminating in Athene noctua) is first.
-## define class for phylogenetic var-cov matrices
-         representation("matrix",
-                        edge.label="character",
-                        order="character"))
-## phylo4 -> var-cov: simply wrap ape::vcv.phylo
-##  and add other slots
-as_phylo4vcov <- function(from,...) {
-  m <- ape::vcv.phylo(as(from,"phylo"),...)
-  new("phylo4vcov",
-      m,
-      edge.label=from at edge.label,
-      order=from at order)
-      function(from,to) {
-        as_phylo4vcov(from)})
-## var-cov to phylo4
-      function(from,to) {
-        matrix2tree <- function(v,reorder=TRUE) {
-          ## no polytomies allowed
-          va <- v
-          tipnames <- rownames(v)
-          ntip <- nrow(v)
-          dimnames(v) <- list(as.character(1:ntip),
-                              as.character(1:ntip))
-          diag(va) <- 0
-          edgemat <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=0)
-          ## termlens <- diag(v)-colSums(va)
-          edgelens <- numeric(0)
-          ## maxnode <- ntip
-          curnode <- 2*ntip ## one greater than total number of nodes
-          ## can we do this in a different order?
-          while (nrow(v)>1) {
-            mva <- max(va)  ## find pair with max shared evolution
-            nextpr <- if (nrow(v)==2) c(1,2) else which(va==mva,arr.ind=TRUE)[1,]
-            ## maxnode <- maxnode+1  ## new node
-            curnode <- curnode-1
-            ## points to both of current identified nodes
-            ##   (indexed by names)
-            edgemat <- rbind(edgemat,
-                             c(curnode,as.numeric(rownames(v)[nextpr[1]])),
-                             c(curnode,as.numeric(rownames(v)[nextpr[2]])))
-            ## descending edges are amount of *unshared* evolution
-            edgelens <- c(edgelens,
-                          diag(v)[nextpr]-mva)
-            ## this clade has total evolution = shared evolution
-            diag(v)[nextpr] <- mva
-            ## assign new node name
-            rownames(v)[nextpr[1]] <- colnames(v)[nextpr[1]] <- curnode
-            ## drop rows/cols from matrix
-            v <- v[-nextpr[2],-nextpr[2],drop=FALSE]
-            va <- va[-nextpr[2],-nextpr[2],drop=FALSE]
-          }
-          ## switch order of node numbers to put root in the right place:
-          ##  much plotting code seems to assume root = node # (ntips+1)
-          ## browser()
-          reorder <- FALSE
-          if (reorder) {
-            nn <- nrow(edgemat)
-            nnode <- nn-ntip+1
-            newedge <- edgemat
-            for (i in 2:nnode) {
-              newedge[edgemat==(ntip+i)] <- nn-i+2
-            }
-            edgemat <- newedge
-          }
-          list(edgemat=edgemat,
-               edgelens=edgelens)
-        }
-        temptree <- matrix2tree(from)
-        ## browser()
-        ## add explicit root
-        rootnode <- which(tabulate(temptree$edgemat[,2])==0)
-        ## add root node to edge matrix and branch lengths
-        temptree$edgemat <- rbind(temptree$edgemat, c(0, rootnode))
-        temptree$edgelens <- c(temptree$edgelens,NA)
-        reorder(phylo4(temptree$edgemat,edge.length=temptree$edgelens,
-               tip.label=rownames(from),
-               edge.label=from at edge.label,order="unknown"),
-                "preorder")
-      })

Copied: pkg/R/oldclasses-class.R (from rev 880, pkg/R/class-oldclasses.R)
--- pkg/R/oldclasses-class.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/oldclasses-class.R	2014-04-08 21:12:54 UTC (rev 917)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+## This file contains the old class definitions needed
+## better interoperation with other packages
+## ape classes
+## setOldClass("multi.tree") ## obsolete
+## ade4 classes

Copied: pkg/R/phylomats-class.R (from rev 890, pkg/R/class-phylomats.R)
--- pkg/R/phylomats-class.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/phylomats-class.R	2014-04-08 21:12:54 UTC (rev 917)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#' matrix classes for phylobase
+#' Classes representing phylogenies as matrices
+#' @name phylomat-class
+#' @aliases phylo4vcov-class as_phylo4vcov
+#' @docType class
+#' @param from a \code{phylo4} object
+#' @param \dots optional arguments, to be passed to \code{vcov.phylo} in
+#' \code{ape} (the main useful option is \code{cor}, which can be set to
+#' \code{TRUE} to compute a correlation rather than a variance-covariance
+#' matrix)
+#' @section Objects from the Class: These are square matrices (with rows and
+#' columns corresponding to tips, and internal nodes implicit) with different
+#' meanings depending on the type (variance-covariance matrix, distance matrix,
+#' etc.).
+#' @author Ben Bolker
+#' @keywords classes
+#' @examples
+#'   tree.owls <- ape::read.tree(text="(((Strix_aluco:4.2,Asio_otus:4.2):3.1,Athene_noctua:7.3):6.3,Tyto_alba:13.5);")
+#'   o2 <- as(tree.owls,"phylo4")
+#'   ov <- as(o2,"phylo4vcov")
+#'   o3 <- as(ov,"phylo4")
+#'   ## these are not completely identical, but are
+#'   ## topologically identical ...
+#'   ## edge matrices are in a different order:
+#'   ## cf. edges(o2) and edges(o3)
+#'   ## BUT the edge matrices are otherwise identical
+#'   o2edges <- edges(o2)
+#'   o3edges <- edges(o3)
+#'   identical(o2edges[order(o2edges[,2]),],
+#'             o3edges[order(o3edges[,2]),])
+#'   ## There is left/right ambiguity here in the tree orders:
+#'   ## in o2 the 5->6->7->1 lineage
+#'   ## (terminating in Strix aluco)
+#'   ## is first, in o3 the 5->6->3 lineage
+#'   ## (terminating in Athene noctua) is first.
+## define class for phylogenetic var-cov matrices
+         representation("matrix",
+                        edge.label="character",
+                        order="character"))
+## phylo4 -> var-cov: simply wrap ape::vcv.phylo
+##  and add other slots
+as_phylo4vcov <- function(from,...) {
+  m <- ape::vcv.phylo(as(from,"phylo"),...)
+  new("phylo4vcov",
+      m,
+      edge.label=from at edge.label,
+      order=from at order)
+      function(from,to) {
+        as_phylo4vcov(from)})
+## var-cov to phylo4
+      function(from,to) {
+        matrix2tree <- function(v,reorder=TRUE) {
+          ## no polytomies allowed
+          va <- v
+          tipnames <- rownames(v)
+          ntip <- nrow(v)
+          dimnames(v) <- list(as.character(1:ntip),
+                              as.character(1:ntip))
+          diag(va) <- 0
+          edgemat <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=0)
+          ## termlens <- diag(v)-colSums(va)
+          edgelens <- numeric(0)
+          ## maxnode <- ntip
+          curnode <- 2*ntip ## one greater than total number of nodes
+          ## can we do this in a different order?
+          while (nrow(v)>1) {
+            mva <- max(va)  ## find pair with max shared evolution
+            nextpr <- if (nrow(v)==2) c(1,2) else which(va==mva,arr.ind=TRUE)[1,]
+            ## maxnode <- maxnode+1  ## new node
+            curnode <- curnode-1
+            ## points to both of current identified nodes
+            ##   (indexed by names)
+            edgemat <- rbind(edgemat,
+                             c(curnode,as.numeric(rownames(v)[nextpr[1]])),
+                             c(curnode,as.numeric(rownames(v)[nextpr[2]])))
+            ## descending edges are amount of *unshared* evolution
+            edgelens <- c(edgelens,
+                          diag(v)[nextpr]-mva)
+            ## this clade has total evolution = shared evolution
+            diag(v)[nextpr] <- mva
+            ## assign new node name
+            rownames(v)[nextpr[1]] <- colnames(v)[nextpr[1]] <- curnode
+            ## drop rows/cols from matrix
+            v <- v[-nextpr[2],-nextpr[2],drop=FALSE]
+            va <- va[-nextpr[2],-nextpr[2],drop=FALSE]
+          }
+          ## switch order of node numbers to put root in the right place:
+          ##  much plotting code seems to assume root = node # (ntips+1)
+          ## browser()
+          reorder <- FALSE
+          if (reorder) {
+            nn <- nrow(edgemat)
+            nnode <- nn-ntip+1
+            newedge <- edgemat
+            for (i in 2:nnode) {
+              newedge[edgemat==(ntip+i)] <- nn-i+2
+            }
+            edgemat <- newedge
+          }
+          list(edgemat=edgemat,
+               edgelens=edgelens)
+        }
+        temptree <- matrix2tree(from)
+        ## browser()
+        ## add explicit root
+        rootnode <- which(tabulate(temptree$edgemat[,2])==0)
+        ## add root node to edge matrix and branch lengths
+        temptree$edgemat <- rbind(temptree$edgemat, c(0, rootnode))
+        temptree$edgelens <- c(temptree$edgelens,NA)
+        reorder(phylo4(temptree$edgemat,edge.length=temptree$edgelens,
+               tip.label=rownames(from),
+               edge.label=from at edge.label,order="unknown"),
+                "preorder")
+      })

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