[Phylobase-commits] r898 - pkg/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Apr 1 04:05:14 CEST 2014

Author: francois
Date: 2014-04-01 04:05:08 +0200 (Tue, 01 Apr 2014)
New Revision: 898

major restructuring of functions to allow easier documentation with roxygen

Copied: pkg/R/MRCA-methods.R (from rev 889, pkg/R/treewalk.R)
--- pkg/R/MRCA-methods.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/MRCA-methods.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+##' Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) of 2 or more nodes.
+##' Given some nodes (i.e., tips and/or internal), this function
+##' returns the node corresponding to the most recent common ancestor.
+##' If \code{phy} is a \code{phylo4} or \code{phylo4d} object, the
+##' nodes can contain both numeric or character values that will be
+##' used by \code{getNode} to retrieve the correct node. However, if
+##' \code{phy} is a \code{phylo} object, the nodes must be a numeric
+##' vector.
+##' With \code{phylo4} and \code{phylo4d} objects, if a single node is
+##' provided, it will be returned.
+##' @title MRCA
+##' @param phy a phylogenetic tree in phylo4, phylo4d or phylo format.
+##' @param ... a vector of nodes
+##' @return the node corresponding to the most recent common ancestor
+##' @export
+##' @include phylo4d-methods.R getNode-methods.R
+##' @rdname MRCA
+##' @examples
+##'   data(geospiza)
+##'   MRCA(geospiza, 1, 5)
+##'   MRCA(geospiza, "fortis", 11)
+##'   MRCA(geospiza, 2, 4, "fusca", 3)
+##'   geo <- as(geospiza, "phylo")
+##'   MRCA(geo, c(1,5))
+setGeneric("MRCA", function(phy, ...) {
+    standardGeneric("MRCA")
+##' @rdname MRCA
+##' @aliases MRCA,phylo4-method
+setMethod("MRCA", signature(phy = "phylo4"), function(phy, ...) {
+    nodes <- list(...)
+    ## if length==1 and first element is a vector,
+    ##   use it as the list
+    if (length(nodes)==1 && length(nodes[[1]])>1) {
+        nodes <- as.list(nodes[[1]])
+    }
+    lNodes <- sapply(nodes, function(nd) {
+        getNode(x=phy, node=nd, missing="fail")
+    })
+    ## Correct behavior when the root is part of the nodes
+    uniqueNodes <- unique(lNodes)
+    root <- nodeId(phy, "root")
+    if(root %in% uniqueNodes) {
+        res <- getNode(phy, root)
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## Correct behavior in case of MRCA of identical taxa
+    if(length(uniqueNodes) == 1) {
+        res <- uniqueNodes[[1]]
+        return(res)
+    }
+    else {
+        ancests <- lapply(nodes, ancestors, phy=phy, type="ALL")
+        res <- getNode(phy, max(Reduce(intersect, ancests)))
+        return(res)
+    }
+##' @rdname MRCA
+##' @aliases MRCA,phylo-method
+setMethod("MRCA", signature(phy = "phylo"), function(phy, ...) {
+    ape::getMRCA(phy, ...)

Added: pkg/R/addData-methods.R
--- pkg/R/addData-methods.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/addData-methods.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+##' Adding data to a phylo4 or a phylo4d object
+##' \code{addData} adds data to a \code{phylo4} (converting it in a
+##' \code{phylo4d} object) or to a \code{phylo4d} object
+##' Rules for matching data to tree nodes are identical to those used by the
+##' \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor.
+##' If any column names in the original data are the same as columns in the new
+##' data, ".old" is appended to the former column names and ".new" is appended
+##' to the new column names.
+##' The option \code{pos} is ignored (silently) if \code{x} is a \code{phylo4}
+##' object. It is provided for compatibility reasons.
+##' @param x a phylo4 or a phylo4d object
+##' @param tip.data a data frame (or object to be coerced to one) containing
+##' only tip data
+##' @param node.data a data frame (or object to be coerced to one) containing
+##' only node data
+##' @param all.data a data frame (or object to be coerced to one) containing
+##' both tip and node data
+##' @param merge.data if both \code{tip.data} and \code{node.data} are provided,
+##' it determines whether columns with common names will be merged together
+##' (default TRUE). If FALSE, columns with common names will be preserved
+##' separately, with ".tip" and ".node" appended to the names. This argument has
+##' no effect if \code{tip.data} and \code{node.data} have no column names in
+##' common.
+##' @param pos should the new data provided be bound \code{before} or
+##' \code{after} the pre-existing data?
+##' @param \dots additional arguments to be passed to \link{formatData}
+##' @return \code{addData} returns a \code{phylo4d} object.
+##' @author Francois Michonneau
+##' @seealso \code{\link{tdata}} for extracting or updating data and
+##' \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor.
+##' @keywords methods
+##' @include phylo4d-class.R
+##' @export
+##' @examples
+##'   data(geospiza)
+##'   nDt <- data.frame(a=rnorm(nNodes(geospiza)), b=1:nNodes(geospiza),
+##'                     row.names=nodeId(geospiza, "internal"))
+##'   t1 <- addData(geospiza, node.data=nDt)
+setGeneric("addData", function(x, ...) {
+    standardGeneric("addData")
+##' @rdname addData-methods
+##' @aliases addData-methods addData,phylo4-method
+setMethod("addData", signature(x="phylo4d"),
+  function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
+           merge.data=TRUE, pos=c("after", "before"), ...) {
+    pos <- match.arg(pos)
+    ## apply formatData to ensure data have node number rownames and
+    ## correct dimensions
+    tip.data <- formatData(phy=x, dt=tip.data, type="tip", ...)
+    node.data <- formatData(phy=x, dt=node.data, type="internal", ...)
+    all.data <- formatData(phy=x, dt=all.data, type="all", ...)
+    ## combine data as needed
+    new.data <- .phylo4Data(x=x, tip.data=tip.data, node.data=node.data,
+        all.data=all.data, merge.data=merge.data)
+    if (all(dim(new.data) == 0)) {
+        return(x)
+    }
+    if (all(dim(x at data) == 0)) {
+        x at data <- new.data
+        return(x)
+    }
+    if (identical(pos, "after")) {
+        new.data <- merge(x at data, new.data, by=0, all=TRUE,
+            sort=FALSE, suffixes=c(".old", ".new"))
+    } else {
+        new.data <- merge(new.data, x at data, by=0, all=TRUE,
+            sort=FALSE, suffixes=c(".new", ".old"))
+    }
+    row.names(new.data) <- new.data[["Row.names"]]
+    x at data <- subset(new.data, select=-Row.names)
+    x
+##' @rdname addData-methods
+##' @aliases addData,phylo4d-method
+setMethod("addData", signature(x="phylo4"),
+  function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
+           merge.data=TRUE, pos=c("after", "before"), ...) {
+    phylo4d(x, tip.data=tip.data, node.data=node.data, all.data=all.data,
+            merge.data=merge.data, ...)

Copied: pkg/R/ancestors.R (from rev 889, pkg/R/treewalk.R)
--- pkg/R/ancestors.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/ancestors.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+#' Tree traversal and utility functions
+#' Functions for describing relationships among phylogenetic nodes (i.e.
+#' internal nodes or tips).
+#' \code{ancestors} and \code{descendants} can take \code{node} vectors of
+#' arbitrary length, returning a list of output vectors if the number of valid
+#' input nodes is greater than one. List element names are taken directly from
+#' the input node vector.
+#' If any supplied nodes are not found in the tree, the behavior currently
+#' varies across functions.
+#' \item Invalid nodes are automatically omitted by \code{ancestors}
+#' and \code{descendants}, with a warning.
+#' \item \code{ancestor}
+#' will return \code{NA} for any invalid nodes, with a warning.
+#' \item Both \code{children} and \code{siblings} will return an empty
+#' vector, again with a warning.
+#' @param phy a \linkS4class{phylo4} object (or one inheriting from
+#' \linkS4class{phylo4}, e.g. a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object)
+#' @param x a \linkS4class{phylo4} object (or one inheriting from
+#' \linkS4class{phylo4}, e.g. a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object)
+#' @param node either an integer corresponding to a node ID number, or a
+#' character corresponding to a node label; for \code{ancestors} and
+#' \code{descendants}, this may be a vector of multiple node numbers or names
+#' @param type (\code{ancestors}) specify whether to return just direct
+#' ancestor ("parent"), all ancestor nodes ("all"), or all ancestor nodes
+#' including self ("ALL"); (\code{descendants}) specify whether to return just
+#' direct descendants ("children"), all extant descendants ("tips"), or all
+#' descendant nodes ("all")
+#' @param include.self whether to include self in list of siblings
+#' @param \dots a list of node numbers or names, or a vector of node numbers or
+#' names
+#' @return \item{\code{ancestors}}{ return a named vector (or a list
+#' of such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the
+#' ancestors and descendants of a node}
+#' \item{\code{descendants}}{ return a named vector (or a list of
+#' such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the ancestors
+#' and descendants of a node}
+#' \item{\code{ancestor}}{ \code{ancestor} is analogous to
+#' \code{ancestors(\dots{}, type="parent")} (i.e. direct ancestor
+#' only), but returns a single concatenated vector in the case of
+#' multiple input nodes}
+#' \item{\code{children}}{is analogous to \code{descendants(\dots{},
+#' type="children")} (i.e. direct descendants only), but is not
+#' currently intended to be used with multiple input nodes }
+#' \item{\code{siblings}}{ returns sibling nodes (children of the same
+#' parent)}
+#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{mrca}}, in the ape package, gives a list of all
+#' subtrees
+#' @export
+#' @include getNode-methods.R
+#' @include phylo4-accessors.R
+#' @examples
+#'   data(geospiza)
+#'   nodeLabels(geospiza) <- LETTERS[1:nNodes(geospiza)]
+#'   plot(as(geospiza, "phylo4"), show.node.label=TRUE)
+#'   ancestor(geospiza, "E")
+#'   children(geospiza, "C")
+#'   descendants(geospiza, "D", type="tips")
+#'   descendants(geospiza, "D", type="all")
+#'   ancestors(geospiza, "D")
+#'   MRCA(geospiza, "conirostris", "difficilis", "fuliginosa")
+#'   MRCA(geospiza, "olivacea", "conirostris")
+#'   ## shortest path between 2 nodes
+#'   shortestPath(geospiza, "fortis", "fuliginosa")
+#'   shortestPath(geospiza, "F", "L")
+#'   ## branch length from a tip to the root
+#'   sumEdgeLength(geospiza, ancestors(geospiza, "fortis", type="ALL"))
+ancestor <- function(phy,node) {
+    node2 <- getNode(phy,node)
+    ## r <- which(edges(phy)[,2]==node)
+    r <- match(node2,edges(phy)[,2])
+    return(getNode(phy,edges(phy)[r,1],missing="OK"))
+##' @rdname ancestors
+##' @aliases children
+children <- function(phy,node) {
+    node2 <- getNode(phy,node)
+    r <- which(edges(phy)[,1]==node2)
+    getNode(phy,edges(phy)[r,2])
+##' @rdname ancestors
+##' @aliases descendants
+descendants <- function (phy, node, type=c("tips","children","all")) {
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ## look up nodes, warning about and excluding invalid nodes
+    oNode <- node
+    node <- getNode(phy, node, missing="warn")
+    isValid <- !is.na(node)
+    node <- as.integer(node[isValid])
+    if (type == "children") {
+        res <- lapply(node, function(x) children(phy, x))
+        ## if just a single node, return as a single vector
+        if (length(res)==1) res <- res[[1]]
+    } else {
+        ## edge matrix must be in preorder for the C function!
+        if (phy at order=="preorder") {
+            edge <- phy at edge
+        } else {
+            edge <- reorder(phy, order="preorder")@edge
+        }
+        ## extract edge columns
+        ancestor <- as.integer(edge[, 1])
+        descendant <- as.integer(edge[, 2])
+        ## return indicator matrix of ALL descendants (including self)
+        isDes <- .Call("descendants", node, ancestor, descendant)
+        storage.mode(isDes) <- "logical"
+        ## for internal nodes only, drop self (not sure why this rule?)
+        int.node <- intersect(node, nodeId(phy, "internal"))
+        isDes[cbind(match(int.node, descendant),
+            match(int.node, node))] <- FALSE
+        ## if only tips desired, drop internal nodes
+        if (type=="tips") {
+            isDes[descendant %in% nodeId(phy, "internal"),] <- FALSE
+        }
+        ## res <- lapply(seq_along(node), function(n) getNode(phy,
+        ##     descendant[isDes[,n]]))
+        res <- getNode(phy, descendant[isDes[, seq_along(node)]])
+    }
+    ## names(res) <- as.character(oNode[isValid])
+    res
+    ## Original pure R implementation of the above
+    ## (note that it does not require preorder ordering)
+    ##n <- nTips(phy)
+    ##if (node <= n) {
+    ##    return(node)
+    ##}
+    ##l <- numeric()
+    ##d <- children(phy, node)
+    ##for (j in d) {
+    ##    if (j <= n)
+    ##      l <- c(l,j)
+    ##    else if (type=="all") l <- c(l,j,
+    ##               descendants(phy,j,type="all"))
+    ##    else l <- c(l, descendants(phy,j,type=type))
+    ##}
+##' @rdname ancestors
+##' @aliases siblings
+siblings <- function(phy, node, include.self=FALSE) {
+    v <- children(phy,ancestor(phy,node))
+    if (!include.self) v <- v[v!=getNode(phy,node)]
+    v
+##' @rdname ancestors
+##' @aliases siblings
+ancestors <- function (phy, node, type=c("all","parent","ALL")) {
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ## look up nodes, warning about and excluding invalid nodes
+    oNode <- node
+    node <- getNode(phy, node, missing="warn")
+    isValid <- !is.na(node)
+    node <- as.integer(node[isValid])
+    if (length(node) == 0) {
+      return(NA)
+    }
+    if (type == "parent") {
+        res <- lapply(node, function(x) ancestor(phy, x))
+    } else {
+        ## edge matrix must be in postorder for the C function!
+        if (phy at order=="postorder") {
+            edge <- phy at edge
+        } else {
+            edge <- reorder(phy, order="postorder")@edge
+        }
+        ## extract edge columns
+        ancestor <- as.integer(edge[, 1])
+        descendant <- as.integer(edge[, 2])
+        ## return indicator matrix of ALL ancestors (including self)
+        isAnc <- .Call("ancestors", node, ancestor, descendant)
+        storage.mode(isAnc) <- "logical"
+        ## drop self if needed
+        if (type=="all") {
+            isAnc[cbind(match(node, descendant), seq_along(node))] <- FALSE
+        }
+        res <- lapply(seq_along(node), function(n) getNode(phy,
+            descendant[isAnc[,n]]))
+    }
+    names(res) <- as.character(oNode[isValid])
+    ## if just a single node, return as a single vector
+    if (length(res)==1) res <- res[[1]]
+    res
+    ## Original pure R implementation of the above
+    ## (note that it does not require preorder ordering)
+    ##if (node == rootNode(phy))
+    ##    return(NULL)
+    ##repeat {
+    ##    anc <- ancestor(phy, node)
+    ##    res <- c(res, anc)
+    ##    node <- anc
+    ##    if (anc == n + 1)
+    ##        break
+    ##}

Modified: pkg/R/checkdata.R
--- pkg/R/checkdata.R	2014-04-01 01:11:51 UTC (rev 897)
+++ pkg/R/checkdata.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
 #' trees.  See \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions and
 #' \code{\link{phylobase.options} to change some of the default options of the
 #' validator.}
-#' @include RcppExports.R
-#' @include phylo4.R
+#' @include RcppExports.R phylo4-accessors.R
 #' @keywords misc
 checkPhylo4 <- function(object) {
     ct <- checkTree(object)

Modified: pkg/R/class-multiphylo4.R
--- pkg/R/class-multiphylo4.R	2014-04-01 01:11:51 UTC (rev 897)
+++ pkg/R/class-multiphylo4.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
 ## classes for holding multiple tree objects
+#' multiPhylo4 and extended classes
+#' Classes for lists of phylogenetic trees.  These classes and methods are
+#' planned for a future version of \code{phylobase}.
+#' @name multiPhylo-class
+#' @aliases multiPhylo-class multiPhylo4-class multiPhylo4d-class tbind
+#' @docType class
+#' @keywords classes
+#' @export
+#' @include class-multiphylo4.R
 setClass("multiPhylo4", representation(phylolist = "list", 
     tree.names = "character"), prototype = list(phylolist = list(), 
     tree.names = character(0)))
@@ -8,6 +20,6 @@
     contains = "multiPhylo4")
 setMethod("initialize", "multiPhylo4", function(.Object, ...) {
-    stop('multiPhylo and multiphylo4d not yet implemented.  
-    Try using a list of phylo4(d) objects and lapply()')
+    stop("multiPhylo and multiphylo4d not yet implemented", 
+         "Try using a list of phylo4(d) objects and lapply().")

Deleted: pkg/R/class-phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/class-phylo4.R	2014-04-01 01:11:51 UTC (rev 897)
+++ pkg/R/class-phylo4.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-#' The phylo4 class
-#' Classes for phylogenetic trees
-#' @name phylo4-class
-#' @aliases phylo4_orderings phylo-class phylo4-class
-#' @docType class
-#' @section Objects from the Class: Phylogenetic tree objects can be created by
-#' calls to the \code{\link{phylo4}} constructor function.  Translation
-#' functions from other phylogenetic packages are also available. See
-#' \code{\link{coerce-methods}}.
-#' @author Ben Bolker, Thibaut Jombart
-#' @seealso The \code{\link{phylo4}} constructor, the \code{\link{checkPhylo4}}
-#' function to check the validity of \code{phylo4} objects. See also the
-#' \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor and the \linkS4class{phylo4d} class.
-#' @keywords classes
-         representation(edge = "matrix",
-                        edge.length = "numeric",
-                        label = "character",
-                        edge.label = "character",
-                        order = "character",
-                        annote = "list"),
-         prototype = list(
-                        edge = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2,
-                            dimname = list(NULL, c("ancestor", "descendant"))),
-                        edge.length = numeric(0),
-                        label = character(0),
-                        edge.label = character(0),
-                        order = "unknown",
-                        annote = list()
-                       ),
-         validity = checkPhylo4)
-## Labels constructor
-.createLabels <- function(value, ntips, nnodes, use.names = TRUE,
-                          type = c("all", "tip", "internal")) {
-    type <- match.arg(type)
-    ## set up final length of object to return
-    lgthRes <- switch(type, tip=ntips, internal=nnodes, all=ntips+nnodes)
-    ## create NA character vector of node labels
-    res <- character(lgthRes)
-    is.na(res) <- TRUE
-    ## create internal names
-    names(res) <- switch(type,
-                         tip = 1:ntips,
-                         internal = seq(from=ntips+1, length=lgthRes),
-                         all = 1:(ntips+nnodes))
-    ## Convert empty labels to NA
-    value[!nzchar(value)] <- NA
-    ## if no values are provided
-    if(missing(value) || is.null(value) || all(is.na(value))) {
-        ## tip labels can't be NULL
-        if(!identical(type, "internal")) {
-            tipLbl <- .genlab("T", ntips)
-            res[1:ntips] <- tipLbl
-        }
-    }
-    ## if labels are provided
-    else {
-        ## check that lengths match
-        if(length(value) != lgthRes)
-            stop("Number of labels does not match number of nodes.")
-        ## check if vector 'value' has name, and if so match with node.label names
-        if(use.names && !is.null(names(value))) {
-            if(!all(names(value) %in% names(res)))
-                stop("Names provided don't match internal labels names.")
-            res[match(names(value), names(res))] <- value
-        }
-        else
-            res[1:lgthRes] <- value
-    }
-    res
-.createEdge <- function(value, edgeMat, type=c("lengths", "labels"), use.names=TRUE) {
-    type <- match.arg(type)
-    lgthRes <- nrow(edgeMat)
-    res <- switch(type, lengths=numeric(lgthRes), labels=character(lgthRes))
-    is.na(res) <- TRUE
-    names(res) <- paste(edgeMat[,1], edgeMat[,2], sep="-")
-    if(!(missing(value) || is.null(value) || all(is.na(value)))) {
-        if(use.names && !is.null(names(value))) {
-            if(!all(names(value) %in% names(res)))
-                stop("Names provided don't match internal edge labels names.")
-            res[match(names(value), names(res))] <- value
-        }
-        else
-            res[1:lgthRes] <- value
-    }
-    res
-## phylo4 constructor
-#' Create a phylogenetic tree
-#' \code{phylo4} is a generic constructor that creates a phylogenetic tree
-#' object for use in phylobase methods. Phylobase contains functions for input
-#' of phylogenetic trees and data, manipulation of these objects including
-#' pruning and subsetting, and plotting. The phylobase package also contains
-#' translation functions to forms used in other comparative phylogenetic method
-#' packages.
-#' The minimum information necessary to create a phylobase tree object is a
-#' valid edge matrix. The edge matrix describes the topology of the phylogeny.
-#' Each row describes a branch of the phylogeny, with the (descendant) node
-#' number in column 2 and its ancestor's node number in column 1. These numbers
-#' are used internally and must be unique for each node.
-#' The labels designate either nodes or edges. The vector \code{node.label}
-#' names internal nodes, and together with \code{tip.label}, name all nodes in
-#' the tree. The vector \code{edge.label} names all branches in the tree. All
-#' label vectors are optional, and if they are not given, internally-generated
-#' labels will be assigned. The labels, whether user-specified or internally
-#' generated, must be unique as they are used to join species data with
-#' phylogenetic trees.
-#' @name phylo4-methods
-#' @aliases phylo4 phylo4-methods phylo4,matrix-method phylo4,phylo-method
-#' @docType methods
-#' @param x a matrix of edges or an object of class \code{phylo} (see above)
-#' @param edge A numeric, two-column matrix with as many rows as branches in
-#' the phylogeny.
-#' @param edge.length Edge (branch) length. (Optional)
-#' @param tip.label A character vector of species names (names of "tip" nodes).
-#' (Optional)
-#' @param node.label A character vector of internal node names. (Optional)
-#' @param edge.label A character vector of edge (branch) names. (Optional)
-#' @param order character: tree ordering (allowable values are listed in
-#' \code{phylo4_orderings}, currently "unknown", "preorder" (="cladewise" in
-#' \code{ape}), and "postorder", with "cladewise" and "pruningwise" also
-#' allowed for compatibility with \code{ape})
-#' @param check.node.labels if \code{x} is of class \code{phylo}, either "keep"
-#' (the default) or "drop" node labels. This argument is useful if the
-#' \code{phylo} object has non-unique node labels.
-#' @param annote any additional annotation data to be passed to the new object
-#' @note Translation functions are available from many valid tree formats. See
-#' \link{coerce-methods}.
-#' @section Methods: \describe{ \item{x = "matrix"}{creates a phylobase tree
-#' from a matrix of edges}
-#' \item{x = "phylo"}{creates a phylobase tree from an object of class
-#' \code{phylo}} }
-#' @author phylobase team
-#' @seealso \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions. The
-#' \linkS4class{phylo4} class, the \code{\link{formatData}} function to check
-#' the validity of \code{phylo4} objects. See also the \code{\link{phylo4d}}
-#' constructor, and \linkS4class{phylo4d} class.
-#' @keywords classes
-#' @examples
-#' # a three species tree:
-#' mytree <- phylo4(x=matrix(data=c(4,1, 4,5, 5,2, 5,3, 0,4), ncol=2,
-#' byrow=TRUE), tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC")) 
-#' mytree
-#' plot(mytree)
-#' # another way to specify the same tree:
-#' mytree <- phylo4(x=cbind(c(4, 4, 5, 5, 0), c(1, 5, 2, 3, 4)),
-#' tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC")) 
-#' # another way:
-#' mytree <- phylo4(x=rbind(c(4, 1), c(4, 5), c(5, 2), c(5, 3), c(0, 4)),
-#' tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC")) 
-#' # with branch lengths:
-#' mytree <- phylo4(x=rbind(c(4, 1), c(4, 5), c(5, 2), c(5, 3), c(0, 4)),
-#' tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC"), edge.length=c(1, .2,
-#' .8, .8, NA))
-#' plot(mytree)
-## generic
-setGeneric("phylo4", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("phylo4")} )
-# ape orderings should be allowed for so we can import trees from ape e.g. during subsetting
-phylo4_orderings <- c("unknown", "preorder", "postorder", "pruningwise", "cladewise")
-## first arg is a matrix
-setMethod("phylo4", "matrix",
-    function(x, edge.length = NULL, tip.label = NULL, node.label = NULL,
-             edge.label = NULL, order="unknown", annote = list()) {
-    ## edge
-    edge <- x
-    mode(edge) <- "integer"
-    #if(any(is.na(edge))) stop("NA are not allowed in edge matrix") ## taken care by checkTree
-    if(ncol(edge) > 2)
-        warning("The edge matrix has more than two columns, ",
-                "only the first two columns are considered.")
-    edge <- as.matrix(edge[, 1:2])
-    colnames(edge) <- c("ancestor", "descendant")
-    ## create new phylo4 object and insert edge matrix
-    res <- new("phylo4")
-    res at edge <- edge
-    ## get number of tips and number of nodes
-    ## (these accessors work fine now that edge matrix exists)
-    ntips <- nTips(res)
-    nnodes <- nNodes(res)
-    ## edge.length (drop elements if all are NA but keep the vector named)
-    edge.length <- .createEdge(value=edge.length, edgeMat=edge, type="lengths", use.names=FALSE)
-    if (all(is.na(edge.length))) {
-        edge.length <- numeric()
-        attributes(edge.length) <- list(names=character(0))
-    }
-    ## edge.label (drop NA elements)
-    edge.label <- .createEdge(value=edge.label, edgeMat=edge, type="labels", use.names=FALSE)
-    edge.label <- edge.label[!is.na(edge.label)]
-    ## tip.label (leave NA elements; let checkTree complain about it)
-    tip.label <- .createLabels(value=tip.label, ntips=ntips, nnodes=nnodes,
-                               type="tip")
-    ## node.label (drop NA elements)
-    node.label <- .createLabels(node.label, ntips=ntips, nnodes=nnodes,
-                                type="internal")
-    node.label <- node.label[!is.na(node.label)]
-    ## populate the slots
-    res at edge.length <- edge.length
-    res at label <- c(tip.label, node.label)
-    res at edge.label <- edge.label
-    res at order <- order
-    res at annote <- annote
-    ## checkPhylo4 will return a character string if object is
-    ##  bad, otherwise TRUE
-    if (is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(res))) stop(checkval)
-    return(res)
-## first arg is a phylo
-setMethod("phylo4", c("phylo"), function(x, check.node.labels=c("keep",
-  "drop"), annote=list()){
-  check.node.labels <- match.arg(check.node.labels)
-  if (check.node.labels == "drop") x$node.label <- NULL
-  res <- as(x, "phylo4")
-  #TODO?: make default annote arg NULL, and only assign if !is.null;
-  # then update phylo4d methods accordingly (same thing with metadata?)
-  res at annote <- annote
-  return(res)

Deleted: pkg/R/class-phylo4d.R
--- pkg/R/class-phylo4d.R	2014-04-01 01:11:51 UTC (rev 897)
+++ pkg/R/class-phylo4d.R	2014-04-01 02:05:08 UTC (rev 898)
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-## phylo4d class
-## extend: phylo with data
-#' phylo4d class
-         representation(data="data.frame",
-                        metadata = "list"),
-         prototype = list(
-           data = data.frame(NULL),
-           metadata = list()),
-         validity = checkPhylo4,
-         contains="phylo4")
-## phylo4d constructor
-#' phylo4d class
-#' S4 class for phylogenetic tree and data.
-#' @name phylo4d-class
-#' @docType class
-#' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created from various trees
-#' and a data.frame using the constructor \code{phylo4d}, or using
-#' \code{new("phylo4d", \dots{})} for empty objects.
-#' @author Ben Bolker, Thibaut Jombart
-#' @seealso \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions. The
-#' \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor and the \code{\link{formatData}} function
-#' to check the validity of trees and data. See also the \code{\link{phylo4}}
-#' constructor, the \linkS4class{phylo4} class, and the
-#' \code{\link{checkPhylo4}} function to check the validity of \code{phylo4}
-#' trees.
-#' @keywords classes
-#' @include formatData.R
-#' @examples
-#'   example(read.tree, "ape")
-#'   obj <- phylo4d(as(tree.owls.bis,"phylo4"), data.frame(wing=1:3))
-#'   obj
-#'   names(obj)
-#'   summary(obj)
-## '...' recognized args for data are tipdata and nodedata.
-## other recognized options are those known by the phylo4 constructor
-## generic
-setGeneric("phylo4d", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("phylo4d")} )
-## Core part that takes care of the data
-.phylo4Data <- function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
-                        merge.data=TRUE) {
-    ## Check validity of phylo4 object
-    if (is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(x))) stop(checkval)
-    ## Create placeholder data frames for any null data arguments
-    if (is.null(tip.data)) tip.data <- formatData(x, NULL, "tip")
-    if (is.null(node.data)) node.data <- formatData(x, NULL, "internal")
-    if (is.null(all.data)) all.data <- formatData(x, NULL, "all")
-    # don't allow all.data columns of same name as tip.data or node.data
-    colnamesTipOrNode <- union(names(tip.data), names(node.data))
-    if (any(names(all.data) %in% colnamesTipOrNode)) {
-        stop("all.data column names must be distinct from ",
-             "tip.data and node.data column names")
-    }
-    ## combine common columns and move into all.data if merging,
-    ## otherwise rename them
-    colsToMerge <- intersect(names(tip.data), names(node.data))
-    if (merge.data && length(colsToMerge)>0) {
-        ##TODO could really just index rows directly on 1:nTip and
-        ## (nTip+1):(nTip+nNode) in the next two statements for speed,
-        ## but this is more robust to changes in node numbering rules
-        tip.rows <- tip.data[match(nodeId(x, "tip"),
-            row.names(tip.data)), colsToMerge, drop=FALSE]
-        node.rows <- node.data[match(nodeId(x, "internal"),
-            row.names(tip.data)), colsToMerge, drop=FALSE]
-        merge.data <- rbind(tip.rows, node.rows)
-        all.data <- data.frame(all.data, merge.data)
-    } else {
-        names(tip.data)[names(tip.data) %in% colsToMerge] <-
-            paste(colsToMerge, "tip", sep=".")
-        names(node.data)[names(node.data) %in% colsToMerge] <-
-            paste(colsToMerge, "node", sep=".")
-    }
-    ## now separate tips-only and nodes-only data
-    tip.only.data <- tip.data[setdiff(names(tip.data), names(node.data))]
-    node.only.data <- node.data[setdiff(names(node.data), names(tip.data))]
-    ## combine all data
-    complete.data <- data.frame(all.data, tip.only.data, node.only.data)
-    ## drop any rows that only contain NAs
-    if (ncol(complete.data)==0) {
-        return(data.frame())
-    } else {
-        empty.rows <- as.logical(rowSums(!is.na(complete.data)))
-        return(complete.data[empty.rows, , drop=FALSE])
-    }
-## first arg is a phylo4
-### phylo4d class rewrite
-setMethod("phylo4d", "phylo4",
-          function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
-                   merge.data=TRUE, metadata = list(), ...) {
-    ## coerce tree to phylo4d
-    res <- as(x, "phylo4d")
-    ## apply formatData to ensure data have node number rownames and
-    ## correct dimensions
-    tip.data <- formatData(phy=x, dt=tip.data, type="tip", ...)
-    node.data <- formatData(phy=x, dt=node.data, type="internal", ...)
-    all.data <- formatData(phy=x, dt=all.data, type="all", ...)
-    ## add any data
-    res at data <- .phylo4Data(x=x, tip.data=tip.data, node.data=node.data,
-        all.data=all.data, merge.data=merge.data)
-    ## add any metadata
-    res at metadata <- metadata
-    return(res)
-## first arg is a matrix of edges
-setMethod("phylo4d", c("matrix"),
-          function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
-                   merge.data=TRUE, metadata=list(), edge.length=NULL,
-                   tip.label=NULL, node.label=NULL, edge.label=NULL,
-                   order="unknown", annote=list(), ...) {
-    tree <- phylo4(x, edge.length=edge.length, tip.label=tip.label,
-        node.label=node.label, edge.label=edge.label, order=order,
-        annote=annote)
-    res <- phylo4d(tree, tip.data, node.data, all.data,
-        merge.data=merge.data, metadata=metadata, ...)
-    return(res)
-## first arg is a phylo
-setMethod("phylo4d", "phylo",
-          function(x, tip.data=NULL,
-                   node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/phylobase -r 898

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