[Phylobase-commits] r748 - pkg/inst/nexusfiles

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Thu Mar 11 03:35:46 CET 2010

Author: francois
Date: 2010-03-11 03:35:45 +0100 (Thu, 11 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 748

additional NEXUS file with polymorphic and excluded characters

Added: pkg/inst/nexusfiles/treepluscharV02.nex
--- pkg/inst/nexusfiles/treepluscharV02.nex	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/inst/nexusfiles/treepluscharV02.nex	2010-03-11 02:35:45 UTC (rev 748)
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+[written Wed Mar 10 11:51:23 EST 2010 by Mesquite  version 2.72 (build 527) at francois-laptop/]
+	TITLE Taxa;
+		Myrmecocystuscfnavajo Myrmecocystuscreightoni Myrmecocystusdepilis Myrmecocystuskathjuli Myrmecocystuskennedyi Myrmecocystusmendax Myrmecocystusmexicanus Myrmecocystusmimicus Myrmecocystusnavajo Myrmecocystusnequazcatl Myrmecocystusplacodops Myrmecocystusromainei Myrmecocystussemirufus Myrmecocystussnellingi Myrmecocystustenuinodis Myrmecocystustestaceus Myrmecocystuswheeleri Myrmecocystusyuma 
+	;
+	TITLE  testIncomplete;
+		1 Test1 /  test1A test1B, 2 Test2 /  test2A test2B, 3 Test3 /  test3A test3B test3C ; 
+	Myrmecocystuscfnavajo    1(0 1)(0 1 2)
+	Myrmecocystuscreightoni  ?(0 1)(0 1)
+	Myrmecocystusdepilis     102
+	Myrmecocystuskathjuli    100
+	Myrmecocystuskennedyi    010
+	Myrmecocystusmendax      101
+	Myrmecocystusmexicanus   000
+	Myrmecocystusmimicus     ??0
+	Myrmecocystusnavajo      ?11
+	Myrmecocystusnequazcatl  100
+	Myrmecocystusplacodops   001
+	Myrmecocystusromainei    11(0 1 2)
+	Myrmecocystussemirufus   001
+	Myrmecocystussnellingi   1?0
+	Myrmecocystustenuinodis  101
+	Myrmecocystustestaceus   ??0
+	Myrmecocystuswheeleri    000
+	Myrmecocystusyuma        01?
+	Title 'Trees from "treepluscharV01.nex"';
+	LINK Taxa = Taxa;
+		1 Myrmecocystuscfnavajo,
+		2 Myrmecocystuscreightoni,
+		3 Myrmecocystusdepilis,
+		4 Myrmecocystuskathjuli,
+		5 Myrmecocystuskennedyi,
+		6 Myrmecocystusmendax,
+		7 Myrmecocystusmexicanus,
+		8 Myrmecocystusmimicus,
+		9 Myrmecocystusnavajo,
+		10 Myrmecocystusnequazcatl,
+		11 Myrmecocystusplacodops,
+		12 Myrmecocystusromainei,
+		13 Myrmecocystussemirufus,
+		14 Myrmecocystussnellingi,
+		15 Myrmecocystustenuinodis,
+		16 Myrmecocystustestaceus,
+		17 Myrmecocystuswheeleri,
+		18 Myrmecocystusyuma;
+	TREE bestML = (((((((((13:1.724765,11:1.724765):2.926053,6:4.650818):0.689044,(4:1.08387,17:1.08387):4.255993):0.198842,((8:2.708942,3:2.708942):2.027251,((12:2.193845,10:2.193845):2.257581,18:4.451425):0.284767):0.802512):0.506099,5:6.044804):4.524387,2:10.569191):0.836689,(14:2.770378,15:2.770378):8.635503):0.89482,16:12.300701):1.699299,(7:5.724923,(1:2.869547,9:2.869547):2.855375):8.275077);
+	TYPESET * UNTITLED   =  unord:  1 -  3;
+	ProbModelSet * UNTITLED   =  'Mk1 (est.)':  1 -  3;
+		tell ProjectCoordinator;
+		timeSaved 1268239884091;
+		getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa;
+		tell It;
+			setID 0 9015005506118934442;
+		endTell;
+		getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters;
+		tell It;
+			setID 0 2565950173085067248;
+			checksumv 0 2 4144740407 null  numChars 3   short true   bits 7   states 7   sumSquaresStatesOnly 220.0   NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1;
+		endTell;
+		getWindow;
+		tell It;
+			suppress;
+			setResourcesState false false 155;
+			setPopoutState 400;
+			setExplanationSize 0;
+			setAnnotationSize 0;
+			setFontIncAnnot 0;
+			setFontIncExp 0;
+			setSize 1278 934;
+			setLocation 1440 0;
+			setFont SanSerif;
+			setFontSize 10;
+			getToolPalette;
+			tell It;
+			endTell;
+			desuppress;
+		endTell;
+		getEmployee  #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowCoord.BasicTreeWindowCoord;
+		tell It;
+			makeTreeWindow #9015005506118934442  #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowMaker.BasicTreeWindowMaker;
+			tell It;
+				suppressEPCResponse;
+				setTreeSource  #mesquite.trees.StoredTrees.StoredTrees;
+				tell It;
+					setTreeBlock 1;
+					toggleUseWeights off;
+				endTell;
+				setAssignedID 630.1180487973731.4514395117633566598;
+				getTreeWindow;
+				tell It;
+					setExplanationSize 30;
+					setAnnotationSize 20;
+					setFontIncAnnot 0;
+					setFontIncExp 0;
+					setSize 1123 867;
+					setLocation 1440 0;
+					setFont SanSerif;
+					setFontSize 10;
+					getToolPalette;
+					tell It;
+					endTell;
+					getTreeDrawCoordinator #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeDrawCoordinator.BasicTreeDrawCoordinator;
+				tell It;
+					suppress;
+					setTreeDrawer  #mesquite.trees.DiagonalDrawTree.DiagonalDrawTree;
+					tell It;
+						setNodeLocs #mesquite.trees.NodeLocsStandard.NodeLocsStandard;
+						tell It;
+							inhibitStretchToggle on;
+							branchLengthsToggle off;
+							toggleScale on;
+							toggleBroadScale off;
+							toggleCenter off;
+							toggleEven off;
+						endTell;
+						setEdgeWidth 12;
+						orientUp;
+					endTell;
+					setBackground White;
+					setBranchColor Black;
+					showNodeNumbers off;
+					showBranchColors on;
+					labelBranchLengths off;
+					centerBrLenLabels on;
+					showBrLensUnspecified on;
+					showBrLenLabelsOnTerminals on;
+					setBrLenLabelColor 0 0 255;
+					setNumBrLenDecimals 6;
+					desuppress;
+					getEmployee #mesquite.trees.BasicDrawTaxonNames.BasicDrawTaxonNames;
+					tell It;
+						setColor Black;
+						toggleColorPartition on;
+						toggleShadePartition off;
+						toggleShowFootnotes on;
+						toggleNodeLabels on;
+						toggleCenterNodeNames off;
+						toggleShowNames on;
+						namesAngle ?;
+					endTell;
+				endTell;
+					setTreeNumber 1;
+					setDrawingSizeMode 0;
+					toggleLegendFloat on;
+					scale 0;
+					toggleTextOnTree off;
+					showWindow;
+					newAssistant  #mesquite.ancstates.TraceCharacterHistory.TraceCharacterHistory;
+				tell It;
+					suspend ;
+					setDisplayMode  #mesquite.ancstates.ShadeStatesOnTree.ShadeStatesOnTree;
+					tell It;
+						toggleLabels off;
+						toggleGray off;
+					endTell;
+					setHistorySource  #mesquite.ancstates.RecAncestralStates.RecAncestralStates;
+					tell It;
+						getCharacterSource  #mesquite.charMatrices.CharSrcCoordObed.CharSrcCoordObed;
+						tell It;
+							setCharacterSource #mesquite.charMatrices.StoredCharacters.StoredCharacters;
+							tell It;
+								setDataSet #2565950173085067248;
+							endTell;
+						endTell;
+						setMethod  #mesquite.parsimony.ParsAncestralStates.ParsAncestralStates;
+						tell It;
+							setModelSource  #mesquite.parsimony.CurrentParsModels.CurrentParsModels;
+							toggleMPRsMode off;
+						endTell;
+					endTell;
+					setCharacter 1;
+					setMapping 1;
+					toggleShowLegend on;
+					toggleGray off;
+					toggleWeights on;
+					setInitialOffsetX 4;
+					setInitialOffsetY -191;
+					setLegendWidth 142;
+					setLegendHeight 191;
+					resume ;
+				endTell;
+				endTell;
+				desuppressEPCResponse;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.trees.ColorBranches.ColorBranches;
+				tell It;
+					setColor Red;
+					removeColor off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.BranchNotes.BranchNotes;
+				tell It;
+					setAlwaysOn off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.ColorTreeByPartition.ColorTreeByPartition;
+				tell It;
+					colorByPartition off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.DrawTreeAssocDoubles.DrawTreeAssocDoubles;
+				tell It;
+					setOn on;
+					setDigits 4;
+					writeAsPercentage off;
+					toggleCentred on;
+					toggleHorizontal on;
+					setFontSize 10;
+					setOffset 0  0;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.trees.TreeInfoValues.TreeInfoValues;
+				tell It;
+					panelOpen false;
+				endTell;
+			endTell;
+		endTell;
+		getEmployee  #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord;
+		tell It;
+			showDataWindow #2565950173085067248 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker;
+			tell It;
+				getWindow;
+				tell It;
+					setExplanationSize 30;
+					setAnnotationSize 20;
+					setFontIncAnnot 0;
+					setFontIncExp 0;
+					setSize 1123 867;
+					setLocation 1440 0;
+					setFont SanSerif;
+					setFontSize 10;
+					getToolPalette;
+					tell It;
+					endTell;
+					setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.arrow;
+					colorCells  #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor;
+					colorRowNames  #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor;
+					colorColumnNames  #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor;
+					colorText  #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor;
+					setBackground White;
+					toggleShowNames on;
+					toggleShowTaxonNames on;
+					toggleTight off;
+					toggleThinRows off;
+					toggleShowChanges on;
+					toggleSeparateLines off;
+					toggleShowStates on;
+					toggleAutoWCharNames on;
+					toggleAutoTaxonNames off;
+					toggleShowDefaultCharNames off;
+					toggleConstrainCW on;
+					setColumnWidth 70;
+					toggleBirdsEye off;
+					toggleAllowAutosize on;
+					toggleColorsPanel off;
+					toggleDiagonal on;
+					setDiagonalHeight 80;
+					toggleLinkedScrolling on;
+					toggleScrollLinkedTables off;
+				endTell;
+				hideWindow;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells;
+				tell It;
+					setColor Red;
+					removeColor off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip;
+				tell It;
+					showStrip off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel;
+				tell It;
+					togglePanel off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip;
+				tell It;
+					showStrip off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector;
+				tell It;
+					autotabOff;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor;
+				tell It;
+					panelOpen true;
+				endTell;
+			endTell;
+			showExtraDataWindow #2565950173085067248 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker;
+			tell It;
+				getWindow;
+				tell It;
+					setExplanationSize 30;
+					setAnnotationSize 20;
+					setFontIncAnnot 0;
+					setFontIncExp 0;
+					setSize 1123 867;
+					setLocation 1440 0;
+					setFont SanSerif;
+					setFontSize 10;
+					getToolPalette;
+					tell It;
+						setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam;
+					endTell;
+					setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam;
+					colorCells  #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor;
+					colorRowNames  #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor;
+					colorColumnNames  #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor;
+					colorText  #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor;
+					setBackground White;
+					toggleShowNames on;
+					toggleShowTaxonNames on;
+					toggleTight off;
+					toggleThinRows off;
+					toggleShowChanges on;
+					toggleSeparateLines off;
+					toggleShowStates on;
+					toggleAutoWCharNames on;
+					toggleAutoTaxonNames off;
+					toggleShowDefaultCharNames off;
+					toggleConstrainCW on;
+					toggleBirdsEye off;
+					toggleAllowAutosize on;
+					toggleColorsPanel off;
+					toggleDiagonal on;
+					setDiagonalHeight 80;
+					toggleLinkedScrolling on;
+					toggleScrollLinkedTables off;
+					getInfoPanel;
+					tell It;
+						btspOpen true;
+						apOpen true;
+						fpOpen true;
+					endTell;
+					toggleInfoPanel off;
+				endTell;
+				showWindow;
+				getWindow;
+				tell It;
+					forceAutosize;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells;
+				tell It;
+					setColor Red;
+					removeColor off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesEditor;
+				tell It;
+					makeWindow;
+					tell It;
+						setExplanationSize 30;
+						setAnnotationSize 20;
+						setFontIncAnnot 0;
+						setFontIncExp 0;
+						setSize 1123 867;
+						setLocation 1440 0;
+						setFont SanSerif;
+						setFontSize 10;
+						getToolPalette;
+						tell It;
+							setTool mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesWindow.ibeam;
+						endTell;
+						setActive;
+						rowsAreCharacters on;
+						toggleConstrainChar on;
+						toggleConstrainCharNum 3;
+						togglePanel off;
+						toggleSummaryPanel off;
+					endTell;
+					showWindow;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip;
+				tell It;
+					showStrip off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel;
+				tell It;
+					togglePanel off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip;
+				tell It;
+					showStrip off;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector;
+				tell It;
+					autotabOff;
+				endTell;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor;
+				tell It;
+					panelOpen true;
+				endTell;
+			endTell;
+		endTell;
+		getEmployee  #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters;
+		tell It;
+			showCharacters #2565950173085067248 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList;
+			tell It;
+				setData 0;
+				getWindow;
+				tell It;
+					newAssistant  #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder;
+					newAssistant  #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion;
+					newAssistant  #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition;
+					newAssistant  #mesquite.stochchar.CharListProbModels.CharListProbModels;
+					getTable;
+					tell It;
+						columnWidth 1 101;
+					endTell;
+					setExplanationSize 30;
+					setAnnotationSize 20;
+					setFontIncAnnot 0;
+					setFontIncExp 0;
+					setSize 1123 867;
+					setLocation 1440 0;
+					setFont SanSerif;
+					setFontSize 10;
+					getToolPalette;
+					tell It;
+						setTool mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterListWindow.arrow;
+					endTell;
+				endTell;
+				showWindow;
+				getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel;
+				tell It;
+					togglePanel off;
+				endTell;
+			endTell;
+		endTell;
+		endTell;
+begin brownie;
+taxset all = 1 -18;

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