[Phylobase-commits] r681 - in pkg: R inst/unitTests
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Wed Sep 30 00:44:17 CEST 2009
Author: regetz
Date: 2009-09-30 00:44:17 +0200 (Wed, 30 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 681
modified getEdge to optionally warn/stop whenever NAs are produced;
created unit tests
Modified: pkg/R/treewalk.R
--- pkg/R/treewalk.R 2009-09-29 21:13:52 UTC (rev 680)
+++ pkg/R/treewalk.R 2009-09-29 22:44:17 UTC (rev 681)
@@ -231,12 +231,11 @@
if(!identical(class(phy), "phylo4")) phy <- as(phy, "phylo4")
missing <- match.arg(missing)
- node <- getNode(phy, node, missing)
+ node.id <- getNode(phy, node, missing="OK")
type <- match.arg(type)
- ##TODO: should missing arg also apply to tips-as-ancestors case?
- nd <- lapply(node, function(x) {
+ nd <- lapply(node.id, function(x) {
if (is.na(x)) {
res <- NA
} else {
@@ -249,8 +248,20 @@
names(res) <- rep(x, length(res))
- })
+ })
+ ## warn or stop if necessary
+ is.missing <- is.na(nd)
+ if (missing!="OK" && any(is.missing)) {
+ msg <- paste("Not all nodes are ", type, "s in this tree: ",
+ paste(node[is.missing], collapse=", "), sep="")
+ if (missing=="fail") {
+ stop(msg)
+ } else if (missing=="warn") {
+ warning(msg)
+ }
+ }
Modified: pkg/inst/unitTests/runit.treewalk.R
--- pkg/inst/unitTests/runit.treewalk.R 2009-09-29 21:13:52 UTC (rev 680)
+++ pkg/inst/unitTests/runit.treewalk.R 2009-09-29 22:44:17 UTC (rev 681)
@@ -4,49 +4,83 @@
# Create sample phylo4 tree for testing
tr <- read.tree(text="(((spA:0.2,(spB:0.1,spC:0.1):0.15):0.5,spD:0.7):0.2,spE:1):0.4;")
-phy <- as(tr, "phylo4")
+phytr <- as(tr, "phylo4")
+# create phylo4 object with a full complement of valid slots
+ancestor <- as.integer(c(6,7,7,6,8,0,8,9,9))
+descendant <- as.integer(c(7,1,2,8,3,6,9,4,5))
+edge <- cbind(ancestor, descendant)
+nid.tip <- 1:5
+nid.int <- 6:9
+nid.all <- c(nid.tip, nid.int)
+lab.tip <- paste("t", nid.tip, sep="")
+lab.int <- paste("n", nid.int, sep="")
+lab.all <- c(lab.tip, lab.int)
+eid <- paste(ancestor, descendant, sep="-")
+elen <- descendant/10
+elab <- paste("e", eid, sep="")
+phy <- phylo4(x=edge, tip.label=lab.tip, node.label=lab.int,
+ edge.length=elen, edge.label=elab)
+# create altered version such that each slot is out of order with
+# respect to all others; methods should be able to handle this
+phy.alt <- phy
+phy.alt at label <- rev(phy at label)
+phy.alt at edge <- phy at edge[c(6:9, 1:5), ]
+phy.alt at edge.length <- phy at edge.length[c(7:9, 1:6)]
+phy.alt at edge.label <- phy at edge.label[c(8:9, 1:7)]
+# update test targets for edge-related slots
+ancestor <- ancestor[c(6:9, 1:5)]
+descendant <- descendant[c(6:9, 1:5)]
+edge <- cbind(ancestor, descendant)
+eid <- eid[c(6:9, 1:5)]
+elen <- elen[c(6:9, 1:5)]
+elab <- elab[c(6:9, 1:5)]
test.getNode <- function() {
# Note: we're not explicitly testing missing="warn" condition below;
# however, if "OK" and "fail" both work as expected, then so must "warn"
# node only has valid characters
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, "spA"), c(spA=1))
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, c("spA", "spC")), c(spA=1, spC=3))
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, "spA"), c(spA=1))
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, c("spA", "spC")), c(spA=1, spC=3))
# node only has valid integers
ans <- 4
names(ans) <- "spD"
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, 4), ans)
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, 4), ans)
ans <- c(4,6)
names(ans) <- c("spD", NA)
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, c(4,6)), ans)
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, c(4,6)), ans)
# node includes only missing characters (names), but missing=OK
ans <- rep(NA_integer_, 2) # return values should be NA
names(ans) <- rep(NA, 2) # return values should have NA names
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, c("xxx", "yyy"), missing="OK"), ans)
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, c("xxx", "yyy"), missing="OK"), ans)
# now missing = "fail"
- checkException(getNode(phy, c("xxx", "yyy"), missing="fail"))
+ checkException(getNode(phytr, c("xxx", "yyy"), missing="fail"))
# node includes only missing numbers (IDs), but missing=OK
ans <- rep(NA_integer_, 3) # return values should be NA
names(ans) <- rep(NA, 3) # return values should have NA names
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="OK"), ans)
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="OK"), ans)
# now missing = "fail"
- checkException(getNode(phy, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="fail"), ans)
+ checkException(getNode(phytr, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="fail"), ans)
# node includes NAs, but missing = "OK"
- checkTrue(is.na(getNode(phy, NA_integer_, missing="OK")))
- checkTrue(is.na(getNode(phy, NA_character_, missing="OK")))
+ checkTrue(is.na(getNode(phytr, NA_integer_, missing="OK")))
+ checkTrue(is.na(getNode(phytr, NA_character_, missing="OK")))
# node includes mixture of valid values and NAs
ans <- c(2, NA)
names(ans) <- c("spB", NA)
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, c("spB", NA), missing="OK"), ans)
- checkEquals(getNode(phy, c(2, NA), missing="OK"), ans)
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, c("spB", NA), missing="OK"), ans)
+ checkEquals(getNode(phytr, c(2, NA), missing="OK"), ans)
# node is neither integer-like nor character
- checkException(getNode(phy, 1.5))
+ checkException(getNode(phytr, 1.5))
test.ancestor <- function() {
@@ -59,26 +93,26 @@
test.descendants <- function() {
# function (phy, node, type=c("tips","children","all"))
- phy <- phylo4(read.tree(text="((t3,t4),(t1,(t2,t5)));"))
+ phytr <- phylo4(read.tree(text="((t3,t4),(t1,(t2,t5)));"))
# node = tip
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 5),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 5),
setNames(5L, "t5"))
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 5, "tips"),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 5, "tips"),
setNames(5L, "t5"))
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 5, "children"),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 5, "children"),
setNames(integer(0), character(0)))
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 5, "all"),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 5, "all"),
setNames(5L, "t5"))
# node = internal
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 8),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 8),
setNames(c(3L, 4L, 5L), c("t1", "t2", "t5")))
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 8, "tips"),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 8, "tips"),
setNames(c(3L, 4L, 5L), c("t1", "t2", "t5")))
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 8, "children"),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 8, "children"),
setNames(c(3L, 9L), c("t1", NA)))
- checkIdentical(descendants(phy, 8, "all"),
+ checkIdentical(descendants(phytr, 8, "all"),
setNames(c(3L, 9L, 4L, 5L), c("t1", NA, "t2", "t5")))
@@ -101,6 +135,96 @@
test.getEdge <- function() {
# function(phy, node, type=c("descendant", "ancestor"),
# missing=c("warn", "OK", "fail"))
+ #
+ # nodes as descendants
+ #
+ # node only has valid descendants, as characters
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, "t1"), setNames("7-1", 1))
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c("t1", "t3")), setNames(c("7-1",
+ "8-3"), c(1,3)))
+ # node only has valid descendants, as integers
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, 1), setNames("7-1", 1))
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c(1,3)), setNames(c("7-1",
+ "8-3"), c(1,3)))
+ # node includes only missing characters (labels), but missing=OK
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c("x", "y", "z"), missing="OK"),
+ setNames(rep(NA, 3), rep(NA, 3)))
+ # now missing = "fail"
+ checkException(getEdge(phy.alt, c("x", "y", "z"), missing="fail"))
+ # node includes only missing numbers (IDs), but missing=OK
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="OK"),
+ setNames(rep(NA, 3), rep(NA, 3)))
+ # now missing = "fail"
+ checkException(getEdge(phy, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="fail"))
+ # node includes NAs, but missing = "OK"
+ checkTrue(is.na(getEdge(phy, NA_integer_, missing="OK")))
+ checkTrue(is.na(getEdge(phy, NA_character_, missing="OK")))
+ # node includes mixture of valid values and NAs
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy, c("t3", NA), missing="OK"),
+ setNames(c("8-3", NA), c(3, NA)))
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy, c(3, NA), missing="OK"),
+ setNames(c("8-3", NA), c(3, NA)))
+ # node is neither integer-like nor character
+ checkException(getEdge(phy, 1.5))
+ #
+ # nodes as ancestors
+ #
+ # node only has valid ancestors, as characters
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, "n6", type="ancestor"),
+ setNames(c("6-7", "6-8"), c(6, 6)))
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c("n6", "n8"), type="ancestor"),
+ setNames(c("6-7", "6-8", "8-9", "8-3"), c(6, 6, 8, 8)))
+ # node only has valid ancestors, as integers
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, 6, type="ancestor"),
+ setNames(c("6-7", "6-8"), c(6, 6)))
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c(6, 8), type="ancestor"),
+ setNames(c("6-7", "6-8", "8-9", "8-3"), c(6, 6, 8, 8)))
+ # node includes only missing characters (labels), but missing=OK
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c("x", "y", "z"), type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK"), setNames(rep(NA, 3), rep(NA, 3)))
+ # node includes only tips (labels), but missing=OK
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c("t1", "t3"), type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK"), setNames(rep(NA, 2), c(1, 3)))
+ # now missing = "fail"
+ checkException(getEdge(phy.alt, c("x", "y", "z"), missing="fail"))
+ checkException(getEdge(phy.alt, c("t1", "t3"), type="ancestor",
+ missing="fail"))
+ # node includes only missing numbers (IDs), but missing=OK
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c(-9, 0, 50), type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK"), setNames(rep(NA, 3), rep(NA, 3)))
+ # node includes only tips (labels), but missing=OK
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c(1, 3), type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK"), setNames(rep(NA, 2), c(1, 3)))
+ # now missing = "fail"
+ checkException(getEdge(phy.alt, c(-9, 0, 50), missing="fail"))
+ checkException(getEdge(phy.alt, c(1, 3), type="ancestor",
+ missing="fail"))
+ # node includes NAs, but missing = "OK"
+ checkTrue(is.na(getEdge(phy.alt, NA_integer_, type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK")))
+ checkTrue(is.na(getEdge(phy.alt, NA_character_, type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK")))
+ # node includes mixture of valid values and NAs
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c("t3", "n8", NA), type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK"), setNames(c(NA, "8-9", "8-3", NA), c(3, 8, 8, NA)))
+ checkIdentical(getEdge(phy.alt, c(3, 8, NA), type="ancestor",
+ missing="OK"), setNames(c(NA, "8-9", "8-3", NA), c(3, 8, 8, NA)))
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