[Phylobase-commits] r583 - in pkg: R man tests
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Tue Aug 25 02:51:07 CEST 2009
Author: francois
Date: 2009-08-25 02:51:06 +0200 (Tue, 25 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 583
* created function hasTipData for consistency
* added test on validity of phylo4 object after updating tip and node labels
* reorganization of documentation:
- renamed nNodes-phylo4.Rd to phylo4-accessors.Rd
- renamed check.phylo4d.Rd to formatData.Rd (it's now the only function it holds)
- created a phylo4-labels.Rd file to make phylo4-accessors.Rd clearer
- updated phylobase-package.Rd to make lines shorter, so they are not masked in PDF manual
- fixed formatting in as-methods.Rd
- moved examples from check.phylo4d.Rd to phylo4d.Rd
Modified: pkg/R/methods-phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/methods-phylo4.R 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/R/methods-phylo4.R 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@
setReplaceMethod("nodeLabels", signature(object="phylo4", value="character"),
function(object, ..., value) {
labels(object, type="internal", ...) <- value
+ if(is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(object))) stop(checkval)
@@ -300,6 +301,7 @@
setReplaceMethod("tipLabels", signature(object="phylo4", value="character"),
function(object, ..., value) {
labels(object, type="tip", ...) <- value
+ if(is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(object))) stop(checkval)
Modified: pkg/R/methods-phylo4d.R
--- pkg/R/methods-phylo4d.R 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/R/methods-phylo4d.R 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -217,6 +217,9 @@
nrow(x at node.data) > 0
+setMethod("hasTipData", "phylo4d", function(x) {
+ nrow(x at tip.data) > 0
## FIXME: doesn't deal with missing node data
## (don't even know how that should be done in this case)
Modified: pkg/R/phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/phylo4.R 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/R/phylo4.R 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@
+setGeneric("hasTipData", function(x) {
+ standardGeneric("hasTipData")
Modified: pkg/man/as-methods.Rd
--- pkg/man/as-methods.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/as-methods.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
additional information from the user. Conversions exist for
- \describe{
+ \itemize{
\item{}{\code{phylobase} to \code{phylobase} formats:}
- \item{\code{as(object, "phylo4d")}}{where object is of class
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "phylo4d")} where object is of class
\linkS4class{phylo4} and returns an object of class
- \linkS4class{phylo4d}, with empty data.}
- \item{\code{as(object, "phylo4")}}{where object is of class
+ \linkS4class{phylo4d}, with empty data.}
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "phylo4")} where object is of class
\linkS4class{phylo4d} and returns an object of class
\linkS4class{phylo4}. If data are dropped during the conversion, a
warning message is produced. A similar conversion can be done by
@@ -75,37 +75,37 @@
\item{}{\code{phylobase} to \code{ape} formats:}
- \item{\code{as(object, "phylo")}}{where object is of class
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "phylo")}}{where object is of class
\linkS4class{phylo4} or \linkS4class{phylo4d} and returns an
object of class \code{phylo}. If data are dropped during the
conversion from a \code{phylo4d} object, a warning message is
- \item{\code{as(object, "multiPhylo")}}{ ~~Not implemented
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "multiPhylo")}}{ ~~Not implemented
yet. where object is of class \linkS4class{multiPhylo4} and returns
an object of class \code{multiPhylo}. }
\item{}{\code{ape} to \code{phylobase} formats:}
- \item{\code{as(object, "phylo4")}}{where object is of class
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "phylo4")}}{where object is of class
\code{phylo} and returns an object of class \code{phylo4}.}
- \item{\code{as(object, "phylo4d")}}{where object is of class
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "phylo4d")}}{where object is of class
\code{phylo} and returns an object of class \code{phylo4d}, with
empty data.}
- \item{\code{as(object, "multiPhylo4")}}{ ~~Not implemented
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "multiPhylo4")}}{ ~~Not implemented
yet. where object is of class \code{multiPhylo} and returns an
object of class \code{multiPhylo4}. }
\item{}{\code{phylobase} to \code{ade4} formats:}
- \item{\code{as(object, "phylog")}}{where object is of class
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "phylog")}}{where object is of class
\code{phylo4} and returns an object of class \linkS4class{phylog}.}
\item{}{\code{phylobase} format to \code{data.frame}:}
- \item{\code{as(object, "data.frame")}}{where object is of class
+ \item{}{\code{as(object, "data.frame")}}{where object is of class
\code{phylo4} or \code{phylo4d} and returns an object of class
\code{data.frame}, with data included in the case of
Deleted: pkg/man/check.phylo4d.Rd
--- pkg/man/check.phylo4d.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/check.phylo4d.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-\title{Formatting data before attaching them to a phylo4 object}
- Basic checks on the validity of S4 phylogenetic plus data objects
- (i.e. \linkS4class{phylo4d} objects).
- formatData(phy, dt, type=c("tip", "internal", "all"),
- match.data=TRUE, rownamesAsLabels=FALSE,
- label.type=c("rownames", "column"),
- label.column=1, missing.data=c("fail", "warn", "OK"),
- extra.data=c("warn", "OK", "fail"))
- \item{phy}{a valid \code{phylo4} object}
- \item{dt}{a data frame or a vector}
- \item{type}{type of data to attach}
- \item{match.data}{(logical) Are data labels matched against tree
- labels?}
- \item{label.type}{character, \code{rownames} or \code{column}: should
- the labels be taken from the row names of \code{dt} or from
- the \code{label.column} column of \code{dt}?}
- \item{label.column}{if \code{label.type=="column"}, column specifier
- (number or name) of the column containing tip labels}
- \item{missing.data}{action to take if there are missing data or if
- there are data labels that don't match}
- \item{extra.data}{action to take if there are extra data or if there
- are labels that don't match}
- \item{rownamesAsLabels}{(logical), in the case of number-like labels
- should the row names of the data provided be considered as labels
- (TRUE) or node numbers (FALSE and default)}
- \code{formatData} returns a data frame having node numbers as row
- names. The data frame is also formatted to have the correct dimension
- given the \code{phylo4} object provided.
- \code{formatData} is an internal function that should not be called by
- the user. It formats properly the data provided by the user before
- being attached to a tree.
- By default, data names are used to attach tip data to the
- tree. In this case data names must be present and must match the set
- of tip or internal nodes exactly. The matching process can be done
- either by using \code{phylo4} labels (i.e. tip or node) or by using
- node numbers. It is possible to provide both at the same time by using
- the option \code{rownamesAsLabels=FALSE}.
- \code{formatData} (1) converts labels provided in the data into node
- numbers, (2) makes sure that the data are appropriately matched
- against tip or nodes, (3) checks for differences between data and
- tree, (4) creates a data frame with the correct dimensions given a
- tree.
-\seealso{the \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor, the
- \linkS4class{phylo4d} class. See also the \code{\link{checkPhylo4}},
- the \code{\link{phylo4}} constructor and the \linkS4class{phylo4}
- class. See \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions.}
-\author{Francois Michonneau}
-require(ape) ## for rcoal
-## generate a tree and some data
-p3 <- rcoal(5)
-dat <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5), b = rnorm(5), row.names = p3$tip.label)
-dat.defaultnames <- dat
-row.names(dat.defaultnames) <- NULL
-dat.superset <- rbind(dat, rnorm(2))
-dat.subset <- dat[-1, ]
-## create a phylo4 object from a phylo object
-p4 <- as(p3, "phylo4")
-## create phylo4d objects with tip data
-p4d <- phylo4d(p4, dat)
-p4d.sorted <- phylo4d(p4, dat[5:1, ])
-try(p4d.nonames <- phylo4d(p4, dat.defaultnames))
-p4d.nonames <- phylo4d(p4, dat.defaultnames, match.data=FALSE)
-p4d.subset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.subset)
-p4d.subset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.subset)
-try(p4d.superset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.superset))
-p4d.superset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.superset)
-## create phylo4d objects with node data
-nod.dat <- data.frame(a = rnorm(4), b = rnorm(4))
-p4d.nod <- phylo4d(p4, node.data = nod.dat, match.data=FALSE)
-## create phylo4 objects with node and tip data
-p4d.all1 <- phylo4d(p4, node.data = nod.dat, tip.data = dat, match.data=FALSE)
-nodeLabels(p4) <- as.character(sort(nodeId(p4)))
-p4d.all2 <- phylo4d(p4, all.data = rbind(dat, nod.dat, match.data=FALSE))
-## examples of merge.data
Copied: pkg/man/formatData.Rd (from rev 578, pkg/man/check.phylo4d.Rd)
--- pkg/man/formatData.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/formatData.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+\title{Formatting data before attaching them to a phylo4 object}
+ Basic checks on the validity of S4 phylogenetic plus data objects
+ (i.e. \linkS4class{phylo4d} objects).
+ formatData(phy, dt, type=c("tip", "internal", "all"),
+ match.data=TRUE, rownamesAsLabels=FALSE,
+ label.type=c("rownames", "column"),
+ label.column=1, missing.data=c("fail", "warn", "OK"),
+ extra.data=c("warn", "OK", "fail"))
+ \item{phy}{a valid \code{phylo4} object}
+ \item{dt}{a data frame or a vector}
+ \item{type}{type of data to attach}
+ \item{match.data}{(logical) Are data labels matched against tree
+ labels?}
+ \item{label.type}{character, \code{rownames} or \code{column}: should
+ the labels be taken from the row names of \code{dt} or from
+ the \code{label.column} column of \code{dt}?}
+ \item{label.column}{if \code{label.type=="column"}, column specifier
+ (number or name) of the column containing tip labels}
+ \item{missing.data}{action to take if there are missing data or if
+ there are data labels that don't match}
+ \item{extra.data}{action to take if there are extra data or if there
+ are labels that don't match}
+ \item{rownamesAsLabels}{(logical), in the case of number-like labels
+ should the row names of the data provided be considered as labels
+ (TRUE) or node numbers (FALSE and default)}
+ \code{formatData} returns a data frame having node numbers as row
+ names. The data frame is also formatted to have the correct dimension
+ given the \code{phylo4} object provided.
+ \code{formatData} is an internal function that should not be called by
+ the user. It formats properly the data provided by the user before
+ being attached to a tree.
+ By default, data names are used to attach tip data to the
+ tree. In this case data names must be present and must match the set
+ of tip or internal nodes exactly. The matching process can be done
+ either by using \code{phylo4} labels (i.e. tip or node) or by using
+ node numbers. It is possible to provide both at the same time by using
+ the option \code{rownamesAsLabels=FALSE}.
+ \code{formatData} (1) converts labels provided in the data into node
+ numbers, (2) makes sure that the data are appropriately matched
+ against tip or nodes, (3) checks for differences between data and
+ tree, (4) creates a data frame with the correct dimensions given a
+ tree.
+\seealso{the \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor, the
+ \linkS4class{phylo4d} class. See also the \code{\link{checkPhylo4}},
+ the \code{\link{phylo4}} constructor and the \linkS4class{phylo4}
+ class. See \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions.}
+\author{Francois Michonneau}
Property changes on: pkg/man/formatData.Rd
Name: svn:mergeinfo
Deleted: pkg/man/nNodes-methods.Rd
--- pkg/man/nNodes-methods.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/nNodes-methods.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-\title{Methods for S4 phylogeny classes}
- Generic methods for phylogenetic trees represented as S4 classes
- \item{nTips}{\code{signature(object="phylo4")}: number of tips}
- \item{labels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: tip labels}
- \item{nNodes}{\code{signature(object="phylo4")}: number of internal nodes}
- \item{hasNodeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether
- tree has (internal) node labels}
- \item{hasNodeData}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4d")}: whether
- tree has (internal) node data}
- \item{nodeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: internal
- node labels}
- \item{tipLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: tip labels}
- \item{nEdges}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: number of edges}
- \item{edges}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: edge matrix}
- \item{hasEdgeLength}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether
- tree has edge (branch) lengths}
- \item{edgeLength}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: edge (branch)
- lengths (or NULL if none)}
- \item{hasEdgeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether
- tree has (internal) edge labels}
- \item{edgeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: internal
- edge labels}
- \item{nodeType}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: named vector
- which has the type of node (internal, tip, root) for value, and the
- node number for name}
- \item{isRooted}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether tree is
- rooted (i.e. has explicit root edge defined \emph{or} root node has
- <= 2 descendants)}
- \item{rootEdge}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: root edge}
- \item{tdata}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4d")}: trait data}
- \item{addData}{\code{signature(x = "phylo4d")}: add data}
- \S4method{tdata}{phylo4d}(x, type=c("tip", "internal", "allnode"), label.type=c("row.names", "column"), empty.columns=TRUE, \dots)
-% what a pain: see
-% https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2008-May/049653.html
- \S4method{tdata}{phylo4d}(object, type = "tip", \dots) <- value
- \S4method{edgeLength}{phylo4}(x, node)
- \S4method{edges}{phylo4}(x, order, drop.root=FALSE, \dots)
- \S4method{addData}{phylo4}(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
- pos=c("after", "before"), merge.data=TRUE, match.data=TRUE, \dots)
- \S4method{addData}{phylo4d}(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
- pos=c("after", "before"), merge.data=TRUE, match.data=TRUE, \dots)
- \item{x}{a phylo4d object}
- \item{object}{a phylo4d object}
- \item{type}{which data to extract: "tip" (tips only), "node"
- (internal nodes only), "allnode" (tips and internal nodes), "edge".}
- \item{node}{which edge lengths to extract (indexed by descendant node)}
- \item{label.type}{Where labels should be stored in the resulting data frame, "row.names" for using the row names of a data frame or "column" for a new column of labels to be generated. }
- \item{empty.columns}{Logical. If TRUE data is exported as is. If FALSE, filled entirely with NAs are removed.}
- \item{value}{a data frame}
- \item{order}{(not yet implemented)}
- \item{drop.root}{logical: drop root row from edge matrix?}
- \item{tip.data}{a data frame for tips data}
- \item{node.data}{a data frame for nodes data}
- \item{all.data}{a data frame for all (i.e. tips and nodes) data.}
- \item{match.data}{(logical) should the rownames of the data frame provided in
- \code{tip.data}, \code{node.data} and/or \code{all.data} be used to be matched against
- tip and node labels?}
-\item{merge.data}{if both \code{tip.data} and \code{node.data} are
- provided, it determines if they should be merged as a single
- trait (if TRUE). This argument is evaluated only if both \code{tip.data} and
- \code{node.data} have identical column names.}
- \item{pos}{add data columns before or after existing data?}
- \item{\dots}{for future development compatibility}
Modified: pkg/man/pdata-class.Rd
--- pkg/man/pdata-class.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/pdata-class.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -17,22 +17,30 @@
- \item{\code{data}:}{A data frame of tip or node data. Can be
- accessed transparently with any of the data frame accessor methods}
- \item{\code{type}:}{A factor with length equal to \code{ncol(data)}
- and levels ("multitype","binary","continuous","DNA","RNA","aacid")}
- \item{\code{comment}:}{A character vector of length \code{ncol(data)}}
- \item{\code{metadata}:}{An arbitrary list, for storing other user-defined metadata}
+ \item{\code{data}:}{A data frame of tip or node data. Can be
+ accessed transparently with any of the data frame accessor
+ methods}
+ \item{\code{type}:}{A factor with length equal to
+ \code{ncol(data)} and levels("multitype", "binary",
+ "continuous", "DNA", "RNA", "aacid")}
+ \item{\code{comment}:}{A character vector of length
+ \code{ncol(data)}}
+ \item{\code{metadata}:}{An arbitrary list, for storing other
+ user-defined metadata}
- \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "pdata")}: access data rows, columns or elements}
- \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "pdata")}: set data rows, columns or elements}
- \item{[[<-}{\code{signature(x = "pdata")}: set data columns or elements}
- \item{[[}{\code{signature(x = "pdata", i = "ANY", j = "ANY")}: access data columns or elements }
- \item{[[}{\code{signature(x = "pdata", i = "ANY", j = "missing")}: set data columns
- or elements }
+ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "pdata")}: access data rows, columns or
+ elements}
+ \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "pdata")}: set data rows, columns or
+ elements}
+ \item{[[<-}{\code{signature(x = "pdata")}: set data columns or
+ elements}
+ \item{[[}{\code{signature(x = "pdata", i = "ANY", j = "ANY")}:
+ access data columns or elements }
+ \item{[[}{\code{signature(x = "pdata", i = "ANY", j = "missing")}:
+ set data columns or elements }
\author{Ben Bolker}
Copied: pkg/man/phylo4-accessors.Rd (from rev 582, pkg/man/nNodes-methods.Rd)
--- pkg/man/phylo4-accessors.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/phylo4-accessors.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+\title{Methods for S4 phylogeny classes}
+ Generic methods for phylogenetic trees represented as S4 classes
+ \item{nTips}{\code{signature(object="phylo4")}: number of tips}
+ \item{nNodes}{\code{signature(object="phylo4")}: number of internal nodes}
+ \item{nEdges}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: number of edges}
+ \item{edges}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: returns the edge
+ matrix}
+ \item{hasEdgeLength}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether
+ tree has edge (branch) lengths}
+ \item{edgeLength}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: edge (branch)
+ lengths (or NULL if none)}
+ \item{nodeType}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: named vector
+ which has the type of node (internal, tip, root) for value, and the
+ node number for name}
+ \item{isRooted}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether tree is
+ rooted (i.e. has explicit root edge defined \emph{or} root node has
+ <= 2 descendants)}
+ \item{rootEdge}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: root edge}
+ }
+% what a pain: see
+% https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2008-May/049653.html
+\S4method{edges}{phylo4}(x, order, drop.root=FALSE)
+\S4method{edgeLength}{phylo4}(x, node)
+\S4method{edgeLength}{phylo4}(x, use.names=TRUE) <- value
+\S4method{rootNode}{phylo4}(x) <- value
+ \item{x}{a phylo4/phylo4d object}
+ \item{phy}{a phylo4/phylo4d object}
+ \item{node}{which edge lengths to extract (indexed by descendant
+ node)}
+ \item{value}{a vector of edge lengths or a node number}
+ \item{order}{(not yet implemented)}
+ \item{use.names}{Should the names of \code{value} be used to match
+ edge lengths provided? }
+ \item{drop.root}{logical: drop root row from edge matrix?}
Property changes on: pkg/man/phylo4-accessors.Rd
Name: svn:mergeinfo
Added: pkg/man/phylo4-labels.Rd
--- pkg/man/phylo4-labels.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/phylo4-labels.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+\title{Labels for phylo4/phylo4d objects}
+\description{Methods for creating, accessing and updating labels in
+ phylo4/phylo4d objects}
+\S4method{labels}{phylo4}(x, type=c("tip", "internal", "allnode"))
+\S4method{labels}{phylo4,ANY,ANY,character}(x, type=c("tip", "internal", "allnode"),
+use.names=FALSE) <- value
+\S4method{tipLabels}{phylo4,character}(object) <- value
+\S4method{nodeLabels}{phylo4,character}(object) <- value
+\S4method{edgeLabels}{phylo4,character}(x) <- value
+ \item{x}{a phylo4 or phylo4d object.}
+ \item{object}{a phylo4 or phylo4d object.}
+ \item{type}{which type of labels: \code{tip} (tips), \code{internal}
+ (internal nodes), \code{allnode} (tips and internal nodes).}
+ \item{value}{a vector of class \code{character}, see Details for more
+ information.}
+ \item{use.names}{should the names of the vector used to create/update
+ labels be used to match the labels? See Details for more information.}
+ In phylo4/phylo4d objects, tips must have labels (that's why there is
+ no method for hasTipLabels), internal nodes and edges can have
+ labels.
+ Labels must be provided as a vector of class \code{character}. The
+ length of the vector must match the number of elements they label.
+ The option \code{use.names} allows the user to match a label to a
+ particular node. In this case, the vector must have names that match
+ the node numbers.
+ The function \code{labels} is mostly intended to be used
+ internally.
+ \describe{
+ \item{labels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: tip labels}
+ \item{tipLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: tip labels}
+ \item{hasNodeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether
+ tree has (internal) node labels}
+ \item{nodeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: internal
+ node labels}
+ \item{hasEdgeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: whether
+ tree has (internal) edge labels}
+ \item{edgeLabels}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4")}: internal
+ edge labels}
+ }
+## Return labels from geospiza
+## Internal node labels in geospiza are empty
+## Creating internal node labels
+ndLbl <- paste("n", 1:nNodes(geospiza), sep="")
+nodeLabels(geospiza) <- ndLbl
+## naming the labels
+names(ndLbl) <- nodeId(geospiza, "internal")
+## shuffling the labels
+(ndLbl <- sample(ndLbl))
+## by default, the labels are attributed in the order
+## they are given:
+nodeLabels(geospiza) <- ndLbl
+## but use.names puts them in the correct order
+labels(geospiza, "internal", use.names=TRUE) <- ndLbl
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: pkg/man/phylo4d-class.Rd
--- pkg/man/phylo4d-class.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/phylo4d-class.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -8,6 +8,20 @@
\title{phylo4d class}
\description{S4 class for phylogenetic tree and data.}
@@ -42,13 +56,20 @@
\item{names}{\code{signature(x = "phylo4d")}: gives the slots names}
\item{head}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4d")}: show first few
- \item{tail}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4d")}: show last few nodes}
+ \item{tail}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4d")}: show last few
+ \item{hasNodeData}{\code{signature(object = "phylo4d")}: whether
+ tree has internal node data}
+ \item{hasTipData}{TODO}
\S4method{print}{phylo4d}(x, edgeOrder = c("pretty", "real"), printall=TRUE)
+\S4method{tdata}{phylo4d}(x, type=c("tip", "internal", "allnode"),
+label.type=c("row.names", "column"), empty.columns=TRUE, \dots)
+ \S4method{tdata}{phylo4d}(object, type = "tip", \dots) <- value
\item{x}{a phylo4d object}
@@ -56,6 +77,11 @@
\item{edgeOrder}{Character string indicating whether the edges should be printed
as ordered in the tree "real" (e.g. preorder or postorder), or "pretty" printed
with tips collated together}
+ \item{type}{TODO}
+ \item{label.type}{TODO}
+ \item{empty.columns}{TODO}
+ \item{\dots}{TODO}
+ \item{value}{TODO}
\item{printall}{If TRUE all tip labels are printed}
Modified: pkg/man/phylo4d.Rd
--- pkg/man/phylo4d.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/phylo4d.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -142,5 +142,43 @@
(exGeo7 <- phylo4d(trGeo, tip.data=tDt, rownamesAsLabels=FALSE))
(exGeo8 <- phylo4d(trGeo, tip.data=tDt, rownamesAsLabels=FALSE, match.data=FALSE))
+require(ape) ## for rcoal
+## generate a tree and some data
+p3 <- rcoal(5)
+dat <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5), b = rnorm(5), row.names = p3$tip.label)
+dat.defaultnames <- dat
+row.names(dat.defaultnames) <- NULL
+dat.superset <- rbind(dat, rnorm(2))
+dat.subset <- dat[-1, ]
+## create a phylo4 object from a phylo object
+p4 <- as(p3, "phylo4")
+## create phylo4d objects with tip data
+p4d <- phylo4d(p4, dat)
+p4d.sorted <- phylo4d(p4, dat[5:1, ])
+try(p4d.nonames <- phylo4d(p4, dat.defaultnames))
+p4d.nonames <- phylo4d(p4, dat.defaultnames, match.data=FALSE)
+p4d.subset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.subset)
+p4d.subset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.subset)
+try(p4d.superset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.superset))
+p4d.superset <- phylo4d(p4, dat.superset)
+## create phylo4d objects with node data
+nod.dat <- data.frame(a = rnorm(4), b = rnorm(4))
+p4d.nod <- phylo4d(p4, node.data = nod.dat, match.data=FALSE)
+## create phylo4 objects with node and tip data
+p4d.all1 <- phylo4d(p4, node.data = nod.dat, tip.data = dat, match.data=FALSE)
+nodeLabels(p4) <- as.character(sort(nodeId(p4)))
+p4d.all2 <- phylo4d(p4, all.data = rbind(dat, nod.dat, match.data=FALSE))
Modified: pkg/man/phylobase-package.Rd
--- pkg/man/phylobase-package.Rd 2009-08-25 00:03:18 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/man/phylobase-package.Rd 2009-08-25 00:51:06 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@
Depends: \tab methods, grid, ape(>= 2.1)\cr
Suggests: \tab ade4, MASS\cr
License: \tab GPL Version 2 or later\cr
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/phylobase -r 583
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