[Phylobase-commits] r467 - in pkg: . R data inst/doc man tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Aug 18 19:13:40 CEST 2009

Author: pdc
Date: 2009-08-18 19:13:35 +0200 (Tue, 18 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 467

Merge of fm-branch into main, labels are now stored with a more robust internal key

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2009-08-18 16:38:03 UTC (rev 466)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2009-08-18 17:13:35 UTC (rev 467)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: phylobase
 Type: Package
 Title: Base package for phylogenetic structures and comparative data
-Version: 0.4
+Version: 0.4.1
 Date: 2009-04-21
 Depends: methods, grid, ape(>= 2.1)
 Suggests: ade4, MASS, gridBase
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
 Maintainer:  Ben Bolker <bolker at ufl.edu>
 Description: Provides a base S4 class for comparative methods, incorporating one or more trees and trait data
 License: GPL
-Collate: phylo4.R checkdata.R class-multiphylo4.R class-oldclasses.R class-phylo4.R class-phylo4d.R  class-phylomats.R methods-multiphylo4.R methods-oldclasses.R methods-phylo4.R methods-phylo4d.R setAs-Methods.R pdata.R subset.R prune.R treePlot.R identify.R treestruc.R treewalk.R readNexus.R tbind.R zzz.R printphylo-deprecated.R
+Collate: phylo4.R checkData-deprecated.R checkdata.R class-multiphylo4.R class-oldclasses.R class-phylo4.R class-phylo4d.R  class-phylomats.R methods-multiphylo4.R methods-oldclasses.R methods-phylo4.R methods-phylo4d.R setAs-Methods.R pdata.R subset.R prune.R treePlot.R identify.R treestruc.R treewalk.R readNexus.R tbind.R zzz.R printphylo-deprecated.R updatePhylo4.R 
 Encoding: UTF-8
 URL: http://phylobase.R-forge.R-project.org

Modified: pkg/R/checkdata.R
--- pkg/R/checkdata.R	2009-08-18 16:38:03 UTC (rev 466)
+++ pkg/R/checkdata.R	2009-08-18 17:13:35 UTC (rev 467)
@@ -70,6 +70,56 @@
+    ## make sure that nodes and edges have internal names
+    ## and that they match the nodes
+    if(is.null(names(object at tip.label))) {
+        if(length(object at tip.label) == nTips(object)) {
+            stop("It seems that you have an old version of a phylo4 object. ",
+                  "Try to use the function updatePhylo4().")
+        }
+        else
+            stop("Your object doesn't have internal node names and the number of ",
+                 "tip labels doesn't match the number tips.")
+    }
+    else {
+        if(!all(names(object at tip.label) %in%  nodeId(object, "tip")))
+            stop("Internal names for tips don't match tip ID numbers")
+    }
+    if(is.null(names(object at node.label))) {
+        if(length(object at node.label) == nNodes(object)) {
+            stop("It seems that you have an old version of a phylo4 object. ",
+                 "Try to use the function updatePhylo4().")
+        }
+        else
+            stop("Your object doesn't have internal node names and the number of ",
+                 "node labels doesn't match the number nodes.")
+    }
+    else {
+        if(!all(names(object at node.label) %in%  nodeId(object, "internal")))
+            stop("Internal names for tips don't match tip ID numbers")
+    }
+    if(hasEdgeLength(object)) {
+        if(is.null(names(object at edge.length))) {
+            warning("It seems that you have an old version of a phylo4 object. ",
+                    "Try to use the function updatePhylo4().")
+        }
+        else {
+            tEdgLbl <- paste(object at edge[,1], object at edge[,2], sep="-")
+            if(!all(names(object at edge.length) %in% tEdgLbl))
+                stop("There is something wrong with your internal edge length ",
+                     "labels.")
+        }
+    }
+    ## make sure that edgeLength has correct length and is numerical
+    if(hasEdgeLength(object)) {
+        if(length(object at edge.length) != nedges)
+            stop("The number of edge lengths is different from the number of edges.")
+        if(!is.numeric(object at edge.length)) stop("Edge lengths are not numeric.")
+    }
     ## make sure that tip and node labels are unique
     lb <- labels(object, "allnode")
     lb <- lb[nchar(lb) > 0]
@@ -97,320 +147,112 @@
-checkData <- function(object,
-                       label.type=c("row.names","column"),
-                       label.column=1,
-                       use.tip.names=TRUE,
-                       missing.tip.data=c("fail","OK","warn"),
-                       extra.tip.data=c("fail","OK","warn"),
-                       default.tip.names=c("warn","OK","fail"),
-                       use.node.names=FALSE,
-                       missing.node.data=c("OK","warn","fail"),
-                       extra.node.data=c("OK","warn","fail"),
-                       default.node.names=c("warn","OK","fail"),
-                       non.unique.tips=c("warn", "OK", "fail"),
-                       non.unique.nodes=c("warn", "OK", "fail"),
-                       ...)
+formatData <- function(phy, dt, which=c("tip", "internal", "all"),
+                       match.data=TRUE, label.type=c("rownames", "column"),
+                       label.column=1, missing.data=c("fail", "warn", "OK"),
+                       extra.data=c("warn", "OK", "fail")
+                       ) {
-    ## name matching default: use row.names of data frame
+    which <- match.arg(which)
     label.type <- match.arg(label.type)
-    if (identical(label.type, "row.names")) {
-        tip.names <- row.names(object at tip.data)
-        node.names <- row.names(object at node.data)
-    }
-    else {
-        tip.names <- object at tip.data[,label.column]
-        node.names <- object at node.data[,label.column]
-    }
+    stopifnot(label.column %in% 1:ncol(dt))
+    missing.data <- match.arg(missing.data)
+    extra.data <- match.arg(extra.data)
-    ## tip default: use names, require names, must match exactly
-    missing.tip.data <- match.arg(missing.tip.data)
-    extra.tip.data <- match.arg(extra.tip.data)
-    default.tip.names <- match.arg(default.tip.names)
+    nr <- switch(which,
+                 tip = nTips(phy),
+                 internal = nNodes(phy),
+                 all = nTips(phy)+nNodes(phy))
-    ## node default: don't use node names, don't require names, do not need to match exactly
-    missing.node.data <- match.arg(missing.node.data)
-    extra.node.data <- match.arg(extra.node.data)
-    default.node.names <- match.arg(default.node.names)
+    tmpDt <- array(, dim=c(nr, ncol(dt)),
+                   dimnames=list(nodeId(phy, which), colnames(dt)))
+    tmpDt <- data.frame(tmpDt)
-    ## non unique tip default: by default if some tip names are non-unique they
-    ## all get associated the same value and this is done with a warning. Other
-    ## options are: association of data without warning and require uniqueness of tips.
-    non.unique.tips <- match.arg(non.unique.tips)
+    if(match.data) {
+        ## Replace node labels by node numbers
+        ndNames <- switch(label.type,
+                          rownames = rownames(dt),
+                          column = dt[,label.column])
+        ndDt <- lapply(ndNames, function(nd) {
+            if(nchar(gsub("[0-9]", "", nd)) == 0)
+                getNode(phy, as.integer(nd), missing="OK")
+            else getNode(phy, nd, missing="OK")
+        })
+        ndDt <- unlist(ndDt)
-    ## for each set of data, check for names, missing and extra data and take appropriate actions
+        ## Make sure that data are matched to appropriate nodes
+        if(which != "all") {
+            switch(which,
+                   tip = {
+                       if(any(names(ndDt) %in% labels(phy, "internal")))
+                           stop("You are trying to match tip data to internal ",
+                                "nodes. Make sure that your data identifiers ",
+                                "are correct.")
+                   },
+                   internal = {
+                       if(any(names(ndDt) %in% labels(phy, "tip")))
+                           stop("You are trying to match node data to tip ",
+                                "nodes. Make sure that your data identifiers ",
+                                "are correct.")
+                   })
+        }
-    ## tip data checks
-    ## if tip.data exist
-    if (!all(dim(object at tip.data)==0)) {
-        ## if we want to use tip.names
-        if (use.tip.names) {
+        ## Check differences
+        extra <- names(ndDt[is.na(ndDt)])
+        mssng <- nodeId(phy, which)[! nodeId(phy, which) %in% ndDt]
-            ## check for default names
-            if (all(tip.names == 1:length(tip.names))) {
-                ## no tip.names
-                if (default.tip.names == "fail") {
-                    stop("Tip data have default names and may not match tree tip labels. ",
-                         "Consider using the use.tip.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-                else if (default.tip.names == "warn") {
-                    warning("Tip data have default names and may not match tree tip labels. ",
-                            "Consider using the use.tip.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-            }
+        if(length(mssng) > 0 && missing.data != "OK") {
+            msg <- "The following nodes are not found in the dataset: "
-            ## check tip names
-            ## check for missing or extra tip data (relative to tree taxa)
-            if (setequal(tip.names, object at tip.label)) {
-                if(length(tip.names) == nTips(object)) {
-                    ## names are perfect match - ok
-                    return(TRUE)
-                }
-                else {
-                    ## Some tips are non-unique
-                    tipsTable <- table(tipLabels(object))
-                    if(any(nU <- tipsTable > 1)) {
-                        nonUnique <- paste(names(tipsTable[nU]), collapse=", ")
-                        nonUniqueMsg <- paste("Tip \'", nonUnique, "\' not unique", sep = "")
-                        ## TODO - When labels will be matched on node numbers
-                        ## then we will be able to allow non-unique labels
-                        ## if(non.unique.tips == "fail")
-                            stop(nonUniqueMsg)
-                        ## if(non.unique.tips == "warn")
-                            ## warning(nonUniqueMsg)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                ## we know the tree taxa and tip.data taxa are not a perfect match
-                ## if tip.data taxa are subset of tree taxa, check missing.tip.data arg and act accordingly
-                tips.in.rownames <- object at tip.label %in% tip.names
-                rownames.in.tips <- tip.names %in% object at tip.label
-                missing.data.names <- object at tip.label[!tips.in.rownames]
-                missing.data.name.msg <- if (length(missing.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(missing data names: ",
-                          paste(missing.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                extra.data.names <- tip.names[!rownames.in.tips]
-                extra.data.name.msg <- if (length(extra.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(extra data names: ",
-                          paste(extra.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                if (!all(tips.in.rownames)) {
-                    ## we know it's not an exact match - we have missing.tip.data - take action
-                    if (!any(tips.in.rownames)) {
-                        errmsg <- paste("No matches between tip data names and tree tip labels.",
-                                        missing.data.name.msg,extra.data.name.msg)
-                        if (missing.tip.data == "fail") {
-                            stop(errmsg)
-                        }
-                        else if (missing.tip.data == "warn") {
-                            warning(errmsg)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                      {
-                          errmsg <- paste("Tip data names are a subset of tree tip labels",
-                                          missing.data.name.msg,
-                                          extra.data.name.msg)
-                          if (missing.tip.data == "fail") {
-                              stop(errmsg)
-                          }
+            ## provides label if it exists and node number otherwise
+            mssng <- sapply(mssng, function(m) {
+                m <- getNode(phy, m)
+                if (is.na(names(m)) || is.null(names(m)))
+                    m
+                else
+                    names(m)
+            })
-                          else if (missing.tip.data == "warn") {
-                              warning(errmsg)
-                          }
-                      }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                ##if tree taxa are subset of tip.data, check extra.tip arg and act accordingly
-                if (!all(tip.names %in% object at tip.label)) {
-                    ##we know it's not an exact match - we have extra.tip.data - take action
-                    ##fail
-                    errmsg <- paste("Tip data names are a superset of tree tip labels",
-                                    missing.data.name.msg,
-                                    extra.data.name.msg)
-                    if (extra.tip.data == "fail") {
-                        stop(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##warn
-                    else if (extra.tip.data == "warn") {
-                        warning(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                return(TRUE)
-            }
+            msg <- paste(msg, paste(mssng, collapse=", "))
+            switch(missing.data,
+                   warn = warning(msg),
+                   fail = stop(msg))
-        else
-          {
-              ##don't use tip names or attempt to sort - but check to make sure dimensions match
-              if (!(nTips(object)==dim(object at tip.data)[1])) {
-                  stop("Ignoring tip data names. Number of tip data do not match number of tree tips.")
-              }
-          }
-    }
-    ## node data checks
-    ## if node.data exist
-    if (!all(dim(object at node.data)==0)) {
-        ## if we want to use node.names
-        if (use.node.names) {
+        if(length(extra) > 0 && extra.data != "OK") {
+            msg <- "The following names are not found in the tree: "
+            msg <- paste(msg, paste(extra, collapse=", "))
+            switch(extra.data,
+                   warn = warning(msg),
+                   fail = stop(msg))
-            ## check for default names
-            if (all(node.names == 1:length(node.names))
-                || all(node.names == (nTips(object)+1):nEdges(object))) {
-                ## no node.names
-                if (default.node.names == "fail") {
-                    stop("Node data have default names and may not match tree node labels. ",
-                         "Consider using the use.node.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-                else if (default.node.names == "warn") {
-                    warning("Node data have default names and may not match tree node labels. ",
-                            "Consider using the use.node.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-            }
-            ## check node names
-            ## check for missing or extra node data (relative to tree taxa)
-            if (setequal(node.names, object at node.label)) {
-                if(length(node.names) == nNodes(object)) {
-                    ## names are perfect match - ok
-                    return(TRUE)
-                }
-                else {
-                    ## Some nodes are non-unique
-                    nodesTable <- table(nodeLabels(object))
-                    if(any(nU <- nodesTable > 1)) {
-                        nonUnique <- paste(names(nodesTable[nU]), collapse=", ")
-                        nonUniqueMsg <- paste("Node \'", nonUnique, "\' not unique", sep = "")
-                        ## TODO - When labels will be matched on node numbers
-                        ## then we will be able to allow non-unique labels
-                        ## if(non.unique.nodes == "fail")
-                            stop(nonUniqueMsg)
-                        ## if(non.unique.nodes == "warn")
-                            warning(nonUniqueMsg)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                ## we know the tree taxa and node.data taxa are not a perfect match
-                ## if node.data taxa are subset of tree taxa, check missing.node.data arg and act accordingly
-                nodes.in.rownames <- object at node.label %in% node.names
-                rownames.in.nodes <- node.names %in% object at node.label
-                missing.data.names <- object at node.label[!nodes.in.rownames]
-                missing.data.name.msg <- if (length(missing.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(missing data names: ",
-                          paste(missing.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                extra.data.names <- node.names[!rownames.in.nodes]
-                extra.data.name.msg <- if (length(extra.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(extra data names: ",
-                          paste(extra.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                if (!all(nodes.in.rownames)) {
-                    ## we know it's not an exact match - we have missing.node.data - take action
-                    if (!any(nodes.in.rownames)) {
-                        errmsg <- paste("No matches between node data names and tree node labels.",
-                                        missing.data.name.msg,extra.data.name.msg)
-                        if (missing.node.data == "fail") {
-                            stop(errmsg)
-                        }
-                        else if (missing.node.data == "warn") {
-                            warning(errmsg)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                      {
-                          errmsg <- paste("Node data names are a subset of tree node labels",
-                                          missing.data.name.msg,
-                                          extra.data.name.msg)
-                          if (missing.node.data == "fail") {
-                              stop(errmsg)
-                          }
-                          else if (missing.node.data == "warn") {
-                              warning(errmsg)
-                          }
-                      }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                ##if tree taxa are subset of node.data, check extra.node arg and act accordingly
-                if (!all(node.names %in% object at node.label)) {
-                    ##we know it's not an exact match - we have extra.node.data - take action
-                    ##fail
-                    errmsg <- paste("Node data names are a superset of tree node labels",
-                                    missing.data.name.msg,
-                                    extra.data.name.msg)
-                    if (extra.node.data == "fail") {
-                        stop(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##warn
-                    else if (extra.node.data == "warn") {
-                        warning(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                return(TRUE)
-            }
-        else
-          {
-              ##don't use node names or attempt to sort - but check to make sure dimensions match
-              if (!(nNodes(object)==dim(object at node.data)[1])) {
-                  stop("Ignoring node data names. Number of node data do not match number of tree nodes.")
-              }
-          }
+        ## Format data to have correct dimensions
+        dt <- dt[!is.na(ndDt) ,, drop=FALSE]
+        rownames(dt) <- ndDt[!is.na(ndDt)]
+        if(label.type == "column") dt <- dt[, -label.column]
+        tmpDt[match(rownames(dt), rownames(tmpDt)), ] <- dt
-attachData <- function(object,
-                        label.type=c("row.names","column"),
-                        label.column=1,
-                        use.tip.names=TRUE,
-                        use.node.names=FALSE,
-                        ...)
-    ## assumes data have already been checked by checkData!
-    ## name matching default: use row.names of data frame
-    label.type = match.arg(label.type)
-    if (identical(label.type, "row.names")) {
-        tip.names <- row.names(object at tip.data)
-        node.names <- row.names(object at node.data)
-    }
     else {
-        tip.names <- object at tip.data[,label.column]
-        node.names <- object at node.data[,label.column]
-    }
+        ## Remove rownames in data provided
+        rownames(dt) <- NULL
-    ## for each set of data, take appropriate actions
-    ## tip data operations:
-    ## if tip.data exist
-    if (!all(dim(object at tip.data)==0)) {
-        ## if we want to use tip.names
-        if (use.tip.names) {
-            object at tip.data <- object at tip.data[match(object at tip.label,tip.names),,drop=FALSE]
+        ## Check differences between dataset and tree
+        diffNr <- nrow(dt) - nr
+        if(diffNr > 0 && extra.data != "OK") {
+            msg <- paste("There are", diffNr, "extra rows.")
+            switch(extra.data,
+                   warn = warning(msg),
+                   fail = stop(msg))
-        #tip.names <- object at tip.label
-    }
-    ## node data operations
-    if (!all(dim(object at node.data)==0)) {
-        ## if we want to use tip.names
-        if (use.node.names) {
-            object at node.data <- object at node.data[match(object at node.label,node.names),,drop=FALSE]
+        if(diffNr < 0 && missing.data != "OK") {
+            msg <- paste("There are", abs(diffNr), "missing rows.")
+            switch(missing.data,
+                   warn = warning(msg),
+                   fail = stop(msg))
-        #node.names <- object at node.label
+        tmpDt <- dt[1:min(nrow(dt), nr) ,, drop = FALSE]
-    return(object)
+    tmpDt

Modified: pkg/R/class-phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/class-phylo4.R	2009-08-18 16:38:03 UTC (rev 466)
+++ pkg/R/class-phylo4.R	2009-08-18 17:13:35 UTC (rev 467)
@@ -19,6 +19,79 @@
          validity = checkPhylo4)
+## Labels constructor
+.createLabels <- function(value, ntips, nnodes, use.names = TRUE,
+                          which = c("tip", "internal", "allnode")) {
+    which <- match.arg(which)
+    ## set up final length of object to return
+    lgthRes <- switch(which, tip=ntips, internal=nnodes, allnode=ntips+nnodes)
+    ## create NA character vector of node labels
+    res <- character(lgthRes)
+    is.na(res) <- TRUE
+    ## create internal names
+    names(res) <- switch(which,
+                         tip = 1:ntips,
+                         internal = seq(from=ntips+1, length=lgthRes),
+                         allnode = 1:(ntips+nnodes))
+    ## if no values are provided
+    if(missing(value) || is.null(value) || all(is.na(value))) {
+        ## tip labels can't be NULL
+        if(!identical(which, "internal")) {
+            tipLbl <- .genlab("T", ntips)
+            res[1:ntips] <- tipLbl
+        }
+    }
+    ## if labels are provided
+    else {
+        ## check that lengths match
+        if(length(value) != lgthRes)
+            stop("Number of labels does not match number of nodes.")
+        ## check if vector 'value' has name, and if so match with node.label names
+        if(use.names && !is.null(names(value))) {
+            if(!all(names(value) %in% names(res)))
+                stop("Names provided don't match internal labels names.")
+            res[match(names(value), names(res))] <- value
+        }
+        else
+            res[1:lgthRes] <- value
+    }
+    res
+.createEdge <- function(value, edgeMat, type=c("lengths", "labels"), use.names=TRUE) {
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    lgthRes <- nrow(edgeMat)
+    res <- switch(type, lengths=numeric(lgthRes), labels=character(lgthRes))
+    is.na(res) <- TRUE
+    names(res) <- paste(edgeMat[,1], edgeMat[,2], sep="-")
+    if(!(missing(value) || is.null(value) || all(is.na(value)))) {
+        if(use.names && !is.null(names(value))) {
+            if(!all(names(value) %in% names(res)))
+                stop("Names provided don't match internal edge labels names.")
+            res[match(names(value), names(res))] <- value
+        }
+        else
+            res[1:lgthRes] <- value
+    }
+    res
 ## phylo4 constructor
@@ -37,59 +110,30 @@
     edge <- x
     mode(edge) <- "integer"
     #if(any(is.na(edge))) stop("NA are not allowed in edge matrix")
-    if(ncol(edge) > 2) warning("the edge matrix has more than two columns")
+    if(ncol(edge) > 2)
+        warning("The edge matrix has more than two columns, ",
+                "only the first two columns are considered.")
     edge <- as.matrix(edge[, 1:2])
     colnames(edge) <- c("ancestor", "descendant")
-    ## edge.length
-    if(!is.null(edge.length)) {
-        if(!is.numeric(edge.length)) stop("edge.length is not numeric")
-        edge.length <- edge.length
-    } else {
-        edge.length <- numeric(0)
-    }
-    if(length(edge.length) > 0) {
-        if(length(edge.length) != nrow(edge))
-            stop("The number of edge lengths is different from the number of edges.")
-        ## FM - 2009-04-19
-        ## edge.length is named according to the nodes the edge links together
-        ## (ancestor-descendant). This should allow more robust edge/edge.length
-        ## association and limit the problems associated with reordering trees.
-        names(edge.length) <- paste(edge[,1], edge[,2], sep="-")
-    }
-    ## tip.label
+    ## number of tips and number of nodes
     ntips <- sum(tabulate(na.omit(edge[, 1])) == 0)
-    if(is.null(tip.label)) {
-        tip.label <- .genlab("T", ntips)
-    } else {
-        if(length(tip.label) != ntips)
-            stop("the tip labels are not consistent with the number of tips")
-        tip.label <- as.character(tip.label)
-    }
-    names(tip.label) <- seq(along=tip.label)
-    ## node.label for internal nodes
     nnodes <- length(unique(na.omit(c(edge)))) - ntips
-    if(is.null(node.label)) {
-      node.label <- character(0) ## empty node labels
-    }
-    else {
-        if(length(node.label)>0 && length(node.label) != nnodes)
-            stop("number of node labels is not consistent with the number of nodes")
-    }
-    names(node.label) <- seq(from=ntips+1, along=node.label)
+    ## edge.length
+    edge.length <- .createEdge(value=edge.length, edgeMat=edge, type="lengths", use.names=FALSE)
     ## edge.label
-    if(is.null(edge.label)) {
-      edge.label <- character(0)
-    } else if (length(edge.label)>0 && length(edge.label) != nrow(edge))
-      stop("number of edge labels is not consistent with the number of edges")
+    edge.label <- .createEdge(value=edge.label, edgeMat=edge, type="labels", use.names=FALSE)
+    ## tip.label
+    tip.label <- .createLabels(value=tip.label, ntips=ntips, nnodes=nnodes,
+                               which="tip")
+    ## node.label
+    node.label <- .createLabels(node.label, ntips=ntips, nnodes=nnodes,
+                                which="internal")
     ## fill in the result
     res <- new("phylo4")
     res at edge <- edge
@@ -103,7 +147,6 @@
     ## checkPhylo4 will return a character string if object is
     ##  bad, otherwise TRUE
     if (is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(res))) stop(checkval)

Modified: pkg/R/class-phylo4d.R
--- pkg/R/class-phylo4d.R	2009-08-18 16:38:03 UTC (rev 466)
+++ pkg/R/class-phylo4d.R	2009-08-18 17:13:35 UTC (rev 467)
@@ -26,128 +26,193 @@
 ## generic
 setGeneric("phylo4d", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("phylo4d")} )
-## first arg is a phylo4
-setMethod("phylo4d", "phylo4",
-   function(x, tip.data = NULL, node.data = NULL, all.data = NULL,
-            merge.tip.node = TRUE, ...) {
+## Core part that takes care of the data
+.phylo4Data <- function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,
+                        match.data=TRUE, merge.data=TRUE, ...) {
-       classData <- function(someData) {
-           if(!is.null(someData)) {
-               if(is.vector(someData)) someData <- as.data.frame(someData)
-               if(!is.data.frame(someData)) {
-                   nmSomedata <- deparseSubstitute(someData)
-                   return(paste(nmSomeData, "must be a vector or a data frame"))
-               }
-               return(TRUE)
-           }
-           else return(TRUE)
-       }
+    ## Make sure that data provided are a data frame
+    classData <- function(someData) {
+        if(!is.null(someData)) {
+            if(is.vector(someData))
+                someData <- as.data.frame(someData)
+            if(!is.data.frame(someData)) {
+                nmSomeData <- substitute(someData)
+                stop(paste(nmSomeData, "must be a vector or a data frame"))
+            }
+            someData
+        }
+    }
-       if(is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(x))) stop(checkval)
+    ## Check validity of phylo4 object
+    if(is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(x))) stop(checkval)
-       if(is.character(checkClass <- classData(all.data))) stop(checkClass)
-       if(is.character(checkClass <- classData(tip.data))) stop(checkClass)
-       if(is.character(checkClass <- classData(node.data))) stop(checkClass)
+    ## Check/Transform provided data to data.frame
+    all.data <- classData(all.data)
+    tip.data <- classData(tip.data)
+    node.data <- classData(node.data)
-       res <- new("phylo4d")
-       res at edge <- x at edge
-       res at edge.length <- x at edge.length
-       res at Nnode <- x at Nnode
-       res at tip.label <- x at tip.label
-       res at node.label <- x at node.label
-       res at edge.label <- x at edge.label
+    ## Replacing node labels by node numbers and formatting the data to make sure
+    ## they have the correct dimensions
+    if(!is.null(all.data) && all(dim(all.data) > 0))
+        all.data <- formatData(x, all.data, which="all",
+                               match.data=match.data, ...)
-       if(!is.null(all.data)) {
-           tmpData <- all.data
-           if(!is.null(tip.data)) {
-               emptyNodeData <- array(, dim = c(nNodes(x), ncol(tip.data)),
-                                      dimnames = list(nodeLabels(x), colnames(tip.data)))
-               tmpTipData <- rbind(tip.data, emptyNodeData)
-               ## TODO? - have a test on names between
-               tmpTipData <- tmpTipData[match(rownames(all.data), rownames(tmpTipData)) ,, drop = FALSE]
-               tmpData <- cbind(all.data, tmpTipData)
-           }
-           if(!is.null(node.data)) {
-               emptyTipData <- array(, dim = c(nTips(x), ncol(node.data)),
-                                     dimnames = list(tipLabels(x), colnames(node.data)))
-               tmpNodeData <- rbind(emptyTipData, node.data)
-               ## TODO? - add test
-               tmpNodeData <- tmpNodeData[match(rownames(all.data), rownames(tmpNodeData)) ,, drop = FALSE]
-               tmpData <- cbind(tmpData, tmpNodeData)
+    if(!is.null(tip.data) && all(dim(tip.data) > 0))
+        tip.data <- formatData(x, tip.data, which="tip",
+                               match.data=match.data, ...)
-           }
-           if (!hasNodeLabels(x)) stop("can't match node data to labels without node labels")
-           res at tip.data <- tmpData[rownames(tmpData) %in% tipLabels(x) ,, drop = FALSE]
-           res at node.data <- tmpData[rownames(tmpData) %in% nodeLabels(x) ,, drop = FALSE]
-       }
+    if(!is.null(node.data) && all(dim(node.data) > 0))
+        node.data <- formatData(x, node.data, which="internal",
+                                match.data=match.data, ...)
-       else {
-           if((!is.null(tip.data) && (!is.null(node.data)))) {
-               if(identical(colnames(tip.data), colnames(node.data)) &&  merge.tip.node) {
-                   tmpAllData <- rbind(tip.data, node.data)
-                   res at tip.data <- tmpAllData[1:nTips(x) ,, drop = FALSE]
-                   res at node.data <- tmpAllData[-(1:nTips(x)) ,, drop = FALSE]
-               }
-               else {
-                   emptyTipData <- array(, dim = c(nTips(x), ncol(node.data)),
-                                           dimnames = list(tipLabels(x), colnames(node.data)))
-                   emptyNodeData <- array(, dim = c(nNodes(x), ncol(tip.data)),
-                                            dimnames = list(nodeLabels(x), colnames(tip.data)))
-                   tmpTipData <- rbind(tip.data, emptyNodeData)
-                   tmpNodeData <- rbind(emptyTipData, node.data)
-                   tmpData <- cbind(tmpTipData, tmpNodeData)
-                   res at tip.data <- tmpData[1:nTips(x) ,, drop = FALSE]

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/phylobase -r 467

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