[Phylobase-commits] r451 - branches/fm-branch/R

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Sat Aug 1 02:02:23 CEST 2009

Author: pdc
Date: 2009-08-01 02:02:21 +0200 (Sat, 01 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 451

Delete problematically named file

Deleted: branches/fm-branch/R/checkData.R
--- branches/fm-branch/R/checkData.R	2009-07-31 14:49:36 UTC (rev 450)
+++ branches/fm-branch/R/checkData.R	2009-08-01 00:02:21 UTC (rev 451)
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-### Deprecated code, phylo4d constructor now uses formatData
-checkData <- function(object,
-                       label.type=c("row.names","column"),
-                       label.column=1,
-                       use.tip.names=TRUE,
-                       missing.tip.data=c("fail","OK","warn"),
-                       extra.tip.data=c("fail","OK","warn"),
-                       default.tip.names=c("warn","OK","fail"),
-                       use.node.names=FALSE,
-                       missing.node.data=c("OK","warn","fail"),
-                       extra.node.data=c("OK","warn","fail"),
-                       default.node.names=c("warn","OK","fail"),
-                       non.unique.tips=c("warn", "OK", "fail"),
-                       non.unique.nodes=c("warn", "OK", "fail"),
-                       ...)
-    ## name matching default: use row.names of data frame
-    label.type <- match.arg(label.type)
-    if (identical(label.type, "row.names")) {
-        tip.names <- row.names(object at tip.data)
-        node.names <- row.names(object at node.data)
-    }
-    else {
-        tip.names <- object at tip.data[,label.column]
-        node.names <- object at node.data[,label.column]
-    }
-    ## tip default: use names, require names, must match exactly
-    missing.tip.data <- match.arg(missing.tip.data)
-    extra.tip.data <- match.arg(extra.tip.data)
-    default.tip.names <- match.arg(default.tip.names)
-    ## node default: don't use node names, don't require names, do not need to match exactly
-    missing.node.data <- match.arg(missing.node.data)
-    extra.node.data <- match.arg(extra.node.data)
-    default.node.names <- match.arg(default.node.names)
-    ## non unique tip default: by default if some tip names are non-unique they
-    ## all get associated the same value and this is done with a warning. Other
-    ## options are: association of data without warning and require uniqueness of tips.
-    non.unique.tips <- match.arg(non.unique.tips)
-    ## for each set of data, check for names, missing and extra data and take appropriate actions
-    ## tip data checks
-    ## if tip.data exist
-    if (!all(dim(object at tip.data)==0)) {
-        ## if we want to use tip.names
-        if (use.tip.names) {
-            ## check for default names
-            if (all(tip.names == 1:length(tip.names))) {
-                ## no tip.names
-                if (default.tip.names == "fail") {
-                    stop("Tip data have default names and may not match tree tip labels. ",
-                         "Consider using the use.tip.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-                else if (default.tip.names == "warn") {
-                    warning("Tip data have default names and may not match tree tip labels. ",
-                            "Consider using the use.tip.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-            }
-            ## check tip names
-            ## check for missing or extra tip data (relative to tree taxa)
-            if (setequal(tip.names, object at tip.label)) {
-                if(length(tip.names) == nTips(object)) {
-                    ## names are perfect match - ok
-                    return(TRUE)
-                }
-                else {
-                    ## Some tips are non-unique
-                    tipsTable <- table(tipLabels(object))
-                    if(any(nU <- tipsTable > 1)) {
-                        nonUnique <- paste(names(tipsTable[nU]), collapse=", ")
-                        nonUniqueMsg <- paste("Tip \'", nonUnique, "\' not unique", sep = "")
-                        ## TODO - When labels will be matched on node numbers
-                        ## then we will be able to allow non-unique labels
-                        ## if(non.unique.tips == "fail")
-                            stop(nonUniqueMsg)
-                        ## if(non.unique.tips == "warn")
-                            ## warning(nonUniqueMsg)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                ## we know the tree taxa and tip.data taxa are not a perfect match
-                ## if tip.data taxa are subset of tree taxa, check missing.tip.data arg and act accordingly
-                tips.in.rownames <- object at tip.label %in% tip.names
-                rownames.in.tips <- tip.names %in% object at tip.label
-                missing.data.names <- object at tip.label[!tips.in.rownames]
-                missing.data.name.msg <- if (length(missing.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(missing data names: ",
-                          paste(missing.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                extra.data.names <- tip.names[!rownames.in.tips]
-                extra.data.name.msg <- if (length(extra.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(extra data names: ",
-                          paste(extra.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                if (!all(tips.in.rownames)) {
-                    ## we know it's not an exact match - we have missing.tip.data - take action
-                    if (!any(tips.in.rownames)) {
-                        errmsg <- paste("No matches between tip data names and tree tip labels.",
-                                        missing.data.name.msg,extra.data.name.msg)
-                        if (missing.tip.data == "fail") {
-                            stop(errmsg)
-                        }
-                        else if (missing.tip.data == "warn") {
-                            warning(errmsg)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                      {
-                          errmsg <- paste("Tip data names are a subset of tree tip labels",
-                                          missing.data.name.msg,
-                                          extra.data.name.msg)
-                          if (missing.tip.data == "fail") {
-                              stop(errmsg)
-                          }
-                          else if (missing.tip.data == "warn") {
-                              warning(errmsg)
-                          }
-                      }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                ##if tree taxa are subset of tip.data, check extra.tip arg and act accordingly
-                if (!all(tip.names %in% object at tip.label)) {
-                    ##we know it's not an exact match - we have extra.tip.data - take action
-                    ##fail
-                    errmsg <- paste("Tip data names are a superset of tree tip labels",
-                                    missing.data.name.msg,
-                                    extra.data.name.msg)
-                    if (extra.tip.data == "fail") {
-                        stop(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##warn
-                    else if (extra.tip.data == "warn") {
-                        warning(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                return(TRUE)
-            }
-        }
-        else
-          {
-              ##don't use tip names or attempt to sort - but check to make sure dimensions match
-              if (!(nTips(object)==dim(object at tip.data)[1])) {
-                  stop("Ignoring tip data names. Number of tip data do not match number of tree tips.")
-              }
-          }
-    }
-    ## node data checks
-    ## if node.data exist
-    if (!all(dim(object at node.data)==0)) {
-        ## if we want to use node.names
-        if (use.node.names) {
-            ## check for default names
-            if (all(node.names == 1:length(node.names))
-                || all(node.names == (nTips(object)+1):nEdges(object))) {
-                ## no node.names
-                if (default.node.names == "fail") {
-                    stop("Node data have default names and may not match tree node labels. ",
-                         "Consider using the use.node.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-                else if (default.node.names == "warn") {
-                    warning("Node data have default names and may not match tree node labels. ",
-                            "Consider using the use.node.names=FALSE option.")
-                }
-            }
-            ## check node names
-            ## check for missing or extra node data (relative to tree taxa)
-            if (setequal(node.names, object at node.label)) {
-                if(length(node.names) == nNodes(object)) {
-                    ## names are perfect match - ok
-                    return(TRUE)
-                }
-                else {
-                    ## Some nodes are non-unique
-                    nodesTable <- table(nodeLabels(object))
-                    if(any(nU <- nodesTable > 1)) {
-                        nonUnique <- paste(names(nodesTable[nU]), collapse=", ")
-                        nonUniqueMsg <- paste("Node \'", nonUnique, "\' not unique", sep = "")
-                        ## TODO - When labels will be matched on node numbers
-                        ## then we will be able to allow non-unique labels
-                        ## if(non.unique.nodes == "fail")
-                            stop(nonUniqueMsg)
-                        ## if(non.unique.nodes == "warn")
-                            warning(nonUniqueMsg)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                ## we know the tree taxa and node.data taxa are not a perfect match
-                ## if node.data taxa are subset of tree taxa, check missing.node.data arg and act accordingly
-                nodes.in.rownames <- object at node.label %in% node.names
-                rownames.in.nodes <- node.names %in% object at node.label
-                missing.data.names <- object at node.label[!nodes.in.rownames]
-                missing.data.name.msg <- if (length(missing.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(missing data names: ",
-                          paste(missing.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                extra.data.names <- node.names[!rownames.in.nodes]
-                extra.data.name.msg <- if (length(extra.data.names)==0) "" else {
-                    paste("\n(extra data names: ",
-                          paste(extra.data.names,collapse=","),")",sep="")
-                }
-                if (!all(nodes.in.rownames)) {
-                    ## we know it's not an exact match - we have missing.node.data - take action
-                    if (!any(nodes.in.rownames)) {
-                        errmsg <- paste("No matches between node data names and tree node labels.",
-                                        missing.data.name.msg,extra.data.name.msg)
-                        if (missing.node.data == "fail") {
-                            stop(errmsg)
-                        }
-                        else if (missing.node.data == "warn") {
-                            warning(errmsg)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                      {
-                          errmsg <- paste("Node data names are a subset of tree node labels",
-                                          missing.data.name.msg,
-                                          extra.data.name.msg)
-                          if (missing.node.data == "fail") {
-                              stop(errmsg)
-                          }
-                          else if (missing.node.data == "warn") {
-                              warning(errmsg)
-                          }
-                      }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                ##if tree taxa are subset of node.data, check extra.node arg and act accordingly
-                if (!all(node.names %in% object at node.label)) {
-                    ##we know it's not an exact match - we have extra.node.data - take action
-                    ##fail
-                    errmsg <- paste("Node data names are a superset of tree node labels",
-                                    missing.data.name.msg,
-                                    extra.data.name.msg)
-                    if (extra.node.data == "fail") {
-                        stop(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##warn
-                    else if (extra.node.data == "warn") {
-                        warning(errmsg)
-                    }
-                    ##else ok
-                }
-                return(TRUE)
-            }
-        }
-        else
-          {
-              ##don't use node names or attempt to sort - but check to make sure dimensions match
-              if (!(nNodes(object)==dim(object at node.data)[1])) {
-                  stop("Ignoring node data names. Number of node data do not match number of tree nodes.")
-              }
-          }
-    }

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