[Phylobase-commits] r146 - pkg/misc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Mar 8 00:59:14 CET 2008

Author: pdc
Date: 2008-03-08 00:59:14 +0100 (Sat, 08 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 146

Remove obsolete file

Deleted: pkg/misc/phylo4.R.mb
--- pkg/misc/phylo4.R.mb	2008-03-07 23:58:29 UTC (rev 145)
+++ pkg/misc/phylo4.R.mb	2008-03-07 23:59:14 UTC (rev 146)
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-## setOldClass("multi.tree")
-         representation(edge="matrix",
-                        edge.length="numeric",
-                        Nnode="integer",
-                        node.label="character",
-                        tip.label="character",
-                        edge.label="character",
-                        root.edge="integer"),
-         prototype=list(edge=matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2),
-           edge.length=numeric(0),
-           Nnode=as.integer(0),
-           tip.label=character(0),
-           node.label=as.character(0),
-           edge.label=as.character(0),
-           ## check?
-           ##           node.label = as.character(1:Nnode),
-           root.edge=as.integer(NA)),
-         validity=check_phylo4)
-## accessor functions for all internal bits
-nTips <- function(x,...)  { }  ## mask ape::nTips
-setGeneric("nTips", function(x,...) {
-  standardGeneric("nTips")
-setMethod("nTips","phylo4", function(x,...) {
-  length(x at tip.label)
-## rm(nTips)
-## hack to ensure ape compatibility
-setMethod("nTips","ANY", function(x) {
-  if (class(x)=="phylo") {
-    Ntip(x)
-  } else stop(paste("no 'nTips' method available for",
-                    deparse(substitute(x)),
-                    "(class",class(x),")"))
-setGeneric("nNodes", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("nNodes")
-setMethod("nNodes","phylo4", function(x) {
-  x at Nnode
-setGeneric("nEdges", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("nEdges")
-setMethod("nEdges","phylo4", function(x) {
-  nrow(x at edge)
-setGeneric("edges", function(x,order,...) {
-  standardGeneric("edges")
-setMethod("edges","phylo4", function(x,order,...) {
-  x at edge
-setGeneric("RootEdge", function(x,order,...) {
-  standardGeneric("RootEdge")
-setMethod("RootEdge","phylo4", function(x,order,...) {
-  x at root.edge
-setGeneric("isRooted", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("isRooted")
-setMethod("isRooted","phylo4", function(x) {
-  # hack to avoid failure on an empty object
-  if(phylo4::nTips(x)==0) return(FALSE)  
-  !is.na(x at root.edge) ||  ## root edge explicitly defined
-  ## HACK: make sure we find the right "nTips"
-  tabulate(edges(x)[, 1])[phylo4::nTips(x)+1] <= 2
-  ## root node (first node after last tip) has <= 2 descendants
-  ## FIXME (?): fails with empty tree
-setGeneric("hasEdgeLength", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("hasEdgeLength")
-setMethod("hasEdgeLength","phylo4", function(x) {
-  length(x at edge.length)>0
-setGeneric("EdgeLength", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("EdgeLength")
-setMethod("EdgeLength","phylo4", function(x) {
-  if (!hasEdgeLength(x)) NULL else x at edge.length
-setGeneric("hasNodeLabels", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("hasNodeLabels")
-setMethod("hasNodeLabels","phylo4", function(x) {
-  length(x at node.label)>0
-## labels exists already as a generic
-setMethod("labels","phylo4", function(object,...) {
-  object at tip.label
-## labels exists already as a generic
-setGeneric("NodeLabels", function(x) {
-  standardGeneric("NodeLabels")
-setMethod("NodeLabels","phylo4", function(x) {
-  x at node.label
-## hack to allow access with $
-setMethod("$","phylo4",function(x,name) {
-  switch(name,
-         edge.length=if(!hasEdgeLength(x)) NULL else x at edge.length,
-         node.label=if(!hasNodeLabels(x)) NULL else x at node.label,
-         root.edge=if(is.na(x at root.edge)) NULL else x at root.edge,
-         attr(x,name))
-printphylo <- function (x,printlen=6,...) {
-    printlen <- max(1,printlen)
-    nb.tip <- length(x$tip.label)
-    nb.node <- x$Nnode
-    nb.edge <- length(x$edge.label)
-    cat(paste("\nPhylogenetic tree with", nb.tip, "tips and", 
-        nb.node, "internal nodes\n"))
-    # print tip labels
-    cat("\nTip labels:\n")
-    if (nb.tip > printlen) {
-        cat(paste("\t", paste(x$tip.label[1:printlen], collapse = ", "), 
-                  ", ...\n", sep = ""))
-    } else print(x$tip.label)
-    # print node labels
-    cat("\nNode labels:\n")
-    if (nb.node > printlen) {
-        cat(paste("\t", paste(x$node.label[1:printlen], collapse = ", "), 
-                  ", ...\n", sep = ""))
-    } else print(x$node.label)
-    # print edge labels
-    cat("\nEdge labels:\n")
-    if (nb.edge > printlen) {
-        cat(paste("\t", paste(x$edge.label[1:printlen], collapse = ", "), 
-                  ", ...\n", sep = ""))
-    } else print(x$edge.label)
-    # slots
-    cat("\nSlots:\n")
-    cat(paste("@", names(x)[1:4], sep=""),sep="\t")
-    cat("\n")
-    cat(paste("@", names(x)[5:7], sep=""),sep="\t")
-    cat("\n")
-    rlab <- if (isRooted(x)) "Rooted"  else "Unrooted"
-    cat("\n", rlab, "; ", sep = "")
-    blen <- if (hasEdgeLength(x))
-        "no branch lengths"
-    else "includes branch lengths"
-    cat(blen, "\n\n", sep = "")
-## hack for print/show 
-## from http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e2/devel/06/12/1363.html
-setMethod("print", "phylo4", printphylo)
-setMethod("show", "phylo4", function(object) printphylo(object))
-# summary phylo4
-## have to check that x$root.edge is NULL if missing
-setMethod("summary","phylo4", function (object, quiet=FALSE)
-          {
-            x <- object
-            res <- list()
-            # build the result object
-            res$name <- deparse(substitute(object, sys.frame(-1)))
-            res$nb.tips <- length(x$tip.label)
-            res$nb.nodes <- x$Nnode
-            if(!is.null(x$edge.length)){
-              res$mean.el <- mean(x$edge.length, na.rm=TRUE)
-              res$var.el <- var(x$edge.length, na.rm=TRUE)
-              res$sumry.el <- summary(x$edge.length)[-4]
-            } else {
-              res$mean.el <- NULL
-              res$var.el <- NULL
-              res$sumry.el <- NULL
-            }
-            #TODO: polytomies
-            # I'll finish this - Tibo
-            # model info
-            res$loglik <- attr(x, "loglik")
-            res$para <- attr(x, "para")
-            res$xi <- attr(x, "xi")
-            # if quiet, stop here                                        
-            if(quiet) return(invisible(res))
-            if(!is.null(x$root.edge)){
-              cat("  Root edge:", x$root.edge, "\n")
-            } else {
-              cat("  No root edge.\n")
-            }
-            # now, print to screen is !quiet
-            cat("\n Phylogenetic tree :", res$name, "\n\n")
-            cat(" Number of tips    :", res$nb.tips, "\n")
-            cat(" Number of nodes   :", res$nb.nodes, "\n")
-            # cat("  ")
-            if(is.null(x$edge.length)) {
-              cat(" Branch lengths      : No branch lengths.\n")
-            } else {
-              cat(" Branch lengths:\n")
-              cat("        mean         :", res$mean.el, "\n")
-              cat("        variance     :", res$var.el, "\n")
-              cat("        distribution :\n")
-              print(res$sumry.el)
-            }
-            if (!is.null(attr(x, "loglik"))) {
-              cat("Phylogeny estimated by maximum likelihood.\n")
-              cat("  log-likelihood:", attr(x, "loglik"), "\n\n")
-              npart <- length(attr(x, "para"))
-              for (i in 1:npart) {
-                cat("partition ", i, ":\n", sep = "")
-                print(attr(x, "para")[[i]])
-                if (i == 1)
-                  next
-                else cat("  contrast parameter (xi):", attr(x,"xi")[i - 1], "\n")
-              }
-            }
-            return(invisible(res))
-          } # end summary phylo4
-          ) # end setMethod summary phylo4
-## S3 generic for conversion to S4
-## as.phylo4 <- function (x, ...) 
-## {
-##     if (class(x) == "phylo4") 
-##       return(x)
-##     UseMethod("as.phylo4")
-##   }
-## extensions
-## phylo4d class
-## extend: phylo with data
-         representation(tip.data="data.frame",
-                        node.data="data.frame",
-                        root.data="data.frame"),
-##                        edgedata="data.frame"),
-         prototype = list( tip.data = data.frame(NULL),
-           node.data = data.frame(NULL),
-           root.data = data.frame(NULL) ),           
-           ##all.data = data.frame(NULL) ),
-         validity = function(object) {
-           ## FIXME: finish this by intercepting FALSE, char string, etc.
-           check1 <- check_data(object)
-           check2 <- check_phylo4(object)         # Added root.data but not checked 
-         },                                       # col names etc. are not checked either
-         contains="phylo4")
-setGeneric("tdata", function(x,...) {
-  standardGeneric("tdata")
-setMethod("tdata","phylo4d", function(x,which=c("tip","node","allnode"),...) {
-  which <- match.arg(which)
-  if (which=="allnode") {
-    namesmatch <- all(colnames(x at tip.data)==colnames(x at node.data))
-    classmatch <- all(sapply(x at tip.data,class)==sapply(x at node.data,class))
-    if (!(classmatch && namesmatch)) stop("Node and tip columns do not match, access tip and node data separately")
-  }
-  switch(which,tip=x at tip.data,node=x at node.data,
-         allnode=rbind(x at tip.data,x at node.data))
-  ##         edge=x at edgedata)
-# setMethod("summary", "phylo4d", function(object){
-#   x <- object
-#   tdata(x, "tip") -> tips
-#   tdata(x, "allnode") -> allnodes
-#   cat("Phylogenetic tree with", phylo4::nTips(x), " species and", nNodes(x), "internal nodes\n\n")
-#   cat("  Tree plus data object of type:", class(x), "\n")
-#   cat("  Species Names                :", labels(x), "\n")
-#   if (hasEdgeLength(x)){ 
-#     cat("  Has Branch Lengths (first 10):", EdgeLength(x)[1:min(length(EdgeLength(x)),10)], "\n")
-#   } 
-#   cat("  Rooted                       :", isRooted(x), "\n\n\n")
-#   cat("\nComparative data\n")
-#   if (nrow(tips)>0) 
-#     {
-#       cat("\nTips: data.frame with", phylo4::nTips(x), "species and", ncol(tips), "variables \n")
-#       print(summary(tips))
-#     }
-#   if (nrow(allnodes)>0) 
-#     {
-#       cat("\nNodes: data.frame with", nEdges(x), "species and internal nodes and", ncol(allnodes), "variables \n")                  ## May have to fix once  Node=Edge issue is settled
-#       print(summary(allnodes))
-#     }
-# }) # end summary phylo4d
-## Alternative phylo4d summary method, using phylo4 summary
-## Marguerite Butler & Peter Cowan
-setMethod("summary", "phylo4d", function(object){
- x <- object
- summary(as(object, "phylo4"))
- tdata(object, "tip") -> tips
- tdata(object, "node") -> nodes
-cat("\nComparative data:\n")
-if (nrow(tips) > 0) 
-  cat("\nTips: data.frame with", phylo4::nTips(object), "taxa and", ncol(tips), "variables \n\n")
-  print(summary(tips))
-}else {cat('\nObject contains no tip data.')}
-if (nrow(nodes) > 0) 
-  cat("\nNodes: data.frame with", nNodes(object), "internal nodes and", ncol(nodes), "variables \n\n")                  ## May have to fix once  Node=Edge issue is settled
-  print(summary(nodes))
-} else {cat('\nObject contains no node data.\n')}
-}) # end summary phylo4d
-## extend: phylo with model fit (???)
-## hacked with logLik attribute from ape, but otherwise not done
-         representation(phylolist="list",
-                        tree.names="character",
-                        tip.data="data.frame"),
-         contains="phylo4")
-# show phylo4d
-setMethod("show", "phylo4d", function(object){
-  x <- object
-  cat("\n##Comparative data##\n")
-  #  print tree
-  cat("\n#Tree#\n")
-  printphylo(x)
-  # print traits
-  cat("\n#Traits#\n")
-  cat("\ntip.data: data.frame containing", ncol(tdata(x,"tip")), "traits for", nrow(tdata(x,"tip")),"tips" )
-  cat("\nnode.data: data.frame containing", ncol(tdata(x,"node")), "traits for", nrow(tdata(x,"node")),"nodes" )
-  cat("\n")
-}) # end summary phylo4d
-## ?? setMethod("print", "phylo4", o)
-# names methods
-setMethod("names", signature(x = "phylo4"), function(x){
-  temp <- rev(names(attributes(x)))[-1]
-  return(rev(temp))
-setMethod("names", signature(x = "phylo4d"), function(x){
-  temp <- rev(names(attributes(x)))[-1]
-  return(rev(temp))
-# Function .genlab
-# recursive function to have labels of constant length
-# base = a character string
-# n = number of labels
-.genlab <- function(base, n) {
-  f1 <- function(cha,n){
-    if(nchar(cha)<n){
-      cha <- paste("0",cha,sep="")
-      return(f1(cha,n))
-    } else {return(cha)}
-  }
-  w <- as.character(1:n)
-  max0 <- max(nchar(w))
-  w <- sapply(w, function(cha) f1(cha,max0))
-  return(paste(base,w,sep=""))
-# phylo4 constructor
-# TEST ME . wait for validity check
-phylo4 <- function(edge, edge.length=NULL, tip.label=NULL, node.label=NULL,
-                   edge.label=NULL, root.edge=NULL,...){
-  # edge
-  mode(edge) <- "integer"
-  if(any(is.na(edge))) stop("NA are not allowed in edge matrix")
-  if(ncol(edge)>2) warning("the edge matrix has more than two columns")
-  edge <- as.matrix(edge[,1:2])
-  # edge.length
-  if(!is.null(edge.length)) {
-    if(!is.numeric(edge.length)) stop("edge.length is not numeric")
-    edge.length <- edge.length
-  } else {
-    edge.length <- as.numeric(NULL)
-  }
-  # tip.label
-  ntips <- sum(tabulate(edge[,1]) == 0)
-  if(is.null(tip.label)) {
-    tip.label <- .genlab("T",ntips)
-  } else {
-    if(length(tip.label) != ntips) stop("the tip labels are not consistent with the number of tips")
-    tip.label <- as.character(tip.label)
-  } 
-  # node.label
-  nnodes <- sum(tabulate(edge[,1]) > 0)
-  if(is.null(node.label)) {
-    node.label <- .genlab("N",nnodes)
-  } else {
-    if(length(node.label) != nnodes) stop("the node labels are not consistent with the number of nodes")
-  } 
-  # edge.label
-  # an edge is named by the descendant
-   if(is.null(edge.label)) {
-     edge.label <- paste("E", edge[,2], sep="")
-  } else {
-    if(length(edge.label) != nrow(edge)) stop("the edge labels are not consistent with the number of edges")
-     } 
-  # root.edge
-  if(!is.null(root.edge)) {
-    if(!round(root.edge)==root.edge) stop("root.edge must be an integer")
-    root.edge <- as.integer(root.edge)
-    if(root.edge > nrow(edge)) stop("indicated root.edge do not exist")
-  } else {
-    root.edge <- as.integer(NA)
-  }
-  # fill in the result
-  res <- new("phylo4")
-  res at edge <- edge
-  res at edge.length <- edge.length
-  res at Nnode <- nnodes
-  res at tip.label <- tip.label
-  res at node.label <- node.label
-  res at edge.label <- edge.label
-  res at root.edge <- root.edge
-  if(!check_phylo4(res)) stop("Invalid object created")
-  return(res)
-# phylo4d constructor
-# '...' recognized args for data are tipdata and nodedata.
-# other recognized options are those known by the phylo4 constructor
-# generic
-setGeneric("phylo4d", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("phylo4d")} )
-# first arg is a phylo4
-setMethod("phylo4d", c("phylo4"), function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL,  root.data=NULL, ...){
-  if(!check_phylo4(x)) stop("invalid phylo4 object provided in x")
-  res <- new("phylo4d")
-  res at edge <- x at edge
-  res at edge.length <- x at edge.length
-  res at Nnode <- x at Nnode
-  res at tip.label <- x at tip.label
-  res at node.label <- x at node.label
-  res at edge.label <- x at edge.label
-  res at root.edge <- x at root.edge
-  # handle a which argument
-  which.dat <- match.arg(list(...)$"which", c("tip","node","all"))
-  # handle data
-  if(all(is.null(c(tip.data, node.data, all.data)))) stop("no data provided; please use phylo4 class")
-  # convert vector to data.frames
-  if(is.vector(tip.data)) tip.data <- as.data.frame(tip.data)
-  if(is.vector(node.data)) node.data <- as.data.frame(node.data)
-  if(is.vector(all.data)) all.data <- as.data.frame(all.data)
-  if(is.vector(root.data)) root.data <- as.data.frame(root.data)  
-  if(!is.null(all.data)){
-    if(!is.data.frame(all.data)) stop("all.data must be a data.frame")
-    tip.data <- all.data[1:phylo4::nTips(x) , , drop=FALSE]
-    node.data <- all.data[-(1:phylo4::nTips(x)) , , drop=FALSE]
-### does all.data contain the root.data?   
-    # root.data <- all.data[(phylo4::nTips(x))+1, ]
-  }
-  # now at least one data.frame is provided
-  if(is.null(tip.data)) tip.data <- data.frame(NULL)
-  if(is.null(node.data)) node.data <- data.frame(NULL)
-  if(is.null(root.data)) root.data <- data.frame(NULL)
-  if(!is.data.frame(tip.data)) stop("tip.data must be a data.frame")
-  if(!is.data.frame(node.data)) stop("node.data must be a data.frame")
-  if(!is.data.frame(root.data)) stop("root.data must be a data.frame")
-  res at tip.data <- tip.data
-  res at node.data <- node.data
-  res at root.data <- root.data
-  check_data(res, ...)
-  res <- attach_data(res,...)
-  return(res)  
-# first arg is a matrix of edges
-setMethod("phylo4d", c("matrix"), function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL, root.data=NULL, ...){
-  tree <- phylo4(edge=x,...)
-  res <- phylo4d(tree, tip.data, node.data, all.data, root.data, ...)
-  return(res)
-# first arg is a phylo
-setMethod("phylo4d", c("phylo"), function(x, tip.data=NULL, node.data=NULL, all.data=NULL, root.data=NULL, ...){
-  tree <- as(x, "phylo4")
-  res <- phylo4d(tree, tip.data, node.data, all.data, root.data=NULL, ...)
-  return(res)
-# plot.phylo4d MAY NOT WORK. I couldn't make a phylo4d object -- mb
-# if phylo4, plot using ape's plot.phylo function
-plot.phylo4 <- function (tree, ...) {
-	plot.phylo(as(tree, "phylo"), ...)
-	}
-# if phylo4d, plot using plot.dataframe (generic) if plotdata=T else plot.tree
-plot.phylo4d <- function (treedat, plotdata=TRUE, ...) {
-    if (plotdata) {  plot( as(treedat, "data.frame"), ...)}
-    else { plot(as(tree, "phylo"), ...) }
-	}
-setGeneric("plot") { standardGeneric("plot") }
-setMethod("plot", "phylo4", plot.phylo4)
-setMethod("plot", "phylo4d", plot.phylo4d)
-### coercions moved to the end
-## convert from phylo4 to phylo
-      function(from,to) {
-        newobj <- phylo4(from$edge, from$edge.length,
-                         from$tip.label, node.label=from$node.label,
-                         edge.label=from$edge.label, ## ???
-                         root.edge=from$root.edge)
-        attribs = attributes(from)
-        attribs$names <- NULL
-        knownattr <- c("logLik","order","origin","para","xi")
-        known <- names(attribs)[names(attribs) %in% knownattr]
-        unknown <- names(attribs)[!names(attribs) %in% c(knownattr,"class","names")]
-        if (length(unknown)>0) {
-          warning(paste("unknown attributes ignored: ",unknown,collapse=" "))
-        }
-        for (i in known) attr(newobj,i) <- attr(from,i)
-        newobj
-      })
-      function(from,to) {
-        phylo4d(as(from,"phylo4"),tip.data=data.frame())
-      })
-      function(from,to) {
-        newobj <- new("multiPhylo4",
-                      phylolist=lapply(from,as,to="phylo4"),
-                      tree.names=names(from),
-                      tip.data=data.frame())
-      })
-      function(from,to) {
-        y <- lapply(as,from at phylolist,to="phylo")
-        names(y) <- from at tree.names
-        if (nrow(from at tip.data)>0) warning("discarded tip data")
-        class(y) <- "multiPhylo"
-        y
-      })
-      function(from,to) {
-        y <- list(edge=from at edge,
-                  edge.length=from at edge.length,
-                  Nnode=from at Nnode,
-                  tip.label=from at tip.label)
-        class(y) <- "phylo"
-        warning("losing data while coercing phylo4 to phylo")
-        y
-      })
-## coerce phylo4d to phylo4 -- on purpose, so no warning
-extract.tree <- function(from) {
-  phylo4(edge=from at edge,
-         edge.length=from at edge.length,
-         Nnode=from at Nnode,
-         tip.label=from at tip.label)
-      function(from,to) {
-        y <- list(edge=from at edge,
-                  edge.length=from at edge.length,
-                  Nnode=from at Nnode,
-                  tip.label=from at tip.label)
-        class(y) <- "phylo"
-        y
-      })
-## Not tested  phylo4d to data.frame (needed by plot method)
-      from="phylo4d",
-      to="data.frame",
-      def = function (from) {
-        tdata(x, "tip") -> tips
-        tdata(x, "allnode") -> allnodes
-        if (nrow(tips)>0) (tips)
-        else if (nrow(allnodes)>0) (allnodes)  
-      }
-      )

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