[Phylobase-commits] r213 - pkg/R

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Mon Jul 21 20:27:30 CEST 2008

Author: bcomeara
Date: 2008-07-21 20:27:29 +0200 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 213

Fixed tree reading bug by using updated ape code (since the bug appears to be the same one affecting read.nexus in older versions of ape. Also reverted back to the ape way of removing comments rather than the grep-based speedup, since the grep method did not cut out [&R] (meaning rooted trees in Nexus), instead creating a tip with that name

Modified: pkg/R/ReadWithNCL.R
--- pkg/R/ReadWithNCL.R	2008-07-21 07:29:29 UTC (rev 212)
+++ pkg/R/ReadWithNCL.R	2008-07-21 18:27:29 UTC (rev 213)
@@ -76,94 +76,117 @@
 #X is a character vector, each element is one line from a treefile
 #This is based almost entirely on read.nexus from APE (Emmanuel Paradis).
+		X<-unlist(strsplit(unlist(X),c("\n")))
 ## first remove all the comments
-#	print(X)
-#	print(mode(X))
+## BCO took out the "speedier removal of comments" code -- it keeps [&R] as a node label, replaced it with original APE code
 ## speedier removal of comments pc 13 April 2008
-X <- lapply(X, gsub, pattern = "\\[[^\\]]*\\]", replacement = "")
+##X <- lapply(X, gsub, pattern = "\\[[^\\]]*\\]", replacement = "")
-	X<-unlist(strsplit(unlist(X),c("\n")))
-#	print(X)
-#	print(mode(X))
-## Old comment removal code
-    ## LEFT <- grep("\\[", X)
-    ## RIGHT <- grep("\\]", X)
-    ## if (length(LEFT)) {
-    ##     for (i in length(LEFT):1) {
-    ##         if (LEFT[i] == RIGHT[i]) {
-    ##             X[LEFT[i]] <- gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", X[LEFT[i]])
-    ##         } else {
-    ##             X[LEFT[i]] <- gsub("\\[.*", "", X[LEFT[i]])
-    ##             X[RIGHT[i]] <- gsub(".*\\]", "", X[RIGHT[i]])
-    ##             if (LEFT[i] < RIGHT[i] - 1) X <- X[-((LEFT[i] + 1):(RIGHT[i] - 1))]
-    ##         }
-    ##     }
-    ## }
-    X <- gsub("ENDBLOCK;", "END;", X, ignore.case = TRUE)
-    endblock <- grep("END;", X, ignore.case = TRUE)
+    LEFT <- grep("\\[", X)
+    RIGHT <- grep("\\]", X)
+    if (length(LEFT)) { # in case there are no comments at all
+        w <- LEFT == RIGHT
+        if (any(w)) { # in case all comments use at least 2 lines
+            s <- LEFT[w]
+            X[s] <- gsub("\\[[^]]*\\]", "", X[s])
+            ## The above regexp was quite tough to find: it makes
+            ## possible to delete series of comments on the same line:
+            ##       ...[...]xxx[...]...
+            ## without deleting the "xxx". This regexp is in three parts:
+            ##       \\[      [^]]*       \\]
+            ## where [^]]* means "any character, except "]", repeated zero
+            ## or more times" (note that the ']' is not escaped here).
+            ## The previous version was:
+            ##       X[s] <- gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", X[s])
+            ## which deleted the "xxx". (EP  2008-06-24)
+        }
+        w <- !w
+        if (any(w)) {
+            s <- LEFT[w]
+            X[s] <- gsub("\\[.*", "", X[s])
+            sb <- RIGHT[w]
+            X[sb] <- gsub(".*\\]", "", X[sb])
+            if (any(s < sb - 1))
+                X <- X[-unlist(mapply(":", (s + 1), (sb - 1)))]
+        }
+    }
+    endblock <- grep("END;|ENDBLOCK;", X, ignore.case = TRUE)
     semico <- grep(";", X)
     i1 <- grep("BEGIN TREES;", X, ignore.case = TRUE)
     i2 <- grep("TRANSLATE", X, ignore.case = TRUE)
-    translation <- FALSE
-    if (length(i2) == 1) if (i2 > i1) translation <- TRUE
+    translation <- if (length(i2) == 1 && i2 > i1) TRUE else FALSE
     if (translation) {
         end <- semico[semico > i2][1]
-        x <- paste(X[i2:end], sep = "", collapse = "")
-        x <- gsub("TRANSLATE", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
+        x <- X[(i2 + 1):end] # assumes there's a 'new line' after "TRANSLATE"
+        ## x <- gsub("TRANSLATE", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
         x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "[,; \t]"))
-        x <- x[x != ""]
+        x <- x[nzchar(x)]
         TRANS <- matrix(x, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
         TRANS[, 2] <- gsub("['\"]", "", TRANS[, 2])
+        n <- dim(TRANS)[1]
-    ## find the first element in the vector of tree strings which starts with "TREE " or "tree " 
-    start <- grep("^\\W?[Tt][Rr][Ee][Ee]\\W", X)[1]
+    start <-
+        if (translation) semico[semico > i2][1] + 1
+        else semico[semico > i1][1]
     end <- endblock[endblock > i1][1] - 1
-#	print(X)
-#	print(mode(X))
-    tree <- paste(X[start:end], sep = "", collapse = "")
-    tree <- gsub(" ", "", tree)
-    tree <- unlist(strsplit(tree, "[=;]"))
-    tree <- tree[grep("[\\(\\)]", tree)]
-    nb.tree <- length(tree)
-    STRING <- as.list(tree)
-    trees <- list()
-    for (i in 1:nb.tree) {
-        ## TODO tree.build and clado.build are ape functions
-        obj <- if (length(grep(":", STRING[[i]]))) tree.build(STRING[[i]]) else clado.build(STRING[[i]])
+    tree <- X[start:end]
+    rm(X)
+    tree <- gsub("^.*= *", "", tree)
+    semico <- grep(";", tree)
+    Ntree <- length(semico)
+    ## are some trees on several lines?
+    if (any(diff(semico) != 1)) {
+        STRING <- character(Ntree)
+        s <- c(1, semico[-Ntree] + 1)
+        j <- mapply(":", s, semico)
+        for (i in 1:Ntree)
+            STRING[i] <- paste(tree[j[, i]], collapse = "")
+    } else STRING <- tree
+    rm(tree)
+    STRING <- gsub(" ", "", STRING)
+    colon <- grep(":", STRING)
+    if (!length(colon)) {
+    	#TODO: recode clado.build & .treeBuildWithTokens from ape to phylobase
+        trees <- lapply(STRING, clado.build)
+    } else if (length(colon) == Ntree) {
+        trees <-
+            if (translation) lapply(STRING, .treeBuildWithTokens)
+            else lapply(STRING, tree.build)
+    } else {
+        trees <- vector("list", Ntree)
+        trees[colon] <- lapply(STRING[colon], tree.build)
+        nocolon <- (1:Ntree)[!1:Ntree %in% colon]
+        trees[nocolon] <- lapply(STRING[nocolon], clado.build)
         if (translation) {
-            for (j in 1:length(obj$tip.label)) {
-                ind <- which(obj$tip.label[j] == TRANS[, 1])
-                obj$tip.label[j] <- TRANS[ind, 2]
-            }
-            if (!is.null(obj$node.label)) {
-                for (j in 1:length(obj$node.label)) {
-                    ind <- which(obj$node.label[j] == TRANS[, 1])
-                    obj$node.label[j] <- TRANS[ind, 2]
+            for (i in 1:Ntree) {
+                tr <- trees[[i]]
+                for (j in 1:n) {
+                    ind <- which(tr$tip.label[j] == TRANS[, 1])
+                    tr$tip.label[j] <- TRANS[ind, 2]
+                if (!is.null(tr$node.label)) {
+                    for (j in 1:length(tr$node.label)) {
+                        ind <- which(tr$node.label[j] == TRANS[, 1])
+                        tr$node.label[j] <- TRANS[ind, 2]
+                    }
+                }
+                trees[[i]] <- tr
+            translation <- FALSE
-        trees[[i]] <- obj
-## Check here that the root edge is not incorrectly represented
-## in the object of class "phylo" by simply checking that there
-## is a bifurcation at the root (node "-1")
-        if (sum(trees[[i]]$edge[, 1] == "-1") == 1 && dim(trees[[i]]$edge)[1] > 1) {
-            warning("The root edge is apparently not correctly represented\nin your tree: this may be due to an extra pair of\nparentheses in your file; the returned object has been\ncorrected but your file may not be in a valid Newick\nformat")
-            ind <- which(trees[[i]]$edge[, 1] == "-1")
-            trees[[i]]$root.edge <- trees[[i]]$edge.length[ind]
-            trees[[i]]$edge.length <- trees[[i]]$edge.length[-ind]
-            trees[[i]]$edge <- trees[[i]]$edge[-ind, ]
-            for (j in 1:length(trees[[i]]$edge))
-			if (as.numeric(trees[[i]]$edge[j]) < 0)
-			trees[[i]]$edge[j] <- as.character(as.numeric(trees[[i]]$edge[j]) + 1)
-## Check a second time and if there is still a problem...!!!
-            if(sum(trees[[i]]$edge[, 1] == "-1") == 1)
-			stop("There is apparently two root edges in your file: cannot read tree file")
+    }
+    for (i in 1:Ntree) {
+        tr <- trees[[i]]
+        ## Check here that the root edge is not incorrectly represented
+        ## in the object of class "phylo" by simply checking that there
+        ## is a bifurcation at the root
+        if (!translation) n <- length(tr$tip.label)
+        ROOT <- n + 1
+        if (sum(tr$edge[, 1] == ROOT) == 1 && dim(tr$edge)[1] > 1) {
+            stop(paste("There is apparently two root edges in your file: cannot read tree file.\n  Reading NEXUS file aborted at tree no.", i, sep = ""))
-	trees
+    trees
\ No newline at end of file

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