[Phylobase-commits] r131 - in pkg: R man
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Fri Feb 29 14:48:51 CET 2008
Author: jombart
Date: 2008-02-29 14:48:51 +0100 (Fri, 29 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 131
Several fixes to the printing of phylo4/phylo4d objects.
Labels and nodes are now consistent.
Works for rooted / unrooted trees.
Commented the old version of print phylo4d, which was still used.
Several adds to the documentation.
Check ok.
Modified: pkg/R/phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/phylo4.R 2008-02-28 17:41:41 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/R/phylo4.R 2008-02-29 13:48:51 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -277,31 +277,43 @@
## Not sure if it works for unrooted trees
def = function(from) {
+ if (is.character(checkval <- check_phylo4(from))) stop(checkval) # check the phylo4
x <- from
- ancestor <- x at edge[,1]
- node <- x at edge[,2]
+ E <- edges(x) # E: matrix of edges
+ ancestor <- E[,1]
+ node <- E[,2]
root <- unique(ancestor[!ancestor %in% node])
- int.node <- c(root, unique(ancestor[ancestor %in% node]))
+ int.node <- c(root, unique(ancestor[ancestor %in% node])) # internal nodes (root first)
tip <- node[!(node %in% ancestor)]
n.tip <- length(tip)
n.int <- length(int.node)
- node <- c(root, node)
- if (length(ancestor)>0) ancestor <- c(NA, ancestor)
- branch.length <- c(x at root.edge, x at edge.length)
- if (length(branch.length) == 1) branch.length <- rep("", n.tip+n.int)
- if (print.species <- !(is.null(x at node.label) & is.null(x at tip.label)))
- {
- nl <- x at node.label
- if (is.null(nl)) nl <- rep("", n.int) # phylo4 has a node.label for the root?
- tl <- x at tip.label
- if (is.null(tl)) tl <- rep("", n.tip)
- species.name <- c(nl, tl)
- } else species.name <- NULL
- if (length(root)==0) {
+ # node <- c(root, node) # doesn't fit the ordering: root, other internal nodes, tips
+ node <- c(int.node,tip)
+ ## retrieve the ancestor of each node
+ idx <- match(node,E[,2]) # new ordering of the descendents/edges
+ # if (length(ancestor)>0) ancestor <- c(NA, ancestor)
+ ancestor <- E[idx,1]
+ # branch.length <- c(x at root.edge, x at edge.length) # root.edge is not an edge length
+ branch.length <- EdgeLength(x)[idx]
+ # if (length(branch.length) == 1) branch.length <- rep("", n.tip+n.int)
+ if(is.null(EdgeLength(x))) branch.length <- rep(NA, length(node))
+ ## node and tip labels ##
+ ## beware: they cannot be NULL
+ ## there are always tip labels (or check_phylo4 complains)
+ ## there may not be node labels (character(0))
+ if(hasNodeLabels(x)) {
+ nl <- x at node.label
+ } else {
+ nl <- rep(NA,nNodes(x))
+ }
+ tl <- labels(x)
+ taxon.name <- c(nl, tl)
+ if (!isRooted(x)) {
node.type <- c(rep("internal", n.int), rep("tip", n.tip))
} else node.type <- c("root", rep("internal", n.int-1), rep("tip", n.tip))
- return(data.frame(species.name, node, ancestor, branch.length, node.type))
+ return(data.frame(taxon.name, node, ancestor, branch.length, node.type))
printphylo4 <- function(x, printall = TRUE){
@@ -318,7 +330,7 @@
tdata(from, "allnode") -> dat # get data
t_df$order <- rownames(t_df) # save roworder of tree
- merge(t_df, dat, by.x="species.name", by.y="row.names", all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE) -> tdat
+ merge(t_df, dat, by.x="taxon.name", by.y="row.names", all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE) -> tdat
# merged tree, data, but mixed up
order(tdat$order) -> o # ordering to get back original roworder
@@ -521,24 +533,24 @@
-## show phylo4d
+## show phylo4d ### no longer used
-setMethod("show", "phylo4d", function(object){
- x <- object
+## setMethod("show", "phylo4d", function(object){
+## x <- object
- cat("\n##Comparative data##\n")
- ## print tree
- cat("\n#Tree#\n")
- printphylo(x)
+## cat("\n##Comparative data##\n")
+## ## print tree
+## cat("\n#Tree#\n")
+## printphylo(x)
- ## print traits
- cat("\n#Traits#\n")
- cat("\ntip.data: data.frame containing", ncol(tdata(x,"tip")), "traits for", nrow(tdata(x,"tip")),"tips" )
- cat("\nnode.data: data.frame containing", ncol(tdata(x,"node")), "traits for", nrow(tdata(x,"node")),"nodes" )
+## ## print traits
+## cat("\n#Traits#\n")
+## cat("\ntip.data: data.frame containing", ncol(tdata(x,"tip")), "traits for", nrow(tdata(x,"tip")),"tips" )
+## cat("\nnode.data: data.frame containing", ncol(tdata(x,"node")), "traits for", nrow(tdata(x,"node")),"nodes" )
- cat("\n")
-}) # end summary phylo4d
+## cat("\n")
+## })
## ?? setMethod("print", "phylo4", o)
Modified: pkg/man/printphylo4.Rd
--- pkg/man/printphylo4.Rd 2008-02-28 17:41:41 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/man/printphylo4.Rd 2008-02-29 13:48:51 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -13,28 +13,34 @@
This is a user-friendly version of the tree representation, useful for checking that objects were read in completely and translated correctly. The phylogenetic tree is represented as a list of numbered nodes, linked in a particular way through time (or rates of evolutionary change).
-The topology is given by the pattern of links from each node to its ancestor. Also given are the species names, node type (root/internal/tip) and phenotypic data (if any) associated with the node, and the branch length from the node to its ancestor. A list of nodes (descendants) and ancestors is minimally required for a phylo4 object.
+The topology is given by the pattern of links from each node to its ancestor. Also given are the taxon names, node type (root/internal/tip) and phenotypic data (if any) associated with the node, and the branch length from the node to its ancestor. A list of nodes (descendants) and ancestors is minimally required for a phylo4 object.
- A data.frame with a row for each node (descendant).
- \item{species.name}{User-supplied label for the taxon at the node (usually species name). (optional)}
- \item{node}{Node number.}
+ A data.frame with a row for each node (descendant), sorted as
+ follows: root first, then other internal nodes, and finally tips.\cr
+ The returned data.frame has the following columns:\cr
+ \item{taxon.name}{Label for the taxon at the node (usually species name).}
+ \item{node}{Node number, i.e. the number identifying the node in \code{x at edge}.}
\item{ancestor}{Node number of the node's ancestor.}
- \item{branch.length}{The branch length connecting the node to its ancestor. (optional)}
+ \item{branch.length}{The branch length connecting the node to its
+ ancestor (NAs if missing).}
\item{node.type}{"root", "internal", or "tip". (internally generated)}
\item{data}{phenotypic data associated with the nodes, with separate columns for each variable.}
-\author{Marguerite Butler}
+ Marguerite Butler
+ Thibaut Jombart \email{jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr}
\note{This is the default show() method for phylo4, phylo4d. It prints the user-supplied information for building a phylo4 object. For a full description of the phylo4 S4 object and slots, see \code{\link{phylo4}}. }
\seealso{See Also as \code{\link{printphylo}} for an \code{ape}-like version of \code{print()}. }
tree.phylo <- read.tree(text="((a,b),c);")
tree <- as(tree.phylo, "phylo4")
tip.data <- data.frame(size=c(1,2,3), row.names=c("a", "b", "c"))
treedata <- phylo4d(tree, tip.data)
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