[Phylobase-commits] r373 - pkg/misc

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Sat Dec 20 21:16:10 CET 2008

Author: pdc
Date: 2008-12-20 21:16:09 +0100 (Sat, 20 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 373

this will eventually be replaced with tests for the new plotting code

Deleted: pkg/misc/plottest.R
--- pkg/misc/plottest.R	2008-12-20 20:11:10 UTC (rev 372)
+++ pkg/misc/plottest.R	2008-12-20 20:16:09 UTC (rev 373)
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-## plot phylo4d
-#setMethod("plot", signature(x="phylo4d",y="missing"), 
-plottemp <- function(x, treetype=c("phylogram","cladogram"), symbol=c("circles", "squares"), center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, legend=FALSE, grid=TRUE, box=TRUE, show.tip.label=TRUE, show.node.label=TRUE, show.var.label=TRUE, ratio.tree=1/3, font=3, tip.label=x at tip.label, var.label=colnames(x at tip.data), cex.symbol=1, cex.label=par("cex"), cex.legend=1, ...){
-    #### preliminary stuff and checks
-    if(ncol(tdata(x,which="tip")) == 0) stop("no data in this phylo4d object")
-    cex <- par("cex")
-    symbol <- match.arg(symbol)
-    treetype <- match.arg(treetype)
-    ## convert the tree into phylo
-    tre <- suppressWarnings(as(x,"phylo"))
-    tre$node.label <- x at node.label # this should be done by the as(x,"phylo")
-    #### data handling
-    ## retrieve data
-    dat <- tdata(x, which="tip")
-    clas <- lapply(dat,class)
-    isNum <- sapply(clas, function(e) e %in% c("integer","numeric"))
-    ## keep only numeric data
-    dat <- dat[isNum]
-    var.label <- var.label[isNum]
-    ## centring / scaling
-    dat <- as.data.frame(scale(dat,center=center,scale=scale))
-    ## compute bottom margin
-    ## ! use inches as units still these won't be changed by plot.phylo
-    temp <- var.label[which.max(nchar(var.label))] # longest tip label
-    lab.height <- strwidth(temp, units="inches", cex=cex.label) # height required by the longest var label
-    lab.height <- lab.height / par("pin")[1] # returned as a fraction of the plot region
-    #### define plot region
-    plotreg <- plotreg0 <- par("plt")
-    plotreg.width <- plotreg0[2] - plotreg0[1]
-    plotreg.height <- plotreg0[4] - plotreg0[3]
-    plotreg[2] <- plotreg[1] + (ratio.tree)*plotreg.width # restrain the width for phylo
-    plotreg[3] <- plotreg[3] + plotreg.height*ifelse(show.var.label,lab.height+0.05,0.05) ## add internal vertical margins
-    plotreg[4] <- plotreg[4] - plotreg.height*0.05 # add internal vertical margins
-    #### plot the tree
-    par(plt = plotreg)
-    plotres <- plot.phylo(tre, direction="rightwards", show.tip.label=FALSE,
-                          show.node.label=show.node.label, cex=cex.label,
-                          no.margin=FALSE, x.lim=NULL, y.lim=NULL, ...)
-    #### plot the data
-    par(plt=plotreg0)
-    cur.usr.width <- par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1] # beware: par("usr") does not adapt to the new plot region
-    usr.width <- cur.usr.width / ratio.tree
-    usr.height <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]
-    ## x.inset is the space between tree/data and data/tip.labels (in usr units)
-    x.inset <- 0.2*cex.symbol * usr.width / par("pin")[1]
-    y.inset <- 0.2*cex.symbol * usr.height / par("pin")[2]
-    x.base <- plotres$x.lim[2] + x.inset # start plotting from x.base rightwards
-    temp <- x at tip.label[which.max(nchar(x at tip.label))] # longest tip label
-    lab.width <- strwidth(temp, units="user", cex=cex.label) # compute the width to keep for tip labels
-    xrange.data <- c(x.base , (par("usr")[1]+usr.width) - lab.width - 2*x.inset) # plot data within this range
-    if(diff(xrange.data) < (x.inset*ncol(dat))) stop("No room left to plot data; please try reducing ratio.tree or cex.label.")
-    ## define x and y coordinates
-    x.grid <- seq(xrange.data[1],xrange.data[2], length=ncol(dat))
-    if(ncol(dat)==1) {x.grid <- mean(c(xrange.data[1],xrange.data[2]))}
-    y.grid <- seq(plotres$y.lim[1],plotres$y.lim[2],length=plotres$Ntip)
-    temp <- expand.grid(y.grid, x.grid) # here are coordinates for data
-    xy.data <- data.frame(x=temp[,2],y=temp[,1])
-    ## merge data and their coordinates
-    alldat <- cbind.data.frame(xy.data, unlist(dat)) 
-    fac <- factor(rep(1:ncol(dat), rep(nrow(dat),ncol(dat))))
-    alldat <- split(alldat, fac)
-    ## need to "reboot" the plot region without changing coordinates
-    ## seems that box does the job.
-    if(box) {box()} else {box(col="transparent")}
-    if(grid){
-        ## vertical segments
-        segments(x0=x.grid, y0=rep(min(y.grid),plotres$Ntip),
-                 x1=x.grid, y1=rep(max(y.grid),plotres$Ntip), col="grey")
-        ## horizontal segments
-        segments(x0=rep(min(x.grid),plotres$Ntip), y0=y.grid,
-                 x1=rep(max(x.grid),plotres$Ntip), y1=y.grid, col="grey")
-    }
-    ## auxiliary function to plot a single variable
-    ## max size of a symbol is set to 0.2*cex inches
-    ## if changes here, beware to change the 0.15 in x.inset as well
-    plotaux <- function(x,y,var,symbol,cex){
-        if(any(var<0)) {
-            usebw <- TRUE
-        } else {
-            usebw <- FALSE
-        }
-        if(usebw){
-            ispos <- var>0
-            fg.col <- rep("black",length(var))
-            fg.col[ispos] <- "white"
-            bg.col <- rep("white",length(var))
-            bg.col[ispos] <- "black"
-            if(symbol == "squares"){
-                symbols(x=x, y=y, squares=abs(var), inches=0.2*cex, fg=fg.col, bg=bg.col, add=TRUE)
-            } # end squares
-            if(symbol == "circles"){
-                symbols(x=x, y=y, circles=abs(var), inches=0.2*cex, fg=fg.col, bg=bg.col, add=TRUE)
-            } # end circles
-        } else {
-            if(symbol == "squares"){
-                symbols(x=x, y=y, squares=var, inches=0.2*cex, fg="white", bg="black", add=TRUE)
-            } # end squares
-            if(symbol == "circles"){
-                symbols(x=x, y=y, circles=var, inches=0.2*cex, fg="white", bg="black", add=TRUE)
-            } # end circles
-        } # end else
-        if(any(is.na(var))){
-            isNA <- is.na(var)
-            points(x[isNA],y[isNA],pch=4,cex=cex.symbol)
-        }
-    } # end plotaux
-    ## finally plot the data
-    lapply(alldat, function(X) plotaux(X[,1],X[,2],X[,3],symbol,cex.symbol))
-    #### plot labels for variables
-    if(show.var.label) text(x=x.grid, y=rep(min(y.grid)-1.5*y.inset, ncol(dat)), lab=var.label,
-                            adj=1, srt=90, cex=cex.label)
-    #### plot tip labels
-    x.base <- xrange.data[2] + x.inset
-    text(x=rep(x.base,plotres$Ntip), y=1:plotres$Ntip, lab=tip.label, font=font, cex=cex.label, pos=4)
-    #### add a legend for symbols
-    if(legend){
-        leg.var <- alldat[[1]][,3]
-        leg.values <- pretty(leg.var,n=4, min.n=1)
-        temp <- length(leg.values)
-        ## make sure to get maximum 4 symbols
-        if(temp>4) {
-            leg.values <- leg.values[c(1,2,temp-1,temp)]
-        }
-        leg.txt <- as.character(leg.values)
-        ## temp is a matrix with two columns:
-        ## first contains widths of annotations
-        ## second contains maximum width of symbols
-        temp <- cbind(strwidth(leg.txt,units="user",cex=cex.label*cex.legend) , x.inset*2*cex.legend)
-        leg.widths <- apply(temp,1,max)*1.05
-        leg.height <- max(strheight(leg.txt, units="user",cex=cex.label*cex.legend))
-        ## find basic coordinates
-        x.base <- par("usr")[1]+ 0.01*usr.width
-        temp <- lab.height * usr.height / (1 - lab.height) ## need to substract temp from par("usr")[3]
-        y.base <- par("usr")[3] - temp - y.inset ## to get closer the actual par("usr")[3] !
-        ## plot annotations
-        leg.x <- x.base + leg.widths
-        leg.x <- cumsum(leg.x)
-        text(leg.x, y.base, leg.txt, cex=cex.label*cex.legend)
-        ## plot symbols
-        leg.y <- y.base + 2*y.inset*cex.legend
-        leg.y <- rep(leg.y,length(leg.x))
-        plotaux(leg.x, leg.y, leg.values, symbol, cex.symbol*cex.legend)
-        ## FIXME ##
-        ## draw a rectangle around the legend
-        #rect.size <- c(diff(range(leg.x)) , diff(c(y.base, max(leg.y))) )
-        #rect(min(leg.x)- rect.size[1]*0.05,
-        #     min(y.base) - rect.size[2]*0.05,
-        #     max(leg.x) + rect.size[1]*0.05,
-        #     max(y.base) + rect.size[2]*0.05)
-    } ## end legend
-    return(invisible())
-} # end plot phylo4d
-## tests
-obj1 <- obj2 <- obj3 <- phylo4d(as(tree.owls,"phylo4"),data.frame(wing=1:4,color=factor(c("b","w","b","b")), tail=runif(4)*10), use.tip.names=FALSE)
-obj2 at tip.data <- data.frame(d=obj2 at tip.data[,1])
-obj3 at tip.data <- data.frame(obj1 at tip.data,d2=obj2 at tip.data)
-obj4 <- obj1
-obj4$tip.data[2,3] <- NA
-obj4$tip.data[3,2] <- NA
-temp <- as(read.tree(text=mjrochet$tre),"phylo4")
-obj <- phylo4d(x=temp,tip.data=mjrochet$tab)
-testt = "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/laser/data/skinktree.tre"
-t2 = read.tree(testt)

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