[Phylobase-commits] r315 - in pkg: R man
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Fri Dec 19 05:40:06 CET 2008
Author: pdc
Date: 2008-12-19 05:40:06 +0100 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 315
remove legacy plotting code -- preserved in tags/phylobase-0.4
Deleted: pkg/R/plot.R
--- pkg/R/plot.R 2008-12-19 02:13:06 UTC (rev 314)
+++ pkg/R/plot.R 2008-12-19 04:40:06 UTC (rev 315)
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# This is the file where to put graphics
-# Most functions basically are wrappers for ape
-# or ade4 functions
-## plot phylo4
-setMethod("plot",signature(x="phylo4",y="missing"), function(x,...){
- if (is.character(chk <- check_phylo4(x)))
- stop("bad phylo4 object: ",chk)
- if(!require(ape)) stop("the ape package is required")
- x <- as(x, "phylo")
- plot(x, ...)
- return(invisible())
-}) # end plot phylo4
-## plot phylo4d
-setMethod("plot", signature(x="phylo4d",y="missing"), function(x, treetype=c("phylogram","cladogram"), symbol=c("circles", "squares"), center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, legend=TRUE, grid=TRUE, box=TRUE, show.tip.label=TRUE, show.node.label=TRUE, show.var.label=TRUE, ratio.tree=1/3, font=3, tip.label=x at tip.label, var.label=colnames(x at tip.data), cex.symbol=1, cex.label=1, cex.legend=1, coord.legend=NULL, ...)
- {
- ## preliminary stuff and checks
- if (is.character(chk <- check_phylo4(x)))
- stop("bad phylo4d object: ",chk)
- if(!require(ape)) stop("the ape package is required")
- if(cex.label<0.1) {
- show.tip.label <- FALSE
- show.node.label <- FALSE
- show.var.label <- FALSE
- }
- cex <- par("cex")
- symbol <- match.arg(symbol)
- treetype <- match.arg(treetype)
- SYMBSCALE <- 0.2 # i.e. max size of a plotted symbol is 0.2*cex.symbol inches
- ## convert the tree into phylo
- tre <- suppressWarnings(as(x,"phylo"))
- tre$node.label <- x at node.label # this should be done by the as(x,"phylo")
- ## plot only tree if no tip data
- if(ncol(tdata(x,which="tip")) == 0) {
- plot.phylo(tre, type=treetype, direction="rightwards", show.tip.label=show.tip.label,
- show.node.label=show.node.label, cex=cex.label,
- no.margin=FALSE, x.lim=NULL, y.lim=NULL, ...)
- return(invisible())
- }
- #### data handling
- ## retrieve data
- dat <- tdata(x, which="tip")
- clas <- lapply(dat,class)
- isNum <- sapply(clas, function(e) e %in% c("integer","numeric"))
- ## keep only numeric data
- dat <- dat[isNum]
- var.label <- var.label[isNum]
- ## order data like tips
- E <- edges(x)
- tips.ord <- E[,2][!E[,2] %in% E[,1]]
- dat <- dat[tips.ord,,FALSE]
- tip.label <- tip.label[tips.ord] # reorder tip labels
- ## centring / scaling
- dat <- as.data.frame(scale(dat,center=center,scale=scale))
- ## compute bottom margin
- ## ! use inches as units still these won't be changed by plot.phylo
- temp <- var.label[which.max(nchar(var.label))] # longest tip label
- lab.height <- strwidth(temp, units="inches", cex=cex.label) # height required by the longest var label
- lab.height <- lab.height / par("pin")[1] # returned as a fraction of the plot region
- #### define plot region
- plotreg <- plotreg0 <- par("plt")
- plotreg.width <- plotreg0[2] - plotreg0[1]
- plotreg.height <- plotreg0[4] - plotreg0[3]
- plotreg[2] <- plotreg[1] + (ratio.tree)*plotreg.width # restrain the width for phylo
- plotreg[3] <- plotreg[3] + plotreg.height*ifelse(show.var.label,lab.height+0.05,0.05) ## add internal vertical margins
- plotreg[4] <- plotreg[4] - plotreg.height*0.05 # add internal vertical margins
- #### plot the tree
- par(plt = plotreg)
- plotres <- plot.phylo(tre, type=treetype, direction="rightwards", show.tip.label=FALSE,
- show.node.label=show.node.label, cex=cex.label,
- no.margin=FALSE, x.lim=NULL, y.lim=NULL, ...)
- #### plot the data
- par(plt=plotreg0)
- cur.usr.width <- par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1] # beware: par("usr") does not adapt to the new plot region
- usr.width <- cur.usr.width / ratio.tree
- usr.height <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]
- ## x.inset is the space between tree/data and data/tip.labels (in usr units)
- x.inset <- SYMBSCALE * cex.symbol * usr.width / par("pin")[1]
- y.inset <- SYMBSCALE * cex.symbol * usr.height / par("pin")[2]
- x.base <- plotres$x.lim[2] + x.inset # start plotting from x.base rightwards
- temp <- x at tip.label[which.max(nchar(x at tip.label))] # longest tip label
- lab.width <- strwidth(temp, units="user", cex=cex.label) # compute the width to keep for tip labels
- xrange.data <- c(x.base , (par("usr")[1]+usr.width) - lab.width - 2*x.inset) # plot data within this range
- if(diff(xrange.data) < (x.inset*ncol(dat))) stop("No room left to plot data; please try reducing ratio.tree or cex.label.")
- ## define x and y coordinates
- x.grid <- seq(xrange.data[1],xrange.data[2], length=ncol(dat))
- if(ncol(dat)==1) {x.grid <- mean(c(xrange.data[1],xrange.data[2]))}
- y.grid <- seq(plotres$y.lim[1],plotres$y.lim[2],length=plotres$Ntip)
- temp <- expand.grid(y.grid, x.grid) # here are coordinates for data
- xy.data <- data.frame(x=temp[,2],y=temp[,1])
- ## merge data and their coordinates
- alldat <- cbind.data.frame(xy.data, unlist(dat))
- ## fac <- factor(rep(1:ncol(dat), rep(nrow(dat),ncol(dat))))
- ## alldat <- split(alldat, fac)
- ## need to "reboot" the plot region without changing coordinates
- ## seems that box does the job.
- if(box) {box()} else {box(col="transparent")}
- if(grid){
- ## vertical segments
- segments(x0=x.grid, y0=rep(min(y.grid),plotres$Ntip),
- x1=x.grid, y1=rep(max(y.grid),plotres$Ntip), col="grey")
- ## horizontal segments
- segments(x0=rep(min(x.grid),plotres$Ntip), y0=y.grid,
- x1=rep(max(x.grid),plotres$Ntip), y1=y.grid, col="grey")
- }
- ## auxiliary function to plot a single variable
- ## max size of a symbol is set to SYMBSCALE*cex inches
- plotaux <- function(x,y,var,symbol,cex){
- if(any(var[!is.na(var)]<0)) {
- usebw <- TRUE
- } else {
- usebw <- FALSE
- }
- if(usebw){
- ispos <- var>0
- fg.col <- rep("black",length(var))
- fg.col[ispos] <- "white"
- bg.col <- rep("white",length(var))
- bg.col[ispos] <- "black"
- if(symbol == "squares"){
- symbols(x=x, y=y, squares=abs(var), inches=SYMBSCALE*cex, fg=fg.col, bg=bg.col, add=TRUE)
- } # end squares
- if(symbol == "circles"){
- symbols(x=x, y=y, circles=abs(var), inches=SYMBSCALE*cex, fg=fg.col, bg=bg.col, add=TRUE)
- } # end circles
- } else {
- if(symbol == "squares"){
- symbols(x=x, y=y, squares=var, inches=SYMBSCALE*cex, fg="white", bg="black", add=TRUE)
- } # end squares
- if(symbol == "circles"){
- symbols(x=x, y=y, circles=var, inches=SYMBSCALE*cex, fg="white", bg="black", add=TRUE)
- } # end circles
- } # end else
- if(any(is.na(var))){
- isNA <- is.na(var)
- points(x[isNA],y[isNA],pch=4,cex=cex.symbol)
- }
- } # end plotaux
- ## finally plot the data
- ## carefull : all variables must be plotted in as a single vector, so that
- ## scaling is the same for all variables
- ## lapply(alldat, function(X) plotaux(X[,1],X[,2],X[,3],symbol,cex.symbol))
- plotaux(alldat[,1],alldat[,2],alldat[,3],symbol,cex.symbol)
- #### plot labels for variables
- if(show.var.label) text(x=x.grid, y=rep(min(y.grid)-1.5*y.inset, ncol(dat)), lab=var.label,
- adj=1, srt=90, cex=cex.label)
- #### plot tip labels
- if(show.tip.label){
- x.base <- xrange.data[2] + x.inset
- text(x=rep(x.base,plotres$Ntip), y=1:plotres$Ntip, lab=tip.label, font=font, cex=cex.label, pos=4)
- }
- #### add a legend for symbols
- if(legend){
- ## Auxiliary function to add the legend
- ## (x,y): coordinates of the lower-left annotation
- ## z: a numeric vector whose values are being legended
- addLegend <- function(x,y,z,cex.legend,cex.label,cex.symbol){
- z <- z*cex.legend
- leg.values <- pretty(z,n=4, min.n=1)
- temp <- length(leg.values)
- ## make sure to get maximum 4 symbols
- if(temp>4) {
- leg.values <- leg.values[c(1,2,temp-1,temp)]
- }
- leg.txt <- as.character(leg.values)
- ## compute the maximum size taken by symbols in usr coordinates
- usr.w <- (par("usr")[2]-par("usr")[1]) / ratio.tree # because par("usr") is the one of plot.phylo
- usr.h <- par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3]
- sym.w <- usr.w *
- ((abs(leg.values)/max(abs(leg.values))) * SYMBSCALE * cex.symbol * cex.legend) / par("pin")[1]
- sym.h <- usr.h * (SYMBSCALE * cex.symbol * cex.legend) / par("pin")[2]
- ## compute the maximum size taken by annotations in usr coordinates
- ann.w <- strwidth(leg.txt,units="user",cex=cex.label*cex.legend)
- ann.h <- strheight(leg.txt,units="user",cex=cex.label*cex.legend)
- ## retain relevant spaces between symbols / annotations
- space.w.sym <- sapply(1:(length(sym.w)-1),function(i) sum(sym.w[c(i,i+1)]))
- space.w.ann <- sapply(1:(length(ann.w)-1),function(i) sum(ann.w[c(i,i+1)])) / 2
- temp <- cbind(space.w.sym, space.w.ann)
- space.w <- apply(temp,1,max)
- space.w <- space.w + 0.01*usr.w
- space.h <- sym.h + ann.h + 0.01*usr.h
- ## define coordinates of annotations and symbols
- ann.coordX <- c(x, x + cumsum(space.w)) + max(sym.w[1],ann.w[1]) + 0.01*usr.w
- ann.coordY <- y
- sym.coordX <- ann.coordX
- sym.coordY <- y + space.h
- ## plot annotations
- text(ann.coordX, ann.coordY, leg.txt, cex=cex.label*cex.legend)
- ## plot symbols
- plotaux(sym.coordX, sym.coordY, leg.values, symbol, cex.symbol*cex.legend)
- } # end addLegend
- if(!is.null(coord.legend)){
- x.leg <- coord.legend$x
- y.leg <- coord.legend$y
- } else {
- usr.w <- (par("usr")[2]-par("usr")[1]) / ratio.tree
- usr.h <- par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3]
- temp <- lab.height * usr.height / (1 - lab.height) ## need to substract temp from par("usr")[3]
- y.base <- par("usr")[3] - temp - y.inset ## to get closer the actual par("usr")[3] !
- x.leg <- par("usr")[1] + 0.01 * usr.w
- y.leg <- y.base ## remember to use y.base instead of par("usr3")[3], which is wrong
- }
- addLegend(x=x.leg, y=y.leg, z=alldat[,3],
- cex.legend=cex.legend, cex.label=cex.label, cex.symbol=cex.symbol)
- ## FIXME ##
- ## draw a rectangle around the legend
- #rect.size <- c(diff(range(leg.x)) , diff(c(y.base, max(leg.y))) )
- #rect(min(leg.x)- rect.size[1]*0.05,
- # min(y.base) - rect.size[2]*0.05,
- # max(leg.x) + rect.size[1]*0.05,
- # max(y.base) + rect.size[2]*0.05)
- } ## end legend
- return(invisible())
-}) # end plot phylo4d
Deleted: pkg/man/plot.Rd
--- pkg/man/plot.Rd 2008-12-19 02:13:06 UTC (rev 314)
+++ pkg/man/plot.Rd 2008-12-19 04:40:06 UTC (rev 315)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-\name{plot for phylo4 and phylo4d}
-\title{Plot a phylogenetic tree alone or with data}
- These methods display graphics for objects of class \code{phylo4} and
- \linkS4class{phylo4d}.
- Plotting of phylogenies calls \code{plot.phylo} from the \code{ape}
- package.
- \describe{
-\item{x = "phylo4", y = "missing"}{plots a tree of class \linkS4class{phylo4}}
-\item{x = "phylo4d", y = "missing"}{plots a tree with one or more
- quantitative traits contained in a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object.}
- }
- }
- \usage{
-\S4method{plot}{phylo4,missing}(x, \dots)
-\S4method{plot}{phylo4d,missing}(x, treetype=c("phylogram","cladogram"),
- symbol=c("circles", "squares"), center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, legend=TRUE,
- grid=TRUE, box=TRUE, show.tip.label=TRUE, show.node.label=TRUE,
- show.var.label=TRUE, ratio.tree=1/3, font=3, tip.label=x at tip.label,
- var.label=colnames(x at tip.data), cex.symbol=1, cex.label=1,
- cex.legend=1, coord.legend=NULL, \dots)
- \item{x}{an object of class \linkS4class{phylo4} or
- \linkS4class{phylo4d}}
- \item{treetype}{the type of tree to be plotted ("phylogram" or "cladogram")}
- \item{symbol}{the type of symbol used to represent data ("circles" or "squares")}
- \item{center}{a logical stating whether variables should be centred
- (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{scale}{a logical stating whether variables should be scaled
- (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{legend}{a logical stating whether a legend should be added to
- the plot (TRUE) or not (FALSE, default)}
- \item{grid}{a logical stating whether a grid should be added to the plot
- (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{box}{a logical stating whether a box should be added around the plot
- (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{show.tip.label}{a logical stating whether tip labels should be
- printed (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{show.node.label}{a logical stating whether node labels should be
- printed (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{show.var.label}{a logical stating whether labels of variables should be
- printed (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
- \item{ratio.tree}{the proportion of width of the figure occupied by the tree}
- \item{font}{an integer specifying the type of font for the labels: 1
- (plain text), 2 (bold), 3 (italic, default), or 4 (bold italic).}
- \item{tip.label}{a character vector giving the tip labels}
- \item{var.label}{a character vector giving the labels of variables}
- \item{cex.symbol}{a numeric giving the factor scaling the symbols}
- \item{cex.label}{a numeric giving the factor scaling all labels}
- \item{cex.legend}{a numeric giving the factor scaling the legend}
- \item{coord.legend}{an optional list with two components 'x' and 'y'
- indicating the lower-left position of the legend. Can be set to
- \code{locator(1) to position the legend interactively.}}
- \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to plot methods from \code{ape}}
-\seealso{the \linkS4class{phylo4} and \linkS4class{phylo4d} classes;
- \code{\link[pkg:ape]{plot.phylo}} from the \code{ape} package,
- \code{\link[pkg:ade4]{symbols.phylog}},
- \code{\link[pkg:ade4]{table.phylog}} and
- \code{\link[pkg:ade4]{dotchart.phylog}}.}
-\author{Thibaut Jombart \email{jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr}}
-## build data
-obj1 <- obj2 <- obj3 <- phylo4d(as(tree.owls,"phylo4"),data.frame(wing=1:4,color=factor(c("b","w","b","b")), tail=runif(4)*10), use.tip.names=FALSE)
-obj2 at tip.data <- as.data.frame(obj2 at tip.data[,1])
-obj3 at tip.data <- cbind(obj1 at tip.data,obj2 at tip.data)
-obj4 <- obj1
-obj4$tip.data[2,3] <- NA
-obj4$tip.data[1,1] <- NA
-## several plots
-plot(obj2,box=FALSE,symbol="sq",var.lab="My legend for the variable",ratio=.6,center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,leg=TRUE,cex.leg=1.5)
-temp <- as(read.tree(text=mjrochet$tre),"phylo4")
-obj <- phylo4d(x=temp,tip.data=mjrochet$tab)
\ No newline at end of file
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