[Phylobase-commits] r313 - in pkg: . R inst/doc man misc

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Fri Dec 19 03:07:55 CET 2008

Author: pdc
Date: 2008-12-19 03:07:55 +0100 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 313

merge in new plotting function

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-12-19 00:51:34 UTC (rev 312)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 Title: Base package for phylogenetic structures and comparative data
 Version: 0.4
 Date: 2008-07-27
-Depends: methods, ape(>= 2.1)
-Suggests: ade4, MASS
+Depends: methods, grid, ape(>= 2.1)
+Suggests: ade4, MASS, gridBase
 Author: R Hackathon (Ben Bolker, Marguerite Butler, Peter Cowan,  Damien de Vienne, Thibaut Jombart, Steve Kembel, David Orme, Brian O'Meara, Emmanuel Paradis, Derrick Zwickl)
 Maintainer:  Ben Bolker <bolker at ufl.edu>
 Description: Provides a base S4 class for comparative methods, incorporating one or more trees and trait data
 License: GPL
-Collate: phylo4.R checkdata.R class-multiphylo4.R class-oldclasses.R class-phylo4.R class-phylo4d.R  methods-multiphylo4.R methods-phylo4.R methods-phylo4d.R setAs-Methods.R pdata.R subset.R prune.R plot.R identify.R treestruc.R treewalk.R ReadWithNCL.R tbind.R zzz.R 
+Collate: phylo4.R checkdata.R class-multiphylo4.R class-oldclasses.R class-phylo4.R class-phylo4d.R  methods-multiphylo4.R methods-oldclasses.R methods-phylo4.R methods-phylo4d.R setAs-Methods.R pdata.R subset.R prune.R plot.R treePlot.R identify.R treestruc.R treewalk.R ReadWithNCL.R tbind.R zzz.R 
 Encoding: UTF-8
 URL: http://phylobase.R-forge.R-project.org

Modified: pkg/R/identify.R
--- pkg/R/identify.R	2008-12-19 00:51:34 UTC (rev 312)
+++ pkg/R/identify.R	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-## FIXME: warning on install because
-##   "identify.node.R" is read before "phylo4.R"
-##   (class definitions)
            function(x,n=1,...) {
                plot(x, ...)

Copied: pkg/R/methods-oldclasses.R (from rev 312, branches/pdcgsoc/R/methods-oldclasses.R)
--- pkg/R/methods-oldclasses.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/methods-oldclasses.R	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+setMethod("reorder", signature(x = "phylo"), function(x, order = 'cladewise') {
+    x <- reorder.phylo(x,  order)
+    x

Modified: pkg/R/methods-phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/methods-phylo4.R	2008-12-19 00:51:34 UTC (rev 312)
+++ pkg/R/methods-phylo4.R	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -311,3 +311,27 @@
+setMethod("reorder", signature(x = 'phylo4'), function(x, order = 'cladewise') {
+    reorder.prune <- function(edge, tips, root = tips + 1) {
+        ## if(is.null(root)) {
+        ##     root <- tips + 1
+        ## }
+        ## if(root <= tips) {return()}
+        index <- edge[, 1] == root
+        nextr <- edge[index, 2]
+        ## paths <- apply(as.matrix(nextr), 1, reorder, edge = edge, tips = tips)
+        nord <- NULL
+        for(i in nextr) {
+            if(i <= tips) {next()}
+            nord <- c(nord, reorder.prune(edge, tips, root = i))
+        }
+        c(nord, which(index))
+    }
+    if(order == 'pruningwise') {
+        index <- reorder.prune(x at edge, length(x at tip.label))
+    }
+    x at edge        <- x at edge[index, ]
+    x at edge.label  <- x at edge.label[index]
+    x at edge.length <- x at edge.length[index]
+    x

Modified: pkg/R/methods-phylo4d.R
--- pkg/R/methods-phylo4d.R	2008-12-19 00:51:34 UTC (rev 312)
+++ pkg/R/methods-phylo4d.R	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -158,3 +158,28 @@
     temp <- rev(names(attributes(x)))[-1]
+setMethod("reorder", signature(x = 'phylo4d'), function(x, order = 'cladewise') {
+    reorder.prune <- function(edge, tips, root = tips + 1) {
+        ## if(is.null(root)) {
+        ##     root <- tips + 1
+        ## }
+        ## if(root <= tips) {return()}
+        index <- edge[, 1] == root
+        nextr <- edge[index, 2]
+        ## paths <- apply(as.matrix(nextr), 1, reorder, edge = edge, tips = tips)
+        nord <- NULL
+        for(i in nextr) {
+            if(i <= tips) {next()}
+            nord <- c(nord, reorder.prune(edge, tips, root = i))
+        }
+        c(nord, which(index))
+    }
+    if(order == 'pruningwise') {
+        index <- reorder.prune(x at edge, length(x at tip.label))
+    }
+    x at edge        <- x at edge[index, ]
+    x at edge.label  <- x at edge.label[index]
+    x at edge.length <- x at edge.length[index]
+    x

Modified: pkg/R/phylo4.R
--- pkg/R/phylo4.R	2008-12-19 00:51:34 UTC (rev 312)
+++ pkg/R/phylo4.R	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
 ## Function .genlab

Copied: pkg/R/treePlot.R (from rev 312, branches/pdcgsoc/R/treePlot.R)
--- pkg/R/treePlot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/treePlot.R	2008-12-19 02:07:55 UTC (rev 313)
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+`treePlot` <- function(phy, 
+                     type = c('phylogram', 'cladogram', 'fan'), 
+                     show.tip.label = TRUE,
+                     show.node.label = FALSE, 
+                     tip.order = NULL,
+                     plot.data = is(phy, 'phylo4d'),
+                     rot = 0,
+                     tip.plot.fun = 'bubbles',
+                     plot.at.tip = TRUE,
+                     edge.color = 'black', 
+                     node.color = 'black', # TODO what do with node.color parameter
+                     tip.color  = 'black', 
+                     edge.width = 1, # TODO line-type modification hack
+                     newpage = TRUE,
+                     margin = 0.1, # here margin is a precentage of the area
+                     ...
+            )
+    ## TODO three dimensional histogram as example, compute values on full dataset
+    ## then generate phylo4d object with summary data and plot
+    if (!all(is(phy, 'phylo4'), is(phy, 'phylo4d'))) stop('treePlot requires a phylo4 or phylo4d object')
+    if (!isRooted(phy)) stop("treePlot function requires a rooted tree.")
+    width  <- height <- (1 - margin)  ## TODO: do these have to be hard-coded?
+    type   <- match.arg(type)
+    Nedges <- nEdges(phy)
+    Ntips  <- nTips(phy)
+    ## TODO remove the false cladogram option?
+    if(is.null(edgeLength(phy)) || type == 'cladogram') {
+        phy at edge.length <- rep(1, Nedges)
+    }
+    xxyy   <- phyloXXYY(phy, tip.order)
+    phy    <- xxyy$phy
+    tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
+    if(type == 'cladogram') {
+        xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips] <- 1
+    }
+    ## general function for pushing tree subplots
+    pushTree <- function(row, col) {
+            pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = row, 
+                                  layout.pos.col = col,
+                                  name = 'treevp'))
+                tree.plot(xxyy = xxyy, type = type, 
+                    show.tip.label = show.tip.label, 
+                    show.node.label = show.node.label, 
+                    edge.color = edge.color, node.color = node.color,
+                    tip.color = tip.color, edge.width = edge.width, rot = rot)
+            upViewport()
+    }
+    # TODO add symbols at the nodes, allow coloirng and sizing downViewport approach?
+    # TODO cladogram methods incorrect
+    # TODO abstract, make ultrametric? good algorithms for this?
+    # TODO for very long plots, alternative margin setting useful
+    # call plot.new so that gridBase plots work properly
+    # calls to base plot functions need to be cleared w/ par(new = T) which fails
+    # if no plot is present TODO perhpas there's a better solution than calling plot.new
+    ## because we may reoder the tip, we need to update the phy objec
+    if(newpage) grid.newpage()
+    if(!plot.data) {
+        phyplotlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
+        pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                            layout = phyplotlayout, angle = rot,
+                            name = "phyplotlayout"))
+            pushTree(row = 1, col = 1)
+        upViewport()
+        # TODO should return something useful
+        return(invisible())
+    } else {
+        tmin <- min(tdata(phy, which = 'tip'), na.rm = TRUE)
+        tmax <- max(tdata(phy, which = 'tip'), na.rm = TRUE)
+        if(!is.function(tip.plot.fun)) {
+            if(tip.plot.fun == "bubbles") {
+                # use phylobubbles as default
+                if(rot != 0) {stop("Rotation of bubble plots not yet implemented")}
+                dlabwdth <- max(stringWidth(colnames(phy at tip.data))) * 1.2
+                phyplotlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, 
+                    heights = unit.c(unit(1, 'null'), dlabwdth), 
+                    widths = unit(c(1, 1), c('null', 'null'), list(NULL, NULL)))
+                pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                            layout = phyplotlayout, name = 'phyplotlayout'))
+                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1:2, layout.pos.col = 2,
+                            height = unit(1, 'npc') +
+                                            convertUnit(dlabwdth, 'npc'),
+                            name = 'bubbleplots', default.units = 'native'))
+                    bubout <- phylobubbles(xxyy, ...)
+                upViewport()
+                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 1,
+                            name = 'bubblelegend'))
+                    legcir <- seq(bubout$min, bubout$max, length.out = 4)
+                    ## print(convertUnit(bubout$bubscale, 'npc', valueOnly = TRUE))
+                    ## TODO legend currently does not resize properly
+                    legcirS <- legcir * convertUnit(bubout$bubscale, 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE) / bubout$max
+                    ccol <- ifelse(legcirS < 0, 'black', 'white')
+                    legcirS <- unit(legcirS, 'npc')
+                    grid.circle(seq(.2, .8, length.out = length(legcirS)), 0.5, legcirS, gp = gpar(fill = ccol), default.units = 'npc')
+                    grid.text(as.character(signif(legcir, digits = 2)), seq(.2, .8, length.out = length(legcir)), 0.1, gp = gpar(cex = 0.75))
+                upViewport()
+                    pushTree(row = 1, col = 1)
+                upViewport()
+                return(invisible())
+            } else if(tip.plot.fun == "density") {
+                if(!require(gridBase)) {
+                    stop('To plot using base graphics (including the "density"              
+                            plot) you need install the "gridBase" package')
+                }
+                plot.new()
+                tmin <- min(tdata(phy, which = 'tip'), na.rm = TRUE)
+                tmax <- max(tdata(phy, which = 'tip'), na.rm = TRUE)
+                tip.plot.fun <- function(x,tmin,tmax,...) {
+                    # par(omi = c(0,0,0,0))
+                    suppressWarnings(par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE))
+                    if(!all(is.na(x))) {
+                        # hack, set the plotting region to the grid fig region
+                        dens <- density(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+                        plot.density(dens, xlim = c(tmin, tmax), axes = FALSE,      
+                                     mar = c(0,0,0,0), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else { ## if (is.function(tip.plot.fun))
+            ## plot.at.tip <- TRUE
+            if (plot.at.tip) {
+            datalayout <- grid.layout(ncol = 2,
+                                          width = unit(c(1, 1/Ntips), c('null', 'null')) 
+                )
+            # TODO this is done multiple times, 
+            pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                                layout = datalayout, angle = rot,
+                                name = 'datalayout'))
+            pushViewport(viewport(
+                yscale = c(-0.5/Ntips, 1 + 0.5/Ntips), 
+                xscale = c(0, 1 + 1/Ntips), 
+                layout.pos.col = 1, 
+                name = 'data_plots'))
+            ## TODO should plots float at tips, or only along edge?
+            hc <- convertY(unit(1/Ntips, 'snpc'), 'npc')
+            for(i in 1:Ntips) {
+                pushViewport(viewport(
+                    y = xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] == i],
+                    x = 1 + 1/(2 * Ntips), # xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] == i], 
+                    height = hc, 
+                    width = hc, 
+                    # default.units = 'native', 
+                    name = paste('data_plot', i),
+                    just = "center",
+                    angle = -rot
+                    ))
+                    #grid.rect()
+                    vals = t(tdata(phy, which = 'tip')[i, ])
+                    if (!all(is.na(vals))) tip.plot.fun(vals,tmin,tmax,...)
+                upViewport()
+            }
+            pushTree(row = 1, col = 1)
+            upViewport()
+            upViewport()
+        } else { ## plot by data column
+            ## !plot.at.tip
+            ## stop("not implemented yet")
+            nvars <- length(phy at tip.data) ## FIXME
+            datalayout <- grid.layout(ncol = 2)  ## set default widths equal for this kind of plot
+            ## width = unit(c(1, 1/Ntips), c('null', 'null'))
+            # TODO this is done multiple times, 
+            pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                                layout = datalayout, angle = rot,
+                                name = 'datalayout'))
+            pushViewport(viewport(
+                yscale = c(-0.5/Ntips, 1 + 0.5/Ntips), 
+                xscale = c(0, 1 + 1/Ntips), 
+                layout.pos.col = 2, 
+                name = 'data_plots'))
+            ## TODO should plots float at tips, or only along edge?
+            hc <- convertY(unit(1/nvars, 'snpc'), 'npc')
+            for(i in 1:nvars) {
+                pushViewport(viewport(
+                    x = i/nvars,   ## xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] == i],
+                    y =  0.5, ## 1 + 1/(2 * Ntips), # xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] == i], 
+                    height = 1, ## hc, 
+                    width = 1/nvars, ## hc, 
+                    # default.units = 'native', 
+                    name = paste('data_plot', i),
+                    just = "center",
+                    angle = -rot
+                    ))
+                    #grid.rect()
+                    vals = tdata(phy)[,i]
+                    if (!all(is.na(vals))) tip.plot.fun(vals, tmin, tmax, ...)
+                upViewport()
+            }
+            upViewport()
+            pushTree(row = 1, col = 1)
+            upViewport()
+        }
+            return(invisible())
+        } ## if (is.function(tip.plot.fun))
+    }
+tree.plot <- function(xxyy, type, show.tip.label, show.node.label, edge.color, 
+                        node.color, tip.color, edge.width, rot) 
+    # TODO switch to phylobase abstractions
+    phy <- xxyy$phy
+    Nedges   <- nEdges(phy)
+    Ntips    <- nTips(phy)
+    tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
+    eindex <- match(phy at edge[,2], xxyy$phy.orig at edge[,2])
+    segs <- segs(XXYY = xxyy)
+    ## TODO check that colors are valid?
+    if(length(edge.color) != Nedges) {
+        edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedges)
+    }
+    edge.color <- edge.color[eindex]
+    if(length(edge.width) != Nedges) {
+        edge.width <- rep(edge.width, length.out = Nedges)
+    }
+    edge.width <- edge.width[eindex]
+    ## TODO check that colors are valid?
+    nindex <- sort(eindex[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], index.return = TRUE)$ix
+    if(length(node.color) != length(nindex)) {
+        node.color <- rep(node.color, length.out = length(nindex))
+    }
+    node.color <- node.color[nindex]
+    if(show.tip.label) {
+        ## calculate several lab dimesisions
+        ## labw    -- a vector of string widths
+        ## adjlabw -- the max width for adjusting the size of viewports
+        ## laboff  -- a vector of half string widths for 
+        ## offsetting center justified labels, handy for vp rotation 
+        labw    <- stringWidth(phy at tip.label)
+        adjlabw <- max(labw) + unit(0.02, 'npc')
+        ## print(foo <<- adjlabw)
+        laboff  <- labw * 0.5
+        treelayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 2,
+            widths = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), convertUnit(adjlabw, 'inches'))
+            )
+        tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
+        if(length(tip.color) != Ntips) {
+            tip.color <- rep(tip.color, length.out = Ntips)
+        }
+        # keep labels horizontal unless plot is upwards or downwards
+        lrot <- ifelse(rot %% 360 %in% c(90, 270), 0, -rot)
+    } else {
+        treelayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
+    }
+    # grid.show.layout(treelayout)
+    pushViewport(viewport(
+        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, 
+        width = 1, height = 1, 
+        layout = treelayout, name = 'treelayout'))
+    pushViewport(viewport(
+        layout.pos.col = 1, 
+        name = 'tree'))
+    if (type == "fan") {
+        dseg <- grid.segments( # draws diag lines
+            x0 = segs$v0x, y0 = segs$v0y, 
+            x1 = segs$h1x, y1 = segs$h1y, 
+            name = "diag", gp = gpar(col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width))     
+    } else {
+        vseg <- grid.segments( # draws vertical lines
+            x0 = segs$v0x, y0 = segs$v0y, 
+            x1 = segs$v1x, y1 = segs$v1y, 
+            name = "vert", gp = gpar(col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width)) 
+        hseg <- grid.segments( # draws horizontal lines
+            x0 = segs$h0x, y0 = segs$h0y, 
+            x1 = segs$h1x, y1 = segs$h1y, 
+            name = "horz", gp = gpar(col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width))
+    }
+    upViewport()
+    if(show.tip.label) {
+        pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 2,
+            name = 'tiplabelvp'))
+        labtext <- grid.text(
+            phy at tip.label[tindex], 
+            x = convertUnit(laboff[tindex], 'native', valueOnly = TRUE) + 0.02,
+            y = xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] %in% tindex], rot = lrot,
+            default.units = 'native', name = 'tiplabels',
+            just = 'center', gp = gpar(col = tip.color[tindex])
+        )
+        upViewport()
+    }
+    # TODO probably want to be able to adjust the location of these guys
+    if(show.node.label) {
+        pushViewport(viewport(layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1))
+            rty <- mean(xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 1] == Ntips + 1], name = 'nodelabelvp')
+        labtext <- grid.text(
+            phy at node.label, 
+            x = c(0, xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips][nindex]), 
+            y = c(rty, xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips][nindex]), 
+            default.units = 'npc', name = 'nodelabels', rot = -rot,
+            just = 'center', gp = gpar(col = node.color[nindex])
+        )
+        upViewport()
+    }
+    upViewport()
+    # grobTree(vseg, hseg, labtext)
+phyloXXYY <- function(phy, tip.order = NULL) {
+    ## initalize the output
+    Nedges <- nEdges(phy)
+    phy.orig <- phy
+    Ntips  <- nTips(phy)
+    xxyy = list(
+        yy = rep(NA, Nedges), 
+        xx = numeric(Nedges), 
+        ## record the order that nodes are visited in
+        traverse = NULL) 
+    if(is.null(edgeLength(phy))) {
+        # TODO there should be an abstraction for assigning branch lengths
+        stop('Phylogeny has no branch lengths, cannot calculate x coordinates')
+    }
+    # TODO tip ordering should be dealt with at a higher level
+    # if(!is.null(tip.order)) { 
+    #     yy[which(phy at edge[, 2] == tip.order)] <- seq(
+        ## TODO perhaps we want to use match here?
+        ## 0, 1, length.out = Ntips) 
+    # } else {
+        ## reoder the phylo and assign even y spacing to the tips
+        phy <- reorder(phy, 'pruningwise')
+        xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips] <- seq(
+            0, 1, length.out = Ntips
+        )
+    # }
+    ## a recurvise preorder traversal 
+    ## node  -- initalized to be root, is the starting point for the traversal
+    ## phy   -- the phylogeny
+    ## xxyy  -- the list initalized below that holds the output
+    ## prevx -- the sum of ancestral branch lengths
+    calc.node.xy <- function(node, phy, xxyy, prevx = 0) {
+        ## if node == root node, and there is no root edge set get descendants
+        ## and set index to NULL index is used for indexing output
+        if(any(phy at edge[, 2] == node) == FALSE) {
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == node)
+            index <- NULL
+            ## if root node start at x = 0
+            newx <- 0
+        } else {
+            ## non-root node behavior
+            ## get row in edge matrix corresponding to node, get descendants
+            index <- which(phy at edge[, 2] == node)
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == phy at edge[index, 2])
+            ## non-root node x location 
+            newx <- xxyy$xx[index] <- phy at edge.length[index] + prevx
+            ## if the x value is already set we are at a tip and we return
+            if(!is.na(xxyy$yy[index])) { return(xxyy) }
+        }
+        for(i in phy at edge[decdex, 2]) {
+            ## for each decendant call the function again
+            xxyy <- calc.node.xy(i, phy, xxyy, newx)
+        }
+        if(!is.null(index)) {
+            ## set y value by averaging the decendants
+            xxyy$yy[index] <- mean(xxyy$yy[decdex])
+        }
+        ## TODO performance improvement here? rely on above ordering?
+        ## keep track of the nodes and order we visited them
+        xxyy$traverse <- c(xxyy$traverse, phy at edge[decdex, 2]) 
+        xxyy
+    }
+    ## call function for the first time
+    xxyy <- calc.node.xy(Ntips + 1, phy, xxyy)
+    ## scale the x values
+    xxyy$xx <- xxyy$xx / max(xxyy$xx)
+    # TODO return an index vector instead of a second phy object
+    c(xxyy, phy = list(phy), phy.orig = list(phy.orig))
+segs <- function(XXYY) {
+    phy <- XXYY$phy
+    treelen <- rep(NA, nEdges(phy) + 1)
+    segs <- list(v0x = treelen, v0y = treelen, v1x = treelen, v1y = treelen,
+                 h0x = treelen, h0y = treelen, h1x = treelen, h1y = treelen)
+    troot <- nTips(phy) + 1
+    get.coor <- function(node, segs) {
+        if(any(phy at edge[, 2] == node) == FALSE) {
+            #root
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == node)
+            index <- length(treelen)
+            segs$v0y[index] <- segs$v1y[index] <- NA
+            segs$v0x[index] <- segs$v1x[index] <- NA
+            segs$h0y[index] <- segs$h1y[index] <- NA
+            segs$h0x[index] <- segs$h1x[index] <- NA
+            segs$v0x[decdex] <- segs$v1x[decdex] <- segs$h0x[decdex] <- 0            
+            segs$v0y[decdex] <- mean(XXYY$yy[decdex])            
+        } else {
+            #not root
+            index <- which(phy at edge[, 2] == node)
+            segs$h1x[index] <- XXYY$xx[index]
+            segs$h0y[index] <- segs$h1y[index] <- segs$v1y[index] <- XXYY$yy[index]
+            if(!any(phy at edge[, 1] == node)) {
+                return(segs)
+            }
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == phy at edge[index, 2])
+            segs$v0x[decdex] <- segs$v1x[decdex] <- segs$h0x[decdex] <- XXYY$xx[index]            
+            segs$v0y[decdex] <- mean(XXYY$yy[decdex])           
+        }
+        for(i in phy at edge[decdex, 2]) {
+            segs <- get.coor(i, segs)
+        }
+        segs
+    }
+    get.coor(troot, segs)
+phylobubbles <- function(XXYY, square = FALSE, grid = TRUE) {
+    ## TODO add legend command
+    ## tys   -- tip y coordinates
+    ## nVars -- number of traits/characters
+    ## maxr  -- maximum circle radius, based on nVars or nTips
+    phy <- XXYY$phy
+    # tip y coordinates
+    tys <- XXYY$yy[phy at edge[, 2] <= nTips(phy)]
+    tipdata <- tdata(phy, which = "tip")
+    nVars <- ncol(tipdata) # number of bubble columns
+    maxr <- ifelse(ncol(tipdata) > nTips(phy), 1 / ncol(tipdata), 1 / nTips(phy))
+    tipdata <- apply(tipdata, 2, 
+                    function(x) (maxr * x) / max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE))
+    if(nVars == 1) {
+        xpos <- 0.5
+    } else {
+        xpos <- seq(0 + maxr + 0.02, 1 - maxr - 0.02, length.out = nVars)
+    }
+    ## rep coordinates for filling a matrix columnwise
+    xrep <- rep(xpos, each = length(tys))
+    yrep <- rep(tys, nVars)
+    ## color bubbles 
+    ccol <- ifelse(tipdata < 0, 'black', 'white')
+    ## generate matrices of every x and y by filling the repd value columnwise
+    ## then subset for datapoints that are NA
+    naxs <- matrix(xrep, ncol = nVars)
+    nays <- matrix(yrep, ncol = nVars)
+    dnas <- is.na(tipdata)
+    naxs <- naxs[dnas]
+    nays <- nays[dnas]
+    ## set the NA points to zero so that grid.circle doesn't crash
+    tipdata[is.na(tipdata)] <- 0
+    ## get label widths
+    tiplabwidth  <- max(stringWidth(phy at tip.label))
+    datalabwidth <- max(stringWidth(colnames(tipdata)))
+    ## 2x2 layout -- room at the bottom for data labels, and legend
+    bublayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
+        widths  = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), tiplabwidth), 
+        heights = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), datalabwidth * 1.2))
+    pushViewport(viewport(
+        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, 
+        width = 0.95, height = 1, 
+        layout = bublayout, name = 'bublayout'
+    ))
+    pushViewport(viewport( 
+        name = 'bubble_plots', 
+        layout = bublayout, 
+        layout.pos.col = 1, 
+        layout.pos.row = 1
+    ))
+    if(grid) {
+        ## draw light grey grid behind bubbles
+        grid.segments(x0 = 0,   x1 = 1, 
+                      y0 = tys, y1 = tys, gp = gpar(col = 'grey'))
+        grid.segments(x0 = xpos, x1 = xpos, 
+                      y0 = 0,    y1 = 1, gp = gpar(col = 'grey'))
+    }    
+    if (length(naxs) > 0) {
+        ## if ther are missing values plot Xs
+        grid.points(naxs, nays, pch = 4)
+    }
+    if(square) {
+        ## alternative to circles
+        ## to keep the squares square, yet resize nicely use the square npc
+        sqedge <- unit(unlist(tipdata), 'snpc')
+        grid.rect(x = xrep, y = yrep, 
+            width = sqedge, 
+            height = sqedge, 
+            gp=gpar(fill = ccol))
+    } else {
+        ## plot bubbles
+        grid.circle(xrep, yrep, r = unlist(tipdata), gp = gpar(fill = ccol))
+    }
+    # catch a value for scaling other output
+    bubscale <- convertUnit(unit(max(tipdata, na.rm = TRUE), 'npc'), 'inches')
+    upViewport()
+    ## push view ports for tip and data labels fixed locations
+    pushViewport(viewport( 
+        name = 'bubble_tip_labels', 
+        layout = bublayout, 
+        layout.pos.col = 2, 
+        layout.pos.row = 1
+    ))
+    grid.text(phy at tip.label, 0.1, tys, just = 'left')
+    upViewport()
+    pushViewport(viewport( 
+        name = 'bubble_data_labels', 
+        layout = bublayout, 
+        layout.pos.col = 1, 
+        layout.pos.row = 2
+    ))
+    grid.text(colnames(tipdata), xpos, .65, rot = 90, just = 'right')
+    upViewport(2)
+    # to make a nice legend, return the biggest smallest and a scaling factor
+    # translate the scale of the current vp to a fixed value
+    ## ensure the min is not a zero (or NA) that's replaced by a zero
+    ## print(convertUnit(bubscale, 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE))
+    return(list(max = max(tipdata, na.rm = TRUE), 
+                min = min(tipdata[tipdata != 0], na.rm = TRUE),
+                has.na = length(naxs) > 0,
+                bubscale = bubscale))
+setGeneric("treePlot", useAsDefault = treePlot)
+setMethod("treePlot", signature = c('phylo4', 'phylo4d'), treePlot)
+# gridbasefun <- function(f, naked = TRUE, scale = TRUE) {
+#     function(x, tmin, tmax, ...) {
+#         require(gridBase)
+#         op <- par()
+#         if (naked) {
+#             par(ann = FALSE, mar = rep(0, 4))
+#             ## this could take a bit of hacking
+#             ## to work nicely in general -- too bad
+#             ## par(ann=FALSE) doesn't work in general
+#             ## Could set main="", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE
+#             ## but this will break 
+#         }
+#         ## this must be the *last* par() call
+#         suppressWarnings(par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)) 
+#         if(!all(is.na(x))) {
+#             f(x, xlim = c(tmin, tmax), ...)
+#         }
+#     }
+# }

Modified: pkg/inst/doc/phylobase.pdf
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To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/phylobase -r 313

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