[Phylobase-commits] r258 - in branches/pdcgsoc: R misc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Aug 6 21:33:06 CEST 2008

Author: pdc
Date: 2008-08-06 21:33:06 +0200 (Wed, 06 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 258

move tree plotting functions into the R directory so they will be loaded with the package

Added: branches/pdcgsoc/R/treePlot.R
--- branches/pdcgsoc/R/treePlot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/pdcgsoc/R/treePlot.R	2008-08-06 19:33:06 UTC (rev 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+treePlot <- function(phy, 
+                     type = c('phylogram', 'cladogram'), 
+                     show.tip.label = TRUE,
+                     show.node.label = FALSE, 
+                     tip.order = NULL,
+                     plot.data = is(phy, 'phylo4d'),
+                     rot = 0,
+                     tip.plot.fun = 'bubbles',
+                     edge.color = 'black', ## TODO colors for branhes and nodes seperately?
+                     node.color = 'black',
+                     tip.color  = 'black', 
+                     edge.width = 1,  ## TODO currently only one width is allowed allow many?
+                     ...
+            )
+    width <- height <- 0.9
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    phy.orig <- phy
+    Nedges   <- nrow(phy at edge)
+    Ntips    <- length(phy at tip.label)
+    if(is.null(edgeLength(phy)) || type == 'cladogram') {
+        # TODO there should be an abstraction for assigning branch lengths
+        phy at edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(phy at edge))
+    }
+    xxyy <- phyloXXYY(phy, tip.order)
+    phy <- xxyy$phy
+    # TODO this is pointless no? simply returns 1:Ntips
+    tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
+    if(type == 'cladogram') {
+        xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips] <- 1
+    }
+    # TODO cladogram methods incorrect
+    # TODO abstract, make ultrametric? good algorithms for this?
+    grid.newpage()
+    ## because we may reoder the tip, we need to update the phy objec
+    if(!plot.data) {
+        phyplotlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
+        # TODO for very long plots, alternative margin setting useful
+        pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                            layout = phyplotlayout, 
+                            name = 'phyplotlayout', angle = -rot))
+        pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
+            tree.plot(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, 
+                edge.color, node.color, tip.color, 
+                edge.width, rot)
+        upViewport()
+        upViewport()
+        # TODO should return something useful
+        return(invisible())
+    }
+    if(plot.data) {
+        if(is.function(tip.plot.fun)) {
+            # to keep the tip plots square and non-overlapping create a
+            # Ntip * Ntip + 1 grid.  The last column is respected which scales
+            # the width of the data col with the height of the window
+            # this might be excessive with a performance penalty
+            datalayout <- grid.layout(nrow = Ntips, ncol = Ntips + 1,
+                # width = unit.c(unit(rep(1, Ntips), rep('null', Ntips)), unit(1/Ntips, 'npc')), 
+                respect = matrix(c(rep(0, Ntips * Ntips), rep(0, Ntips - 1),  1), nrow = Ntips)
+                )
+                # TODO this is done multiple times, 
+                pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                                    layout = datalayout, 
+                                    name = 'datalayout', angle = -rot))
+                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1:Ntips))
+                    tree.plot(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, 
+                        edge.color, node.color, tip.color, 
+                        edge.width, rot)
+                upViewport()
+                pushViewport(viewport(
+                    yscale = c(-0.5/Ntips, 1 + 0.5/Ntips), 
+                    layout.pos.col = Ntips + 1, 
+                    name = 'data_plots'))
+                    # grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = 2))
+                ## TODO should plots float at tips, or only along edge?
+                for(i in xxyy$yy[which(phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips)]) {
+                    pushViewport(viewport(
+                        y = i, 
+                        x = 0.5, 
+                        height = unit(1/Ntips, 'npc'), # snpc keeps the viewports sq
+                        width = unit(1, 'snpc'), 
+                        name = paste('data_plot', i),
+                        just = "center"
+                        ))
+                        grid.rect()
+                        tip.plot.fun()
+                    upViewport()
+                }
+                upViewport()
+                upViewport()
+        } else {
+            # use phylobubbles as default
+            dlabwdth <- max(stringWidth(colnames(phy at tip.data)))
+            phyplotlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, 
+                heights = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), dlabwdth), 
+                widths = unit(c(1, 1), c('null', 'null'), list(NULL, NULL))
+                )
+                pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
+                                    layout = phyplotlayout, 
+                                    name = 'phyplotlayout', angle = -rot))
+                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1:2, layout.pos.col = 2,
+                                    height = unit(1, 'npc', NULL) + 
+                                                convertUnit(dlabwdth, 'npc'), 
+                                    default.units = 'native'))
+                    phylobubbles(xxyy, ...)
+                upViewport()
+                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
+                    tree.plot(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, 
+                        edge.color, node.color, tip.color, 
+                        edge.width, rot)
+                upViewport()
+            upViewport()
+        }
+    }
+tree.plot <- function(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, edge.color, 
+                        node.color, tip.color, edge.width, rot) 
+    # TODO switch to phylobase abstractions
+    phy <- xxyy$phy
+    Nedges   <- nrow(phy at edge)
+    Ntips    <- length(phy at tip.label)
+    tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
+    eindex <- match(phy at edge[,2], xxyy$phy.orig at edge[,2])
+    segs <- segs(XXYY = xxyy)
+    ## TODO check that colors are valid?
+    ## TODO edge colors are required to be in the order of edge matrix
+    if(length(edge.color) != Nedges) {
+        edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedges)
+    }
+    edge.color <- edge.color[eindex]
+    ## TODO check that colors are valid?
+    nindex <- sort(eindex[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], index.return = TRUE)$ix
+    if(length(node.color) != length(nindex)) {
+        node.color <- rep(node.color, length.out = length(nindex))
+    }
+    node.color <- node.color[nindex]
+    if(show.tip.label) {
+        labw <- max(stringWidth(phy at tip.label))
+        treelayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 2,
+            widths = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), labw + unit(0.02, 'npc'))
+            )
+        tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
+        if(length(tip.color) != Ntips) {
+            tip.color <- rep(tip.color, length.out = Ntips)
+        }
+    } else {
+        treelayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
+    }
+    # grid.show.layout(treelayout)
+    pushViewport(viewport(
+        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, 
+        width = 1, height = 1, 
+        # rotataion set here
+        layout = treelayout, name = 'treelayout', angle = -rot))
+    pushViewport(viewport(
+        layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1, 
+        name = 'tree'))
+    vseg <- grid.segments( # draws vertical lines
+        x0 = segs$v0x, y0 = segs$v0y, 
+        x1 = segs$v1x, y1 = segs$v1y, 
+        name = "vert", gp = gpar(col = node.color, lwd = 1)) 
+    hseg <- grid.segments(  # draws horizontal lines
+        x0 = segs$h0x, y0 = segs$h0y, 
+        x1 = segs$h1x, y1 = segs$h1y, 
+        name = "horz", gp = gpar(col = edge.color, lwd = 1))
+    upViewport()
+    if(show.tip.label) {
+        pushViewport(viewport(
+            layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1, 
+            ))
+        labtext <- grid.text(
+            phy at tip.label[tindex], 
+            x = xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] %in% tindex] + 0.02, 
+            ## TODO yuck!!
+            y = xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] %in% tindex], 
+            default.units = 'npc', 
+            rot = rot, just = 'left', gp = gpar(col = tip.color[tindex])
+        )
+        upViewport()
+    }
+    # TODO probably want to be able to adjust the location of these guys
+    if(show.node.label) {
+        pushViewport(viewport(
+            layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1, 
+            ))
+        labtext <- grid.text(
+            phy at node.label[nindex], 
+            x = xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], 
+            ## TODO yuck!!
+            y = xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], 
+            default.units = 'npc', 
+            rot = rot, just = 'left', gp = gpar(col = node.color[nindex])
+        )
+        upViewport()
+    }
+    upViewport()
+    # grobTree(vseg, hseg, labtext)
+phyloXXYY <- function(phy, tip.order = NULL) {
+    ## initalize the output
+    Nedges <- nrow(phy at edge)
+    phy.orig <- phy
+    Ntips  <- length(phy at tip.label)
+    xxyy = list(
+        yy = rep(NA, Nedges), 
+        xx = numeric(Nedges), 
+        ## record the order that nodes are visited in
+        traverse = NULL) 
+    if(is.null(edgeLength(phy))) {
+        # TODO there should be an abstraction for assigning branch lengths
+        stop('Phylogeny has no branch lengths, cannot calculate x coordinates')
+    }
+    # TODO tip ordering should be dealt with at a higher level
+    # if(!is.null(tip.order)) { 
+        ## TODO do we need to acount for line weight when plotting close to edges?
+    #     yy[which(phy at edge[, 2] == tip.order)] <- seq(
+        ## TODO perhaps we want to use match here?
+        ## 0, 1, length.out = Ntips) 
+    # } else {
+        ## reoder the phylo and assign even y spacing to the tips
+        phy <- reorder(phy, 'pruningwise')
+        xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips] <- seq(
+            0, 1, length.out = Ntips
+        )
+    # }
+    ## a recurvise preorder traversal 
+    ## node  -- initalized to be root, is the starting point for the traversal
+    ## phy   -- the phylogeny
+    ## xxyy  -- the list initalized below that holds the output
+    ## prevx -- the sum of ancestral branch lengths
+    calc.node.xy <- function(node, phy, xxyy, prevx = 0) {
+        ## if node == root node, and there is no root edge set get descendants
+        ## and set index to NULL index is used for indexing output
+        if(any(phy at edge[, 2] == node) == FALSE) {
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == node)
+            index <- NULL
+            ## if root node start at x = 0
+            newx <- 0
+        } else {
+            ## non-root node behavior
+            ## get row in edge matrix corresponding to node, get descendants
+            index <- which(phy at edge[, 2] == node)
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == phy at edge[index, 2])
+            ## non-root node x location 
+            newx <- xxyy$xx[index] <- phy at edge.length[index] + prevx
+            ## if the x value is already set we are at a tip and we return
+            if(!is.na(xxyy$yy[index])) { return(xxyy) }
+        }
+        for(i in phy at edge[decdex, 2]) {
+            ## for each decendant call the function again
+            xxyy <- calc.node.xy(i, phy, xxyy, newx)
+        }
+        if(!is.null(index)) {
+            ## set y value by averaging the decendants
+            xxyy$yy[index] <- mean(xxyy$yy[decdex])
+        }
+        ## TODO performance improvement here? rely on above ordering?
+        ## keep track of the nodes and order we visited them
+        xxyy$traverse <- c(xxyy$traverse, phy at edge[decdex, 2]) 
+        xxyy
+    }
+    ## call function for the first time
+    xxyy <- calc.node.xy(Ntips + 1, phy, xxyy)
+    ## scale the x values
+    xxyy$xx <- xxyy$xx / max(xxyy$xx)
+    # TODO return an index vector instead of a second phy object
+    c(xxyy, phy = list(phy), phy.orig = list(phy.orig))
+segs <- function(XXYY) {
+    phy <- XXYY$phy
+    treelen <- rep(NA, nrow(phy at edge) + 1)
+    segs <- list(v0x = treelen, v0y = treelen, v1x = treelen, v1y = treelen,
+                 h0x = treelen, h0y = treelen, h1x = treelen, h1y = treelen)
+    troot <- length(phy at tip.label) + 1
+    get.coor <- function(node, segs) {
+        if(any(phy at edge[, 2] == node) == FALSE) {
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == node)
+            index <- length(treelen)
+            segs$v0x[index] <- segs$v1x[index] <- 0
+            segs$h0y[index] <- segs$h1y[index] <- NA
+            segs$h0x[index] <- segs$h1x[index] <- NA
+            segs$h0x[decdex] <- 0            
+        } else {
+            index <- which(phy at edge[, 2] == node)
+            if(!any(phy at edge[, 1] == node)) {
+                return(segs)
+            }
+            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == phy at edge[index, 2])
+            segs$v0x[index] <- segs$v1x[index] <- XXYY$xx[index]
+            segs$h0x[decdex] <- XXYY$xx[index]
+        }
+        segs$h1x[decdex] <- XXYY$xx[decdex]
+        segs$h0y[decdex] <- segs$h1y[decdex] <- XXYY$yy[decdex]
+        segs$v0y[index] <- min(XXYY$yy[decdex])
+        segs$v1y[index] <- max(XXYY$yy[decdex])
+        for(i in phy at edge[decdex, 2]) {
+            segs <- get.coor(i, segs)
+        }
+        segs
+    }
+    get.coor(troot, segs)
+phylobubbles <- function(XXYY, square = FALSE) {
+    phy <- XXYY$phy
+    tys <- XXYY$yy[phy at edge[, 2] <= nTips(phy)]
+    traits <- phy at tip.data
+    maxr <- ifelse(ncol(traits) > nTips(phy), 1/ncol(traits), 1/nTips(phy))
+    tnames <- names(traits)
+    traits <- scale(traits)
+    traits <- apply(traits, 2, function(x) maxr * x / max(abs(x), na.rm = T))
+    names(traits) <- tnames
+    if(ncol(traits) == 1) {
+        xpos <- 0.5
+    } else {
+        xpos <- seq(0+maxr, 1-maxr, length.out = ncol(traits))
+    }
+    tys <- tys # * (1 - (2 * maxr)) + maxr
+    xrep <- rep(xpos, each = length(tys))
+    ccol <- ifelse(traits < 0, 'black', 'white')
+    nays <- tys[apply(traits, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))]
+    naxs <- xpos[apply(traits, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x)))]
+    traits[is.na(traits)] <- 0
+    datalabwidth <- max(stringWidth(colnames(traits)))
+    tiplabwidth  <- max(stringWidth(phy at tip.label))
+    bublayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
+        widths = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), tiplabwidth), 
+        heights = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), datalabwidth))
+    pushViewport(viewport(
+        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, 
+        width = 1, height = 1, 
+        layout = bublayout, name = 'bublayout'))
+    pushViewport(viewport( 
+        name = 'bubble_plots', 
+        layout = bublayout, 
+        layout.pos.col = 1, 
+        layout.pos.row = 1
+    ))
+    grid.segments(x0 = 0,  x1 = 1, y0 = tys, y1 = tys, gp = gpar(col = 'grey'))
+    grid.segments(x0 = xpos,  x1 = xpos, y0 = 0, y1 = 1, gp = gpar(col = 'grey'))
+    grid.text('x', naxs, nays)
+    if(square) {
+        # to keep the squares square, yet resize nicely use the square npc
+        sqedge <- unit(unlist(traits), 'snpc')
+        grid.rect(x = xrep, y = tys, 
+            width = sqedge, 
+            height = sqedge, 
+            gp=gpar(fill = ccol))
+    } else {
+        grid.circle(xrep, tys, r = unlist(traits), gp = gpar(fill = ccol))
+    }
+    popViewport()
+    pushViewport(viewport( 
+        name = 'bubble_tip_labels', 
+        layout = bublayout, 
+        layout.pos.col = 2, 
+        layout.pos.row = 1
+    ))
+    grid.text(phy at tip.label, 0.2, tys, just = 'left')
+    popViewport()
+    pushViewport(viewport( 
+        name = 'bubble_data_labels', 
+        layout = bublayout, 
+        layout.pos.col = 1, 
+        layout.pos.row = 2
+    ))
+    grid.text(colnames(traits), xpos, .8, rot = 90, just = 'right')
+    popViewport()
+    popViewport()
+## How do we translate this info into a plot?
+## Test code
+# out <- phyloXXYY(foo <- as(rcoal(3), 'phylo4'))
+# data(geospiza)
+# foo <- phyloXXYY(geospiza)
+# phylobubbles(foo)
+## TODO true arbitary functions with data from associated data frames
+# ff <- function() {grid.lines(1:10/10, runif(10))}
+# p1 <- treePlot(
+#     geospiza, 
+#     # show.tip.label = FALSE, 
+#     show.node.label = TRUE, 
+#     edge.color = rainbow(nrow(geospiza at edge)),  
+#     # node.color = rainbow(nrow(geospiza at edge)), 
+#     # plot.data = FALSE, 
+#     # tip.plot.fun = ff, 
+#     tip.color = c('red',  'black', 'blue'), 
+#     square = FALSE
+# )
+# treeWpoly <- as(read.tree(text = '((a,b,c),d);'), 'phylo4')
+# print(phyloXXYY(treeWpoly))
+# treePlot(treeWpoly,  type = "cladogram")
+# n <- 10
+# tree1 <- as(rtree(n), 'phylo4')
+# tree1 at tip.label <- replicate(n, paste(sample(LETTERS, sample(2:20, 1)), collapse = ""))
+# treePlot(tree1)

Deleted: branches/pdcgsoc/misc/temp.R
--- branches/pdcgsoc/misc/temp.R	2008-08-06 19:26:41 UTC (rev 257)
+++ branches/pdcgsoc/misc/temp.R	2008-08-06 19:33:06 UTC (rev 258)
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-treePlot <- function(phy, 
-                     type = c('phylogram', 'cladogram'), 
-                     show.tip.label = TRUE,
-                     show.node.label = FALSE, 
-                     tip.order = NULL,
-                     plot.data = is(phy, 'phylo4d'),
-                     rot = 0,
-                     tip.plot.fun = 'bubbles',
-                     edge.color = 'black', ## TODO colors for branhes and nodes seperately?
-                     node.color = 'black',
-                     tip.color  = 'black', 
-                     edge.width = 1,  ## TODO currently only one width is allowed allow many?
-                     ...
-            )
-    width <- height <- 0.9
-    type <- match.arg(type)
-    phy.orig <- phy
-    Nedges   <- nrow(phy at edge)
-    Ntips    <- length(phy at tip.label)
-    if(is.null(edgeLength(phy)) || type == 'cladogram') {
-        # TODO there should be an abstraction for assigning branch lengths
-        phy at edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(phy at edge))
-    }
-    xxyy <- phyloXXYY(phy, tip.order)
-    phy <- xxyy$phy
-    # TODO this is pointless no? simply returns 1:Ntips
-    tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
-    if(type == 'cladogram') {
-        xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips] <- 1
-    }
-    # TODO cladogram methods incorrect
-    # TODO abstract, make ultrametric? good algorithms for this?
-    grid.newpage()
-    ## because we may reoder the tip, we need to update the phy objec
-    if(!plot.data) {
-        phyplotlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
-        # TODO for very long plots, alternative margin setting useful
-        pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
-                            layout = phyplotlayout, 
-                            name = 'phyplotlayout', angle = -rot))
-        pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
-            tree.plot(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, 
-                edge.color, node.color, tip.color, 
-                edge.width, rot)
-        upViewport()
-        upViewport()
-        # TODO should return something useful
-        return(invisible())
-    }
-    if(plot.data) {
-        if(is.function(tip.plot.fun)) {
-            # to keep the tip plots square and non-overlapping create a
-            # Ntip * Ntip + 1 grid.  The last column is respected which scales
-            # the width of the data col with the height of the window
-            # this might be excessive with a performance penalty
-            datalayout <- grid.layout(nrow = Ntips, ncol = Ntips + 1,
-                # width = unit.c(unit(rep(1, Ntips), rep('null', Ntips)), unit(1/Ntips, 'npc')), 
-                respect = matrix(c(rep(0, Ntips * Ntips), rep(0, Ntips - 1),  1), nrow = Ntips)
-                )
-                # TODO this is done multiple times, 
-                pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
-                                    layout = datalayout, 
-                                    name = 'datalayout', angle = -rot))
-                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1:Ntips))
-                    tree.plot(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, 
-                        edge.color, node.color, tip.color, 
-                        edge.width, rot)
-                upViewport()
-                pushViewport(viewport(
-                    yscale = c(-0.5/Ntips, 1 + 0.5/Ntips), 
-                    layout.pos.col = Ntips + 1, 
-                    name = 'data_plots'))
-                    # grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = 2))
-                ## TODO should plots float at tips, or only along edge?
-                for(i in xxyy$yy[which(phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips)]) {
-                    pushViewport(viewport(
-                        y = i, 
-                        x = 0.5, 
-                        height = unit(1/Ntips, 'npc'), # snpc keeps the viewports sq
-                        width = unit(1, 'snpc'), 
-                        name = paste('data_plot', i),
-                        just = "center"
-                        ))
-                        grid.rect()
-                        tip.plot.fun()
-                    upViewport()
-                }
-                upViewport()
-                upViewport()
-        } else {
-            # use phylobubbles as default
-            dlabwdth <- max(stringWidth(colnames(phy at tip.data)))
-            phyplotlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, 
-                heights = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), dlabwdth), 
-                widths = unit(c(1, 1), c('null', 'null'), list(NULL, NULL))
-                )
-                pushViewport(viewport(width = width, height = height, 
-                                    layout = phyplotlayout, 
-                                    name = 'phyplotlayout', angle = -rot))
-                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1:2, layout.pos.col = 2,
-                                    height = unit(1, 'npc', NULL) + 
-                                                convertUnit(dlabwdth, 'npc'), 
-                                    default.units = 'native'))
-                    phylobubbles(xxyy, ...)
-                upViewport()
-                pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
-                    tree.plot(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, 
-                        edge.color, node.color, tip.color, 
-                        edge.width, rot)
-                upViewport()
-            upViewport()
-        }
-    }
-tree.plot <- function(xxyy, show.tip.label, show.node.label, edge.color, 
-                        node.color, tip.color, edge.width, rot) 
-    # TODO switch to phylobase abstractions
-    phy <- xxyy$phy
-    Nedges   <- nrow(phy at edge)
-    Ntips    <- length(phy at tip.label)
-    tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
-    eindex <- match(phy at edge[,2], xxyy$phy.orig at edge[,2])
-    segs <- segs(XXYY = xxyy)
-    ## TODO check that colors are valid?
-    ## TODO edge colors are required to be in the order of edge matrix
-    if(length(edge.color) != Nedges) {
-        edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedges)
-    }
-    edge.color <- edge.color[eindex]
-    ## TODO check that colors are valid?
-    nindex <- sort(eindex[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], index.return = TRUE)$ix
-    if(length(node.color) != length(nindex)) {
-        node.color <- rep(node.color, length.out = length(nindex))
-    }
-    node.color <- node.color[nindex]
-    if(show.tip.label) {
-        labw <- max(stringWidth(phy at tip.label))
-        treelayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 2,
-            widths = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), labw + unit(0.02, 'npc'))
-            )
-        tindex <- phy at edge[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips, 2]
-        if(length(tip.color) != Ntips) {
-            tip.color <- rep(tip.color, length.out = Ntips)
-        }
-    } else {
-        treelayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
-    }
-    # grid.show.layout(treelayout)
-    pushViewport(viewport(
-        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, 
-        width = 1, height = 1, 
-        # rotataion set here
-        layout = treelayout, name = 'treelayout', angle = -rot))
-    pushViewport(viewport(
-        layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1, 
-        name = 'tree'))
-    vseg <- grid.segments( # draws vertical lines
-        x0 = segs$v0x, y0 = segs$v0y, 
-        x1 = segs$v1x, y1 = segs$v1y, 
-        name = "vert", gp = gpar(col = node.color, lwd = 1)) 
-    hseg <- grid.segments(  # draws horizontal lines
-        x0 = segs$h0x, y0 = segs$h0y, 
-        x1 = segs$h1x, y1 = segs$h1y, 
-        name = "horz", gp = gpar(col = edge.color, lwd = 1))
-    upViewport()
-    if(show.tip.label) {
-        pushViewport(viewport(
-            layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1, 
-            ))
-        labtext <- grid.text(
-            phy at tip.label[tindex], 
-            x = xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] %in% tindex] + 0.02, 
-            ## TODO yuck!!
-            y = xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] %in% tindex], 
-            default.units = 'npc', 
-            rot = rot, just = 'left', gp = gpar(col = tip.color[tindex])
-        )
-        upViewport()
-    }
-    # TODO probably want to be able to adjust the location of these guys
-    if(show.node.label) {
-        pushViewport(viewport(
-            layout = treelayout, layout.pos.col = 1, 
-            ))
-        labtext <- grid.text(
-            phy at node.label[nindex], 
-            x = xxyy$xx[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], 
-            ## TODO yuck!!
-            y = xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] > Ntips], 
-            default.units = 'npc', 
-            rot = rot, just = 'left', gp = gpar(col = node.color[nindex])
-        )
-        upViewport()
-    }
-    upViewport()
-    # grobTree(vseg, hseg, labtext)
-phyloXXYY <- function(phy, tip.order = NULL) {
-    ## initalize the output
-    Nedges <- nrow(phy at edge)
-    phy.orig <- phy
-    Ntips  <- length(phy at tip.label)
-    xxyy = list(
-        yy = rep(NA, Nedges), 
-        xx = numeric(Nedges), 
-        ## record the order that nodes are visited in
-        traverse = NULL) 
-    if(is.null(edgeLength(phy))) {
-        # TODO there should be an abstraction for assigning branch lengths
-        stop('Phylogeny has no branch lengths, cannot calculate x coordinates')
-    }
-    # TODO tip ordering should be dealt with at a higher level
-    # if(!is.null(tip.order)) { 
-        ## TODO do we need to acount for line weight when plotting close to edges?
-    #     yy[which(phy at edge[, 2] == tip.order)] <- seq(
-        ## TODO perhaps we want to use match here?
-        ## 0, 1, length.out = Ntips) 
-    # } else {
-        ## reoder the phylo and assign even y spacing to the tips
-        phy <- reorder(phy, 'pruningwise')
-        xxyy$yy[phy at edge[, 2] <= Ntips] <- seq(
-            0, 1, length.out = Ntips
-        )
-    # }
-    ## a recurvise preorder traversal 
-    ## node  -- initalized to be root, is the starting point for the traversal
-    ## phy   -- the phylogeny
-    ## xxyy  -- the list initalized below that holds the output
-    ## prevx -- the sum of ancestral branch lengths
-    calc.node.xy <- function(node, phy, xxyy, prevx = 0) {
-        ## if node == root node, and there is no root edge set get descendants
-        ## and set index to NULL index is used for indexing output
-        if(any(phy at edge[, 2] == node) == FALSE) {
-            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == node)
-            index <- NULL
-            ## if root node start at x = 0
-            newx <- 0
-        } else {
-            ## non-root node behavior
-            ## get row in edge matrix corresponding to node, get descendants
-            index <- which(phy at edge[, 2] == node)
-            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == phy at edge[index, 2])
-            ## non-root node x location 
-            newx <- xxyy$xx[index] <- phy at edge.length[index] + prevx
-            ## if the x value is already set we are at a tip and we return
-            if(!is.na(xxyy$yy[index])) { return(xxyy) }
-        }
-        for(i in phy at edge[decdex, 2]) {
-            ## for each decendant call the function again
-            xxyy <- calc.node.xy(i, phy, xxyy, newx)
-        }
-        if(!is.null(index)) {
-            ## set y value by averaging the decendants
-            xxyy$yy[index] <- mean(xxyy$yy[decdex])
-        }
-        ## TODO performance improvement here? rely on above ordering?
-        ## keep track of the nodes and order we visited them
-        xxyy$traverse <- c(xxyy$traverse, phy at edge[decdex, 2]) 
-        xxyy
-    }
-    ## call function for the first time
-    xxyy <- calc.node.xy(Ntips + 1, phy, xxyy)
-    ## scale the x values
-    xxyy$xx <- xxyy$xx / max(xxyy$xx)
-    # TODO return an index vector instead of a second phy object
-    c(xxyy, phy = list(phy), phy.orig = list(phy.orig))
-segs <- function(XXYY) {
-    phy <- XXYY$phy
-    treelen <- rep(NA, nrow(phy at edge) + 1)
-    segs <- list(v0x = treelen, v0y = treelen, v1x = treelen, v1y = treelen,
-                 h0x = treelen, h0y = treelen, h1x = treelen, h1y = treelen)
-    troot <- length(phy at tip.label) + 1
-    get.coor <- function(node, segs) {
-        if(any(phy at edge[, 2] == node) == FALSE) {
-            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == node)
-            index <- length(treelen)
-            segs$v0x[index] <- segs$v1x[index] <- 0
-            segs$h0y[index] <- segs$h1y[index] <- NA
-            segs$h0x[index] <- segs$h1x[index] <- NA
-            segs$h0x[decdex] <- 0            
-        } else {
-            index <- which(phy at edge[, 2] == node)
-            if(!any(phy at edge[, 1] == node)) {
-                return(segs)
-            }
-            decdex <- which(phy at edge[, 1] == phy at edge[index, 2])
-            segs$v0x[index] <- segs$v1x[index] <- XXYY$xx[index]
-            segs$h0x[decdex] <- XXYY$xx[index]
-        }
-        segs$h1x[decdex] <- XXYY$xx[decdex]
-        segs$h0y[decdex] <- segs$h1y[decdex] <- XXYY$yy[decdex]
-        segs$v0y[index] <- min(XXYY$yy[decdex])
-        segs$v1y[index] <- max(XXYY$yy[decdex])
-        for(i in phy at edge[decdex, 2]) {
-            segs <- get.coor(i, segs)
-        }
-        segs
-    }
-    get.coor(troot, segs)
-phylobubbles <- function(XXYY, square = FALSE) {
-    phy <- XXYY$phy
-    tys <- XXYY$yy[phy at edge[, 2] <= nTips(phy)]
-    traits <- phy at tip.data
-    maxr <- ifelse(ncol(traits) > nTips(phy), 1/ncol(traits), 1/nTips(phy))
-    tnames <- names(traits)
-    traits <- scale(traits)
-    traits <- apply(traits, 2, function(x) maxr * x / max(abs(x), na.rm = T))
-    names(traits) <- tnames
-    if(ncol(traits) == 1) {
-        xpos <- 0.5
-    } else {
-        xpos <- seq(0+maxr, 1-maxr, length.out = ncol(traits))
-    }
-    tys <- tys # * (1 - (2 * maxr)) + maxr
-    xrep <- rep(xpos, each = length(tys))
-    ccol <- ifelse(traits < 0, 'black', 'white')
-    nays <- tys[apply(traits, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))]
-    naxs <- xpos[apply(traits, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x)))]
-    traits[is.na(traits)] <- 0
-    datalabwidth <- max(stringWidth(colnames(traits)))
-    tiplabwidth  <- max(stringWidth(phy at tip.label))
-    bublayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
-        widths = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), tiplabwidth), 
-        heights = unit.c(unit(1, 'null', NULL), datalabwidth))
-    pushViewport(viewport(
-        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, 
-        width = 1, height = 1, 
-        layout = bublayout, name = 'bublayout'))
-    pushViewport(viewport( 
-        name = 'bubble_plots', 
-        layout = bublayout, 
-        layout.pos.col = 1, 
-        layout.pos.row = 1
-    ))
-    grid.segments(x0 = 0,  x1 = 1, y0 = tys, y1 = tys, gp = gpar(col = 'grey'))
-    grid.segments(x0 = xpos,  x1 = xpos, y0 = 0, y1 = 1, gp = gpar(col = 'grey'))
-    grid.text('x', naxs, nays)
-    if(square) {
-        # to keep the squares square, yet resize nicely use the square npc
-        sqedge <- unit(unlist(traits), 'snpc')
-        grid.rect(x = xrep, y = tys, 
-            width = sqedge, 
-            height = sqedge, 
-            gp=gpar(fill = ccol))
-    } else {
-        grid.circle(xrep, tys, r = unlist(traits), gp = gpar(fill = ccol))
-    }
-    popViewport()
-    pushViewport(viewport( 
-        name = 'bubble_tip_labels', 
-        layout = bublayout, 
-        layout.pos.col = 2, 
-        layout.pos.row = 1
-    ))
-    grid.text(phy at tip.label, 0.2, tys, just = 'left')
-    popViewport()
-    pushViewport(viewport( 
-        name = 'bubble_data_labels', 
-        layout = bublayout, 
-        layout.pos.col = 1, 
-        layout.pos.row = 2
-    ))
-    grid.text(colnames(traits), xpos, .8, rot = 90, just = 'right')
-    popViewport()
-    popViewport()
-## How do we translate this info into a plot?
-## Test code
-# out <- phyloXXYY(foo <- as(rcoal(3), 'phylo4'))
-# foo <- phyloXXYY(geospiza)
-# phylobubbles(foo)
-## TODO true arbitary functions with data from associated data frames
-ff <- function() {grid.lines(1:10/10, runif(10))}
-p1 <- treePlot(
-    geospiza, 
-    # show.tip.label = FALSE, 
-    show.node.label = TRUE, 
-    edge.color = rainbow(nrow(geospiza at edge)),  
-    # node.color = rainbow(nrow(geospiza at edge)), 
-    # plot.data = FALSE, 
-    # tip.plot.fun = ff, 
-    tip.color = c('red',  'black', 'blue'), 
-    square = FALSE
-treeWpoly <- as(read.tree(text = '((a,b,c),d);'), 'phylo4')
-# print(phyloXXYY(treeWpoly))
-# treePlot(treeWpoly,  type = "cladogram")
-# n <- 10
-# tree1 <- as(rtree(n), 'phylo4')
-# tree1 at tip.label <- replicate(n, paste(sample(LETTERS, sample(2:20, 1)), collapse = ""))
-# treePlot(tree1)

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