[Patchwork-commits] r193 - in pkg/patchwork: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Sep 24 17:25:34 CEST 2013

Author: sebastian_d
Date: 2013-09-24 17:25:34 +0200 (Tue, 24 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 193

added patchwork.region files to repository

Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.region.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.region.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.region.r	2013-09-24 15:25:34 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+#patchwork.region() ; a function for zooming in on a specific region and showing the regions genes.
+patchwork.region <- function(CNfile=NULL,chr,region,hg18=F)
+    if (is.null(CNfile))
+    {
+        CNfile = list.files(pattern="*_copynumbers.Rdata")
+        if (length(CNfile)==0)
+        {
+        #cat("Could not find <sample>_copynumbers.Rdata in current working directory. Try again and supply patchwork.regions with the CNfile parameter.")
+        stop("Could not find <sample>_copynumbers.Rdata in current working directory. Try again and supply patchwork.regions with the CNfile parameter.")
+        }
+        if(length(CNfile)>1)
+        {
+        #cat("There seems to be more than one <sample>_copynumbers.Rdata file in the current working directory. Try again and supply patchwork.regions with the CNfile parameter.")
+        stop("There seems to be more than one <sample>_copynumbers.Rdata file in the current working directory. Try again and supply patchwork.regions with the CNfile parameter.")
+        }
+    }
+    #Load <sample>_copynumbers.Rdata giving us segs,alf and kbsegs
+    load(CNfile)
+    # #Set working directory and make that directorys name the samplename. If it is too long, shorten it.
+    # setwd(directory)
+    # subs <- getSubdirs()
+    # if (is.null(subs)) 
+    # {                                         ## check samples = subdirectories or a single sample = current directory
+    #     subs=thisSubdir()
+    #     setwd('..')
+    # }
+    #store chr value in nchr because i made the newbie mistake of having a second variable also
+    #named chr.
+    nchr = chr  
+    #get sample name
+    tmp_name <- strsplit(CNfile,split="_")
+    name=tmp_name[[1]][1]
+    #if sample name is too long, shorten it to 12 characters
+    if(nchar(name)>12)
+    {
+        name = substring(name,1,12)
+    }
+    #If nchr has been given as character
+    if(is.character(nchr) == T)
+    {
+        #If chr is longer than 2 characters ("chr1" but not "12")
+        #take out the number and convert it to numeric
+        if(nchar(nchr)>2)
+        {
+            c = strsplit(nchr,"chr")
+            c = as.numeric(c[[1]][2])
+        }
+        #chr has been given as character but without "chr" infront. Convert to numeric.  
+        else
+        {
+            c = as.numeric(nchr) 
+        }
+    }
+    #else chr has been given as a numeric and can be used directly.
+    else
+    {
+        c = nchr
+    }
+    #Rename parameters of <name>_copynumbers so we can re-use other plots as template.
+    chr = as.character(segs$chr)
+    start = segs$start  
+    end = segs$end
+    int = segs$median
+    ai = segs$ai
+    mchr = as.character(kbsegs$chr)
+    mpos = kbsegs$pos
+    mval = kbsegs$ratio
+    schr = as.character(alf$achr) 
+    spos = alf$apos
+    sval = (1-alf$amin/alf$amax)
+    xlim=c(0,2.5)
+    ylim=c(0,1)
+    #check if hg18 is true
+    #then load hg18 knownGene list
+    if(hg18==T)
+    {
+        kg = knownGene_hg18
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        kg = knownGene
+    }
+    #
+    #Here is where pretty normal plotting procedure starts
+    #
+    #Get ideogram  #In sysdata.rda
+    #ideogram=getIdeogram()
+    #Set color gradient for p and q arm of chromosome
+    colors_p <- colorRampPalette(c("#6600FF","#9900CC"),space="rgb")
+    colors_q <- colorRampPalette(c("#CC0099","#CC0000"),space="rgb")
+    #filter the data (remove NA) and set some standard parameters
+    ai[is.na(ai)]=0
+    aix=ai!=0
+    chr=chr[aix]
+    start=start[aix]
+    end=end[aix]
+    int=int[aix]
+    ai=ai[aix]
+    pos <- (start+end)/2
+    length=end-start
+    size=rep(0.5,length(chr))
+    size[length>2000000]=1
+    size[length>5000000]=1.5
+    size[length>10000000]=2
+    #Select the chromosome
+    this <- ideogram[ideogram$c==c,]
+    #Extract regions start an stop
+    #region inputted in form start:stop
+    Rstart = min(region)
+    Rend = max(region)
+    #Initialize jpeg
+    jpeg(paste(name,'_',this$chr,'_region_',Rstart,"-",Rend,'.jpg',sep=''),width=11.7,height=8.3,units="in",res=300)
+    #split plot into desired formation
+    split.screen(as.matrix(data.frame(left=c(rep(0.05,4),rep(0.47,3)),
+                                      right=c(0.45,rep(1,6)),
+                                      bottom=c(0.50,0.05,0.2,0.3,0.50,0.70,0.75),
+                                      top = c(0.95,0.2,0.3,0.45,0.70,0.75,0.95)))) #screen 1-5
+    #Screen configuration overview
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------
+    #                             |                              |
+    #                             |              7               |
+    #                             |                              |
+    #                             |------------------------------| 
+    #            1                |              6               |
+    #                             |------------------------------|
+    #                             |                              |
+    #                             |              5               |
+    #                             |                              | 
+    #-----------------------------|------------------------------|
+    #                                                            |
+    #                             4                              |
+    #------------------------------------------------------------|
+    #                             3                              |
+    #------------------------------------------------------------|
+    #                                                            |
+    #                             2                              |
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Left side of the plot (Whole genome)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #index of overlapping the selected chromosome region to the chr object
+    wix <- chr==as.character(this$chr) & (((Rstart <= start) & (Rend >= end)) | ((Rstart >= start) & (Rstart <= end)) | ((Rend <= end) & (Rend >= start)))
+    ix <- chr==as.character(this$chr)
+    #Create an index of colors relating to the positions and lengths on this chromosome
+    col <- rep('#B0B0B030',length(chr))       
+    col[wix & (pos < this$mid)] <- paste(colors_p(sum(wix & (pos < this$mid))), '70', sep='')  
+    col[wix & (pos > this$mid)] <- paste(colors_q(sum(wix & (pos > this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+    #Go to screen 1
+    screen(1)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0.25,0))
+    #Whole genome overview plot
+    #Note that we are plotting chrY in the background, despite the fact that it is not an "active" chromosome.
+    plot(c(int[!wix],int[wix]),c(ai[!wix],ai[wix]),
+         pch=16,
+         cex=c(size[!wix],size[wix]),
+         main = "",
+         xlab = "",
+         ylab = "",
+         axes=F, #Remove axis
+         col = c(col[!wix],col[wix]),
+         xlim = xlim,
+         ylim = ylim)
+    #Insert Y and X axis
+    axis(side=2,cex.axis=0.6,tck=0.963,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.2),las=1)
+    axis(side=1,cex.axis=0.6,tck=0.963,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(from=0,to=2.5,by=0.1))
+    #Titles,date/time and axis labels
+    mtext(text="Normalized coverage",side=1,line=1.1,cex=1)
+    mtext(text="Allelic imbalance",side=2,line=1.5,cex=1)
+    mtext(paste("Detailed view of sample: ",name,"\n Chromosome ",c,", Region: ",Rstart,"-",Rend,sep=""),side=3)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Top Right - Signal
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Go to screen 7
+    screen(7)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0,0))
+    par(xpd=T)
+    #Select the correct chromosome and remove stuff lower than -1 
+    mix <- mchr==as.character(this$chr) #& mval>(-1)
+    #Create an index of colors relating to the positions and lengths on this chromosome
+    col=rep('#000000',sum(ix))
+    col[pos[ix] < this$mid] <- colors_p(sum(pos[ix] < this$mid))
+    col[pos[ix] > this$mid] <- colors_q(sum(pos[ix] > this$mid))
+    #Predefine ymin ymax and sequence between them
+    # ymin=floor(min(int[ix]))-0.5
+    # if(ymin > -1)
+    # {
+    #     ymin = -1
+    # }
+    # ymax=ceiling(max(int[ix]))+0.5
+    # if(ymax < 1)
+    # {
+    #     ymax = 1
+    # }
+    ymin=0
+    ymax=2.5
+    seqminmax=seq(ymin,ymax,by=0.5)
+    #Plot coverage over position
+    plot(mpos[mix],mval[mix],
+         pch=20,
+         cex=0.5,
+         main = "",
+         xlab = "",
+         ylab = "",
+         axes=F,
+         col = '#00000005',
+         xlim = c(0,this$length),
+         ylim = c(ymin,ymax))
+    #Add legend for red region
+    mtext(text=expression(bold("Selected region")),side=3,col='#E8000070',cex=0.8,adj=0.05)
+    #Add colored segments based on the log-ratio data
+    segments(x0=start[ix],x1=end[ix],
+             y0=int[ix],y1=int[ix],                
+             col=col,
+             lwd=4)
+    #Add a rectangle showing which region has been chosen
+    rect(xleft=Rstart,xright=Rend,ybottom=ymin,ytop=ymax,col='#E8000040',lty=0)
+    #Add X and Y axis. The (side=4) axis is just a black line showing where the data ends
+    axis(side=2,tck=0.926,col.ticks='#808080',
+         #Set axis
+         #at=seq(from=-1,to=1.5,by=0.5),
+         #labels=c("-1","-.5","0",".5","1","1.5"),
+         #Dynamic axis
+         at=seqminmax,
+         #labels=paste(seqminmax,'',sep=''),
+         cex.axis=0.6,pos=0,hadj=1.3,las=1)
+    axis(side=4,labels=F,tck=0,pos=this$length,
+         at=seqminmax)
+    axis(side=1,tck=0.926,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(5e6,this$length,by=5e6),
+         labels=FALSE,cex.axis=0.6,pos=ymin)
+    #Add Y axis label & date/time
+    mtext("Norm. coverage",side=2,line=0.3)
+    mtext(format(Sys.time(),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),side=3,cex=0.6,adj=0.95)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Middle Right - Cytobands
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Go to screen 6
+    screen(6)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0,0))
+    #Create a empty plot with the same ylim and xlim as the plot directly above it (signal) and below (AI)
+    plot(0,0,xlab="",ylab="",main="",type="n",axes=F,xaxt="n",ylim=c(0,0.3),xlim=c(0,max(mpos[mix])))
+    #Add Y axis label
+    mtext(text="Cytoband",side=2,las=1,line=-1,cex=0.8)
+    #index of the chromData for this chromosome
+    dix = chromData$chr == as.character(this$chr)
+    #Add cytoband information as differently colored rectangles
+    rect(xleft=chromData$chromStart[dix],xright=chromData$chromEnd[dix],
+         #ybottom=0.15-chromData$thickness[dix]*0.03,ytop=0.15+chromData$thickness[dix]*0.03,
+         ybottom=0,ytop=0.3,
+         col=paste(chromData$col[dix],'99',sep=''),
+         lty=0)
+    #Add a rectangle showing which region has been chosen
+    rect(xleft=Rstart,xright=Rend,ybottom=0,ytop=0.3,col='#E8000040',lty=0)
+    #Att text annotation to cytobands
+    for(j in 1:length(chromData$name[dix]))
+    {
+        #If the cytoband region is larger than 5 Mb, it can fit some text
+        if((chromData$chromEnd[dix][j] - chromData$chromStart[dix][j]) > 4*10^6)
+        {
+            # Text is added at x position (all of previous chromosome) + (middle of region)
+            # The "srt" flips the text 90 degrees
+            text(x=(chromData$chromStart[dix][j]+((chromData$chromEnd[dix][j]-chromData$chromStart[dix][j])/2)),
+                 y=0.15,labels=chromData$name[dix][j], srt=90,cex = 0.5,xpd=T)
+        }
+    }
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Bottom Right - Allelic imbalance
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #Go to screen 5
+    screen(5)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0,0))
+    #Index of correct chromsome and allele frequency not in either 0 or 1
+    six <- schr==as.character(this$chr) & !(sval %in% c(0,1))
+    #plot allele frequency over position
+    plot(spos[six],sval[six],
+         pch=20,
+         cex=0.5,
+         main = "",
+         xlab = "",
+         ylab = "",
+         #yaxt="n",
+         axes=F,
+         col = '#00000010',
+         xlim = c(0,this$length),
+         ylim = c(0,1))
+    #Add X and Y axis as well as a line to the rightmost of the data (side=4)
+    axis(side=2,tck=0.926,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.2),cex.axis=0.6,pos=0,hadj=1.3,las=1)
+    axis(side=4,labels=F,tck=0,pos=this$length)
+    axis(side=1,tck=0.925,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(5e6,this$length,by=5e6),
+         labels=paste(seq(5,round(this$length/1e6),5),'',sep=''),cex.axis=0.6,pos=0)
+    #Add a rectangle showing which region has been chosen
+    rect(xleft=Rstart,xright=Rend,ybottom=0,ytop=1,col='#E8000040',lty=0)
+    #Add X and Y label
+    mtext("Allelic imbalance",side=2,line=0.3)
+    mtext("Position (Mb)",side=1,line=1)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Top Bottom - Detailed region coverage view
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #Go to screen 4
+    screen(4)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0,0))
+    #Select the correct chromosome and region and remove stuff lower than -1 
+    mix <- mchr==as.character(this$chr) & (mpos >= Rstart) & (mpos <= Rend) #& mval>(-1)
+    wix <- chr==as.character(this$chr) & (((Rstart <= start) & (Rend >= end)) | ((Rstart >= start) & (Rstart <= end)) | ((Rend <= end) & (Rend >= start)))
+    cix = ((Rstart >= start) & (Rstart <= end))
+    start[cix] = Rstart
+    cix = ((Rend <= end) & (Rend >= start))
+    end[cix] = Rend
+    #Predefine ymin ymax and sequence between them
+    ymin=0
+    ymax=2.5
+    seqminmax=seq(ymin,ymax,by=0.5)
+    #Plot log-ratio over position
+    plot(mpos[mix],mval[mix],
+         pch=20,
+         cex=0.5,
+         main = "",
+         xlab = "",
+         ylab = "",
+         axes=F,
+         col = '#00000040',
+         xlim = c(Rstart,Rend),
+         ylim = c(ymin,ymax))#c(round(min(mval[mix]),digits=1),round(max(mval[mix]),digits=1)))#c(-1,1.5))
+    #Create an index of colors relating to the positions and lengths on this chromosome
+    col=rep('#000000',sum(wix))
+    col[pos[wix] < this$mid] <- colors_p(sum(pos[wix] < this$mid))
+    col[pos[wix] > this$mid] <- colors_q(sum(pos[wix] > this$mid))
+    #Add colored segments based on the log-ratio data
+    segments(x0=start[wix],x1=end[wix],
+             y0=int[wix],y1=int[wix],                
+             col=col,
+             lwd=4)
+    #Add X and Y axis. The (side=4) axis is just a black line showing where the data ends
+    axis(side=2,tck=0.926,col.ticks='#808080',
+         #Set axis
+         #at=seq(from=-1,to=1.5,by=0.5),
+         #labels=c("-1","-.5","0",".5","1","1.5")
+         #Dynamic axis
+         at=seqminmax,
+         #labels=paste(seqminmax,'',sep=''),
+         ,cex.axis=0.6,pos=Rstart,hadj=1.3,las=1)
+    axis(side=4,labels=F,tck=0,pos=Rend)
+    #axis(side=1,tck=0.926,col.ticks='#808080',cex.axis=0.6,pos=-1)
+    #Add X Y axis label
+    mtext("Norm. coverage",side=2,line=-0.8)
+    #mtext("Position (Mb)",side=1,line=1)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Middle Bottom - Region Gene view
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #Go to screen 3
+    screen(3)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0.25,0))
+    #par(xpd=T)
+    #Create a empty plot with the same ylim and xlim as the plot directly above it (signal) and below (AI)
+    plot(0,0,xlab="",ylab="",main="",type="n",axes=F,xaxt="n",ylim=c(0,0.48),xlim=c(Rstart,Rend))
+    kg=kg[order(kg$chr,kg$gtxEnd),]
+    #Create and index of the genes within region (rstart to rend)
+    #gix <- kg$chr==this$chr & (((Rstart <= kg$gtxStart) & (Rend >= kg$gtxEnd)) | ((Rstart >= kg$gtxStart) & (Rstart <= kg$gtxEnd)) | ((Rend <= kg$gtxEnd) & (Rend >= kg$gtxStart)))
+    gix <- kg$chr==as.character(this$chr) & ((Rstart <= kg$gtxEnd) & (Rend >= kg$gtxStart)) 
+    #If they are only partial overlapping, remove the parts outside of the selected region
+    cix = ((Rstart >= kg$gtxStart) & (Rstart <= kg$gtxEnd))
+    kg$gtxStart[cix] = Rstart
+    cix = ((Rend <= kg$gtxEnd) & (Rend >= kg$gtxStart))
+    kg$gtxEnd[cix] = Rend
+    # #Check if any genes are overlapping so they are shown on top of or below eachother
+    d1 = c(rep(0.42,length(which(gix))))
+    d2 = c(rep(0.36,length(which(gix))))
+    j = 1
+    for(i in min(which(gix)):max(which(gix)))
+    {
+        #if this gene overlaps with the gene infront of it
+        if(kg$gtxEnd[i] >= kg$gtxStart[i+1])
+        {
+            d1[j+1] = d1[j]-0.06
+            d2[j+1] = d2[j]-0.06  
+        }
+        j = j + 1
+    }
+    #Add the genes to plot as horizontal rectangles that cover the transcribed region
+    rect(xleft=kg$gtxStart[gix],xright=kg$gtxEnd[gix],
+         #Between 0 - 0.3
+         ybottom=d2,ytop=d1,
+         col=rgb(kg$R[gix],kg$G[gix],kg$B[gix],maxColorValue=255),lty=1)
+    #Add legend
+    #
+    text(x=Rstart+(6.2*(Rend-Rstart)/10),y=0.46,labels=expression(bold("Feature in PDB")),col=rgb(0,0,0,maxColorValue=255),cex=0.6)
+    text(x=Rstart+(7.6*(Rend-Rstart)/10),y=0.46,labels=expression(bold("RefSeq,Swissprot or CCDS validated")),col=rgb(12,12,120,maxColorValue=255),cex=0.6)
+    text(x=Rstart+(9*(Rend-Rstart)/10),y=0.46,labels=expression(bold("Other RefSeq")),col=rgb(80,80,160,maxColorValue=255),cex=0.6)
+    text(x=Rstart+(9.8*(Rend-Rstart)/10),y=0.46,labels=expression(bold("non-RefSeq")),col=rgb(130,130,210,maxColorValue=255),cex=0.6)
+    #Add Y label
+    mtext("Known genes",side=2,line=-1.8,,cex=0.9,las=1)
+    #legend(c(Rstart,-1),legend=c("Black","Dark blue","Medium blue","Light blue"),cex=0.4,xpd=T,
+    #         col=c(rgb(130,130,210,maxColorValue=255),
+    #               rgb(12,12,120,maxColorValue=255),
+    #               rgb(0,0,0,maxColorValue=255),
+    #               rgb(80,80,160,maxColorValue=255)))
+    for(i in 1:length(kg$gAlias[gix]))
+    {
+        text(x=(kg$gtxStart[gix][i]+((kg$gtxEnd[gix][i]-kg$gtxStart[gix][i])/2)),
+             #This places the gAlias text at same hight level as the transcribed region rectangle.
+             #y=((d1[i]+d2[i])/2),
+             #This places the gAlias text at the bottom
+             y=0.08,
+             labels=kg$gAlias[gix][i],
+             #This makes the text vertical
+             srt=90,
+             cex = 0.4,xpd=T)
+    }
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #Bottom Bottom - Detailed region allele frequency view
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #Go to screen 2
+    screen(2)
+    #Set marginals, outer marginals and mgp(which is for xlab,ylab,ticks and axis)
+    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
+    par(oma = c(0,0,0,0))
+    par(mgp =c(0.5,0.25,0))
+    #Index of correct chromsome and allele frequency not in either 0 or 1
+    six <- schr==as.character(this$chr) & !(sval %in% c(0,1)) & (spos >= Rstart) & (spos <= Rend)
+    #plot allele frequency over position
+    plot(spos[six],sval[six],
+         pch=20,
+         cex=0.5,
+         main = "",
+         xlab = "",
+         ylab = "",
+         #yaxt="n",
+         axes=F,
+         col = '#00000040',
+         xlim = c(Rstart,Rend),
+         ylim = c(0,1))
+    #Add X and Y axis as well as a line to the rightmost of the data (side=4)
+    axis(side=2,tck=0.926,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.2),cex.axis=0.6,pos=Rstart,las=1)
+    axis(side=4,labels=F,tck=0,pos=Rend)
+    #axis(side=1,tck=0.925,col.ticks='#808080',at=seq(5e6,this$length,by=5e6),
+    #      labels=paste(seq(5,round(this$length/1e6),5),'',sep=''),cex.axis=0.6,pos=0)
+    axis(side=1,cex.axis=0.6)
+    #Add X and Y label
+    mtext("Allelic imbalance",side=2,line=-0.8)
+    mtext("Position (Mb)",side=1,line=1)
+    #Close all the opened split.screens and release the figure
+    close.screen(all.screens=T)
+    dev.off()

Added: pkg/patchwork/R/sysdata.rda
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/patchwork/R/sysdata.rda
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/patchwork/man/patchwork.region.Rd
--- pkg/patchwork/man/patchwork.region.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/man/patchwork.region.Rd	2013-09-24 15:25:34 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Detailed view of a selected regions of the genome.
+Visualises a selected regions on a selected chromosome for closer inspection. Also shows known genes for selected region.
+  	\item{CNfile}{
+  	The <sample>_copnumbers.Rdata file generated from patchwork.plot(). If kept at default, NULL, the current working directory will be searched for it.
+	}
+  	\item{chr}{	
+	Which chromosome you wish to view a region of. ex chr="1"
+	}
+	\item{region}{
+  	The region in chromosomal coordinates you wish to view. ex region=1000000:6000000
+	}
+	\item{hg18}{
+  	Gene list for hg19 aligned genome is default. Set hg18=T to use hg18 gene list.
+	}
+Walkthrough of the plot:
+\bold{TOP LEFT} \cr
+Vertical axis: Allelic imbalance \cr
+Horizontal axis: Normalized coverage \cr
+The selected regions segments in color, plotted agains the whole genome background in grey.
+\bold{TOP RIGHT - TOP} \cr
+Vertical axis: Normalized coverage \cr
+Horizontal axis: Position (Mb) \cr
+Normalized coverage of chromosome with selected region highlighted in a transparent red bar.
+\bold{TOP RIGHT - MIDDLE} \cr
+Horizontal axis: Position (Mb) \cr
+Cytoband information for chromosome with selected region highlighted in a transparent red bar.
+\bold{TOP RIGHT - BOTTOM} \cr
+Vertical axis: Allelic imbalance \cr
+Horizontal axis: Position (Mb) \cr
+Allelic imbalance of chromosome with selected region highlighted in a transparent red bar.
+\bold{BOTTOM - TOP} \cr
+Vertical axis: Normalized coverage \cr
+Horizontal axis: Position (Mb) \cr
+Normalized coverage of the selected region.
+\bold{BOTTOM - MIDDLE} \cr
+Horizontal axis: Position (Mb) \cr
+Known gene positions which are in the selected region.
+\bold{BOTTOM - BOTTOM} \cr
+Vertical axis: Allelic imbalance \cr
+Horizontal axis: Position (Mb) \cr
+Allelic imbalance of the selected region.
+%%  ~Describe the value returned
+%%  If it is a LIST, use
+%%  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+%%  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+%% ...
+%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
+Markus Mayrhofer, \email{markus.mayrhofer at medsci.uu.se}
+Sebastian DiLorenzo, \email{sebastian.dilorenzo at medsci.uu.se}
+%%  ~~further notes~~
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+% \seealso{
+% \code{\link{patchwork.copynumbers}}
+% }
+%##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+%##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+%##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+%Run examples of karyotype stuff. or not, maybe just point back to patchwork.plot.
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+%\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+%\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line
\ No newline at end of file

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