[NMF-user] cleaning dataset before running NMF

ANNA ESTEVE CODINA anna.esteve at cnag.crg.eu
Wed Jul 1 19:03:16 CEST 2020

Dear all,

I am running the NMF R package to classify cancer samples but I am not sure if if it is advisable to clean my gene expression dataset from unwanted variation before. For example, I have covariates like sex, level of degradation, etc...that are counfounders. If so, how should I clean it? Regressing out these factors and working with the residuals? Are tools like SVA or ComBat appropriate?

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Anna Esteve Codina, PhD
Data Analyst
Functional Genomics Unit
Centre Nacional d'Ànalisi Genòmica
Parc Científic de Barcelona -Torre I
Baldiri Reixac, 4
08028 Barcelona
email: anna.esteve at cnag.crg.eu
web: http://www.cnag.crg.eu
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