[MonetDB.R] MonetDB.R 0.9.4

Hannes Mühleisen Hannes.Muehleisen at cwi.nl
Fri Jul 18 13:17:10 CEST 2014

Hello MonetDB.R users,

We just published version 0.9.4 of MonetDB.R on CRAN. The main change in 
this release are major improvements to the dbWriteTable method. By 
default, INSERTs are now chunked into 1000 rows per statement. Also, if 
the database is running on the same machine as R, you may use the 
csvdump=T parameter. This writes the data.frame to a local temporary CSV 
file, and uses an automatically generated COPY INTO statement to import. 
Both these methods obviously are designed to improve the speed with 
which dbWriteTable imports data. Also, he append/overwrite parameter 
handling has been fixed.

Another change makes MonetDB.R (in particular dbListTables) compatible 
with future releases of MonetDB.

As always, if there are any issues, please let me know.



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