[Mattice-commits] r244 - pkg/misc

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Mon Mar 14 17:35:28 CET 2011

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2011-03-14 17:35:28 +0100 (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 244

old version of regimes.R

Added: pkg/misc/OLDregimes.R
--- pkg/misc/OLDregimes.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/misc/OLDregimes.R	2011-03-14 16:35:28 UTC (rev 244)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Adapted from functions used in Hipp 2007 Evolution paper
+# Initially written for ouch v 1.2-4
+# updated to ouch >= 2.4-2 Nov 2008
+# updated to accommodate multiple trees Nov 2008
+regimeVectors <-
+# This is the basic call to get the full range of regimes over a set of trees
+# Generates the list of painted branches representing all possible selective regimes for OU analyses, taking as argument
+# species vectors that describe the clades at the bases of which regimes are specified to change.
+# Arguments:
+#  "tree" = the standard tree specification vectors of the OUCH-style tree
+#  "cladeMembersList" = list of vectors containing names of the members of each clade (except for the root of the tree)
+#  "maxNodes" = maximum number of nodes at which regime is permitted to change
+# Value: 
+#  "regList" = list of vectors that can each be plugged directly into OU analysis as the "regimes" argument
+#  "nodeMatrix" = matrix of trees (rows) by nodes (columns) indicating what nodes are present on which trees
+# 19 nov 08: changing to accept a list of trees and trimmed down greatly
+function(ouchTrees, cladeMembersList, maxNodes = NULL) {
+  nnode <- length(cladeMembersList)
+  regMatrix <- regimeMatrix(n = nnode, maxNodes = maxNodes)
+  apr = regimeMaker(ouchTrees, regMatrix, cladeMembersList)
+  outdata <- list(regList = apr$regList, regMatrix = apr$regMatrix, nodeMatrix = apr$nodeMatrix)
+  return(outdata) 
+paintBranches <-
+# Paints branches with regimes changing at nodes specified
+# arguments
+#  "tree" = OUCH-style (S4) tree
+#  "regimeShiftNodes" = a vector of nodes or a list of taxa defining nodes at which selective regimes shift: 
+#                       root may be included--if not present, will be added--but tips are meaningless in this context
+#  "regimeTitles" = a vector of titles for the regimes that begin at the root and at the nodes indicated in "regimeShiftNodes",
+#                   in order of description in "regimeShiftNodes", except that the root is listed first in "regimeTitles"
+#                   but not at all in "regimeShiftNodes"... defaults to "node[x]regime
+# Value: a vector of regimes that can be handed to hansen
+# this is an especially ugly function, and I'm sure there are prettier ways of doing it. The 'paint' function in
+# ouch could be adapted to this purpose, if one makes a series of consecutive calls going down the tree,
+# and down the road it would probably make sense to turn this into just such a function.
+function(regimeShiftNodes, tree, regimeTitles = NULL) {
+  ## ------------------ begin ouchtree block -----------------
+  ## check to see if tree inherits 'ouchtree'
+  if (!is(tree,'ouchtree')) 
+	stop(paste('This function has been rewritten to use the new S4 ', sQuote('ouchtree'), ' class.',
+	'\nYou can generate a tree of this class by calling ', sQuote('ouchtree()'), '.', sep = ""))
+  ## get the vectors we need:
+  ancestor <- tree at ancestors # class = "character"
+  node <- tree at nodes # class = "character"
+  species <- tree at nodelabels # class = "character" -- note that nodelabels is more general than this indicates and the name should be changed throughout at some point
+  times <- tree at times # class = "numeric"
+  ## ------------------ end ouchtree block -------------------
+  if(class(regimeShiftNodes) == "list") regimeShiftNodes <- unlist(lapply(regimeShiftNodes, mrcaOUCH, tree = tree))
+  regimeShiftNodes <- unique(c(as.character(tree at root), regimeShiftNodes))
+  if(identical(regimeTitles, NULL)) regimeTitles <- as.character(regimeShiftNodes)
+  names(regimeTitles) = as.character(regimeShiftNodes)
+  colorsVector = character(length(node))
+  for (i in 1:length(ancestor)) {
+    # First three lines fill up the vector for nodes that are hit in order
+    if (is.na(ancestor[i])) {
+      colorsVector[i] = regimeTitles["1"]
+      next }
+    if (as.character(ancestor[i]) %in% as.character(regimeShiftNodes)) {
+      colorsVector[i] = regimeTitles[as.character(ancestor[i])]
+      next }
+    if (colorsVector[as.integer(ancestor[i])] != "") {
+      colorsVector[i] = colorsVector[as.integer(ancestor[i])]
+      next }
+    # These lines fill up the vector for nodes run reached before their immediate ancestor
+    nodeQ = integer(length(node))
+    ii = i
+    repeat {
+      nodeQ = c(ii, nodeQ)
+      ii = as.numeric(ancestor[ii])
+      if (as.character(ancestor[ii]) %in% as.character(regimeShiftNodes)) {
+        colorsVector[ii] = colorsVector[as.integer(ancestor[ii])]
+        break}
+      if (colorsVector[as.integer(ancestor[ii])] != "") {
+        colorsVector[ii] = colorsVector[as.integer(ancestor[ii])]
+        break} }
+    for(j in nodeQ) {
+      colorsVector[j] = colorsVector[as.integer(ancestor[j])] } 
+      } # closes for(i in 1:length(ancestor)) loop 
+      # a hack to fix a problem I don't understand... with the undesired side effect that it colors the stem of some subtrees rather than the crown as originally written
+      for(i in 1:length(colorsVector)) if(colorsVector[i] == "") colorsVector[i] <- as.character(i) 
+      # colors terminal branches if any terminal branches are in the regimeShiftNodes
+      for(i in regimeShiftNodes) if(i %in% tree at term) colorsVector[as.numeric(i)] <- as.character(i)
+      colorsVector <- as.factor(colorsVector)
+      names(colorsVector) <- tree at nodes
+  return(colorsVector) }
+regimeMaker <- function(ouchTrees, regMatrix, nodeMembers) {
+## supplants the old 'allPossibleRegimes'
+## takes a list of ouchtree objects, a regimeMatrix ouput, and a list of nodeMembers (the taxa definining each node of interest)
+## Value:
+##  regList = a list of nodes defining the change points for each tree (i.e., a list of lists)
+##  nodeMatrix = a matrix of trees (rows) by nodes (columns) indicating whether the node is present in each tree
+  # set up variables
+  numTrees <- length(ouchTrees)
+  numNodes <- length(nodeMembers)
+  if(numNodes != dim(regMatrix)[2]) stop('Number of nodes (columns) in regMatrix must equal number of items in nodeMembers list')
+  nodeMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = numTrees, ncol = numNodes, dimnames = list(seq(numTrees), dimnames(regMatrix)[[2]]))
+  changeNodes <- list(numTrees)
+  regList <- list(numTrees)
+  regMatrices <- list(numTrees)
+  # fill outdata
+  for(i in seq(numNodes)) nodeMatrix[, i] <- unlist(lapply(ouchTrees, isMonophyletic, taxa = nodeMembers[[i]]))
+  for(i in seq(numTrees)) {
+    tree <- ouchTrees[[i]]
+    regMatrices[[i]] <- regMatrix * as.numeric(matrix(nodeMatrix[i, ], dim(regMatrix)[1], dim(regMatrix)[2], byrow = TRUE)) # multiplies regMatrix by nodes present
+    regMatrices[[i]][1:(dim(regMatrices[[i]])[1] - 1), ][which(apply(regMatrices[[i]][1:(dim(regMatrices[[i]])[1] - 1), ], 1, sum) == 0), ] <- rep(NA, numNodes) # set to NA regimes that have no nodes, except for OU1 model
+    regMatrices[[i]][duplicated(apply(regMatrices[[i]], 1, as.decimal)), ] <- rep(NA, numNodes) ## set to NA non-unique regimes
+    dimnames(regMatrices[[i]]) <- list(seq(dim(regMatrices[[i]])[1]), dimnames(regMatrices[[i]])[[2]])
+    numTreeRegs <- dim(regMatrices[[i]])[1]
+    treeRegs <- list(numTreeRegs) # this will be assigned to regList[[i]]
+    nodesVector <- unlist(lapply(nodeMembers, mrcaOUCH, tree = ouchTrees[[i]])) # as written, gets the MRCA for even invalid nodes just so indexing stays right
+    for(j in seq(numTreeRegs)) {
+      if(any(is.na(regMatrices[[i]][j, ]))) treeRegs[[j]] <- NA
+      else {
+        treeRegs[[j]] <- as.factor(paintBranches(c("1", nodesVector[as.logical(regMatrices[[i]][j, ])]), tree))
+        names(treeRegs[[j]]) <- tree at nodes
+      }
+    }
+    regList[[i]] <- treeRegs
+  }
+  regMatrices$overall <- regMatrix # this is the matrix that includes all regimes without regard to any tree
+  outdata <- list(regList = regList, nodeMatrix = nodeMatrix, regMatrix = regMatrices)
+  return(outdata)
+regimeMatrix <- function(n, maxNodes) {
+## recursive function that returns the same thing as oldRegimeMatrix, but much more efficient, at least for small maxNodes
+## actually, it appears to be more efficient even at n = maxNodes
+  if(n == 1) return(matrix(1:0, nrow = 2, ncol = 1))
+  outmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = n)
+  for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
+    temp <- c(rep(0, (i-1)), 1)
+    remainder <- n - i
+    if (maxNodes > 1 && remainder > 0) {
+      nextMat <- regimeMatrix(remainder, maxNodes - 1)
+      temp <- cbind(matrix(temp, dim(nextMat)[1], length(temp), byrow = TRUE), nextMat)
+      }
+    else temp[(i+1):n] <- rep(0, length((i+1):n))
+    outmat <- rbind(outmat, temp)
+  }
+  outmat <- rbind(outmat, c(rep(0, n-1), 1))
+  outmat <- rbind(outmat, rep(0,n))
+  dimnames(outmat) = list(seq(dim(outmat)[1]), seq(dim(outmat)[2]))
+  return(outmat)
+as.decimal <- function(n) {
+# takes a binary vector and makes it a decimal
+  digits <- length(n)
+  result <- 0
+  for(i in digits:1) result <- result + n[i] * 2 ^ (digits - i)
+  result

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