[Mattice-commits] r193 - in pkg: R man

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Fri May 29 22:18:09 CEST 2009

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2009-05-29 22:18:08 +0200 (Fri, 29 May 2009)
New Revision: 193

modifications to deal with multiple trees (new data set) and very short branches, which turn out to cause difficulties in ouSim.

Modified: pkg/R/ouSim.hansenBatch.R
--- pkg/R/ouSim.hansenBatch.R	2009-05-29 18:50:13 UTC (rev 192)
+++ pkg/R/ouSim.hansenBatch.R	2009-05-29 20:18:08 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   if(identical(rootState, NULL)) rootState <- analysis$thetaMatrix[treeNum, ][tree at root] # rootstate taken to be the optimum at the root
   outdata <- ouSim(tree, rootState, alpha = analysis$modelAvgAlpha, variance = analysis$modelAvgSigmaSq, theta = analysis$thetaMatrix[treeNum, ], ...)
   class(outdata) <- "ouSim"
-  return(outdata)
+  return(outdata)t 
 ouSim.hansenBatch <- function(object, ...) ouSim(summary(object), ...)

Modified: pkg/R/ouSim.ouchtree.R
--- pkg/R/ouSim.ouchtree.R	2009-05-29 18:50:13 UTC (rev 192)
+++ pkg/R/ouSim.ouchtree.R	2009-05-29 20:18:08 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -5,31 +5,32 @@
 ##   alpha and theta are either single values or vectors of length (length(branchList))
 tree <- object
 message(paste("running sim with root =", rootState, ", alpha =", mean(alpha), ", var =", variance, "theta =", mean(theta)))
-##embedded function---------------------
-##can be released to the wild, but more arguments will need to be passed around
-preorderOU <- function(branchList, tree, startNode, startState, alpha, theta) {
-## Recursive function to generate the data under a Brownian motion or OU model
-## modified for ouchtree (s4) Dec 08
-## branch times back from each tip are in tree at epochs, indexed by tip number
-## nodes back from each node (including tips) are in tree at lineages, indexed by node number
-## a branch length is the time of a node - the time of its ancestor
-## not fixed yet for ouchtree
-  startBranch <- startNode ## startNode really means start branch... it's the end node of hte branch starting this process
-  # message(paste('Working on branch',startBranch,'with starting state',startState))
-  workingBranch <- branchList[[startBranch]]
-  workingBranch[1] <- startState
-  for (brStep in 2:length(workingBranch)) {
-    workingBranch[brStep] <- 
-      workingBranch[brStep - 1] + workingBranch[brStep] + alpha[startBranch] / steps * (theta[startBranch] - workingBranch[brStep - 1]) # denom was mult'd by steps... should be? 
-    }
-  branchList[[startBranch]] <- workingBranch
-  endState <- branchList[[startBranch]][length(branchList[[startBranch]])]
-  daughterBranches <- tree at nodes[which(tree at ancestors == startNode)]
-  if(!identical(as.integer(daughterBranches), integer(0))) {
-    for(i in daughterBranches) branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, i, endState, alpha, theta) }
-  return(branchList) 
+	##embedded function---------------------
+	##could be released to the wild, but more arguments will need to be passed around
+	preorderOU <- function(branchList, tree, startNode, startState, alpha, theta) {
+	  ## Recursive function to generate the data under a Brownian motion or OU model
+	  ## modified for ouchtree (s4) Dec 08
+	  ## branch times back from each tip are in tree at epochs, indexed by tip number
+	  ## nodes back from each node (including tips) are in tree at lineages, indexed by node number
+	  ## a branch length is the time of a node - the time of its ancestor
+	  ## not fixed yet for ouchtree
+	  startBranch <- startNode ## startNode really means start branch... it's the end node of the branch starting this process
+	  workingBranch <- branchList[[startBranch]]
+	  workingBranch[1] <- startState
+	  for (brStep in 2:length(workingBranch)) {
+	    workingBranch[brStep] <- 
+	      workingBranch[brStep - 1] + workingBranch[brStep] + alpha[startBranch] / steps * (theta[startBranch] - workingBranch[brStep - 1]) # denom was mult'd by steps... should be? 
+	    }
+	  branchList[[startBranch]] <- workingBranch
+	  endState <- branchList[[startBranch]][length(branchList[[startBranch]])]
+	  daughterBranches <- tree at nodes[which(tree at ancestors == startNode)]
+	  if(!identical(as.integer(daughterBranches), integer(0))) {
+	    for(i in daughterBranches) branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, i, endState, alpha, theta) }
+	  return(branchList) 
+	}  
+	##--------------------------------------
   ## 1. initialize
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
   ##   If there is a separate variance for each branch, I assume the variance is expressed in terms of total tree-length, 
   ##   so the scaling is the same for all branches
   sdStep <- sqrt(variance / steps)
-  if(length(variance) == 1) branchList <- lapply(round(brLengths*steps), rnorm, sd = sdStep)
+  if(length(variance) == 1) branchList <- lapply(sapply(round(brLengths*steps), max, 1), rnorm, sd = sdStep) # makes each branch a minimum of 2 steps long
   else {
     branchList <- vector("list", length(tree at nnodes)) 
     for(i in seq(tree at nnodes)) branchList[[i]] <- rnorm(n = brLengths[i], mean = 0, sd = sdStep[i])
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
     branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, tree at nodes[i], rootState, alpha, theta) 
-  value <- (list(branchList = branchList, timesList = timesList, steps = steps, parameters = list(rootState = rootState, alpha = alpha, variance = variance, theta = theta))) 
+  value <- list(branchList = branchList, timesList = timesList, steps = steps, parameters = list(rootState = rootState, alpha = alpha, variance = variance, theta = theta))
   class(value) <- "ouSim"

Modified: pkg/R/plot.ouSim.R
--- pkg/R/plot.ouSim.R	2009-05-29 18:50:13 UTC (rev 192)
+++ pkg/R/plot.ouSim.R	2009-05-29 20:18:08 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-plot.ouSim <- function(x, nodeColor = "blue", nodeDotSize = 1.4, colors = NULL, ...) {
+trplot.ouSim <- function(x, nodeColor = "blue", nodeDotSize = 1.4, colors = NULL, ...) {
 ## To plot different clades, set the colors vector according to the branches in the original 
 ## only passes the ... along to lines
   branches = length(x$branchList)

Modified: pkg/man/carex.Rd
--- pkg/man/carex.Rd	2009-05-29 18:50:13 UTC (rev 192)
+++ pkg/man/carex.Rd	2009-05-29 20:18:08 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-  A list with three items:
+  A list with four items:
      An ultrametric tree in \code{phylo} format with 53 tips
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
      A list of eight taxon vectors defining the eight nodes studied.
+    \item{\code{ovales.bayesTrees}}{
+     A list of 100 ultrametric trees in \code{phylo} format, subsampled from the MCMC analysis underlying 
+     \code{carex$ovales.bayesTrees}.
+     }
   Phylogeny (\code{ovales.tree}) was estimated for approximately 80 species (Hipp 2006), branch lengths optimized using
@@ -43,14 +47,14 @@
-  ovales.tree <- ape2ouch(carex$ovales.tree) # tree comes in in phylo format, but we need an ouchtree object
-  trial <- runBatchHansen(ovales.tree, carex$ovales.data, carex$ovales.nodes[1:4], maxNodes = 2) # for expedience, only tests for changes at up to 2 of the first 4 nodes
+  trees <- lapply(carex$ovales.bayesTrees[1:10], ape2ouch) # tree comes in in phylo format, but we need an ouchtree object
+  trial <- runBatchHansen(trees, carex$ovales.data, carex$ovales.nodes[1:4], maxNodes = 2) # for expedience, only tests for changes at up to 2 of the first 4 nodes
   summary(trial) # summarizes results using summary.hansenBatch and displays the results using print.hansenSummary
   multiModel(carex$ovales.tree, carex$ovales.data, carex$ovales.nodes[[2]]) # compares five different models of character change at node 2
-  trialSim <- ouSim(trial, ovales.tree) # simulates the evolution of the chromosome number under the model-averaged values
+  trialSim <- ouSim(trial, trees[[1]], treeNum = 1) # simulates the evolution of the chromosome number under the model-averaged values, using tree # 1 as the guide tree
   plot(trialSim) # plots the character simulation, with all branches black
-  plot(trialSim, colors = paintBranches(carex$ovales.nodes[1:4], ovales.tree)) # plots the character simulation, with branch colors changing at all 8 nodes
-  plot(trialSim, colors = paintBranches(list(carex$ovales.nodes[[2]]), ovales.tree)) # plots the character simulation, with branch colors changing only at node 2
+  plot(trialSim, colors = paintBranches(carex$ovales.nodes[1:4], trees[[1]])) # plots the character simulation, with branch colors changing at all 8 nodes
+  plot(trialSim, colors = paintBranches(list(carex$ovales.nodes[[2]]), trees[[1]])) # plots the character simulation, with branch colors changing only at node 2
 \author{Andrew L. Hipp <ahipp at mortonarb.org>}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/ouSim.Rd
--- pkg/man/ouSim.Rd	2009-05-29 18:50:13 UTC (rev 192)
+++ pkg/man/ouSim.Rd	2009-05-29 20:18:08 UTC (rev 193)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     Model-averaged parameters from the \code{hansenBatch} object are used for analysis. 
-    One of the trees used for analysis must be provided, and a corrsponding tree number must be provided so that 
+    One of the trees used for analysis must be provided, and a corresponding tree number must be provided so that 
     branches are indexed correctly.
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
-   A very basic simulation engine, but also the most flexible. As written, the user has to specify the 
-  model using two vectors that correspond to the branches in an \code{ape}-format tree. It is important to note that
-  this simulation method is really a heuristic device, not appropriate for estimating parameter distributions. For
-  analysis purposes, you should utilize the \code{simulate} and \code{bootstrap} methods in \pkg{ouch}.
+    A very basic simulation engine, but also the most flexible. As written, the user has to specify the 
+    model using two vectors that correspond to the branches in an \code{ape}-format tree. It is important to note that
+    this simulation method is really a heuristic device, not appropriate for estimating parameter distributions. For
+    analysis purposes, you should utilize the \code{simulate} and \code{bootstrap} methods in \pkg{ouch}.

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