[Mattice-commits] r42 - pkg/R

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Wed Nov 19 23:51:40 CET 2008

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2008-11-19 23:51:40 +0100 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 42

all regime painting functions work properly with a list of S4 ouch trees, and nodes missing from a tree are disregarded for that tree

Modified: pkg/R/regimes.R
--- pkg/R/regimes.R	2008-11-19 22:40:19 UTC (rev 41)
+++ pkg/R/regimes.R	2008-11-19 22:51:40 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
 # ---------------------------------------------------
 # ---------------------------------------------------
-# Modified from functions used in Hipp 2007 Evolution paper
+# Adapted from functions used in Hipp 2007 Evolution paper
 # Initially written for ouch v 1.2-4
 # updated to ouch >= 2.4-2 Nov 2008
+# updated to accommodate multiple trees Nov 2008
 regimeVectors <-
 # Generates the list of painted branches representing all possible selective regimes for OU analyses, taking as argument
 # species vectors that describe the clades at the bases of which regimes are specified to change.
 # Arguments:
 #  "tree" = the standard tree specification vectors of the OUCH-style tree
 #  "cladeMembersList" = list of vectors containing names of the members of each clade (except for the root of the tree)
+#  "maxNodes" = maximum number of nodes at which regime is permitted to change
 # Value: list of vectors that can each be plugged directly into OU analysis as the "regimes" argument
-# 19 nov 08: changing to accept a list of trees
+# 19 nov 08: changing to accept a list of trees and trimmed down greatly
 function(ouchTrees, cladeMembersList, maxNodes = NULL) {
   ## ------------------ begin ouchtree block -----------------
   ## check to see if tree inherits 'ouchtree'
@@ -32,28 +29,15 @@
   ## ------------------ end ouchtree block -------------------
   nnode <- length(cladeMembersList)
-  regMatrix <- regimeMatrix(n = nnode)
+  regMatrix <- regimeMatrix(n = nnode, maxNodes = maxNodes)
   apr = regimeMaker(ouchTrees, regMatrix, cladeMembersList) ## HOLD IT! NOW REGIME MAKER WORKS ON ALL TREES AT ONCE... RETHINK THIS
-  # apr$regList = a list of vectors, each indicating changeNodes
-  # apr$nodeMatrix = a matrix of trees (rows) by nodes (columns) indicating whether the node is present in each tree
-  nodeMatri <- unlist(changeNodesList)
-  #changeNodesVector = vector("character", length(changeNodesList))
-  #for (i in 1:length(changeNodesList)) # Changing cladeMemberList to a 1-d vector
-  #  {changeNodesVector[i] = changeNodesList[[i]]}
-  allRegimes <- regimesList
-  regimePaintings = vector("list", length(allRegimes))
-  for (i in 1:length(allRegimes)) {
-    allRegimes[[i]] <- c("1", allRegimes[[i]])
-    regimePaintings[[i]] <- as.factor(paintBranches(tree, allRegimes[[i]], as.character(allRegimes[[i]])))
-    names(regimePaintings[[i]]) <- tree at nodes
-    message(paste('Created regime',i))}
-  outdata <- list(regimeList = regimePaintings, regimeMatrix = regMatrix)
+  outdata <- list(regList = apr$regList, nodeMatrix = apr$nodeMatrix)
   return(outdata) }
 paintBranches <-
 # Paints branches with regimes changing at nodes specified
 # arguments
-#  "node" "ancestor" "times" = the standard tree specification vectors of the OUCH-style tree
+#  "tree" = OUCH-style (S4) tree
 #  "regimeShiftNodes" = a vector of nodes at which selective regimes shift: root must be included, but tips are meaningless in this context
 #  "regimeTitles" = a vector of titles for the regimes that begin at the root and at the nodes indicated in "regimeShiftNodes",
 #                   in order of description in "regimeShiftNodes", except that the root is listed first in "regimeTitles"
@@ -108,66 +92,6 @@
       for(i in 1:length(colorsVector)) if(colorsVector[i] == "") colorsVector[i] <- as.character(i) 
   return(colorsVector) }
-allPossibleRegimes <-
-# Generates a list of vectors of all possible 2^n regimes for a given list of n ancestor nodes, assuming that each node
-#  can either be a change node or not, and that all combinations are meaningful.
-# NOTE: This routine returns all possible permutations, ignoring the fact that the root must be included as a changeNode
-#  for paintBranches to work properly. Exclude the root when calling this routine.
-# Arguments:
-#  "changeNodes" = vector of all change nodes in all possible scenarios, or number of regimes assumed if nodeMatrix = T
-#  "maxNodes" = single number indicating the maximum number of nodes at which a regime can change
-#  "nodeMatrix" = indicates whether to return a binary table for interp or a list of changeNode vectors for analysis
-# Value:
-#    regimeList = a list of changeNode vectors (assumes type = "character"), one for each possible scenario
-#    regimeMatrix = : a binary table indicating whether a regime node is present or absent based on allPossibleRegimes output; 
-#                     presumes nodes are labeled 1:n
-# 10 nov 08: this function now takes over regimeNodes
-function(changeNodes, maxNodes = NULL, nodeMatrix = F) {
-    if(!identical(maxNodes, NULL) && maxNodes > length(changeNodes)) warning(paste(sQuote('maxNodes'), 'cannot be larger than the number of nodes; maxNodes ignored'))
-    numberOfRegimes = ifelse(length(changeNodes) == 1, 2, 2^length(changeNodes))
-    regime = vector("list", numberOfRegimes)
-    for (i in 1:(numberOfRegimes - 1)) {
-      remainder = i
-      n = NULL
-      for (j in as.integer(log2(i)):0) {
-        if (2^j > remainder) n[j+1] = NA
-        else {
-          n[j+1] = changeNodes[j+1]
-          remainder = remainder %% 2^j 
-        }
-      }
-      regime[[i]] = sort(n[!is.na(n)]) 
-    }
-    regime[[numberOfRegimes]] = rep("0", times = as.integer(log2(i)) + 1) 
-    ## make node matrix
-    regimesNameMatrix = matrix(
-        data = NA, nrow = numberOfRegimes, ncol = length(changeNodes), dimnames = list(
-          as.character(seq(numberOfRegimes)), as.character(seq(length(changeNodes)))
-          )
-      )
-      for (i in seq(numberOfRegimes)) {
-        for (j in seq(length(changeNodes))) {
-          if (is.na(match(changeNodes[j],regime[[i]]))) regimesNameMatrix[i,j] = 0 # changed this so that j indexes changeNodes
-          else regimesNameMatrix[i,j] = 1 
-        }
-      }
-      outmatrix <- regimesNameMatrix
-      if(!identical(maxNodes, NULL)) {
-        outmatrix <- outmatrix[apply(outmatrix,1,sum) <= maxNodes, ]
-        dimnames(outmatrix)[[1]] = as.character(seq(dim(outmatrix)[1]))
-        }
-    ## prune list
-    outlist <- regime 
-      if(!identical(maxNodes, NULL)) {
-        outlist <- outlist[sapply(outlist, length) <= maxNodes]
-        outlist[[length(outlist) + 1]] <- rep("0", length(changeNodes))
-        }
-  #    }
-  outdata <- list(regimeList = outlist, regimeMatrix = outmatrix)
-  return(outdata) }
 regimeMaker <- function(ouchTrees, regMatrix, nodeMembers) {
 ## supplants the old 'allPossibleRegimes'
 ## takes a list of ouchtree objects, a regimeMatrix ouput, and a list of nodeMembers (the taxa definining each node of interest)

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