[Mattice-commits] r25 - pkg/man
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Fri Nov 14 03:19:23 CET 2008
Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2008-11-14 03:19:23 +0100 (Fri, 14 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 25
Documentation for ouSim
Modified: pkg/man/ouSim.Rd
--- pkg/man/ouSim.Rd 2008-11-13 22:55:51 UTC (rev 24)
+++ pkg/man/ouSim.Rd 2008-11-14 02:19:23 UTC (rev 25)
@@ -1,25 +1,10 @@
-\title{Discrete-time simulation and visualization of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models on a user tree.}
+\title{Discrete-time simulation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models on a user tree.}
- \code{ouSim} simulates the evolution of a single character on an {ape}-style user tree under arbitrarily
+ \code{ouSim} simulates the evolution of a single character on an \code{ape}-style user tree under arbitrarily
complex Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models.
-ouSim <- function(phy, rootState = 0, shiftBranches = NULL, shiftStates = NULL, alpha = 0, variance = 1, theta = rootState, model = "OU", branchMeans = NULL, steps = 1000) {
-## function to plot a simulated dataset under brownian motion or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model
-## Arguments:
-## phy is an ape-style tree
-## alpha and theta are either single values or vectors of length (length(branchList))
-## shiftBranches is a vector indicating any branches at which an OU or brownian motion model has a determined shift in ancestral state
-## shiftStates is a vector of length = length(shiftBranches) indicaing the ancestral states for the determined break points
-## Models:
-## "OU" is a brownian motion or OU model
-## "platt" is the Platt-Molitor model, in which the only phylogenetic effect is the mean and variance for a given branch
-## Andrew Hipp (ahipp at mortonarb.org), January 2008
-## July 2008: modified to accomodate a vector of alpha and theta corresponding to branches
(phy, rootState = 0, shiftBranches = NULL, shiftStates = NULL, alpha = 0, variance = 1, theta = rootState, model = "OU", branchMeans = NULL, steps = 1000)
@@ -30,39 +15,45 @@
The character state at the root of the tree
- \item{branch}{
- An optional named vector specifying the end nodes of branches.
- The unique branch that terminates at the named node will be painted with the specified regime.
- }
- \item{which}{
- integer;
- if \code{tree} is a \code{hansentree}, start not with a blank canvas but with the regime specifications \code{tree} contains for the character indicated by \code{which}.
- }
+ \item{shiftBranches}{
+ An optional vector indicating any branches at which an OU model has a determined shift in ancestral state.
+ Same order as \code{shiftStates}. This argument and \code{shiftStates} are only needed if you want to specify a model with
+ a disjunction in phenotype, similar to restarting evolution at a new point.
+ }
+ \item{shiftStates}{
+ An optional vector of length = \code{length(shiftStates)} indicating the ancestrat states for the branches at which the state shifts.
+ }
+ \item{alpha}{
+ The strength of attraction toward an equilibrium or optimum. This term is refered to as the rate of evolution by Hansen (1997)
+ and the strength of selection by Butler and King (2004). It is a multiplier by the difference between the character state and the
+ character state optimum. Alpha can be submitted as a single value applied to all branches or as a vector corresponding to branches
+ in the \code{phylo} object. At \code{alpha = 0}, the simulation approximates a Brownian motion process.
+ }
+ \item{variance}{
+ The variance on the stochastic portion of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model.
+ }
+ \item{theta}{
+ The character state optimum. \code{theta} can be submitted as a single value or, like \code{alpha}, as a vector corresponding to
+ branches of the tree.
+ }
+ \item{branchMeans}
+ The mean for each branch, utilized only in the Platt model.
+ }
+ \item{steps}
+ The number of slices into which the tree is divided for simulation.
+ }
- The names of \code{subtree} and \code{branch} must be the names of nodes of \code{tree}.
- The painting proceeds in a particular order: one can overpaint a branch.
- The subtrees indicated by the elements of \code{subtree} are painted first, in order.
- Then the branches indicated by \code{branch} are painted.
- If \code{tree} is a simple \code{ouchtree} object, then \code{paint} begins with a blank canvas, i.e., a tree painted with the single regime "nonspec".
- If \code{tree} inherits class \code{hansentree}, then \code{paint} begins with the regimes specified in the \code{regimes} slot of \code{tree}.
- Note that, if \code{tree} is a multivariate \code{hansentree}, then there are multiple regime specifications contained in \code{tree}.
- In this case, the argument \code{which} lets you pick which one you wish to begin with;
- by default, the first is used.
- A vector of class 'factor' with names corresponding to the nodes in \code{tree}, specifying selective regimes.
+ A list of class 'ouSim' that describes the phenotype at the beginning and end of each branch segment, as well as the model.
+ }
+\author{Andrew Hipp ahipp at mortonarb.org}
+ \code{plot.ouSim} for visualizing simulation
-\author{Aaron A. King kingaa at umich dot edu}
-\seealso{\code{ouchtree}, \code{hansen}}
-x <- with(bimac,ouchtree(nodes=node,times=time/max(time),ancestors=ancestor,labels=species))
-r <- paint(x,subtree=c("1"="medium","9"="large","2"="small"),branch=c("38"="large","2"="medium"))
-# compare to bimac['OU.LP']
-h5 <- hansen(data=log(bimac['size']),tree=x,regimes=bimac['OU.LP'],alpha=1,sigma=1,reltol=1e-5)
-r <- paint(h5,branch=c("18"="large"),subtree=c("9"="small"))
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