[Mattice-commits] r68 - pkg/R
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Tue Dec 2 22:43:17 CET 2008
Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2008-12-02 22:43:17 +0100 (Tue, 02 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 68
fixing summary so that node probabilities are calculated correctly over multiple trees
Modified: pkg/R/summarizingAnalyses.R
--- pkg/R/summarizingAnalyses.R 2008-12-02 20:18:21 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/R/summarizingAnalyses.R 2008-12-02 21:43:17 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -6,93 +6,78 @@
summary.hansenBatch <- function(hansenBatch){
## items in output: hansens, regimeList, regimeMatrix
-## the summary will eventually sum weights over all nodes over all trees
- # Get information criterion weights for all models
- icObject <- informationCriterion.hansenBatch(hansenBatch)
- nmodels <- dim(hansenBatch$hansens[[1]])[1]
- ntrees <- length(hansenBatch$hansens)
- sigmaSqVector <- numeric(ntrees)
- alphaVector <- numeric(ntrees)
- modelsMatrix <- vector('list', ntrees)
- matrixRows <- c('AIC.weight', 'AICc.weight', 'BIC.weight')
- outMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(icObject[[1]]$AICwi), ncol = length(matrixRows), dimnames = list(icObject[[1]]$names, matrixRows))
- nmodelsMatrix <- outMatrix # a matrix to divide outMatrix by so that average BICwi are only based on trees that have a node
+ icObject <- informationCriterion.hansenBatch(hansenBatch) # Get information criterion weights for all models
+ nmodels <- dim(hansenBatch$hansens[[1]])[1] # number of models per tree (ignores the fact that models may not be present in all trees)
+ ntrees <- length(hansenBatch$hansens) # number of trees
+ nodeSums <- colSums(hansenBatch$nodeMatrix) # number of trees possessing each node
+ nnodes <- length(nodeSums) # number of nodes being studied
+ nodes <- dimnames(hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall)[[2]] # grab the overall regMatrix, which includes all possible nodes
+ sigmaSqVector <- numeric(ntrees) # vector to capture model-averaged sigma^2 for each tree
+ alphaVector <- numeric(ntrees) # vector to capture model-averaged alpha for each tree
+ modelsMatrix <- vector('list', ntrees) # list of matrices, indexed by tree, holding the weight for each model
+ matrixRows <- c('AIC.weight', 'AICc.weight', 'BIC.weight') # rows in the matrix
+ nodeWeightsSummed <- matrix(0, nrow = length(matrixRows), ncol = nnodes, dimnames = list(matrixRows, nodes)) # holds node weights summed
+ ## outMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(icObject[[1]]$AICwi), ncol = length(matrixRows), dimnames = list(icObject[[1]]$names, matrixRows)) # model weights
+ ## nmodelsMatrix <- outMatrix # a matrix to divide outMatrix by so that average BICwi are only based on trees that have a node -- NEEDED?
thetaMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = ntrees,
ncol = dim(hansenBatch$thetas[[1]])[2],
dimnames = list(1:ntrees, dimnames(hansenBatch$thetas[[1]])[[2]])
for(tree in 1:ntrees) {
- aicList <- icObject[[tree]]$AICwi
- aiccList <- icObject[[tree]]$AICcwi
- bicList <- icObject[[tree]]$BICwi
- modelsMatrix[[tree]] <- cbind(aicList, aiccList, bicList) # grab IC weights for each model in the tree and stick them all into modelsMatrix
- temp <- modelsMatrix[[tree]]; temp[!is.na(temp)] <- 1 #
- nmodelsMatrix <- nmodelsMatrix + replace.matrix(temp, NA, 0) # nmodelsMatrix gets a 1 for each model present, a 0 for each model not present
- outMatrix <- outMatrix + replace.matrix(modelsMatrix[[tree]], NA, 0) # replace NAs with 0 so that sum works correctly at the end
- sigmaSqVector[tree] <- weighted.mean(hansenBatch$hansens[[tree]][, 'sigma.squared'], bicList, na.rm = T)
- if(hansenBatch$brown) bicOU <- bicList[1: (length(bicList) - 1)]
+ modelsMatrix[[tree]] <- cbind(icObject[[tree]]$AICwi, icObject[[tree]]$AICcwi, icObject[[tree]]$BICwi)
+ bic <- icObject[[tree]]$BICwi
+ ## temp <- modelsMatrix[[tree]]; temp[!is.na(temp)] <- 1
+ ## nmodelsMatrix <- nmodelsMatrix + replace.matrix(temp, NA, 0) # nmodelsMatrix gets a 1 for each model present, a 0 for each model not present
+ ## outMatrix <- outMatrix + replace.matrix(modelsMatrix[[tree]], NA, 0) # replace NAs with 0 so that sum works correctly at the end
+ for(i in seq(nnodes)) {
+ modelsMatrixSubset <- modelsMatrix[[tree]][hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall[, nodes[i]] == 1, ] # subset models that contain node i
+ if(identical(dim(modelsMatrixSubset), NULL)) # is modelsMatrixSubset a 1-d vector? if so then:
+ nodeWeightsSummed[, nodes[i]] <- sum(nodeWeightsSummed[, nodes[i]], modelsMatrixSubset, na.rm = T) # because extracting a single row yields a vector, and dim returns NULL for a vector
+ else nodeWeightsSummed[, nodes[i]] <- sum(nodeWeightsSummed[, nodes[i]], colSums(modelsMatrixSubset, na.rm = T), na.rm = T)
+ }
+ sigmaSqVector[tree] <- weighted.mean(hansenBatch$hansens[[tree]][, 'sigma.squared'], bic, na.rm = T)
+ if(hansenBatch$brown) bicOU <- bic[1: (length(bic) - 1)]
alphaVector[tree] <- ifelse(hansenBatch$brown,
weighted.mean(hansenBatch$hansens[[tree]][1:(nmodels - 1), 'theta / alpha'], bicOU, na.rm = T),
- weighted.mean(hansenBatch$hansens[[tree]][ , 'theta / alpha'], bicList, na.rm = T) )
- if(hansenBatch$brown) w <- bicOU
- else w <- bicList
+ weighted.mean(hansenBatch$hansens[[tree]][ , 'theta / alpha'], bic, na.rm = T)
+ )
+ if(hansenBatch$brown) w <- bicOU else w <- bic
thetaMatrix[tree, ] <- apply(hansenBatch$thetas[[tree]], 2,
w = w,
- na.rm = T)
+ na.rm = T
+ )
- ## the lines below made the weights on branches ignore the fact that the Brownian motion model was part of the
- ## model set; however, I've removed them b/c support for the Brownian motion model does (and should) contribute
- ## to reduced probability of change at any of the nodes. You can uncomment them if you feel differently.
- # nonBrownWI <- 1 # defaults to no brownian motion model weights in case none are present
- # if(hansenBatch$brown) {
- # brownWeights <- modelsMatrix['brown', ] # value: brownWeights
- # nonBrownWI <- 1-brownWeights # this is just to make it easy to normalize the non-Brownian OU models
- # }
- weightsMatrix.unnormalized <- outMatrix / nmodelsMatrix # in this matrix, the weight for each model is averaged only over trees
+ nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized <- nodeWeightsSummed / matrix(nodeSums, nrow = dim(nodeWeightsSummed)[1], ncol = nnodes, byrow = T)
+ # in this matrix, the weight for each node is averaged only over trees
# that possess that node; weights may not sum to 1.0
- weightsMatrix.allNodes <- outMatrix / ntrees # in this matrix, the weight for each model is averaged over all trees, setting weight
- # equal to zero in any trees that lack that model. Weights sum to 1.0, and they
+ nodeWeightsMatrix.allNodes <- nodeWeightsSummed / ntrees
+ # in this matrix, the weight for each node is averaged over all trees, setting weight
+ # equal to zero in any trees that lack that node. Weights sum to 1.0, and they
# factor in the posterior probability (or bootstrap proportion) for each model.
# Which to use? they are both informative, but this one has the desirable property of
# being a proper probability distribution, albeit one that confounds clade support
# with model support.
- # sum over nodes
- nodes <- dimnames(hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall)[[2]] # grab the overall regMatrix, which includes all possible nodes, no matter which trees do or don't have them
- nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(matrixRows), ncol = length(nodes), dimnames = list(matrixRows, nodes)) # value: nodeWeightsMatrix
- nodeWeightsMatrix.allNodes <- nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized # same dimensions, another empty matrix to fill up
- for(i in 1:length(nodes)) {
- modelsMatrixSubset <- weightsMatrix.allNodes[hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall[, nodes[i]] == 1, ]
- if(identical(dim(modelsMatrixSubset), NULL)) # is modelsMatrixSubset a 1-d vector? if so then:
- nodeWeightsMatrix.allNodes[, nodes[i]] <- modelsMatrixSubset # because extracting a single row yields a vector, and dim returns NULL for a vector
- else nodeWeightsMatrix.allNodes[, nodes[i]] <- apply(modelsMatrixSubset, 2, sum)
- modelsMatrixSubset <- weightsMatrix.unnormalized[hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall[, nodes[i]] == 1, ]
- if(identical(dim(modelsMatrixSubset), NULL)) # again, is modelsMatrixSubset a 1-d vector?
- nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized[, nodes[i]] <- modelsMatrixSubset # because extracting a single row yields a vector, and dim returns NULL for a vector
- else nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized[, nodes[i]] <- apply(modelsMatrixSubset, 2, sum)
- }
# sum over number of parameters
# create a vector of sums that tells us how many categories there are for each model: dof = sum(nodes) + 1 [because a node indicates a change in
# regime, thus the total number of thetas = nodes + 1] + alpha + sigma = sum(nodes) + 3; for Brownian motion model, dof = 2
- nodeSums <- apply(hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall, 1, sum) + 3
- if(hansenBatch$brown) nodeSums['brown'] <- 2
- kCats <- sort(unique(nodeSums)) # and just give us the unique degree-of-freedom categories, sorted
- kMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(matrixRows), ncol = length(kCats), dimnames = list(matrixRows, as.character(kCats))) # make the empty kMatrix
- for(i in as.character(kCats)) {
- modelsMatrixSubset <- weightsMatrix.allNodes[nodeSums == i, ]
- if(identical(dim(modelsMatrixSubset), NULL)) kMatrix[, i] <- modelsMatrixSubset # is modelsMatrixSubset a 1-d vector?
- else kMatrix[, i] <- apply(modelsMatrixSubset, 2, sum)
- }
+ #nodeSums <- apply(hansenBatch$regMatrix$overall, 1, sum) + 3
+ #if(hansenBatch$brown) nodeSums['brown'] <- 2
+ #kCats <- sort(unique(nodeSums)) # and just give us the unique degree-of-freedom categories, sorted
+ #kMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(matrixRows), ncol = length(kCats), dimnames = list(matrixRows, as.character(kCats))) # make the empty kMatrix
+ #for(i in as.character(kCats)) {
+ # modelsMatrixSubset <- weightsMatrix.allNodes[nodeSums == i, ]
+ # if(identical(dim(modelsMatrixSubset), NULL)) kMatrix[, i] <- modelsMatrixSubset # is modelsMatrixSubset a 1-d vector?
+ # else kMatrix[, i] <- apply(modelsMatrixSubset, 2, sum)
+ #}
modelAvgAlpha <- mean(alphaVector, na.rm = T)
modelAvgSigmaSq <- mean(sigmaSqVector, na.rm = T)
- warning('the K-matrix as currently implemented is calculated over the all-nodes (normalized) weights.')
- outdata <- list(modelsMatrix = modelsMatrix, nmodelsMatrix = nmodelsMatrix, weightsMatrix = list(unnormalized = weightsMatrix.unnormalized, allNodes = weightsMatrix.allNodes), nodeWeightsMatrix = list(unnormalized = nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized, allNodes = nodeWeightsMatrix.allNodes), kMatrix = kMatrix, modelAvgAlpha = modelAvgAlpha, modelAvgSigmaSq = modelAvgSigmaSq, thetaMatrix = thetaMatrix)
+ #warning('the K-matrix as currently implemented is calculated over the all-nodes (normalized) weights.')
+ #kMatrix = kMatrix,
+ outdata <- list(modelsMatrix = modelsMatrix, nodeWeightsMatrix = list(unnormalized = nodeWeightsMatrix.unnormalized, allNodes = nodeWeightsMatrix.allNodes), modelAvgAlpha = modelAvgAlpha, modelAvgSigmaSq = modelAvgSigmaSq, thetaMatrix = thetaMatrix)
class(outdata) <- 'hansenSummary'
@@ -110,9 +95,9 @@
message("Averaged over all trees, thus multiplying the clade distribution by the mean support for the model:")
- message("The properties of this support value have not been studied and are likely to be biased strongly toward the median value of\nK, as K is largest at the median values (they are distributed according to Stirling numbers of the first kind).")
- print(hansenSummary$kMatrix)
+ #message("The properties of this support value have not been studied and are likely to be biased strongly toward the median value of\nK, as K is largest at the median values (they are distributed according to Stirling numbers of the first kind).")
+ #print(hansenSummary$kMatrix)
message(paste("alpha =", hansenSummary$modelAvgAlpha))
message(paste("sigma^2 =", hansenSummary$modelAvgSigmaSq))
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