[R list package] ict list - examples from manual

Mircea Comsa mircea at mmt.ro
Sun Aug 11 15:41:31 CEST 2013



Please, could somebody to help me with the errors below. I tried to
replicate two analyses from list manual v6 but I received some errors.

Thank for your time and help.


All the best!




ceiling.results <- ictreg(y ~ age + college + male + south, treat = "treat",
J = 3, data = affirm, method = "ml", fit.start = "nls", ceiling = TRUE,
ceiling.fit = "bayesglm", ceiling.formula = ~ age + college + male + south)

Error in cbind(y, 1 - y) : object 'y' not found




mle.estimates <- ictreg(y ~ male + college + age + south, data = race)

Note: number of control items set to 3 

draws <- mvrnorm(n = 3, mu = coef(mle.estimates), Sigma =
vcov(mle.estimates) * 9)

bayesDraws.1 <- ictregBayes(y ~ male + college + age + south, data = race,
delta.start = draws[1, 1:5], psi.start = draws[1, 6:10], burnin = 10000,
n.draws = 100000, delta.tune = diag(.002, 5), psi.tune = diag(.00025, 5),
constrained.single = "full")


*** Starting posterior sampling... *** 


10 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.384

      Control items model: 0.461


20 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.38

      Control items model: 0.464


30 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.376

      Control items model: 0.463


40 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.377

      Control items model: 0.464


50 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.376

      Control items model: 0.464


60 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.375

      Control items model: 0.465


70 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.375

      Control items model: 0.465


80 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.374

      Control items model: 0.465


90 percent done.

    Metropolis acceptance ratios

      Sensitive item model: 0.375

      Control items model: 0.464

Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection

In addition: Warning messages:

1: In if (probit) { :

  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

2: In if (robit) { :

  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

3: In gzfile(file, "wb") :

  cannot open compressed file 'C:\Users\user\Documents/desktop/res.RData',
probable reason 'No such file or directory'



Mircea Comsa, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Bd. 21 Decembrie 1989, nr.128-130 RO-400604 Cluj-Napoca
Tel: + 40-0744-133.871
Fax: + 40-264-424.674


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