[IPSUR-commits] r114 - pkg/IPSUR/inst pkg/IPSUR/inst/doc www/book
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Fri Jan 1 19:19:46 CET 2010
Author: gkerns
Date: 2010-01-01 19:19:45 +0100 (Fri, 01 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 114
too many changes to list here
Deleted: pkg/IPSUR/inst/IPSUR.R
--- pkg/IPSUR/inst/IPSUR.R 2010-01-01 07:08:56 UTC (rev 113)
+++ pkg/IPSUR/inst/IPSUR.R 2010-01-01 18:19:45 UTC (rev 114)
@@ -1,2488 +0,0 @@
-### chunk number 1:
-### IPSUR.R - Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R
-### Copyright (C) 2009 G. Jay Kerns, <gkerns at ysu.edu>
-### This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-### the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-### (at your option) any later version.
-### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-### GNU General Public License for more details.
-### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-### along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
-### chunk number 2:
-#i_seed <- randomNumbers(n = 624, col = 1, min = -1e+09, max = 1e+09)
-#.Random.seed[2:626] <- as.integer(c(1, i_seed))
-#save.image(file = "seed.RData")
-### chunk number 3:
-options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
-# Generate RcmdrTestDrive
-n <- 168
-# generate order
-order <- 1:n
-# generate race
-race <- sample(c("White","AfAmer","Asian","Other"), size=n, prob=c(76,13,5,6), replace = TRUE)
-race <- factor(race)
-# generate gender and smoke
-tmp <- sample(4, size=n, prob=c(12,38,9,41), replace = TRUE)
-gender <- factor(ifelse(tmp < 3,"Male", "Female"))
-smoke <- factor(ifelse(tmp %in% c(1,3), "Yes", "No"))
-# generate parking
-parking <- rgeom(n, prob = 0.4) + 1
-# generate salary
-m <- 17 + (as.numeric(gender)-1)
-s <- 1 + (2 - as.numeric(gender))
-salary <- rnorm(n, mean = m, sd = s)
-# simulate reduction
-x <- arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0), ar=.9), n=n)
-reduction <- as.numeric((20*x + order)/n + 5)
-# simulate before and after
-before <- rlogis(n, location = 68, scale = 3)
-m <- (as.numeric(smoke)-1)*2.5
-after <- before - rnorm(n, mean = m, sd=0.1)
-RcmdrTestDrive <- data.frame(order = order, race = race, smoke = smoke, gender = gender, salary = salary, reduction = reduction, before = before, after = after, parking = parking)
-# clean up
-remove(list = names(RcmdrTestDrive))
-remove(x, n, m, s, tmp)
-### chunk number 4:
-plot.htest <- function (x, hypoth.or.conf = 'Hypoth',...) {
-if (x$method == "1-sample proportions test with continuity correction" || x$method == "1-sample proportions test without continuity correction"){
-mu <- x$null.value
-obs.mean <- x$estimate
-n <- NA
-std.dev <- abs(obs.mean - mu)/sqrt(x$statistic)
-deg.freedom <- NA
-if(x$alternative == "two.sided"){
-alpha.right <- (1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level"))/2
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$alternative == "less") {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- FALSE
-} else {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- FALSE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$method == "One Sample z-test"){
-mu <- x$null.value
-obs.mean <- x$estimate
-n <- x$parameter[1]
-std.dev <- x$parameter[2]
-deg.freedom <- NA
-if(x$alternative == "two.sided"){
-alpha.right <- (1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level"))/2
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$alternative == "less") {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- FALSE
-} else {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- FALSE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$method == "One Sample t-test" || x$method == "Paired t-test"){
-mu <- x$null.value
-obs.mean <- x$estimate
-n <- x$parameter + 1
-std.dev <- x$estimate/x$statistic*sqrt(n)
-deg.freedom <- x$parameter
-if(x$alternative == "two.sided"){
-alpha.right <- (1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level"))/2
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$alternative == "less") {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- FALSE
-} else {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- FALSE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$method == "Welch Two Sample t-test"){
-mu <- x$null.value
-obs.mean <- -diff(x$estimate)
-n <- x$parameter + 2
-std.dev <- obs.mean/x$statistic*sqrt(n)
-deg.freedom <- x$parameter
-if(x$alternative == "two.sided"){
-alpha.right <- (1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level"))/2
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$alternative == "less") {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- FALSE
-} else {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- FALSE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$method == " Two Sample t-test"){
-mu <- x$null.value
-obs.mean <- -diff(x$estimate)
-n <- x$parameter + 2
-std.dev <- obs.mean/x$statistic*sqrt(n)
-deg.freedom <- x$parameter
-if(x$alternative == "two.sided"){
-alpha.right <- (1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level"))/2
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-} else if (x$alternative == "less") {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- TRUE
-Use.alpha.right <- FALSE
-} else {
-alpha.right <- 1 - attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")
-Use.alpha.left <- FALSE
-Use.alpha.right <- TRUE
-return(normal.and.t.dist(mu.H0 = mu, obs.mean = obs.mean, std.dev = std.dev, n = n, deg.freedom = deg.freedom, alpha.right = alpha.right, Use.obs.mean = TRUE, Use.alpha.left = Use.alpha.left, Use.alpha.right = Use.alpha.right, hypoth.or.conf = hypoth.or.conf))
-### chunk number 5: eval=FALSE
-## install.packages(IPSUR)
-## library(IPSUR)
-## read(IPSUR)
-### chunk number 6:
-### chunk number 7: two
-2 + 3 # add
-4 * 5 / 6 # multiply and divide
-7^8 # 7 to the 8th power
-### chunk number 8:
-options(digits = 16)
-10/3 # see more digits
-sqrt(2) # square root
-exp(1) # Euler's constant, e
-options(digits = 7) # back to default
-### chunk number 9:
-x <- 7*41/pi # don't see the calculated value
-x # take a look
-### chunk number 10: five
-sqrt(-1) # isn't defined
-sqrt(-1+0i) # is defined
-(0 + 1i)^2 # should be -1
-typeof((0 + 1i)^2)
-### chunk number 11:
-x <- c(74, 31, 95, 61, 76, 34, 23, 54, 96)
-### chunk number 12:
-x <- 1:5
-mean(x) # sample mean
-sd(x) # sample standard deviation
-### chunk number 13:
-### chunk number 14:
-### chunk number 15:
-### chunk number 16:
-### chunk number 17:
-### chunk number 18:
-### chunk number 19:
-### chunk number 20:
-x <- rnbinom(6, size = 4, prob = 0.25)
-k <- sample(1:9, size = 3, replace = FALSE)
-### chunk number 21: fifteen
-### chunk number 22:
-x - k[2]
-log(x + k[3])
-### chunk number 23:
-x <- round(rnorm(13, mean = 20, sd = 2), 1)
-### chunk number 24:
-### chunk number 25:
-c(min(x), max(x))
-c(max(x), min(x)) - mean(x)
-### chunk number 26: twenty
-x <- round(rnorm(12, mean = 3, sd = 0.3), 3) * 1000
-names(x) <- c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
-### chunk number 27:
-### chunk number 28:
-names(x) <- c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
-### chunk number 29:
-### chunk number 30:
-### chunk number 31: twentyfive
-commute = sample(150:250, size = 10, replace = TRUE)/10
-k = sample(1:10, size = 1)
-new = sample(150:250, size = 1, replace = TRUE)/10
-### chunk number 32:
-### chunk number 33:
-c(max(commute), min(commute), mean(commute), sd(commute))
-commute[k] <- new
-c(max(commute), min(commute), mean(commute), sd(commute))
-### chunk number 34:
-par(mfrow = c(1,3)) # 3 plots: 1 row, 3 columns
-stripchart(uspop, xlab="length", ylim=c(0, 2))
-stripchart(rivers, method="jitter", xlab="length")
-stripchart(discoveries, method="stack", xlab="number of discoveries")
-par(mfrow = c(1,1)) # back to normal
-### chunk number 35:
-par(mfrow = c(1,2)) # 2 plots: 1 row, 2 columns
-hist(volcano, freq = TRUE)
-hist(volcano, freq = FALSE)
-par(mfrow = c(1,1)) # back to normal
-### chunk number 36:
-stem.leaf(UKDriverDeaths, depth = FALSE)
-### chunk number 37:
-par(mfrow = c(2,1)) # 2 plots: 1 row, 2 columns
-plot(LakeHuron, type = "p")
-plot(LakeHuron, type = "h")
-par(mfrow = c(1,1)) # back to normal
-### chunk number 38:
-Tbl <- table(state.division)
-Tbl # frequencies
-Tbl/sum(Tbl) # relative frequencies
-### chunk number 39:
-par(mfrow = c(1,2)) # 2 plots: 1 row, 2 columns
-barplot(table(state.region), cex.names=0.60)
-barplot(prop.table(table(state.region)), cex.names=0.60)
-par(mfrow = c(1,1)) # back to normal
-### chunk number 40:
-pareto.chart(table(state.division), ylab="Frequency")
-### chunk number 41:
-x <- c(5,7)
-v <- (x<6)
-### chunk number 42:
-x <- c(109, 84, 73, 42, 61, 51,54, 71, 47, 70, 65, 57,69, 82, 76, 60, 38, 81,76, 85, 58, 73, 65, 42)
-### chunk number 43:
-### chunk number 44:
-### chunk number 45:
-x = 5:8
-y = 3:6
-### chunk number 46:
-matplot(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), type="b", lty=1, pch=1)
-### chunk number 47:
-print(bwplot(~ weight | feed, data = chickwts))
-### chunk number 48:
-print(histogram(~age | education, data = infert))
-### chunk number 49:
-print(xyplot(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width | Species, data = iris))
-### chunk number 50:
-print(coplot(conc ~ uptake | Type * Treatment, data = CO2))
-### chunk number 51:
-### chunk number 52: "Find summary statistics"
-### chunk number 53:
-### chunk number 54:
-barplot(table(RcmdrTestDrive$race), main="", xlab="race", ylab="Frequency", legend.text=FALSE, col=NULL)
-### chunk number 55:
-x = tapply(RcmdrTestDrive$salary, list(gender=RcmdrTestDrive$gender), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
-### chunk number 56:
-by(salary, gender, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # another way to do it
-### chunk number 57:
-### chunk number 58:
-y = tapply(RcmdrTestDrive$salary, list(gender=RcmdrTestDrive$gender), sd, na.rm=TRUE)
-### chunk number 59:
-boxplot(salary~gender, xlab="salary", ylab="gender", main="", notch=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-### chunk number 60:
-x = sort(reduction)
-### chunk number 61:
-fivenum(x)[4] - fivenum(x)[2]
-### chunk number 62:
-boxplot(reduction, xlab="reduction", main="", notch=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-### chunk number 63:
-in.fence = 1.5 * (fivenum(x)[4] - fivenum(x)[2]) + fivenum(x)[4]
-out.fence = 3 * (fivenum(x)[4] - fivenum(x)[2]) + fivenum(x)[4]
-which(x > in.fence)
-which(x > out.fence)
-### chunk number 64:
-c(mean(before), median(before))
-c(mean(after), median(after))
-### chunk number 65:
-boxplot(before, xlab="before", main="", notch=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-### chunk number 66:
-boxplot(after, xlab="after", notch=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-### chunk number 67:
-### chunk number 68:
-### chunk number 69:
-### chunk number 70:
-hist(before, xlab="before", data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-### chunk number 71:
-hist(after, xlab="after", data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-### chunk number 72:
-g <- Vectorize(pbirthday.ipsur)
-plot( 1:50, g(1:50), xlab = "Number of people in room", ylab = "Prob(at least one match)")
-abline(h = 0.5)
-abline(v = 23, lty = 2)
-### chunk number 73:
-S <- rolldie(2, makespace = TRUE) # assumes equally likely model
-head(S) # first few rows
-### chunk number 74:
-A <- subset(S, X1 == X2)
-B <- subset(S, X1 + X2 >= 8)
-### chunk number 75:
-prob(A, given = B)
-prob(B, given = A)
-### chunk number 76:
-prob(S, X1==X2, given = (X1 + X2 >= 8) )
-prob(S, X1+X2 >= 8, given = (X1==X2) )
-### chunk number 77:
-L <- cards()
-M <- urnsamples(L, size = 2)
-N <- probspace(M)
-### chunk number 78:
-prob(N, all(rank == "A"))
-### chunk number 79:
-L <- rep(c("red","green"), times = c(7,3))
-M <- urnsamples(L, size = 3, replace = FALSE, ordered = TRUE)
-N <- probspace(M)
-### chunk number 80:
-.Table <- xtabs(~smoke+gender, data=RcmdrTestDrive)
-addmargins(.Table) # Table with Marginal Distributions
-### chunk number 81:
-### chunk number 82:
-### chunk number 83:
-### chunk number 84:
-### chunk number 85:
-### chunk number 86:
-### chunk number 87:
-### chunk number 88:
-### chunk number 89:
-### chunk number 90:
-### chunk number 91:
-x <- c(0,1,2,3)
-f <- c(1/8, 3/8, 3/8, 1/8)
-### chunk number 92:
-mu <- sum(x * f)
-### chunk number 93:
-sigma2 <- sum((x-mu)^2 * f)
-sigma <- sqrt(sigma2)
-### chunk number 94:
-F = cumsum(f)
-### chunk number 95:
-library(distrEx) # note: distrEx depends on distr
-X <- DiscreteDistribution(supp = 0:3, prob = c(1,3,3,1)/8)
-E(X); var(X); sd(X)
-### chunk number 96:
-A <- data.frame(Pr=dbinom(0:4, size = 4, prob = 0.5))
-rownames(A) <- 0:4
-### chunk number 97:
-pbinom(9, size = 12, prob = 1/6) - pbinom(6, size = 12, prob = 1/6)
-diff(pbinom(c(6,9), size = 12, prob = 1/6)) # same thing
-### chunk number 98:
-plot(0, xlim = c(-1.2, 4.2), ylim = c(-0.04, 1.04), type = "n", xlab = "number of successes", ylab = "cumulative probability")
-abline(h = c(0,1), lty = 2, col = "grey")
-lines(stepfun(0:3, pbinom(-1:3, size = 3, prob = 0.5)), verticals = FALSE, do.p = FALSE)
-points(0:3, pbinom(0:3, size = 3, prob = 0.5), pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
-points(0:3, pbinom(-1:2, size = 3, prob = 0.5), pch = 1, cex = 1.2)
-### chunk number 99:
-X <- Binom(size = 3, prob = 1/2)
-### chunk number 100:
-d(X)(1) # pmf of X evaluated at x = 1
-p(X)(2) # cdf of X evaluated at x = 2
-### chunk number 101:
-### chunk number 102:
-X = Binom(size = 3, prob = 0.45)
-E(3*X + 4)
-### chunk number 103:
-### chunk number 104:
-x <- c(4, 7, 9, 11, 12)
-### chunk number 105: eval=FALSE
-## plot(ecdf(x))
-### chunk number 106:
-### chunk number 107:
-epdf <- function(x) function(t){sum(x %in% t)/length(x)}
-x <- c(0,0,1)
-epdf(x)(0) # should be 2/3
-### chunk number 108:
-x <- c(0,0,1)
-sample(x, size = 7, replace = TRUE) # should be 2/3
-### chunk number 109:
-dhyper(3, m = 17, n = 233, k = 5)
-### chunk number 110:
-A <- data.frame(Pr=dhyper(0:4, m = 17, n = 233, k = 5))
-rownames(A) <- 0:4
-### chunk number 111:
-dhyper(5, m = 17, n = 233, k = 5)
-### chunk number 112:
-phyper(2, m = 17, n = 233, k = 5)
-### chunk number 113:
-phyper(1, m = 17, n = 233, k = 5, lower.tail = FALSE)
-### chunk number 114:
-rhyper(10, m = 17, n = 233, k = 5)
-### chunk number 115:
-pgeom(4, prob = 0.812, lower.tail = FALSE)
-### chunk number 116:
-dnbinom(5, size = 7, prob = 0.5)
-### chunk number 117:
-diff(ppois(c(47, 50), lambda = 50))
-### chunk number 118:
-xmin <- qbinom(.0005, size=31 , prob=0.447)
-xmax <- qbinom(.9995, size=31 , prob=0.447)
-.x <- xmin:xmax
-plot(.x, dbinom(.x, size=31, prob=0.447), xlab="Number of Successes", ylab="Probability Mass", main="Binomial Dist'n: Trials = 31, Prob of success = 0.447", type="h")
-points(.x, dbinom(.x, size=31, prob=0.447), pch=16)
-abline( h = 0, lty = 2, col = "grey" )
-remove(.x, xmin, xmax)
-### chunk number 119:
-xmin <- qbinom(.0005, size=31 , prob=0.447)
-xmax <- qbinom(.9995, size=31 , prob=0.447)
-.x <- xmin:xmax
-plot( stepfun(.x, pbinom((xmin-1):xmax, size=31, prob=0.447)), verticals=FALSE, do.p=FALSE, xlab="Number of Successes", ylab="Cumulative Probability", main="Binomial Dist'n: Trials = 31, Prob of success = 0.447")
-points( .x, pbinom(xmin:xmax, size=31, prob=0.447), pch = 16, cex=1.2 )
-points( .x, pbinom((xmin-1):(xmax-1), size=31, prob=0.447), pch = 1, cex=1.2 )
-abline( h = 1, lty = 2, col = "grey" )
-abline( h = 0, lty = 2, col = "grey" )
-remove(.x, xmin, xmax)
-### chunk number 120:
-dbinom(17, size = 31, prob = 0.447)
-### chunk number 121:
-pbinom(13, size = 31, prob = 0.447)
-### chunk number 122:
-pbinom(11, size = 31, prob = 0.447, lower.tail = FALSE)
-### chunk number 123:
-pbinom(14, size = 31, prob = 0.447, lower.tail = FALSE)
-### chunk number 124:
-sum(dbinom(16:19, size = 31, prob = 0.447))
-diff(pbinom(c(19,15), size = 31, prob = 0.447, lower.tail = FALSE))
-### chunk number 125:
-X = Binom(size = 31, prob = 0.447)
-### chunk number 126:
-### chunk number 127:
-### chunk number 128:
-E(4*X + 51.324)
-### chunk number 129:
-### chunk number 130:
-### chunk number 131:
-### chunk number 132:
-### chunk number 133:
-### chunk number 134:
-### chunk number 135:
-### chunk number 136:
-### chunk number 137:
-### chunk number 138:
-### chunk number 139:
-### chunk number 140:
-X <- Norm(mean = 0, sd = 1)
-Y <- 4 - 3*X
-### chunk number 141:
-Z <- exp(X)
-### chunk number 142:
-W <- sin(exp(X) + 27)
-### chunk number 143:
-W <- sin(exp(X) + 27)
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/ipsur -r 114
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