[IPSUR-commits] r105 - in pkg/IPSUR: R man

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Sun Dec 27 05:27:36 CET 2009

Author: gkerns
Date: 2009-12-27 05:27:34 +0100 (Sun, 27 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 105

deleted sigma.test;  it is in TeachingDemos 2.5

Deleted: pkg/IPSUR/R/sigmatest.R
--- pkg/IPSUR/R/sigmatest.R	2009-12-27 03:50:59 UTC (rev 104)
+++ pkg/IPSUR/R/sigmatest.R	2009-12-27 04:27:34 UTC (rev 105)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-sigma.test <-
-function (x, sigma = 1, sigmasq = sigma^2,
-         alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
-         conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
-   alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
-   sigma <- sqrt(sigmasq)
-   n <- length(x)
-   xs <- var(x)*(n-1)/sigma^2
-   out <- list(statistic = c("X-squared" = xs))
-   class(out) <- "htest"
-   out$parameter <- c(df = n-1)
-   minxs <- min(c(xs, 1/xs))
-   maxxs <- max(c(xs, 1/xs))
-   out$p.value <- switch(alternative,
-                         two.sided = pchisq(maxxs, df = n-1, lower.tail = FALSE) + pchisq(minxs, df = n-1),
-                         less = pchisq(xs, df = n-1),
-                         greater = 1 - pchisq(xs, df = n - 1))
-   out$conf.int <- switch(alternative,
-                          two.sided = xs * sigma^2 * 1/c(qchisq(1-(1-conf.level)/2, df = n-1), qchisq((1-conf.level)/2, df = n-1)),
-                          less = c(0, xs * sigma^2 / qchisq(1-conf.level, df = n-1)),
-                          greater = c(xs * sigma^2 / qchisq(conf.level, df = n-1), Inf))
-   attr(out$conf.int, "conf.level") <- conf.level
-   out$estimate <- c("var of x" = var(x))
-   out$null.value <- c(variance = sigma^2)
-   out$alternative <- alternative
-   out$method <- "One sample Chi-squared test for variance"
-   out$data.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
-   names(out$estimate) <- paste("var of", out$data.name)
-   return(out)

Deleted: pkg/IPSUR/man/sigma.test.Rd
--- pkg/IPSUR/man/sigma.test.Rd	2009-12-27 03:50:59 UTC (rev 104)
+++ pkg/IPSUR/man/sigma.test.Rd	2009-12-27 04:27:34 UTC (rev 105)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
-\title{ One sample Chi-square test for a population variance }
-  Compute the test of hypothesis and compute a confidence interval on the
-  variance of a population.
-sigma.test(x, sigma = 1, sigmasq = sigma^2, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), conf.level = 0.95, ...)
-%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
-  \item{x}{ Vector of data values. }
-  \item{sigma}{ Hypothesized standard deviation of the population. }
-  \item{sigmasq}{ Hypothesized variance of the population. }
-  \item{alternative}{ Direction of the alternative hypothesis. }
-  \item{conf.level}{ Confidence level for the interval computation. }
-  \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments are silently ignored. }
-  Many introductory statistical texts discuss inference on a single population variance and introduce the chi-square test for a population variance as another example of a hypothesis test that can be easily derived.  Most statistical packages do not include the chi-square test, perhaps because it is not used in practice very often, or because the test is known to be highly sensitive to nonnormal data. For the two-sample problem, see \code{var.test}.
-  An object of class \code{htest} containing the results
-\author{ G. Jay Kerns \email{gkerns at ysu.edu} }
-\note{ This test is highly sensitive to nonnormality. }
-% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
-\seealso{ \code{\link{var.test}}, \code{\link{print.htest}} }
-x <- rnorm(20, mean = 15, sd = 7)
-sigma.test(x, sigma = 6)
-\keyword{ htest }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS

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