[Ipmpack-users] Question about finding underlying parameters in a LTRE

Karina Scavo kscavo at bu.edu
Wed Feb 28 15:50:21 CET 2018


I conducted an LTRE and visualized the results via the image.plot function,
but am wondering if there is any way I can find the sensitivities of the
individual underlying parameters numerically so that I can graph them
separately? The appendices of the paper, "Advancing population ecology with
integral projection models: a practical guide" mentions that you could
substitue the sens command with sensParams, but how would you implement
that? and would it work if the two IPMs for the LTRE weren't originally
buillt with IPMpack?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


Karina Scavo Lord
PhD Candidate
Boston University Marine Program
Department of Biology
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