[Ipmpack-users] NA and lambda problems

Elena S. elenasulis at hotmail.it
Mon Feb 9 18:04:35 CET 2015

Hi everybody,

Congratulation for the pack, is very useful. 
I'm a PhD student that use IPMpack to analyze different populations of a perennial plant species (so I have 3 years of data for every population). 
I have two questions:
 1) in one of the populations I have many NA, both in size and in sizeNext columns, consequently also in fec0 (probability of flowering) and fec1 (number of fruit). 
In the construction of models of survival and growth (via survModelComp and growthModelComp) I get the following error: 
"Error in plot.window (...): need finite 'ylim' values
 In addition: There were 16 warnings (use warnings () to see them)." 
Here the code (which works well with other populations, except with this):
 survModelComp (dataf = dhsr, makePlot = TRUE, legendPos  = "bottomleft", Maintitle  = "Survival")
It is possible that the many NAs create a problem?

 2) in all analyzed  populations lambda get very high as many variables added in fecundity object. 
I tried inserting the data frame columns:
 fec0 (probability of flowering), fec1 (number of fruits), nFl (number of flowers).
 I get a lambda near 1 only if I leave exclusively fec0 (the probability of flowering), does anyone know how to solve by adding at least fec1?
R0 also get excessively high values... I think that is for the same problem with lambda.

Thanks to all for any suggestion,

Best wishes,

Elena Sulis 		 	   		  
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