[Introcompfinr-commits] r9 - in pkg/IntroCompFinR: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 18 22:02:26 CET 2015

Author: bethanyyollin
Date: 2015-02-18 22:02:25 +0100 (Wed, 18 Feb 2015)
New Revision: 9

Constructed NAMESPACE with Roxygen. Standardized comments in examples and source code. Eliminated extraneous arguments listed in some of the documentation.

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/NAMESPACE	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/NAMESPACE	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -1,2 +1,13 @@
+# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/efficient.frontier.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/efficient.frontier.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/efficient.frontier.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #' one portfolio and an efficient portfolio with target expected return equal to the maximum
 #' expected return of the assets under consideration as the other portfolio. Call these portfolios
 #' \eqn{m} and \eqn{x}, respectively. For any number alpha, another efficient
-#' portfolio can be computed as \eqn{z=\alpha m+(1-\alpha)x}.
+#' portfolio can be computed as \eqn{z=\alpha m+(1-\alpha)x}
 #' @param er N x 1 vector of expected returns
 #' @param cov.mat N x N return covariance matrix
@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@
 #' @param alpha.min minimum value of alpha, default is -.5
 #' @param alpha.max maximum value of alpha, defualt is 1.5
 #' @param shorts logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}
-#' @param object object of class Markowitz
-#' @param plot.assets logical, if \code{TRUE} then plot asset \code{sd} and \code{er}
-#' @param risk.free numeric, risk free rate
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{plot()} or \code{print()}
 #' @return 
 #'  \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -61,23 +57,12 @@
 #' text(tan.port$sd, tan.port$er, labels="TANGENCY", pos=2)    
 #' sr.tan = (tan.port$er - r.free)/tan.port$sd
 #' abline(a=r.free, b=sr.tan, col="green", lwd=2)
+#' @export efficient.frontier
 efficient.frontier <-
 function(er, cov.mat, nport=20, alpha.min=-0.5, alpha.max=1.5, shorts=TRUE)
-  # Compute efficient frontier with no short-sales constraints
-  #
-  # inputs:
-  # er			  N x 1 vector of expected returns
-  # cov.mat	  N x N return covariance matrix
-  # nport		  scalar, number of efficient portfolios to compute
-  # shorts          logical, allow shorts is TRUE
-  #
-  # output is a Markowitz object with the following elements
-  # call		  captures function call
-  # er			  nport x 1 vector of expected returns on efficient porfolios
-  # sd			  nport x 1 vector of std deviations on efficient portfolios
-  # weights 	nport x N matrix of weights on efficient portfolios 
   call <- match.call()
@@ -114,9 +99,9 @@
     er.max <- max(er)
     port.max <- efficient.portfolio(er,cov.mat,er.max)
     w.max <- port.max$weights    
-    a <- seq(from=alpha.min,to=alpha.max,length=nport)			# convex combinations
-    we.mat <- a %o% w.gmin + (1-a) %o% w.max	# rows are efficient portfolios
-    er.e <- we.mat %*% er							# expected returns of efficient portfolios
+    a <- seq(from=alpha.min,to=alpha.max,length=nport) # convex combinations
+    we.mat <- a %o% w.gmin + (1-a) %o% w.max	         # rows are efficient portfolios
+    er.e <- we.mat %*% er							                 # expected returns of efficient portfolios
     er.e <- as.vector(er.e)
   } else if(shorts==FALSE){
     we.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=nport, ncol=N)
@@ -131,7 +116,7 @@
   names(er.e) <- port.names
   cov.e <- we.mat %*% cov.mat %*% t(we.mat) # cov mat of efficient portfolios
-  sd.e <- sqrt(diag(cov.e))					# std devs of efficient portfolios
+  sd.e <- sqrt(diag(cov.e))					        # std devs of efficient portfolios
   sd.e <- as.vector(sd.e)
   names(sd.e) <- port.names
   dimnames(we.mat) <- list(port.names,asset.names)

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/efficient.portfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/efficient.portfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/efficient.portfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@
 #' @param cov.mat N x N return covariance matrix
 #' @param target.return scalar, target expected return
 #' @param shorts logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}
-#' @param object object of class portfolio
-#' @param risk.free numeric, risk free rate
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}
 #' @return 
 #'  \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -25,6 +22,7 @@
 #'  \item{weights}{N x 1 vector of portfolio weights}
 #' @examples
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -48,31 +46,19 @@
 #' e.port.msft.ns
 #' summary(e.port.msft.ns, risk.free=r.free)
 #' plot(e.port.msft.ns, col="blue")
+#' @export efficient.portfolio
 efficient.portfolio <-
 function(er, cov.mat, target.return, shorts=TRUE)
-  # compute minimum variance portfolio subject to target return
-  #
-  # inputs:
-  # er					    N x 1 vector of expected returns
-  # cov.mat  			  N x N covariance matrix of returns
-  # target.return	  scalar, target expected return
-  # shorts          logical, allow shorts is TRUE
-  #
-  # output is portfolio object with the following elements
-  # call				    original function call
-  # er					    portfolio expected return
-  # sd					    portfolio standard deviation
-  # weights			    N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
-  #
   call <- match.call()
   # check for valid inputs
   asset.names <- names(er)
-  er <- as.vector(er)					# assign names if none exist
+  er <- as.vector(er) # assign names if none exist
   N <- length(er)
   cov.mat <- as.matrix(cov.mat)
   if(N != nrow(cov.mat))

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/getPortfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/getPortfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/getPortfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -11,10 +11,7 @@
 #' @param er N x 1 vector of expected returns
 #' @param cov.mat N x N return covariance matrix
-#' @param weigths N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
-#' @param object object of class portfolio
-#' @param risk.free numeric, risk free rate
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}
+#' @param weights N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
 #' @return 
 #'  \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -23,7 +20,7 @@
 #'  \item{weights}{N x 1 vector of portfolio weights}
 #' @examples
-#' # Examples from Introduction to Financial Econometrics
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -45,23 +42,12 @@
 #' equalWeight.portfolio
 #' summary(equalWeight.portfolio)
 #' plot(equalWeight.portfolio, col="blue")
+#' @export getPortfolio
 getPortfolio <-
 function(er, cov.mat, weights)
-	# contruct portfolio object
-	#
-	# inputs:
-	# er				   N x 1 vector of expected returns
-	# cov.mat  		 N x N covariance matrix of returns
-	# weights			 N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
-	#
-	# output is portfolio object with the following elements
-	# call				original function call
-	# er				  portfolio expected return
-	# sd				  portfolio standard deviation
-	# weights			N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
-	#
 	call <- match.call()
@@ -70,7 +56,7 @@
 	asset.names <- names(er)
 	weights <- as.vector(weights)
 	names(weights) = names(er)
-  er <- as.vector(er)					# assign names if none exist
+  er <- as.vector(er) # assign names if none exist
 	if(length(er) != length(weights))
 		stop("dimensions of er and weights do not match")
  	cov.mat <- as.matrix(cov.mat)
@@ -90,4 +76,4 @@
 	      "weights" = weights) 
 	class(ans) <- "portfolio"
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/globalMin.portfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/globalMin.portfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/globalMin.portfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
 #' @param er N x 1 vector of expected returns
 #' @param cov.mat N x N return covariance matrix
 #' @param shorts logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}
-#' @param object object of class portfolio
-#' @param risk.free numeric, risk free rate
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}
 #' @return 
 #'  \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -23,6 +20,7 @@
 #'  \item{weights}{N x 1 vector of portfolio weights}
 #' @examples
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -46,29 +44,19 @@
 #' print(gmin.port.ns)
 #' summary(gmin.port.ns, risk.free=r.free)
 #' plot(gmin.port.ns, col="blue")
+#' @export globalMin.portfolio
 globalMin.portfolio <-
 function(er, cov.mat, shorts=TRUE)
-  # Compute global minimum variance portfolio
-  #
-  # inputs:
-  # er				N x 1 vector of expected returns
-  # cov.mat		N x N return covariance matrix
-  # shorts          logical, allow shorts is TRUE
-  #
-  # output is portfolio object with the following elements
-  # call			original function call
-  # er				portfolio expected return
-  # sd				portfolio standard deviation
-  # weights		N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
   call <- match.call()
   # check for valid inputs
   asset.names <- names(er)
-  er <- as.vector(er)					# assign names if none exist
+  er <- as.vector(er) # assign names if none exist
   cov.mat <- as.matrix(cov.mat)
   N <- length(er)
   if(N != nrow(cov.mat))

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/plot.Markowitz.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/plot.Markowitz.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/plot.Markowitz.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #' @param object object of class Markowitz
 #' @param plot.assets if \code{TRUE} then plot asset \code{sd} and \code{er}
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{plot()}
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{plot()}
 #' @examples
 #' # construct the data
@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@
 #' text(tan.port$sd, tan.port$er, labels="TANGENCY", pos=2)    
 #' sr.tan = (tan.port$er - r.free)/tan.port$sd
 #' abline(a=r.free, b=sr.tan, col="green", lwd=2)
+#' @export plot.Markowitz
 plot.Markowitz <-
 function(object, plot.assets=FALSE, ...)
-# plot.assets		logical. If true then plot asset sd and er
   if (!plot.assets) {

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/plot.portfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/plot.portfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/plot.portfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
 #' The \code{plot()} method shows a bar chart of the portfolio weights.
 #' @param object object of class portfolio
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{barplot()}
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{barplot()}
 #' @examples
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@
 #' ew = rep(1,3)/3
 #' equalWeight.portfolio = getPortfolio(er=er,cov.mat=covmat,weights=ew)
 #' plot(equalWeight.portfolio, col="blue")
+#' @export plot.portfolio
 plot.portfolio <-
 function(object, ...)
@@ -31,4 +34,4 @@
   barplot(object$weights, names=asset.names,
 	  xlab="Assets", ylab="Weight", main="Portfolio Weights", ...)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/print.Markowitz.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/print.Markowitz.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/print.Markowitz.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #' Print efficient frontier
 #' @param object object of class Markowitz
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{print()}
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{print()}
 #' @examples
 #' # construct the data
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 #'                          alpha.max=1.5, nport=20)
 #' attributes(ef)
 #' print(ef)
+#' @export print.Markowitz
 print.Markowitz <-
 function(object, ...)

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/print.portfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/print.portfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/print.portfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
 #' Print method of class portfolio.
 #' @param object object of class portfolio
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{print()}
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{print()}
 #' @examples
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@
 #' ew = rep(1,3)/3
 #' equalWeight.portfolio = getPortfolio(er=er,cov.mat=covmat,weights=ew)
 #' print(equalWeight.portfolio)
+#' @export print.portfolio
 print.portfolio <-
 function(object, ...)

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/summary.Markowitz.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/summary.Markowitz.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/summary.Markowitz.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 #'                          alpha.max=1.5, nport=20)
 #' attributes(ef)
 #' summary(ef)
+#' @export summary.Markowitz
 summary.Markowitz <-
 function(object, risk.free=NULL)
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@
     # compute tangency portfolio
     tan.port <- tangency.portfolio(er,cov.mat,risk.free)
-    x.t <- sd.e/tan.port$sd		# weights in tangency port
-    rf <- 1 - x.t			# weights in t-bills
+    x.t <- sd.e/tan.port$sd		                        # weights in tangency port
+    rf <- 1 - x.t			                                # weights in t-bills
     er.e <- risk.free + x.t*(tan.port$er - risk.free)
     names(er.e) <- port.names
-    we.mat <- x.t %o% tan.port$weights	# rows are efficient portfolios
+    we.mat <- x.t %o% tan.port$weights	              # rows are efficient portfolios
     dimnames(we.mat) <- list(port.names, asset.names)
     we.mat <- cbind(rf,we.mat) 

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/summary.portfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/summary.portfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/summary.portfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
 #' @param object object of class portfolio
 #' @param risk.free numeric, risk free rate
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{summary()}
+#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{summary()}
 #' @examples
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -24,12 +25,11 @@
 #' ew = rep(1,3)/3
 #' equalWeight.portfolio = getPortfolio(er=er,cov.mat=covmat,weights=ew)
 #' summary(equalWeight.portfolio)
+#' @export summary.portfolio
 summary.portfolio <-
 function(object, risk.free=NULL, ...)
-# risk.free			risk-free rate. If not null then
-#				compute and print Sharpe ratio

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/tangency.portfolio.R
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/tangency.portfolio.R	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/R/tangency.portfolio.R	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 #' @param cov.mat N x N return covariance matrix
 #' @param risk.free numeric, risk free rate
 #' @param shorts logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}
-#' @param object object of class Markowitz
-#' @param ... controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}
 #' @return 
 #'  \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -24,6 +22,7 @@
 #'  \item{weights}{N x 1 vector of portfolio weights}
 #' @examples
+#' # construct the data
 #' asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 #' er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 #' names(er) = asset.names
@@ -45,23 +44,12 @@
 #' tan.port.ns
 #' summary(tan.port.ns, risk.free=r.free)
 #' plot(tan.port.ns, col="blue")
+#' @export tangency.portfolio
 tangency.portfolio <-
 function(er,cov.mat,risk.free, shorts=TRUE)
-  # compute tangency portfolio
-  #
-  # inputs:
-  # er				   N x 1 vector of expected returns
-  # cov.mat		   N x N return covariance matrix
-  # risk.free		 scalar, risk-free rate
-  # shorts          logical, allow shorts is TRUE
-  #
-  # output is portfolio object with the following elements
-  # call			  captures function call
-  # er				  portfolio expected return
-  # sd				  portfolio standard deviation
-  # weights		 N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
   call <- match.call()
@@ -92,7 +80,7 @@
     cov.mat.inv <- solve(cov.mat)
     w.t <- cov.mat.inv %*% (er - risk.free) # tangency portfolio
-    w.t <- as.vector(w.t/sum(w.t))	# normalize weights
+    w.t <- as.vector(w.t/sum(w.t))          # normalize weights
   } else if(shorts==FALSE){
     Dmat <- 2*cov.mat
     dvec <- rep.int(0, N)
@@ -114,4 +102,4 @@
 		   "weights" = w.t)
   class(tan.port) <- "portfolio"
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/efficient.frontier.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/efficient.frontier.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/efficient.frontier.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -19,14 +19,6 @@
 \item{alpha.max}{maximum value of alpha, defualt is 1.5}
 \item{shorts}{logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}}
-\item{object}{object of class Markowitz}
-\item{plot.assets}{logical, if \code{TRUE} then plot asset \code{sd} and \code{er}}
-\item{risk.free}{numeric, risk free rate}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{plot()} or \code{print()}}
 \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -44,7 +36,7 @@
 one portfolio and an efficient portfolio with target expected return equal to the maximum
 expected return of the assets under consideration as the other portfolio. Call these portfolios
 \eqn{m} and \eqn{x}, respectively. For any number alpha, another efficient
-portfolio can be computed as \eqn{z=\alpha m+(1-\alpha)x}.
+portfolio can be computed as \eqn{z=\alpha m+(1-\alpha)x}
 # construct the data

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/efficient.portfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/efficient.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/efficient.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@
 \item{target.return}{scalar, target expected return}
 \item{shorts}{logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}}
-\item{object}{object of class portfolio}
-\item{risk.free}{numeric, risk free rate}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}}
 \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -36,6 +30,7 @@
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/getPortfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/getPortfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/getPortfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -11,13 +11,7 @@
 \item{cov.mat}{N x N return covariance matrix}
-\item{weigths}{N x 1 vector of portfolio weights}
-\item{object}{object of class portfolio}
-\item{risk.free}{numeric, risk free rate}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}}
+\item{weights}{N x 1 vector of portfolio weights}
 \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -33,7 +27,7 @@
 consideration as well as a vector of portfolio weights are needed.
-# Examples from Introduction to Financial Econometrics
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/globalMin.portfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/globalMin.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/globalMin.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -12,12 +12,6 @@
 \item{cov.mat}{N x N return covariance matrix}
 \item{shorts}{logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}}
-\item{object}{object of class portfolio}
-\item{risk.free}{numeric, risk free rate}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}}
 \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -33,6 +27,7 @@
 problem: min \eqn{t(m)\Sigma m} s.t. \eqn{t(m)1=1}.
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/plot.Markowitz.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/plot.Markowitz.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/plot.Markowitz.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 \item{plot.assets}{if \code{TRUE} then plot asset \code{sd} and \code{er}}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{plot()}}
+\item{...}{additional arguments passed to \code{plot()}}
 Plot efficient frontier.

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/plot.portfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/plot.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/plot.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
 \item{object}{object of class portfolio}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{barplot()}}
+\item{...}{additional arguments passed to \code{barplot()}}
 The \code{plot()} method shows a bar chart of the portfolio weights.
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/print.Markowitz.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/print.Markowitz.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/print.Markowitz.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 \item{object}{object of class Markowitz}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{print()}}
+\item{...}{additional arguments passed to \code{print()}}
 Print efficient frontier

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/print.portfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/print.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/print.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
 \item{object}{object of class portfolio}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{print()}}
+\item{...}{additional arguments passed to \code{print()}}
 Print method of class portfolio.
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/summary.portfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/summary.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/summary.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@
 \item{risk.free}{numeric, risk free rate}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{summary()}}
+\item{...}{additional arguments passed to \code{summary()}}
 Summary method of class portfolio.
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

Modified: pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/tangency.portfolio.Rd
--- pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/tangency.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-17 17:49:35 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/IntroCompFinR/man/tangency.portfolio.Rd	2015-02-18 21:02:25 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
 \item{risk.free}{numeric, risk free rate}
 \item{shorts}{logical, allow shorts is \code{TRUE}}
-\item{object}{object of class Markowitz}
-\item{...}{controlled variables for \code{plot()}, \code{print()} and \code{summary()}}
 \item{call}{captures function call}
@@ -34,6 +30,7 @@
 where \eqn{r_f} denotes the risk-free rate.
+# construct the data
 asset.names = c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
 er = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
 names(er) = asset.names

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