[Ifrogs-commits] r12 - in pkg: . R data inst/tests man vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Oct 24 07:52:21 CEST 2017

Author: anupa
Date: 2017-10-24 07:52:21 +0200 (Tue, 24 Oct 2017)
New Revision: 12

Added the IC related files: R code, test file and files in vignettes and man. Accordingly, modified the Namespace to export IC functions

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2015-01-14 10:05:41 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
 Package: ifrogs
 Title: Finance routines developed by the IGIDR Finance Research Group.
-Version: 1.1
-Depends: urca, vars, boot, xtable, fOptions, testthat
-Author: Finance Research Group <anand.chirag at gmail.com>
+Version: 0.1-3
+    R (>= 2.10),
+    urca,
+    vars,
+    fOptions,
+    boot
+    xtable,
+    testthat
+Author: Finance Research Group <akhilsbehl at gmail.com>
 Maintainer: Chirag Anand <anand.chirag at gmail.com>
 Description: Finance routines developed at IGIDR Finance Research Group.
-URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/ifrogs/
-BugReports: https://r-forge.r-project.org/tracker/?group_id=1561
+URL: http://ifrogs.r-forge.r-project.org
+BugReports: https://r-forge.r-project.org/tracker/?group_id=xxx
 License: GPL (>= 2)
-Date: 2013-06-26
+Date: 2013-01-03
 Type: Package
 ByteCompile: TRUE
 LazyLoad: TRUE
 BuildVignettes: TRUE

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2015-01-14 10:05:41 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-export(pdshare, dtd, prep_maturity, weighted_iv, vix_ci, vix_pt, vxo)
+export(pdshare, dtd, prep_maturity, weighted_iv, vix_ci, vix_pt, vxo, ic, create_snapshot, execute_order)

Added: pkg/R/ic.R
--- pkg/R/ic.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/ic.R	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+##' Execute a market order using limit order book data.
+##' @title Execute market order and return execution details.
+##' @param lob.p A vector of limit order book snapshot (at a
+##' timestamp) of prices.
+##' @param lob.q A vector of limit order book snapshot (at a
+##' timestamp) of quantities at the quoted price.
+##' @param Q The execution quantity desired.
+##' @return A numeric vector containing:
+##'  \itemize{
+##'  \item q: quantity executed
+##'  \item p: price at which the order was fully/ partially executed
+##'  \item partial: whether it was a partial execution (0 or 1)
+##' }
+##' @author Chirag Anand
+##' @examples
+##' ## Execution with lob.p and lob.q defined in the working
+##' ## environment.
+##' lob.q <- matrix( nrow = 1, ncol = 4,
+##'                  dimnames = list(c(),
+##'                  c("bsq1", "bsq2",
+##'                     "bsq3", "bsq4")))
+##' lob.q[1, ] <- c(60, 70, 100, 50)  ## best sell quantity info
+##' lob.p <- matrix( nrow = 1, ncol = 4 ,
+##'                  dimnames = list(c(),
+##'                  c("bsp1", "bsp2",
+##'                     "bsp3", "bsp4")))
+##' lob.p[1, ] <- c(101, 102, 103, 103) ## best sell price info
+##' str(lob.p)
+##' str(lob.q)
+##' ans <- execute_order( lob.p, lob.q, Q = 200)
+##' print(ans)
+##' ## Demonstration of IC functions using the market by price data
+##' ## of CINEMAX from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+##' try(data( package = "ifrogs", "ic_CINEMAX"))
+##' mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]),
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]),
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]),
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+##' bbqSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bbq")
+##' head(bbqSnap)
+##' lob.q <- bbqSnap[75, ] ##take any random timestamp
+##' head(lob.q)
+##' bbpSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bbp")
+##' head(bbqSnap)
+##' lob.p <- bbpSnap[75, ] ## take any random timestamp
+##' str(lob.p)
+##' str(lob.q)
+##' ans <- execute_order( lob.p, lob.q, Q = 1500)
+##' print(ans)
+execute_order <- function(lob.p, lob.q, Q) {
+  stopifnot(Q > 0, length(lob.p) > 0,
+            length(lob.p) == length(lob.q))
+  cum.lob.q <- c(0, cumsum(lob.q))
+  feasible <- tail(cum.lob.q, 1)    # Is a full execution infeasible?
+  if (Q > feasible) {
+    execution_price <- c(feasible,
+             tail(cumsum(lob.p * lob.q), 1) / feasible,
+                         TRUE)
+    names(execution_price) <- c( "q", "p", "partial")
+    return(execution_price)
+  } else {
+    howdeep <- findInterval(Q, cum.lob.q) + 1 # How deep do we need to
+                                              # plumb into the book?
+    cum.lob.q <- cum.lob.q[1:(howdeep + 1)]
+    cum.proceeds <- c(0, cumsum(lob.p[1:howdeep]
+                                * lob.q[1:howdeep]))
+    p <- approx(cum.lob.q, cum.proceeds,
+                xout = Q)$y / Q
+    execution_price <- c(q = Q, p = p, partial = FALSE)
+    return(execution_price)
+  }
+##' Extract the list of best prices and quantities for a given mbp.
+##' @title Prepare data for computing impact cost.
+##' @param mbp A 'data.frame' containing market by price data.
+##' Rownames of the data frame should contain the timestamp
+##' corresponding to the given row.
+##' @param type a character scalar: 'bsp' for sell side price,
+##' 'bbp' for buy side price, 'bbq' for buy side quantity and
+##' 'bsq' for sell side quantity.
+##' @return A 'matrix' containing prices/quantities for the buy
+##' side/sell side with timestamps as rownames. Example: For type
+##' = 'bsp', the fields 'bsp1' and 'bsp2' contain the list of
+##' 1st and 2nd best sell prices from the LOB at every timestamp.
+##'  @author Chirag Anand
+##' @examples
+##' ## Demonstration of IC functions using the market by
+##' ## price data of CINEMAX from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+##' try(data( package = "ifrogs", "ic_CINEMAX")) 
+##' mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]), 
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]), 
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]), 
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+##' str(mbp)
+##' ## create_snapshot for the best buy quantity.
+##' bbqSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bbq")
+##' head(bbqSnap)
+##' ## create_snapshot for best sell price
+##' bspSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bsp")
+##' head(bspSnap)
+create_snapshot <- function(mbp, type) {
+  cols <- grep(type, colnames(mbp), value = TRUE)
+  element_snapshots <- mbp[, cols]
+  element_snapshots <- as.matrix(element_snapshots)
+  return(element_snapshots)
+##' Function to compute impact cost for a security for a day.
+##' @title Function to compute impact cost.
+##' @param mbp a data.frame, containing best price/quantity
+##' pairs for buy and sell side with time stamps as row names.
+##' Units:
+##' \itemize{
+##' \item Price (bbp/bsp): Some currency (INR, USD, etc.)
+##' \item Quantities (bbq/bsq): Number of shares
+##' }
+##' @param Q an 'integer' vector containing the quantities
+##' for which to compute the Impact Cost.
+##' @param d Date
+##' @param partial a 'logical' scalar, telling whether to do
+##' partial executions
+##' @return A 'list' of matrices containing buy and sell IC.
+##' 'names' of the list are the Q values used. Each matrix will
+##' contain rows having
+##' \itemize{
+##' \item buyIC percentage: numeric
+##' \item sellIC percentage: numeric
+##' }
+##' The function returns \sQuote{NA} values if \dQuote{partial} is
+##'  \sQuote{FALSE}, or, if there were no orders (empty book) at a
+##' particular time.For the buy and sell ic measures the
+##' corresponding row name for that entry is its timestamp.
+##' @author Chirag Anand
+##' @examples
+##' ## Demonstration of IC functions using the market by price data
+##' ## of CINEMAX from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+##' try(data(package="ifrogs", "ic_CINEMAX"))
+##' mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]), 
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]), 
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]), 
+##'              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+##' print(mbp)
+##' ans1 <- ic( mbp, Q = 600, d, partial = FALSE)
+##' head(ans1)
+##' ans2 <- ic( mbp, Q = 600, d, partial = TRUE)
+##' head(ans2)
+ic <- function(mbp, Q, d, partial = FALSE) {
+  if (is.null(nrow(mbp)) | nrow(mbp) == 0) {
+    warning(d,
+            "No data points available.",
+            call. = FALSE,
+            immediate. = TRUE)
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  buyQty <- create_snapshot(mbp, "bbq")
+  buyPrice <- create_snapshot(mbp, "bbp")
+  sellQty <- create_snapshot(mbp, "bsq")
+  sellPrice <- create_snapshot(mbp, "bsp")
+  p.mid <- (buyPrice[, 1] + sellPrice[, 1]) / 2
+  ## estimation of sell and buy IC
+  IC.Q <- lapply(Q, function(qty) {
+    buy.execution <- lapply(1:nrow(sellQty), function(i) {
+      lob.q <- na.omit(as.vector(sellQty[i, ],
+                       mode = "integer"))
+      lob.p <- na.omit(as.vector(sellPrice[i, ],
+                       mode = "numeric"))
+      if (length(lob.q) == 0 || length(lob.p) == 0) {
+          return(NA)
+      }
+      execute_order(lob.q = lob.q, lob.p = lob.p, Q = qty)
+    })
+    sell.execution <- lapply(1:nrow(buyQty), function(i) {
+      lob.q <- na.omit(as.vector(buyQty[i, ],
+                       mode = "integer"))
+      lob.p <- na.omit(as.vector(buyPrice[i, ],
+                       mode = "numeric"))
+      if (length(lob.q) == 0 || length(lob.p) == 0) {
+          return(NA)
+      }
+      execute_order(lob.q = lob.q, lob.p = lob.p, Q = qty)
+    })
+    if (all(is.na(sell.execution)) | all(is.na(buy.execution))) {
+      warning("No execution possible.",
+              call. = FALSE,
+              immediate. = TRUE)
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+    buy.execution <- do.call(rbind, buy.execution)
+    sell.execution <- do.call(rbind, sell.execution)
+    rownames(buy.execution) <- rownames(buyQty)
+    rownames(sell.execution) <- rownames(buyQty)
+    if (partial == FALSE) {             # make partial execution prices NA
+      buy.execution[buy.execution[, "partial"] == 1, "p"] <- NA
+      sell.execution[sell.execution[, "partial"] == 1, "p"] <- NA
+    }
+    buyIC <- ((buy.execution[, "p"] - p.mid) / p.mid) * 100
+    sellIC <- ((sell.execution[, "p"] - p.mid) / p.mid) * 100
+    IC <- cbind(sellIC, buyIC, deparse.level = 1) # don't lose the labels
+    return(IC)
+  })
+  names(IC.Q) <- Q
+  return(IC.Q)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/data/ic_CINEMAX.RData
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/data/ic_CINEMAX.RData
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/data/lob.RData
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/data/lob.RData
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/inst/tests/data_ic.Rdata
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/inst/tests/data_ic.Rdata
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/inst/tests/test_ic.R
--- pkg/inst/tests/test_ic.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/inst/tests/test_ic.R	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+## load the CINEMAX ic data from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+ require("testthat")
+ try(data(package="ifrogs","ic_CINEMAX"))
+ mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]),
+              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]),
+              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]),
+              as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+test_that("test_execute_order for Q = 1500 (partial execution of order)", {
+  load(system.file("tests", "data_ic.Rdata", package = "ifrogs"))
+  bbqSnap <- create_snapshot(mbp,type="bbq")
+  lob.q <-bbqSnap[75,] ##take any random timestamp
+  bbpSnap <- create_snapshot(mbp,type="bbp")
+  lob.p <-bbpSnap[75,] ##take any random timestamp
+  names(lob.p) <- NULL
+  names(lob.q) <- NULL
+                                        # to test execute_orders
+  test_execute_order_tmp <- execute_order(lob.p, lob.q,
+                                          Q = 1500)
+  cat("\nTesting execute_order for Q=1500 (partial execution)")
+  expect_identical(test_execute_order_tmp,
+               execute_order_result$partial_order_execution)
+test_that("test_execute_order for Q=900 (full execution)", {
+  load(system.file("tests", "data_ic.Rdata", package = "ifrogs"))
+  bbqSnap <- create_snapshot(mbp,type="bbq")
+  lob.q <-bbqSnap[75,] ##take any random timestamp
+  bbpSnap <- create_snapshot(mbp,type="bbp")
+  lob.p <-bbpSnap[75,] ##take any random timestamp
+  names(lob.p) <- NULL
+  names(lob.q) <- NULL
+                                        # to test execute_orders
+  test_execute_order_tmp <- execute_order(lob.p, lob.q,
+                                          Q = 900)
+  cat("\nTesting execute_order for Q=900 (full execution)")
+  expect_identical(test_execute_order_tmp,
+               execute_order_result$full_order_execution)
+test_that("test_execute_order for Q=1108 (boundary case)", {
+   load(system.file("tests", "data_ic.Rdata", package = "ifrogs"))
+  bbqSnap <- create_snapshot(mbp,type="bbq")
+  lob.q <-bbqSnap[75,] ##take any random timestamp
+  bbpSnap <- create_snapshot(mbp,type="bbp")
+  lob.p <-bbpSnap[75,] ##take any random timestamp
+  names(lob.p) <- NULL
+  names(lob.q) <- NULL
+                                        # to test execute_orders
+  test_execute_order_tmp <- execute_order(lob.p, lob.q,
+                                          Q = 1108)
+  cat("\nTesting execute_order for Q=1108 (Boundary Value)")
+  expect_identical(test_execute_order_tmp,
+               execute_order_result$boundary_case)
+test_that("test_create_snapshot", {
+  load(system.file("tests", "data_ic.Rdata", package = "ifrogs"))
+                                        # to test create_snapshot
+  test_create_snapshot_bsp_tmp <- create_snapshot(mbp, type = "bsp")
+  cat("\nTesting create_snapshot for type = 'bsp' ")
+  expect_identical(test_create_snapshot_bsp_tmp,
+               create_snapshot_bsp_result)
+  test_create_snapshot_bsq_tmp <- create_snapshot(mbp, type = "bsq")
+  cat("\nTesting create_snapshot for type = 'bsq' ")
+  expect_identical(test_create_snapshot_bsq_tmp,
+               create_snapshot_bsq_result)
+test_that("test_ic", {
+  load(system.file("tests", "data_ic.Rdata", package = "ifrogs"))
+                                        # to test function ic
+  test_ic_partial_false_tmp <- ic( mbp,
+                                  Q = 600 ,
+                                  partial = FALSE )
+  cat("\nTesting ic for partial = false ")
+  expect_identical(test_ic_partial_false_tmp,
+               test_ic_partial_false_result)
+  test_ic_partial_true_tmp <- ic( mbp,
+                                  Q = 600 ,
+                                  partial = TRUE )
+  cat("\nTesting ic for partial = true ")
+  expect_identical(test_ic_partial_true_tmp,
+               test_ic_partial_true_result)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/man/create_snapshot.Rd
--- pkg/man/create_snapshot.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/create_snapshot.Rd	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ic.R
+\title{Prepare data for computing impact cost.}
+create_snapshot(mbp, type)
+\item{mbp}{A 'data.frame' containing market by price data.
+Rownames of the data frame should contain the timestamp
+corresponding to the given row.}
+\item{type}{a character scalar: 'bsp' for sell side price,
+'bbp' for buy side price, 'bbq' for buy side quantity and
+'bsq' for sell side quantity.}
+A 'matrix' containing prices/quantities for the buy
+side/sell side with timestamps as rownames. Example: For type
+= 'bsp', the fields 'bsp1' and 'bsp2' contain the list of
+1st and 2nd best sell prices from the LOB at every timestamp.
+ @author Chirag Anand
+Extract the list of best prices and quantities for a given mbp.
+## Demonstration of IC functions using the market by
+## price data of CINEMAX from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+try(data( package = "ifrogs", "ic_CINEMAX")) 
+mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]), 
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]), 
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]), 
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+## create_snapshot for the best buy quantity.
+bbqSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bbq")
+## create_snapshot for best sell price
+bspSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bsp")

Added: pkg/man/execute_order.Rd
--- pkg/man/execute_order.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/execute_order.Rd	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ic.R
+\title{Execute market order and return execution details.}
+execute_order(lob.p, lob.q, Q)
+\item{lob.p}{A vector of limit order book snapshot (at a
+timestamp) of prices.}
+\item{lob.q}{A vector of limit order book snapshot (at a
+timestamp) of quantities at the quoted price.}
+\item{Q}{The execution quantity desired.}
+A numeric vector containing:
+ \itemize{
+ \item q: quantity executed
+ \item p: price at which the order was fully/ partially executed
+ \item partial: whether it was a partial execution (0 or 1)
+Execute a market order using limit order book data.
+## Execution with lob.p and lob.q defined in the working
+## environment.
+lob.q <- matrix( nrow = 1, ncol = 4,
+                 dimnames = list(c(),
+                 c("bsq1", "bsq2",
+                    "bsq3", "bsq4")))
+lob.q[1, ] <- c(60, 70, 100, 50)  ## best sell quantity info
+lob.p <- matrix( nrow = 1, ncol = 4 ,
+                 dimnames = list(c(),
+                 c("bsp1", "bsp2",
+                    "bsp3", "bsp4")))
+lob.p[1, ] <- c(101, 102, 103, 103) ## best sell price info
+ans <- execute_order( lob.p, lob.q, Q = 200)
+## Demonstration of IC functions using the market by price data
+## of CINEMAX from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+try(data( package = "ifrogs", "ic_CINEMAX"))
+mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]),
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]),
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]),
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+bbqSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bbq")
+lob.q <- bbqSnap[75, ] ##take any random timestamp
+bbpSnap <- create_snapshot( mbp, type = "bbp")
+lob.p <- bbpSnap[75, ] ## take any random timestamp
+ans <- execute_order( lob.p, lob.q, Q = 1500)
+Chirag Anand

Added: pkg/man/ic.Rd
--- pkg/man/ic.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/ic.Rd	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ic.R
+\title{Function to compute impact cost.}
+ic(mbp, Q, d, partial = FALSE)
+\item{mbp}{a data.frame, containing best price/quantity
+pairs for buy and sell side with time stamps as row names.
+\item Price (bbp/bsp): Some currency (INR, USD, etc.)
+\item Quantities (bbq/bsq): Number of shares
+\item{Q}{an 'integer' vector containing the quantities
+for which to compute the Impact Cost.}
+\item{partial}{a 'logical' scalar, telling whether to do
+partial executions}
+A 'list' of matrices containing buy and sell IC.
+'names' of the list are the Q values used. Each matrix will
+contain rows having
+\item buyIC percentage: numeric
+\item sellIC percentage: numeric
+The function returns \sQuote{NA} values if \dQuote{partial} is
+ \sQuote{FALSE}, or, if there were no orders (empty book) at a
+particular time.For the buy and sell ic measures the
+corresponding row name for that entry is its timestamp.
+Function to compute impact cost for a security for a day.
+## Demonstration of IC functions using the market by price data
+## of CINEMAX from the ic_CINEMAX dataset.
+try(data(package="ifrogs", "ic_CINEMAX"))
+mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]), 
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]), 
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]), 
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+ans1 <- ic( mbp, Q = 600, d, partial = FALSE)
+ans2 <- ic( mbp, Q = 600, d, partial = TRUE)
+Chirag Anand

Added: pkg/man/ic_CINEMAX.Rd
--- pkg/man/ic_CINEMAX.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/ic_CINEMAX.Rd	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\title{Limit order book data of Cinemax India Ltd. for 29th October,
+  2013}
+\description{Twenty deep limit order book data consisting of the best
+  buy and sell side prices and quantities for Cinemax India Ltd. (a
+  company listed on the National Stock Exchange, India) for 29th
+  October, 2013. The dataset is a list of four dataframe: buyQty,
+  buyPrice, sellQty and sellPrice.
+  - buyQty:	twenty levels of best buy quantities available for the day
+  - buyPrice:	twenty levels of best sell prices available for the day
+  - sellQty:	twenty levels of best sell quantities available for the day
+  - sellPrice:	twenty levels of best sell prices available for the day
+\format{list (4)}
+\keyword{limit order book}

Added: pkg/man/lob.Rd
--- pkg/man/lob.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/lob.Rd	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\title{A snapshot of the RELIANCE spot limit order book at 11AM on 1st January,
+  The data is a snapshot of the limit order book for a stock
+  RELIANCE trading on the National Stock Exchange of India on 1st
+  January 2009. The snapshot has been taken at 11AM. The data consists
+  of pairs of limit order price-limit order quantity present in the
+  limit order book at the time.
+  The snaphot pertains to the ask side of the limit order book and
+  hence, the limit prices are arranged in increasing order of price priority.
+\format{data.frame (8561 x 2)}

Added: pkg/vignettes/ic.Rnw
--- pkg/vignettes/ic.Rnw	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vignettes/ic.Rnw	2017-10-24 05:52:21 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+  \vspace*{0.1in}
+          {\footnotesize #1 } \vspace*{0.1in} 
+  Ajay Shah \\
+  National Institute of Public Finance \& Policy, New Delhi
+\title{ Impact Cost: Implementation in \proglang{R} }
+\Plaintitle{Impact Cost Implementation in R}
+\Shorttitle{Impact Cost Implementation}
+  This paper describes the implementation of the function \code{ic} in
+  the package \pkg{ifrogs}. The function estimates the impact cost of
+  trading a given quantity of a security on both the buy side and sell
+  side of the limit order book. Impact cost is a measure of liquidity, 
+  indicating the cost of transaction in a stock for a specific
+  quantity at a given point in time.
+  Impact cost, Limit order book, Liquidity
+  Ajay Shah\\
+  National Institute of Public Finance and Policy\\
+  Special Institutional Area\\
+  New Delhi 110067, India\\
+  E-mail: \email{ajayshah at mayin.org}\\
+Liquidity means transaction costs, a highly liquid market is one where
+large orders can be executed without incurring a high transaction
+cost. Liquidity is valuable to market participants, yet is notoriously
+hard to define. The consensus in the literature is that liquidity
+cannot be represented by a single variable. Most empirical studies use
+several alternative measures, such as quoted and effective bid-ask
+spreads and depth at the best bid and offer quotations, to obtain a
+robust picture of a market's liquidity.
+Such measures have a limitation of being able to capture the liquidity
+available within the best quotes or limit prices only. They are unable 
+to provide a measure of liquidity when the transaction size is greater 
+than the depth available at the best quotes in the limit order book.
+An ex-ante measure of liquidity which aggregates the status of the
+limit order book at any moment in time for a specific transaction size
+into one number is called \code{Impact cost}. Impact cost is defined as
+the percentage mark-up of the average weighted execution price of
+instantaneously buying or selling of a security using a market order
+of quantity $Q$ over mid-quote price of the security. It measures the
+percentage degradation that is experienced with respect to the
+mid-quote price of the security for buying or selling. It is different
+for buy and sell orders and varies with different transaction size.
+The function \code{ic} from package \pkg{ifrogs} is the first
+implementation of impact cost estimation in \proglang{R}.
+The paper is organised as follows: Section 1 briefly
+discusses the steps involved in estimation of impact cost. Section
+2 describes the implementation of the function in
+\proglang{R}. Section 3 illustrates the function with an
+example. Section 4 shows the computational efficiency
+of the function. 
+\section{Estimation of Impact Cost}
+Electronic limit order books have become an important means of trading
+equities, derivatives and bonds. A distinguishable feature of this
+format is that a high proportion of available liquidity is committed
+(displayed) rather than implicit or hidden.
+If a market order of quantity $Q$ is placed, it would either get
+executed at the best limit prices else the market order would have to
+walk through the various limit prices in the book. If the execution
+takes place at the best price the transaction cost incurred would be
+equal to one half of the bid-ask spread. But when the order gets
+executed further away from the best prices, the transaction cost
+increases and is captured by the impact cost.
+As a benchmark for our analysis, we use a hypothetical perfectly
+liquid capital market. Every investor is assumed to be a price taker,
+facing perfectly elastic demand and supply of shares at the same
+market-clearing price. We propose to evaluate the liquidity of an
+actual market according to its proximity to this hypothetical
+perfectly liquid market: the closer the resemblance, the more liquid
+is the actual market.
+The hypothetical perfect liquid market would allow the security to be
+traded in unlimited quantities at the mid point of the best bid and
+ask prices. We call this as the mid-quote price.
+Thus, the mid-quote can be computed as:
+  p_{mid} = \frac{p_{1}^{bid} + p_{1}^{ask}}{2}
+where $p_{1}^{bid}$ and $p_{1}^{ask}$ represent the best prices offers
+on the bid and the ask side of the book. The best bid is defined as
+the maximum price associated with any buy limit order, and the best
+ask is defined as the minimum price associated with any sell limit
+The average weighted price of execution for the market order of size
+$Q$ is given by:
+  p_{t} (Q) = \frac{1}{Q} [ (Q - \sum_{i=1}^{s} Q_{it})*p_{s +1,t} +
+    \sum_{i=1}^{s} p_{it}*Q_{it} ]
+Here, $p_{t}$ (Q) is the average weighted execution price of the
+quantity $Q$ at time $t$. $p_{it}$ and $Q_{it}$ are the price and
+quantity of the $i^{th}$ limit order away from the best prices that
+would be fully consumed by the market order at time $t$ for $ i = 1,2,
+\hdots, s$. $Q$ is the size of the market order. $p_{s+1,t}$ is the
+price of the $(s+1)^{th}$ limit order which would be partially
+executed against the market order. The average weighted execution
+price can be calculated for both a buy and a sell market order.
+The impact cost is the percentage degradation that is experienced with
+respect to the ideal price (mid-quote price) for a buy or a sell
+market order. Mathematically, the impact cost can be written as:
+  ic_{t} (Q) = \frac{\lvert p_{t} (Q) - p_{mid} \rvert} {p_{mid}} * 100
+The impact cost thus measured is in percentage terms and can also be
+expressed in basis points by further multiplication of the estimate by
+100. The measure can be computed for both the bid as well as the ask
+side of the limit order book.
+\section{R implementation}
+The function \code{ic} implements the above estimation of impact
+cost. It requires limit order prices (\code{buyPrice} \& \code{sellPrice})
+and the corresponding quantities (\code{buyQty} \& \code{sellQty}) on
+the buy and sell side of the order book and the size of the market order
+(\code{Q}) . The function can also handle partial execution of market
+orders if the \code{partialExecution} flag is \code{TRUE} and the
+market order \code{Q} exceeds the quantity available in the book for
+The function is given as:
+<<echo = TRUE>>=
+In the above arguments 'mbp' should be a data frame which has the buy
+and sell side price and quantity information based on which the impact
+cost has to be calculated.Once the arguments are specified, the function
+compares the depth of the book and the quantity \code{Q} requested.  In
+case it is not feasible to fully execute the market order, it returns
+\code{NA}  or the average weighted price and the impact cost for the
+quantity feasible for execution based on the value of
+\code{partialExecution}. If it is feasible to fully execute the
+market, the function calculates the average weighted price of execution 
+and the impact cost for the market order \code{Q}.
+The function returns a list having the percentage of impact cost incurred
+for both the buy and sell side, corresponding to all timestamps in the
+mbp file. The name of the list is the Quantity \code{Q} for which the impact
+cost has been computed.  
+We illustrate the function with an example data of a company,
+Cinemax India Ltd., listed on the National Stock Exchange, India. The
+data, \code{CINEMAX} is a twenty deep limit order book data
+consisting of the best buy and sell side prices and quantities for
+Cinemax India Ltd. on 29$^{th}$ October, 2013. The dataset is a list of
+four dataframe: buyQty, buyPrice, sellQty and sellPrice. 
+%buyQty and sellQty consist of the best quantities on the buy and sell side
+%respectively for the topmost twenty levels. Similarly, buyPrice and
+%sellPrice consist of the best prices on the buy and sell side
+%respectively for the topmost twenty levels.  
+<< echo = TRUE >>=
+str(CINEMAX, list.len = 5)
+One can estimate the impact cost for selling and buying shares of a
+given quantity for the stock on a particular day using the function:
+The data from the cinemax data set is first converted into a format 
+as required for the ic function which takes mbp file for the required
+security for the given date as an argument.
+<<echo = TRUE>>=
+mbp <- cbind(as.data.frame(CINEMAX[1]),
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[2]),
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[3]),
+             as.data.frame(CINEMAX[4]))
+result_ic <- ic(mbp, Q = 600 , partial=TRUE)
+computeTime <- system.time(ic(mbp, Q = 600, partial=FALSE))
+\code{sellIC} and \code{buyIC} contain the impact cost for selling and
+buying 600 shares of Cinemax India Ltd. for 29$^{th}$ October,
+\section{Computational efficiency}
+In this section, we discuss the efficiency of the code in terms of
+computational time taken to generate the `Impact Cost' for twenty deep
+limit order book of 476 records. The innermost code for calculating
+the average weighted price is vectorised, thus making the whole
+function far more efficient than other implementations. The
+\code{computeTime} variable in the above code computes the time taken
+for estimating IC  using this data. The time taken is:
+The above computation is done on a 64-bit Linux machine with R-3.2.3.

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