[Gmm-commits] r241 - in pkg/momentfit: . R

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Thu Jul 4 21:19:48 CEST 2024

Author: chaussep
Date: 2024-07-04 21:19:48 +0200 (Thu, 04 Jul 2024)
New Revision: 241

added the option order.by for HAC vcov

Modified: pkg/momentfit/NEWS
--- pkg/momentfit/NEWS	2024-06-04 21:34:54 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/momentfit/NEWS	2024-07-04 19:19:48 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 o The gmm estimation does not work well when the weighting matrix is singular or nearly singular. It was shown that using a generalized inverse instead of the regular inverse is preferred. It is now optional to use a Moore-Penrose inverse when ever it is needed.
+o It is now possible to add the argument order.by to the vcovOptions argument of momentModel. This is passed to vcovHAC and is relevant when the data are not properly ordered.
 Changes in version 0.5
 o The Makevars was modified. The previous version was hard to install on most MAC because of an unnecessary flag. It is no longer the case. 

Modified: pkg/momentfit/R/momentModel-methods.R
--- pkg/momentfit/R/momentModel-methods.R	2024-06-04 21:34:54 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/momentfit/R/momentModel-methods.R	2024-07-04 19:19:48 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -546,10 +546,10 @@
               weights <- weightsAndrews(x = gmat, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel, 
                                         prewhite = options$prewhite, tol = options$tol)
-              w <- meatHAC(x = gmat, order.by = NULL, weights = weights, 
+              w <- meatHAC(x = gmat, order.by = options$order.by, weights = weights, 
                            prewhite = options$prewhite, ar.method = options$ar.method,
                            adjust = options$adjust, diagnostics = FALSE)
-              attr(w, "Spec") <- list(weights = weights, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel)
+              attr(w, "Spec") <- list(weights = weights, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel, order.by = options$order.by)

Modified: pkg/momentfit/R/momentModel.R
--- pkg/momentfit/R/momentModel.R	2024-06-04 21:34:54 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/momentfit/R/momentModel.R	2024-07-04 19:19:48 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
                                crit = 1e-06,
                                bw = "Andrews", prewhite = 1L,
                                ar.method = "ols", approx = "AR(1)", 
-                               tol = 1e-07, adjust=TRUE)
+                               tol = 1e-07, adjust=TRUE, order.by=NULL)
                 if (length(addO) > 0)
                         if (!all(names(addO) %in% names(option)))
@@ -28,6 +28,23 @@
                     if (!existsFunction(paste("bw",option$bw,sep="")))
                         stop("The bandwidth function does not exist")
+                if (!is.null(option$order.by))
+                {
+                    if (!inherits(option$order.by, c("numeric","integer","formula")))
+                        stop("order.by must be either a numeric or integer  vector, or a formula")
+                    if (inherits(option$order.by, c("numeric", "integer")))
+                        if (length(option$order.by) != nrow(data))
+                            stop("order.by must have the same length as the number of rows in data")
+                    if (inherits(option$order.by, "formula"))
+                    {
+                        fn <- all.vars(option$order.by[[length(option$order.by)]])
+                        if (length(fn)>1)
+                            stop("The order.by formula must contain only one variable.")
+                        option$order.by <- try(data[[fn]], silent=TRUE)
+                        if (inherits(option$order.by,"try-error"))
+                            stop("The variable in the order.by formula is not in data")
+                    }
+                }
             } else if (type=="CL") {
                 option <- list(cluster=NULL, type="HC0", cadjust=TRUE,

Modified: pkg/momentfit/R/sysMomentModel.R
--- pkg/momentfit/R/sysMomentModel.R	2024-06-04 21:34:54 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/momentfit/R/sysMomentModel.R	2024-07-04 19:19:48 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
     if (!is.list(vcovOptions) | !is.list(survOptions))
         stop("vcovOptions and survOptions must be a list")
     vcovOptions <- .getVcovOptions(vcov, data, vcovOptions, FALSE)
+    if (!is.null(vcovOptions$order.by))
+        stop("The HAC option order.by is not available for systems of equations")
     survOptions <- .getSurvOptions(data, survOptions)
     if (!is.list(data) && !is.environment(data)) 
         stop("'data' must be a list or an environment")

Modified: pkg/momentfit/R/validity.R
--- pkg/momentfit/R/validity.R	2024-06-04 21:34:54 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/momentfit/R/validity.R	2024-07-04 19:19:48 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@
     if (length(object at wSpec)>0)
-        if (!all(names(object at wSpec) %in% c("bw", "kernel","weights")))
+        if (!all(names(object at wSpec) %in% c("bw", "kernel","weights", "order.by")))
-            msg <- "wSpec must contain 'bw', 'kernel', and 'weights'"
+            msg <- "wSpec must contain 'bw', 'kernel', order.by and 'weights'"
             error <- c(error, msg)

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