[Gmm-commits] r228 - in pkg/momentfit: . R man vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Feb 23 23:44:24 CET 2024

Author: chaussep
Date: 2024-02-23 23:44:23 +0100 (Fri, 23 Feb 2024)
New Revision: 228

working on the Lewis and Mertens test for weak instruments -- from their matlab code

Modified: pkg/momentfit/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/momentfit/NAMESPACE	2024-02-21 19:47:21 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/momentfit/NAMESPACE	2024-02-23 22:44:23 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
            "D", "numericDeriv", "sd", "optim", "lm", "pf", "coef", "update",
            "fitted", "lm.fit", "pchisq", "pnorm", "printCoefmat", "anova",
            "model.frame", "reformulate", "formula", "nlminb", "kernapply",
-           "constrOptim", "kernel", "confint", "qnorm", "uniroot", "getCall", "qchisq", "optimize")
+           "constrOptim", "kernel", "confint", "qnorm", "uniroot", "getCall", "qchisq", "optimize",
+           "integrate", "rnorm")
 importFrom("sandwich", "vcovHAC", "estfun","kernHAC","vcovCL", "meatCL",
            "weightsLumley", "vcovHC", "meatHAC")

Modified: pkg/momentfit/R/sysMomentModel-methods.R
--- pkg/momentfit/R/sysMomentModel-methods.R	2024-02-21 19:47:21 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/momentfit/R/sysMomentModel-methods.R	2024-02-23 22:44:23 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -758,9 +758,9 @@
               weights <- weightsAndrews(x = gmat, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel, 
                                         prewhite = options$prewhite, tol = options$tol)
-              w <- vcovHAC(x = gmat, order.by = NULL, weights = weights, 
-                           prewhite = options$prewhite, sandwich = FALSE,
-                           ar.method = options$ar.method)
+              w <- meatHAC(x = gmat, order.by = NULL, weights = weights, 
+                           prewhite = options$prewhite, diagnostics = FALSE,
+                           adjust = options$adjust, ar.method = options$ar.method)
               attr(w, "Spec") <- list(weights = weights, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel)

Modified: pkg/momentfit/R/weak.R
--- pkg/momentfit/R/weak.R	2024-02-21 19:47:21 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/momentfit/R/weak.R	2024-02-23 22:44:23 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -365,6 +365,50 @@
 # computing x for the generalized test
+getMOPw <- function(object)
+    spec <- modelDims(object)
+    if (sum(spec$isEndo)<1)
+    {
+ 	warning("The model does not contain endogenous variables")
+ 	return(NA)
+    }
+    if (sum(spec$isEndo)>1)
+    {
+ 	warning("The MOP test is defined for models with only one endogenous variable")
+ 	return(NA)
+    }
+    Z2 <- model.matrix(object, "excludedExo")
+    X1 <- model.matrix(object, "includedExo")
+    X2 <- model.matrix(object, "includedEndo")
+    y <- modelResponse(object)
+    if (!is.null(X1))
+    {
+ 	fitX1 <- lm.fit(X1, Z2)
+ 	Z2 <- as.matrix(fitX1$residuals)
+ 	X2 <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, X2)
+ 	y <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, y)
+    }
+    Z2 <- qr.Q(qr(Z2))*sqrt(nrow(Z2))
+    colnames(Z2) = paste("Z", 1:ncol(Z2), sep="")
+    b <- c(b1 <- crossprod(Z2,y)/spec$n,
+           b2 <- crossprod(Z2,X2)/spec$n)
+    g <- list(reformulate(colnames(Z2), "y", FALSE),
+              reformulate(colnames(Z2), colnames(X2), FALSE))
+    h <- reformulate(colnames(Z2), NULL, FALSE)
+    dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(y=y,X2,Z2))
+    m <- sysMomentModel(g=g, list(h), data = dat, vcov=object at vcov,
+                        vcovOptions = object at vcovOptions)
+    v <- cbind(y-Z2%*%b1, X2-Z2%*%b2)
+    omega <- crossprod(v)/nrow(v)
+    w <- vcov(m, list(b1,b2))
+    w1 <- w[1:ncol(Z2), 1:ncol(Z2), drop=FALSE]
+    w2 <- w[(ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w), (ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w), drop=FALSE]
+    w12 <- w[(ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w), 1:ncol(Z2), drop=FALSE]
+    list(w1=w1,w2=w2,w12=w12,omega=omega)
 getMOPx <- function(w, tau, type = c("TSLS", "LIML"), e=0.0001, nP = 10000,
                     maxi = 1000)
@@ -521,50 +565,6 @@
-getMOPw <- function(object)
-    spec <- modelDims(object)
-    if (sum(spec$isEndo)<1)
-    {
-        warning("The model does not contain endogenous variables")
-        return(NA)
-    }    
-    if (sum(spec$isEndo)>1)
-    {
-        warning("The MOP test is defined for models with only one endogenous variable")
-        return(NA)
-    }
-    Z2 <- model.matrix(object, "excludedExo")
-    X1 <- model.matrix(object, "includedExo")
-    X2 <- model.matrix(object, "includedEndo")
-    y <- modelResponse(object)
-    if (!is.null(X1))
-    {
-        fitX1  <- lm.fit(X1, Z2)
-        Z2 <- as.matrix(fitX1$residuals)
-        X2 <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, X2)
-        y <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, y)
-    }
-    Z2 <- qr.Q(qr(Z2))*sqrt(nrow(Z2))
-    colnames(Z2) = paste("Z", 1:ncol(Z2), sep="")    
-    b <- c(b1 <- crossprod(Z2,y)/spec$n,
-           b2 <- crossprod(Z2,X2)/spec$n)
-    g <- list(reformulate(colnames(Z2), "y", FALSE),
-              reformulate(colnames(Z2), colnames(X2), FALSE))
-    h <- reformulate(colnames(Z2), NULL, FALSE)
-    dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(y=y,X2,Z2))
-    m <- sysMomentModel(g=g, list(h), data = dat, vcov=object at vcov,
-                        vcovOptions = object at vcovOptions)
-    v <- cbind(y-Z2%*%b1, X2-Z2%*%b2)
-    omega <- crossprod(v)/nrow(v)
-    w <- vcov(m, list(b1,b2))
-    w1 <- w[1:ncol(Z2), 1:ncol(Z2), drop=FALSE]
-    w2 <- w[(ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w), (ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w), drop=FALSE]
-    w12 <- w[(ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w), 1:ncol(Z2), drop=FALSE]
-    list(w1=w1,w2=w2,w12=w12,omega=omega)
 ## Lewis and Mertens (2022)
 phiMat <- function(w2, k2, l2)
@@ -593,11 +593,10 @@
 LewMertest <- function(object, tau=0.10, size=0.05, print=TRUE,
-                       estMethod = c("TSLS", "LIML"), simplified = TRUE,
+                       simplified = TRUE,
                        digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
-                       dfCorr = TRUE, ...)
+                       npoints=10, ...)
-    estMethod <- match.arg(estMethod)
     if (!inherits(object, "linearModel"))
         stop("object must be of class linearModel")
     spec <- modelDims(object)    
@@ -627,13 +626,14 @@
                   reformulate(colnames(Z2), ei, FALSE)))
     h <- reformulate(colnames(Z2), NULL, FALSE)
     dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(y=y,X2,Z2))
+    if (object at vcov == "HAC")
+        object at vcovOptions$adjust <- FALSE
     m <- sysMomentModel(g=g, list(h), data = dat, vcov=object at vcov,
                         vcovOptions = object at vcovOptions)
     v <- cbind(y-Z2%*%b1, X2-Z2%*%Pi2)
     omega <- crossprod(v)/nrow(v)
     w <- vcov(m, c(list(b1),lapply(1:ncol(Pi2), function(i) Pi2[,i])))
-    if (dfCorr)
-        w <- w*nrow(Z2)/(nrow(Z2)-ncol(X1)-ncol(Z2))
+    w <- w*nrow(Z2)/(nrow(Z2)-ncol(X1)-ncol(Z2))
     w2 <- w[(ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w),(ncol(Z2)+1):ncol(w)]
     phi <- phiMat(w2, ncol(X2), ncol(Z2))
     if (dim(phi)[1] == 1)
@@ -645,50 +645,368 @@
         sqPhi <- svPhi$u%*%diag(1/sqrt(svPhi$d))%*%t(svPhi$v)
         gmin <- c(nrow(Z2)*min(eigen(sqPhi%*%crossprod(Pi2)%*%sqPhi)$value))
-    lam <- 1/tau
-    cumul <- getCumul(w2, lam, sqPhi, ncol(Z2))    
-    list(gmin=gmin, cumul=cumul,
-         crit=crit(size, cumul$k1, cumul$k2, cumul$k3))
+    crit <- LewMerCrit(W=w,  K=ncol(Z2), alpha=size, tau=tau,
+                       points=npoints, generalized=!simplified)
+    if (!print)
+        return(list(test=gmin, crit=crit))
+    cat("Lewis  and Mertens (2022) Test for Weak Instruments\n")
+    cat("***************************************************\n", sep="")
+    cat("Number of included Endogenous: ", ncol(X2), "\n", sep="")
+    cat("Number of excluded Exogenous: ", ncol(Z2), "\n", sep="")
+    cat("Statistics: ", formatC(gmin, digits=digits, ...), "\n", sep="")
+    cat("Simplified Critical value (", size*100, "%): ",
+        formatC(crit["Simplified"], digits=digits, ...), "\n", sep="")
+    if (!simplified)
+        cat("Generalized Critical value (", size*100, "%): ",
+            formatC(crit["Generalized"], digits=digits, ...), "\n", sep="")
+    invisible()
-getCumul <- function(w2, lam, phi, l2)
+nearestSPD <- function (A) 
-    if (length(phi)==1)
+    stopifnot(is.numeric(A), is.matrix(A))
+    eps <- .Machine$double.eps
+    m <- nrow(A)
+    n <- ncol(A)
+    if (m != n) {
+        stop("Argument 'A' must be a square matrix.")
+    }
+    else if (n == 1 && A <= 0) 
+        return(as.matrix(eps))
+    B <- (A + t(A))/2
+    svdB <- svd(B)
+    H <- svdB$v %*% diag(svdB$d) %*% t(svdB$v)
+    Ahat <- (B + H)/2
+    Ahat <- (Ahat + t(Ahat))/2
+    k <- 0
+    not_pd <- TRUE
+    while (not_pd) {
+        k <- k + 1
+        try_R <- try(chol(Ahat), silent = TRUE)
+        if (inherits(try_R, "try-error")) {
+            mineig <- min(eigen(Ahat, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)
+            Ahat = Ahat + (-mineig * k^2 + eps(mineig)) * diag(1, 
+                n)
+        }
+        else not_pd <- FALSE
+    }
+    Ahat
+LewMerCrit <- function(model, W, K, alpha=0.05, tau=0.1, points=10,
+                       generalized=FALSE)
+    if (!missing(model))
-        sig <- w2/c(phi)*l2
-    } else {
-        tmp <- kronecker(phi, diag(l2))
-        sig <- l2*(tmp%*%w2%*%tmp)
-        svSig <- svd(sig)
-        sig2 <- svSig$u%*%diag(svSig$d^2)%*%t(svSig$v)
-        sig3 <- svSig$u%*%diag(svSig$d^3)%*%t(svSig$v)
+        spec <- modelDims(model)    
+        if (sum(spec$isEndo)<1)
+        {
+            warning("The model does not contain endogenous variables")
+            return(NA)
+        } 
+        Z2 <- model.matrix(model, "excludedExo")
+        X1 <- model.matrix(model, "includedExo")
+        X2 <- model.matrix(model, "includedEndo")
+        y <- modelResponse(model)
+        if (!is.null(X1))
+        {
+            fitX1  <- lm.fit(X1, Z2)
+            Z2 <- as.matrix(fitX1$residuals)
+            X2 <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, X2)
+            y <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, y)
+        }
+        Z2 <- qr.Q(qr(Z2))*sqrt(nrow(Z2))
+        colnames(Z2) <- paste("Z", 1:ncol(Z2), sep="")
+        colnames(X2) <- paste("endo",1:ncol(X2), sep="")
+        b1 <- c(crossprod(Z2,y)/spec$n)
+        Pi2 <- crossprod(Z2,X2)/spec$n
+        g <- c(reformulate(colnames(Z2), "y", FALSE),
+               lapply(colnames(X2), function(ei)
+                   reformulate(colnames(Z2), ei, FALSE)))
+        h <- reformulate(colnames(Z2), NULL, FALSE)
+        dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(y=y,X2,Z2))
+        if (model at vcov == "HAC")
+            model at vcovOptions$adjust <- FALSE
+        m <- sysMomentModel(g=g, list(h), data = dat, vcov=model at vcov,
+                            vcovOptions = model at vcovOptions)
+        v <- cbind(y-Z2%*%b1, X2-Z2%*%Pi2)
+        omega <- crossprod(v)/nrow(v)
+        W <- vcov(m, c(list(b1),lapply(1:ncol(Pi2), function(i) Pi2[,i])))
+        W <- W*nrow(Z2)/(nrow(Z2)-ncol(X1)-ncol(Z2))
+        K <- ncol(Z2)
-    k1 <- l2*(1+lam)
-    if (length(sig) == 1)
+    spKgen <- function(m,n)
-        k2 <- 2*(sig^2+2*lam*l2*sig)
-        k3 <- 8*(sig^3+3*lam*l2*sig^2)
+        I <- c(matrix(1:(m*n), n, m, byrow=TRUE))
+        K <- diag(m*n)[I,]
+        K
+    }
+    fMat <- function(A, FUN, eA=NULL)
+    {
+        if (is.null(eA))
+            eA <- eigen(A)
+        eA$vec%*%diag(FUN(eA$val))%*%t(eA$vec)
+    }
+    N <- nrow(W)/K-1
+    maxiter  <- 1000
+    tol <- 1e-7
+    Bmax <- rep(NA,2)
+    RNK  <- kronecker(diag(N), c(diag(K)))
+    RNN  <- kronecker(diag(N), c(diag(N)))
+    RNpK <- kronecker(diag(N+1), c(diag(K)))
+    M2   <- RNK%*%t(RNK)/(1+N)-diag(N*K^2)
+    W1   <- W[1:K,1:K]
+    W2   <- W[-(1:K),-(1:K)]
+    W12  <- W[1:K,-(1:K)]
+    tmp <- crossprod(RNK, kronecker(W2, diag(K))%*%RNK)/K
+    tmp <- fMat(tmp, function(x) 1/sqrt(x))
+    tmp <- kronecker(tmp, diag(K))
+    tmp2 <- fMat(W2, sqrt)
+    S <- tmp%*%tmp2
+    Sigma <- S%*%t(S)
+    tmp2 <- crossprod(RNpK, kronecker(W,diag(K))%*%RNpK)
+    tmp2 <- fMat(tmp2, function(x) 1/sqrt(x))
+    Psi <- kronecker(tmp%*%t(rbind(W12,W2)),diag(K))%*%RNpK%*%tmp2
+    ## Simplified
+    if (N==1)
+    {
+        if (K>N+1)
+        {
+            Bmax[2] <- min(sqrt(2*(N+1)/K)*norm(M2%*%Psi, "2"),1);
+        } else {
+            Bmax[2] <- min(norm(Psi, "2"),1);
+        }
     } else {
-    svSig <- svd(sig)
-    sig2 <- svSig$u%*%diag(svSig$d^2)%*%t(svSig$v)
-    sig3 <- svSig$u%*%diag(svSig$d^3)%*%t(svSig$v)
-    tmp <- phiMat(sig2, dim(phi)[1], l2)
-    k2 <- 2*(max(eigen(tmp)$val)+2*lam*l2*max(svSig$d))
-    tmp <- phiMat(sig3, dim(phi)[1], l2)    
-    k3 <- 8*(max(eigen(tmp)$val)+3*lam*l2*max(svSig$d)^2)
+        if (K>N+1)
+        {
+            Bmax[2] <- min(sqrt(2*(N+1)/K)*norm(M2%*%Psi, "2"), norm(Psi, "2"));
+        } else {
+            Bmax[2] <- norm(Psi, "2");
+        }
+    }  
+    ## Generalized    
+    if (generalized)
+    {
+        if (K>N+1)
+        {
+            bm.iter <- numeric(points)
+            X1 <- kronecker(kronecker(diag(N),spKgen(K^2,N)),diag(N^2))%*%
+                kronecker(c(diag(N)),diag(K^2*N^2))%*%
+                kronecker(kronecker(diag(K),spKgen(K,N)),diag(N))%*%
+                (diag(N^2*K^2)+spKgen(N*K,N*K))
+            M1   <- crossprod(RNN, diag(N^3)+kronecker(spKgen(N,N),diag(N)))    
+            M2PsiM2 <- M2%*%(Psi%*%t(Psi))%*%t(M2)
+            for (i in 1:points)
+                bm.iter[i] <- sqrt(-.optStiefel(M1,M2PsiM2,X1,N,K)$fval)
+            Bmax[1] <- max(bm.iter)
+        } else {
+            Bmax[1] <- Bmax[2]
+        }
-    w <- k2/k3
-    v <- 8*k2*w^2
-    list(k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3, w=w, v=v)
+    cv <- rep(NA,2)    
+    for (j in 1:2)
+    {
+        if (!is.na(Bmax[j]))
+        {
+            lmin <- Bmax[j]/tau
+            k <- numeric(3)
+            k[1] <- norm(crossprod(RNK,kronecker(Sigma,diag(K)))%*%RNK,"2")+K*lmin
+            k[2] <- 2*(norm(crossprod(RNK,kronecker(fMat(Sigma, function(x) x^2),diag(K)))%*%RNK,"2")+
+                       2*K*lmin*norm(Sigma,"2"))
+            k[3] <- 8*(norm(crossprod(RNK,kronecker(fMat(Sigma, function(x) x^3),diag(K)))%*%RNK,"2")+
+                       3*K*lmin*norm(Sigma,"2")^2)
+            cv[j] <- .getcritical(k, alpha, K)
+        }
+    }
+    names(cv) <- c("Generalized", "Simplified")
+    cv
-crit <- function(alpha, k1, k2, k3)
+.optStiefel <- function(M1,M2PsiM2,X1,N,K)
-    w <- k2/k3
-    v <- 8*k2*w^2
-    cr <- qchisq(1-alpha, v)
-    (cr-v)/(4*w)+k1
+    Fct <- function(x,M1,M2PsiM2,X1,N,K)
+    {
+        L0 <- t(x)
+        vecL0 <- as.matrix(c(L0))
+        QLL <- kronecker(kronecker(diag(N),L0),L0)
+        Mobj <- M1%*%QLL%*%M2PsiM2%*%t(QLL)%*%t(M1)/K
+        Mobj <- 0.5*(Mobj+t(Mobj))
+        Mobj <- nearestSPD(Mobj)
+        res <- eigen(Mobj)
+        ev <- res$vec[,which.max(res$val)]
+        fval <- -t(ev)%*%Mobj%*%ev
+        gradient    = 2*kronecker(t(ev)%*%M1%*%QLL%*%M2PsiM2,t(ev)%*%M1)%*%
+            X1%*%kronecker(diag(N*K),vecL0)
+        gradient    = -matrix(c(gradient),N,K)
+        gradient    = t(gradient)
+        list(fct=c(fval), grad=gradient)
+    }
+    rustiefel <- function (m, R) 
+    {
+        X <- matrix(rnorm(m * R), m, R)
+        tmp <- eigen(t(X) %*% X)
+        X %*% (tmp$vec %*% sqrt(diag(1/tmp$val, nrow = R)) %*% t(tmp$vec))
+    }
+    myQR <- function(XX,k)
+    {
+        res <- qr(XX)
+        Q <- qr.Q(res)
+        RR <- qr.R(res)
+        diagRR <- sign(diag(RR))
+        if (any(diagRR < 0))
+            Q <- Q%*%diag(diagRR)
+        list(Q=Q, R=RR)
+    }
+    iprod <- function(x,y)
+    {
+        sum(sum(Conj(x)*y))
+    }
+    X <- rustiefel(K, N)
+    opts <- list()
+    out <- list()
+    opts$tau  <- 1e-3
+    opts$mxitr  <- 1000
+    opts$record <- 0
+    xtol    <- 1e-6
+    gtol    <- 1e-6
+    ftol    <- 1e-12
+    rhols   <- 1e-4
+    STPEPS  <- 1e-10
+    eta     <- 0.1
+    gamma   <- 0.85
+    retr    <- 0
+    record  <- opts$record
+    nt      <- 5
+    crit    <- numeric()
+    tiny    <- 1e-13
+    FX <- Fct(X,M1,M2PsiM2,X1,N,K)
+    F <- FX$fct
+    G <- FX$grad
+    out$nfe = 1  
+    GX = crossprod(G,X)
+    dtX = G - X%*%GX
+    nrmG  <- norm(dtX, 'F')
+    Q <- 1; Cval <- F;  tau <-opts$tau
+    for (itr in 1:opts$mxitr)
+    {
+        XP <- X
+        FP <- F
+        GP <- G
+        dtXP <- dtX
+        nls <- 1; deriv <- rhols*nrmG^2 
+        while (TRUE)
+        {
+            X = myQR(XP - tau*dtX, N)$Q
+            if (norm(crossprod(X) - diag(N),'F') > tiny)
+                X <- myQR(X,N)
+            FX2 <- Fct(X,M1,M2PsiM2,X1,N,K)
+            F <- FX2$fct
+            G <- FX2$grad
+            out$nfe <- out$nfe + 1
+            if (F <= (Cval - tau*deriv) || nls >= 5)
+                break;
+            tau <- eta*tau
+            nls <- nls+1
+        }
+        GX <- crossprod(G,X)
+        dtX <- G - X%*%GX
+        nrmG <- norm(dtX, 'F')
+        S <- X - XP
+        XDiff <- norm(S,'F')/sqrt(K)
+        tau = opts$tau
+        FDiff = abs(FP-F)/(abs(FP)+1)   
+        Y = dtX - dtXP
+        SY = abs(iprod(S,Y))
+        if ((itr%%2)==0)
+        {
+            tau <- norm(S,'F')^2/SY
+        } else {
+            tau  <- SY/norm(Y,'F')^2
+        }
+        tau <- max(min(tau, 1e20), 1e-20)
+        crit <- rbind(crit, c(nrmG, XDiff, FDiff))
+        mcrit = colMeans(crit[(itr-min(nt,itr)+1):itr,,drop=FALSE])
+        if ((XDiff < xtol && FDiff < ftol ) ||
+            (nrmG < gtol) || all(mcrit[2:3] < 10*c(xtol, ftol)))
+        {
+            out$msg = "converge"
+            break
+        }
+        Qp <- Q
+        Q <- gamma*Qp + 1
+        Cval = (gamma*Qp*Cval + F)/Q
+    }
+    if (itr >= opts$mxitr)
+        out$msg = "exceed max iteration"
+    out$feasi = norm(crossprod(X)-diag(N),'F');
+    if  (out$feasi > 1e-13)
+    {
+        X <- myQR(X,N);
+        FX <- Fct(X,M1,M2PsiM2,X1,N,K)
+        F <- FX$fct
+        G <- FX$grad
+        out$nfe <- out$nfe + 1;
+        out$feasi <- norm(crossprod(X)-diag(N),'F');
+    }
+    out$nrmG <- nrmG
+    out$fval <- F
+    out$itr <- itr
+    out
+.getcritical <- function(k, alpha, K)
+    ome <- k[2]/k[3]
+    nu  <- 8*k[2]*ome^2
+    cc  <- qchisq(1-alpha,nu)
+    fun_phiz  <- function(z)
+        ome*(1+(z-k[1])/(2*k[2]*ome))^(nu/2-1)*
+            exp(-nu/2*(1+(z-k[1])/(2*k[2]*ome)))*
+            nu^(nu/2-1)/(2^(nu/2-2))/gamma(nu/2)  
+    G1fun <- function(q)
+        -1/2*(q-2*nu*(nu-2)/q+nu)+3*nu/2*((log(q/2))-psigamma(nu/2,0))
+    G2fun <- function(q)
+        1/2*(q-nu*(nu-2)/q)-nu*((log(q/2))-psigamma(nu/2,0))
+    D1fun <- function(q)
+    (1+(q-k[1])*2*ome)/(2*k[2]*ome)*(1+(q-k[1])/(2*k[2]*ome))^(-1)*fun_phiz(q)
+    D2fun <- function(q)
+        fun_phiz(q)/k[2]*G1fun(nu+(q-k[1])*4*ome)
+    D3fun <-  function(q)
+        G2fun(nu+(q-k[1])*4*ome)/k[3]*fun_phiz(q)
+    ID1fun <- function(xx) integrate(D1fun,xx,Inf)$value
+    ID2fun <- function(xx) integrate(D2fun,xx,Inf)$value
+    ID3fun <- function(xx) integrate(D3fun,xx,Inf)$value
+    kt_cond1 <- ID1fun(((cc-nu)/4/ome+k[1]))
+    kt_cond2 <- ID2fun(((cc-nu)/4/ome+k[1]))
+    kt_cond3 <- ID3fun(((cc-nu)/4/ome+k[1]))
+    kt_cond <- (kt_cond1>=0)&&(kt_cond2>=0)&&(kt_cond3>=0)
+    if (!kt_cond)
+    {
+        fun = function(x)
+            -((qchisq(1-alpha,8*x[2]*(x[2]/x[3])^2)-8*x[2]*(x[2]/x[3])^2)/4/(x[2]/x[3])+x[1])
+        k <- nlminb(k, fun, upper=k)$par
+        ome <- k[2]/k[3]
+        nu <- 8*k[2]*ome^2
+        cc <- qchisq(1-alpha,nu)
+    }
+    ((cc-nu)/4/ome+k[1])/K

Modified: pkg/momentfit/man/weakTest.Rd
--- pkg/momentfit/man/weakTest.Rd	2024-02-21 19:47:21 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/momentfit/man/weakTest.Rd	2024-02-23 22:44:23 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@
         digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)
 LewMertest(object, tau=0.10, size=0.05, print=TRUE,
-           estMethod = c("TSLS", "LIML"), simplified = TRUE,
-           digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
-           dfCorr = TRUE, ...)
+           simplified = TRUE, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") -
+           3L), npoints=10, ...)
 SYTables(object, print=TRUE, SWcrit=FALSE)
@@ -67,14 +66,17 @@
   \item{digits}{The number of digits to print when \code{print} is set
   to \code{TRUE}.}
-\item{dfCorr}{Should we correct the covariance matrix estimator for the
-  degrees of freedom?} 
   \item{SWcrit}{If true, the critical values and the test are ajusted to
   Sanderson and Windmeijer (2016). See details.}
+\item{npoints}{The number of minimizations to run in order to find the
+  global minimum, which is used for the Lewis and Mertens critical
+  value. It affects the results only when \code{simplified} is set to
+  \code{TRUE}.} 
   \item{...}{Arguments passed to \code{\link{formatC}} to print the
-  statistic. For \code{MOPtest}, they are passed to \code{momentfit:::getMOPx}.
+  statistic. For \code{MOPtest}, they are passed to
+  \code{momentfit:::getMOPx}. 

Modified: pkg/momentfit/vignettes/weak.Rmd
--- pkg/momentfit/vignettes/weak.Rmd	2024-02-21 19:47:21 UTC (rev 227)
+++ pkg/momentfit/vignettes/weak.Rmd	2024-02-23 22:44:23 UTC (rev 228)
@@ -748,54 +748,27 @@
 momentStrength(update(mod4, vcovOptions=list(type="HC0")))$strength
-## Testing for weak instruments: @lewis-mertens22 (very early stage)
+## Testing for weak instruments: @lewis-mertens22
 The authors generalize the MOP test for models with multiple
-endogenous variables. We first need to compute the matrix $\Phi =
-(I_{k_2}\otimes \vect(I_{l_2}))'[W_2\otimes I_{l_2}](I_{k_2}\otimes
-\vect(I_{l_2}))$. This is clearly not something we want to write
-explicitely. It is unlikely to encounter very large $l_2$ and $k_2$,
-but we want to avoid creating large matrices just in case. If we write
-$W_2$ as a $k_2\times k_2$ block matrix, with $A_{ij}$ being the
-$l_2\times l_2$ matrix in the ith row and jth column, then
-$\Phi_{ij}=\tr(A_{ij})$. The following shows that the function
-`psiMat`, which uses this trace argument, produces the right matrix:
+endogenous variables. The statistic proposed by the authors is
-w2 <- matrix(1:144, 12, 12)
-w2[lower.tri(w2)] <- t(w2)[lower.tri(w2)]
-k2 <- 3
-l2 <- 4
-phiMatT <- function(w2, k2, l2)
-    A <- kronecker(diag(k2), c(diag(l2)))
-    B <- kronecker(w2, diag(l2))
-    t(A)%*%B%*%A
-The statistic proposed by the authors is
-g_{min} = \min\eval[n\hat\Phi^{-1/2}\hat{\Pi}_2'\hat{\Pi}_2\hat\Phi^{-1/2}]
+\[ g_{min} =
+\min\eval[n\hat\Phi^{-1/2}\hat{\Pi}_2'\hat{\Pi}_2\hat\Phi^{-1/2}] \,,
-It is clear that this is the MOP effective F test when $k_2=1$,
-because $k_2=1$ implies that $\Phi=\tr(W_2)$.
+where $\Phi = (I_{k_2}\otimes \vect(I_{l_2}))'[W_2\otimes
+I_{l_2}](I_{k_2}\otimes \vect(I_{l_2}))$. If we write $W_2$ as a
+$k_2\times k_2$ block matrix, with $A_{ij}$ being the $l_2\times l_2$
+matrix in the ith row and jth column, then $\Phi_{ij}=\tr(A_{ij})$. It
+is clear that this is the MOP effective F test when $k_2=1$, because
+$k_2=1$ implies that $\Phi=\tr(W_2)$.
+LewMertest(mod3, simplified=FALSE)
 ## Data Generating Process (for later use)
 The following function is used to generate dataset with $k$

Modified: pkg/momentfit/vignettes/weak.pdf
(Binary files differ)

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