[Gmm-commits] r189 - in pkg: . causalOTLSE causalOTLSE/R causalOTLSE/data causalOTLSE/man
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Wed Jun 8 17:22:06 CEST 2022
Author: chaussep
Date: 2022-06-08 17:22:06 +0200 (Wed, 08 Jun 2022)
New Revision: 189
add a new package to be moved to another project once created
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/DESCRIPTION (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/DESCRIPTION 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Package: causalOTLSE
+Version: 0.1-0
+Date: 2022-06-07
+Title: Optimal Thresholding Least Squares Inference for Causal Effects
+Authors at R: c(person("Pierre Chausse", "Developer", role = c("aut", "cre"),
+ email = "pchausse at uwaterloo.ca"),
+ person("Mihai Giurcanu", "Developer", role = "aut",
+ email = "giurcanu at uchicago.edu"))
+Description: This package includes tools to measure causal effects using least squares regressions. The number of piecewise polynomials is selected by some information criteria.
+Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
+Imports: stats, splines, car, sandwich, cvTools
+License: GPL (>= 2)
+NeedsCompilation: no
+Packaged: 2022-06-07 19:15:24 UTC; pierrechausse
+Author: Pierre Chausse Developer [aut, cre],
+ Mihai Giurcanu Developer [aut]
+Maintainer: Pierre Chausse Developer <pchausse at uwaterloo.ca>
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/NAMESPACE (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/NAMESPACE 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+importFrom(stats, quantile, lm, predict, coef, vcov, printCoefmat, cov, pnorm)
+importFrom(car, linearHypothesis)
+importFrom(sandwich, vcovHC)
+importFrom(cvTools, cvFolds)
+importFrom(splines, bs)
+export(otlse, print.otlse, summary.otlse, print.summary.otlse,
+ splineMatrix, selASY, selIC, selCV)
+S3method(summary, otlse)
+S3method(print, otlse)
+S3method(print, summary.otlse)
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/R/otlse.R
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/R/otlse.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/R/otlse.R 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+splineMatrix <- function(X, knots = NA, pFact=0.3, deg=1, method=c("manual","bs"))
+ method <- match.arg(method)
+ n <- length(X)
+ if (is.null(knots))
+ return(as.matrix(X))
+ if(any(is.na(knots)))
+ {
+ p <- floor(n^pFact)
+ prop.seq <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = p + 1)
+ prop.seq <- prop.seq[-c(1, p + 1)]
+ knots <- quantile(X, probs = prop.seq, type = 1)
+ }
+ if (method == "bs")
+ {
+ Xfi <- bs(x=X, knots=knots, degree=deg)
+ } else {
+ p <- length(knots) + 1
+ Xfi <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p)
+ Xfi[, 1] <- X * (X <= knots[1]) + knots[1] * (X > knots[1])
+ Xfi[, p] <- (X - knots[p - 1]) * (X > knots[p - 1])
+ if(p >= 3)
+ {
+ for(j in 2:(p - 1))
+ {
+ Xfi[, j] <- (X - knots[j - 1]) *
+ (X >= knots[j - 1]) * (X <= knots[j]) +
+ (knots[j] - knots[j - 1]) * (X > knots[j])
+ }
+ }
+ attr(Xfi, "knots") <- knots
+ }
+ Xfi
+.getPval <- function(X, Y, Z, ppow, splineMet)
+ n <- length(Y)
+ id0 <- Z == 0
+ id1 <- Z == 1
+ Y0 <- Y[id0]
+ Y1 <- Y[id1]
+ X0 <- X[id0]
+ X1 <- X[id1]
+ Xfi0 <- splineMatrix(X=X0, pFact=ppow, method=splineMet)
+ myknots0 <- attr(Xfi0, "knots")
+ p0 <- ncol(Xfi0)
+ Xfi1 <- splineMatrix(X=X1, pFact=ppow, method=splineMet)
+ myknots1 <- attr(Xfi1, "knots")
+ p1 <- ncol(Xfi1)
+ p <- p0 + p1
+ Xf0 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p0, 0)
+ Xf1 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p1, 0)
+ Xf0[id0, ] <- Xfi0
+ Xf1[id1, ] <- Xfi1
+ Z <- factor(Z)
+ pval0 <- rep(NA, p0 - 1)
+ pval1 <- rep(NA, p1 - 1)
+ lm.out0 <- lm(Y ~ 0 + factor(Z) + Xf0 + Xf1)
+ for(j in 1 : (p0 - 1))
+ {
+ null_hyp <- paste("Xf0", j + 1, "-", "Xf0", j, "=0", sep = "")
+ pval0[j] <- linearHypothesis(lm.out0, null_hyp,
+ vcov = vcovHC(lm.out0, type = "HC3"))[2, 4]
+ }
+ for(j in 1 : (p1 - 1))
+ {
+ null_hyp <- paste("Xf1", j + 1, "-", "Xf1", j, "=0", sep = "")
+ pval1[j] <- linearHypothesis(lm.out0, null_hyp,
+ vcov = vcovHC(lm.out0, type = "HC3"))[2, 4]
+ }
+ list(pval0=pval0, pval1=pval1, p0=p0, p1=p1, knots0=myknots0,
+ knots1=myknots1)
+selASY <- function(X, Y, Z, pFact=0.3, splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+ splineMet <- match.arg(splineMet)
+ res <- .getPval(X, Y, Z, pFact, splineMet)
+ pval=c(res$pval0, res$pval1)
+ n <- length(X)
+ q <- length(pval)
+ p <- res$p0+res$p1
+ id0 <- Z==0
+ Jhat0 <- res$pval0 <= 1 / (p * log(p))
+ Jhat1 <- res$pval1 <= 1 / (p * log(p))
+ if(all(!Jhat0))
+ {
+ myknots0 <- NULL
+ } else {
+ myknots0 <- res$knots0[Jhat0]
+ }
+ Xfi0 <- splineMatrix(X=X[id0], knots=myknots0, method=splineMet)
+ p00 <- ncol(Xfi0)
+ Xf0 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p00, 0)
+ Xf0[id0, ] <- Xfi0
+ if(all(!Jhat1))
+ {
+ myknots1 <- NULL
+ } else {
+ myknots1 <- res$knots1[Jhat1]
+ }
+ Xfi1 <- splineMatrix(X=X[!id0], knots=myknots1, method=splineMet)
+ p10 <- ncol(Xfi1)
+ Xf1 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p10, 0)
+ Xf1[!id0, ] <- Xfi1
+ list(Xf1=Xf1, Xf0=Xf0, knots0=myknots0, knots1=myknots1,
+ pval=pval)
+selIC <- function(X, Y, Z, pFact=0.3, type=c("AIC", "BIC"), splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+ type <- match.arg(type)
+ splineMet <- match.arg(splineMet)
+ res <- .getPval(X, Y, Z, pFact, splineMet)
+ pval=c(res$pval0, res$pval1)
+ n <- length(X)
+ q <- length(pval)
+ p <- res$p0+res$p1
+ pval_sort <- sort(pval)
+ Xf0 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 1, 0)
+ id0 <- Z==0
+ Xf0[id0] <- X[id0]
+ Xf1 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 1, 0)
+ Xf1[!id0] <- X[!id0]
+ lm.out0 <- lm(Y ~ 0 + factor(Z) + Xf0 + Xf1)
+ icV <- ic_seq0 <- get(type)(lm.out0)
+ knots0 <- NULL
+ knots1 <- NULL
+ for(i in 1 : q)
+ {
+ Jhat0i <- res$pval0 <= pval_sort[i]
+ Jhat1i <- res$pval1 <= pval_sort[i]
+ myknots0i <- if(all(!Jhat0i)) NULL else res$knots0[Jhat0i]
+ Xfi0i <- splineMatrix(X=X[id0], knots=myknots0i, method=splineMet)
+ p0i <- ncol(Xfi0i)
+ Xf0i <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p0i, 0)
+ Xf0i[id0, ] <- Xfi0i
+ myknots1i <- if(all(!Jhat1i)) NULL else res$knots1[Jhat1i]
+ Xfi1i <- splineMatrix(X=X[!id0], knots=myknots1i, method=splineMet)
+ p1i <- ncol(Xfi1i)
+ Xf1i <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p1i, 0)
+ Xf1i[!id0, ] <- Xfi1i
+ lm.out1 <- lm(Y ~ 0 + factor(Z) + Xf0i + Xf1i)
+ ic_seq1 <- get(type)(lm.out1)
+ icV <- c(icV, ic_seq1)
+ if (ic_seq1<ic_seq0)
+ {
+ ic_seq0 <- ic_seq1
+ Xf0 <- Xf0i
+ Xf1 <- Xf1i
+ knots0 <- myknots0i
+ knots1 <- myknots1i
+ }
+ }
+ list(Xf1=Xf1, Xf0=Xf0, knots0=knots0, knots1=knots1, IC=icV,
+ pval=pval)
+.getCV <- function(Y, Z, X0, X1)
+ n <- length(Y)
+ X0 <- as.matrix(X0)
+ X1 <- as.matrix(X1)
+ myK <- floor(log(n))
+ cv.outi <- cvFolds(n, K = myK)
+ mspe_pred <- rep(NA, myK)
+ for(k in 1 : myK)
+ {
+ id.train <- cv.outi$subsets[cv.outi$which != k]
+ id.valid <- cv.outi$subsets[cv.outi$which == k]
+ train.datak <- list(Yk = Y[id.train], Zk = Z[id.train],
+ Xf0ik = X0[id.train, , drop = FALSE],
+ Xf1ik = X1[id.train, , drop = FALSE])
+ valid.datak <- list(Yk = Y[id.valid], Zk = Z[id.valid],
+ Xf0ik = X0[id.valid, , drop = FALSE],
+ Xf1ik = X1[id.valid, , drop = FALSE])
+ lm.outk <- lm(Yk ~ 0 + factor(Zk) + Xf0ik + Xf1ik, data = train.datak)
+ pred.outk <- predict(lm.outk, newdata = valid.datak,
+ type = "response")
+ mspe_pred[k] <- mean((valid.datak$Yk - pred.outk)^2,
+ na.rm = TRUE)
+ }
+ mean(mspe_pred, na.rm = TRUE)
+selCV <- function(X, Y, Z, pFact=0.3, splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+ splineMet <- match.arg(splineMet)
+ res <- .getPval(X, Y, Z, pFact, splineMet)
+ pval=c(res$pval0, res$pval1)
+ n <- length(X)
+ q <- length(pval)
+ p <- res$p0+res$p1
+ myK <- floor(log(n))
+ pval_sort <- sort(pval)
+ mspe_seq <- rep(NA, q + 1)
+ mspe_pred <- rep(NA, myK)
+ cv.outi <- cvFolds(n, K = myK)
+ id0 <- Z==0
+ Xf0 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 1, 0)
+ Xf0[id0] <- X[id0]
+ Xf1 <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 1, 0)
+ Xf1[!id0] <- X[!id0]
+ knots0 <- NULL
+ knots1 <- NULL
+ mspe0 <- mspe_seq[1] <- .getCV(Y, Z, Xf0, Xf1)
+ for(i in 1 : q)
+ {
+ Jhat0i <- res$pval0 <= pval_sort[i]
+ Jhat1i <- res$pval1 <= pval_sort[i]
+ cv.outi <- cvFolds(n, K = myK)
+ mspe_pred <- rep(NA, myK)
+ myknots0i <- if(all(!Jhat0i)) NULL else res$knots0[Jhat0i]
+ Xfi0i <- splineMatrix(X=X[id0], knots=myknots0i, method=splineMet)
+ p0i <- ncol(Xfi0i)
+ Xf0i <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p0i, 0)
+ Xf0i[id0, ] <- Xfi0i
+ myknots1i <- if(all(!Jhat1i)) NULL else res$knots1[Jhat1i]
+ Xfi1i <- splineMatrix(X=X[!id0], knots=myknots1i, method=splineMet)
+ p1i <- ncol(Xfi1i)
+ Xf1i <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p1i, 0)
+ Xf1i[!id0, ] <- Xfi1i
+ mspe1 <- mspe_seq[i+1] <- .getCV(Y, Z, Xf0i, Xf1i)
+ if (mspe1 < mspe0)
+ {
+ mspe0 <- mspe1
+ knots0 <- myknots0i
+ knots1 <- myknots1i
+ Xf0 <- Xf0i
+ Xf1 <- Xf1i
+ }
+ }
+ list(Xf1=Xf1, Xf0=Xf0, knots0=knots0, knots1=knots1, IC=mspe_seq,
+ pval=pval)
+# currently implemented only for the case when X is univariate
+otlse <- function(X, Y, Z, crit = c("ASY", "AIC", "BIC", "CV"),
+ pFact=0.3, splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+ crit <- match.arg(crit)
+ splineMet <- match.arg(splineMet)
+ optBasis <- switch(crit,
+ ASY = selASY(X, Y, Z, pFact, splineMet),
+ AIC = selIC(X, Y, Z, pFact, "AIC", splineMet),
+ BIC = selIC(X, Y, Z, pFact, "BIC", splineMet),
+ CV = selCV(X, Y, Z, pFact, splineMet))
+ n <- length(Y)
+ n1 <- sum(Z)
+ n0 <- n-n1
+ Xf0 <- optBasis$Xf0
+ Xf1 <- optBasis$Xf1
+ knots0 <- optBasis$knots0
+ knots1 <- optBasis$knots1
+ pval <- optBasis$pval
+ p00 <- ncol(Xf0)
+ p10 <- ncol(Xf1)
+ lm.out <- lm(Y ~ 0 + factor(Z) + Xf0 + Xf1)
+ vcov <- vcovHC(lm.out)
+ idb0 <- 3 : (p00 + 2)
+ idb1 <- (p00 + 3) : (p00 + p10 + 2)
+ beta <- coef(lm.out)
+ se.beta <- sqrt(diag(vcov))
+ ## ACE
+ X0 <- splineMatrix(X=X, knots=knots0, method=splineMet)
+ X1 <- splineMatrix(X=X, knots=knots1, method=splineMet)
+ Xbar0 <- apply(X0, 2, mean)
+ Xbar1 <- apply(X1, 2, mean)
+ vcovXf0 <- cov(X0)
+ vcovXf1 <- cov(X1)
+ ace <- c(beta[2] - beta[1] + crossprod(beta[idb1], Xbar1) -
+ crossprod(beta[idb0], Xbar0))
+ Dvec <- rep(0, p00 + p10 + 2)
+ Dvec[1] <- - 1
+ Dvec[2] <- 1
+ Dvec[idb0] <- - Xbar0
+ Dvec[idb1] <- Xbar1
+ se.ace <- c((crossprod(Dvec, crossprod(vcov, Dvec)) +
+ crossprod(beta[idb0], crossprod(vcovXf0, beta[idb0])) / n +
+ crossprod(beta[idb1], crossprod(vcovXf1, beta[idb1])) / n)^.5)
+ ## ACT
+ Xbar0 <- apply(X0[Z == 1, , drop = FALSE], 2, mean)
+ Xbar1 <- apply(X1[Z == 1, , drop = FALSE], 2, mean)
+ vcovXf0 <- cov(X0[Z == 1, , drop = FALSE])
+ vcovXf1 <- cov(X1[Z == 1, , drop = FALSE])
+ act <- c(beta[2] - beta[1] + crossprod(beta[idb1], Xbar1) -
+ crossprod(beta[idb0], Xbar0))
+ Dvec[idb0] <- - Xbar0
+ Dvec[idb1] <- Xbar1
+ se.act <- c((crossprod(Dvec, crossprod(vcov, Dvec)) +
+ crossprod(beta[idb0], crossprod(vcovXf0, beta[idb0])) / n1 +
+ crossprod(beta[idb1], crossprod(vcovXf1, beta[idb1])) / n1)^.5)
+ ## ACN
+ Xbar0 <- apply(X0[Z == 0, , drop = FALSE], 2, mean)
+ Xbar1 <- apply(X1[Z == 0, , drop = FALSE], 2, mean)
+ vcovXf0 <- cov(X0[Z == 0, , drop = FALSE])
+ vcovXf1 <- cov(X1[Z == 0, , drop = FALSE])
+ acn <- c(beta[2] - beta[1] + crossprod(beta[idb1], Xbar1) -
+ crossprod(beta[idb0], Xbar0))
+ Dvec[idb0] <- - Xbar0
+ Dvec[idb1] <- Xbar1
+ se.acn <- c((crossprod(Dvec, crossprod(vcov, Dvec)) +
+ crossprod(beta[idb0], crossprod(vcovXf0, beta[idb0])) / n0 +
+ crossprod(beta[idb1], crossprod(vcovXf1, beta[idb1])) / n0)^.5)
+ ans <- list(beta = beta, se.beta = se.beta,
+ lm.out = lm.out, ace = ace, se.ace = se.ace,
+ act = act, se.act = se.act, acn = acn, se.acn = se.acn,
+ myknots0 = knots0, myknots1 = knots1, pval = pval, crit=crit)
+ class(ans) <- "otlse"
+ ans
+print.otlse <- function (x, ...)
+ cat("Causal Effect using Optimal Thresholding Least Squares\n")
+ cat("******************************************************\n")
+ cat("Selection method: ", x$crit, "\n\n", sep="")
+ cat("ACE = ", x$ace, "\nACT = ", x$act, "\nACN = ", x$acn,"\n")
+summary.otlse <- function(object, ...)
+ t <- c(object$ace, object$act, object$acn)/
+ c(object$se.ace, object$se.act, object$se.acn)
+ pv <- 2*pnorm(-abs(t))
+ ace <- cbind(c(object$ace, object$act, object$acn),
+ c(object$se.ace, object$se.act, object$se.acn),
+ t, pv)
+ dimnames(ace) <- list(c("ACE","ACT","ACN"),
+ c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
+ nb0 <- ifelse(is.null(object$knots0), 1, length(object$knots0))
+ nb1 <- ifelse(is.null(object$knots1), 1, length(object$knots1))
+ t <- object$beta/object$se.beta
+ pv <- 2*pnorm(-abs(t))
+ beta <- cbind(object$beta, object$se.beta, t, pv)
+ colnames(beta) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
+ ans <- list(causal=ace, beta=beta, crit=object$crit)
+ class(ans) <- "summary.otlse"
+ ans
+print.summary.otlse <- function(x, digits = 4,
+ signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
+ beta=FALSE, ...)
+ cat("Causal Effect using Optimal Thresholding Least Squares\n")
+ cat("******************************************************\n")
+ cat("Selection method: ", x$crit, "\n\n", sep="")
+ printCoefmat(x$causal, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
+ na.print = "NA", ...)
+ if (beta)
+ {
+ cat("Piecewise polynomials coefficients\n")
+ cat("**********************************\n")
+ printCoefmat(x$beta, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
+ na.print = "NA", ...)
+ }
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/data/simData.rda
(Binary files differ)
Index: pkg/causalOTLSE/data/simData.rda
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/data/simData.rda 2021-10-20 21:46:52 UTC (rev 188)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/data/simData.rda 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
Property changes on: pkg/causalOTLSE/data/simData.rda
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/licence
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/licence (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/licence 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is in file COPYING in the
+sources of this package, and is also available at
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/man/otlse.Rd
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/man/otlse.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/man/otlse.Rd 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Optimal Thresholding Least Squares
+This is the main function to estimate the causal effects using the
+optimal thresholding least squares method.
+otlse(X, Y, Z, crit = c("ASY", "AIC", "BIC", "CV"),
+ pFact=0.3, splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+ \item{X}{A vector of covariates}
+ \item{Y}{A vector of observed outcomes}
+ \item{Z}{A vector of treatment indicators}
+ \item{crit}{The method to select the piecewise polynomial knots.}
+ \item{pFact}{The maximum number of knots when the argument \code{knots} is set to
+ \code{NA} if \code{n^pFact}, where n is the length of \code{X}.}
+ \item{splineMet}{Should the method be homemade (manual) of based on the
+ \code{bs} function from the splines package?}
+fit <- otlse(simData$X, simData$Y, simData$Z)
+\keyword{causal effects}
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/man/polSelect.Rd
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/man/polSelect.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/man/polSelect.Rd 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Polynomial selection methods.
+This is a collection of methods to select the piecewise polynomials.
+selASY(X, Y, Z, pFact=0.3, splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+selIC(X, Y, Z, pFact=0.3, type=c("AIC", "BIC"), splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+selCV(X, Y, Z, pFact=0.3, splineMet=c("manual","bs"))
+ \item{X}{A vector of covariates}
+ \item{Y}{A vector of observed outcomes}
+ \item{Z}{A vector of treatment indicators}
+ \item{pFact}{The maximum number of knots when the argument \code{knots} is set to
+ \code{NA} if \code{n^pFact}, where n is the length of \code{X}.}
+ \item{type}{The type of informatrion criterion}
+ \item{splineMet}{Should the method be homemade (manual) of based on the
+ \code{bs} function from the splines package?}
+\keyword{selection, polynomial}
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/man/print.Rd
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/man/print.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/man/print.Rd 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\title{Print methods}
+Print results of different methods applied to otlse Objects
+\method{print}{otlse}(x, ...)
+\method{print}{summary.otlse}(x, digits = 4,
+ signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
+ beta=FALSE, ...)
+ \item{x}{Onject of class \code{otlse} or \code{summary.otlse}.}
+ \item{digits}{The number of digits to print.}
+ \item{signif.stars}{Should we print the significant stars?}
+ \item{beta}{Should we print the coefficient matrix for the piecewise polynomials?}
+\item{...}{Argument for other type of objects}
+fit <- otlse(simData$X, simData$Y, simData$Z)
+print(summary(fit), digits=5)
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/man/simData.Rd
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/man/simData.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/man/simData.Rd 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Simulated data.
+This dataset is used in several documentation files to illustrate the
+different functionality of the package.
+ A data frame with 200 observations on the following 5 variables.
+ \describe{
+ \item{\code{Y0}}{Potential outcome for the control.}
+ \item{\code{Y1}}{Potential outcome for the treated.}
+ \item{\code{Y}}{Observed outcome.}
+ \item{\code{X}}{Covariate}
+ \item{\code{Z}}{Treatment indicator.}
+ }
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/man/splineMatrix.Rd
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/man/splineMatrix.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/man/splineMatrix.Rd 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Spline design matrix.
+The function builds a matrix for piecewise polynomials fit.
+splineMatrix(X, knots = NA, pFact=0.3, deg=1, method=c("manual","bs"))
+ \item{X}{A numeric vector}
+ \item{knots}{The piecewise polynomial knots. If set to \code{NA}, the
+ knots are set to the \code{p} equally spaced quantiles of \code{X}. If
+ \code{NULL}, the function returns \code{X}.}
+ \item{pFact}{The number of knots when the argument \code{knots} is set to
+ \code{NA} if \code{n^pFact}, where n is the length of \code{X}.}
+ \item{deg}{The degree of the piecewise polynomials.}
+ \item{method}{Should the method be homemade (manual) of based on the
+ \code{bs} function from the splines package?}
+X <- splineMatrix(simData$X, quantile(simData$X, c(.25,.5,.75)))
+\keyword{causal effects}
Added: pkg/causalOTLSE/man/summary.Rd
--- pkg/causalOTLSE/man/summary.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalOTLSE/man/summary.Rd 2022-06-08 15:22:06 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\title{Summary for objects of class otlse}
+The method builds the coefficient matrices.
+\method{summary}{otlse}(object, ...)
+ \item{object}{An object of class \code{otlse}}
+\item{...}{Argument for other type of objects}
+fit <- otlse(simData$X, simData$Y, simData$Z)
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