[Gmm-commits] r181 - in pkg: causalGel causalGel/R causalGel/man causalGel/src gmm gmm/man gmm/vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Feb 9 23:33:59 CET 2021

Author: chaussep
Date: 2021-02-09 23:33:58 +0100 (Tue, 09 Feb 2021)
New Revision: 181

added other causal methods to causaGel and fixed vignette of gmm

Modified: pkg/causalGel/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/causalGel/DESCRIPTION	2020-11-09 13:42:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ pkg/causalGel/DESCRIPTION	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: causalGel
-Version: 0.1-1
-Date: 2020-11-09
+Version: 0.2	
+Date: 2020-11-23
 Title: Causal Inference using Generalized Empirical
         Likelihood Methods
 Author: Pierre Chausse <pchausse at uwaterloo.ca>
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 Maintainer: Pierre Chausse <pchausse at uwaterloo.ca>
 Description: Methods for causal inference in which covariates are balanced using generalized empirical likelihod methods.
 Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), momentfit (>= 0.2)
-Imports: stats, methods
+Imports: stats, methods, quadprog
 Suggests: lmtest, knitr, texreg
 Collate: 'allClasses.R' 'causalMethods.R' 'rcausalMethods.R' 'causalGel.R'
-	 'causalfitMethods.R'
+	 'causalfitMethods.R' 'otherCausal.R'
 License: GPL (>= 2) 
-NeedsCompilation: no
+NeedsCompilation: yes
 VignetteBuilder: knitr

Modified: pkg/causalGel/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/causalGel/NAMESPACE	2020-11-09 13:42:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ pkg/causalGel/NAMESPACE	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+useDynLib(causalGel, .registration = TRUE, .fixes="F_")
-importFrom("stats", "lm", "model.response", "terms", "model.frame", "reformulate", "as.formula")
+importFrom("stats", "lm", "model.response", "terms", "model.frame",
+           "reformulate", "as.formula", "binomial", "fitted", "glm",
+           "lm.wfit", "optim", "plogis")
 importFrom("utils", "head", "tail")
+importFrom("quadprog", "solve.QP")
 importFrom("methods", is, new, show, "slot<-", "slotNames", "validObject",
            "getClassDef", "selectMethod", "callNextMethod", "as", "setAs",
@@ -10,11 +13,12 @@
 ### S4 Methods and Classes
-exportClasses("causalData", "causalModel", "causalGelfit", "rcausalModel")
+exportClasses("causalData", "causalModel", "causalGelfit", "rcausalModel",
+              "causalfit")
 exportMethods("causalMomFct", "checkConv")
-export("causalModel", "causalGEL")
+export("causalModel", "causalGEL", "matching", "LLmatching", "ipw")

Modified: pkg/causalGel/R/allClasses.R
--- pkg/causalGel/R/allClasses.R	2020-11-09 13:42:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ pkg/causalGel/R/allClasses.R	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@
 setClass("causalGelfit", contains="gelfit")
+setClass("causalfit", representation(estim="numeric", 
+                                     type="character",
+                                     method="character",
+                                     form="list",
+                                     details="list",
+                                     info="list",
+                                     data="data.frame",
+                                     call="callORNULL"))
 ## converters

Modified: pkg/causalGel/R/causalGel.R
--- pkg/causalGel/R/causalGel.R	2020-11-09 13:42:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ pkg/causalGel/R/causalGel.R	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -16,6 +16,53 @@
     U[, 1:r, drop = FALSE]
+.getLamEEL <- function (gmat, k=1, restrictedLam = integer(), ...)
+    gmat <- as.matrix(gmat)
+    if (length(restrictedLam))
+    {
+        if (length(restrictedLam) > ncol(gmat)) 
+            stop("The number of restricted Lambda exceeds the number of moments")
+        if (!all(restrictedLam %in% (1:ncol(gmat)))) 
+            stop(paste("restrictedLam must be a vector of integers between 1 and ", 
+                       ncol(gmat), sep = ""))
+        gmat <- gmat[, -restrictedLam, drop = FALSE]
+    } else {
+        restrictedLam <- integer()
+    }
+    res <- .EEL_quad(gmat, k = 1)
+    if (res$convergence == 2)
+    {
+        res <- EEL_lam(gmat, k = 1)
+        res$convergence <- 2
+    }
+    if (length(restrictedLam)) {
+        lambda <- numeric(ncol(gmat) + length(restrictedLam))
+        lambda[-restrictedLam] <- res$lambda
+        res$lambda <- lambda
+    }
+    res
+.EEL_quad <- function (gmat, k = 1) 
+    Dmat <- crossprod(gmat)/nrow(gmat)
+    dvec <- -colMeans(gmat)
+    Amat <- t(gmat)
+    bvec <- rep(-1, nrow(gmat))
+    res <- try(solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec), silent=TRUE)
+    if (any(class(res) == "try-error"))
+    {
+        conv <- list(convergence = 2)
+        lambda0 <- rep(0, ncol(gmat))
+    } else {            
+        conv <- list(convergence = 0)
+        lambda0 <- res$solution
+    }
+    list(lambda = lambda0, convergence = conv,
+         obj = mean(rhoEEL(gmat, lambda0, 0, k)))
 causalModel <- function(g, balm, data,theta0=NULL,
                       momType=c("ACE","ACT","ACC", "uncondBal"),
                       popMom = NULL, ACTmom=1L, orthoBases=FALSE) 
@@ -101,9 +148,10 @@
     initTheta <- match.arg(initTheta)
     coefSlv <- match.arg(coefSlv)
     gelType <- match.arg(gelType)
+    if (gelType == "REEL")
+        lamSlv <- .getLamEEL
     if (initTheta=="theta0" & is.null(theta0))
         stop("theta0 is required when initTheta='theta0'")
     model <- causalModel(g, balm, data, theta0, momType, popMom, ACTmom,

Added: pkg/causalGel/R/otherCausal.R
--- pkg/causalGel/R/otherCausal.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalGel/R/otherCausal.R	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+########  Matching methods
+## units in x2 are matched to each element of x1
+## minn is the minimum number of matches
+## tol: if other individuals are within tol of 
+## the highest distance in the first minn matches, then they are also included.
+## y2 is y from group 2
+## it returns:
+##             list in indices for the match
+##             E(y2 | z=1, x) (n1 x 1 vector of estimated missing Y(2))
+getNN <- function(x,y,z,fromTo, minn, tol=1e-7)    
+    if (length(fromTo)!=2)
+        stop("fromTo must be a vector of 2 with 0s or 1s")
+    if (!all(fromTo %in% c(0,1)))
+        stop("fromTo must be a vector of 2 with 0s or 1s")
+    x <- as.matrix(x)
+    self <- z==fromTo[1]
+    selt <- z==fromTo[2]
+    x1 <- x[self,,drop=FALSE]
+    x2 <- x[selt,,drop=FALSE]
+    y2 <- y[selt]
+    n1 <- nrow(x1)
+    n2 <- nrow(x2)
+    k <- ncol(x1)
+    type <- paste("Nearest neighbour of the ",
+                  ifelse(fromTo[1]==1, "treated", "control"), " among the ",
+                  ifelse(fromTo[2]==1, "treated", "control"), sep="")
+    res <- .Fortran(F_findnn, as.double(x1), as.double(x2),as.double(y2),
+                    as.double(tol),
+                    as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(k),
+                    as.integer(minn), K=double(n2), nn=integer(n1),
+                    ind=integer(n1*n2), y2hat=double(n1))
+    nn <- res$nn
+    ind <- matrix(res$ind,nrow=n1)
+    list(matches=lapply(1:n1, function(i) ind[i,1:nn[i]]), K=res$K,
+         y2hat = res$y2hat, type=type)
+## Function to get the missing counterfactual in y
+## if which="y0", y[z==1] are replace by an estimate Y(0)|z=1
+## if which="y1", y[z==0] are replace by an estimate Y(1)|z=0
+## if type="match", only match method is used
+## if type="reg", only regression is used
+## if type="bc_match" the bias-corrected method is used.
+## x is the matrix used for matching
+## regMat is the regression matrix for E(Y|X,Z=1) or  E(Y|X,Z=0)
+getMissingY <- function(y, z, x, which=c("y0", "y1"),
+                        type=c("match","bc_match","reg","all"), minn=4, tol=1e-7,
+                        regMat=cbind(1,x))
+    which <- match.arg(which)
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ## regMat should have an intercept included
+    x <- as.matrix(x)
+    if (which == "y0")
+    {
+        sel <- z==1
+        fromTo <- c(1,0)
+    } else {
+        sel <- z==0
+        fromTo <- c(0,1)
+    }
+    res <- getNN(x,y, z, fromTo, minn, tol)
+    if (type != "match" | type == "all")
+        b <- lm.wfit(regMat[!sel,,drop=FALSE], y[!sel], res$K)$coefficients
+    if (type == "match")
+    {
+        y[sel] <- res$y2hat
+        y <- as.matrix(y)
+        colnames(y) <- "match"
+    } else if (type == "reg") {
+        y[sel] <- c(regMat[sel,,drop=FALSE]%*%b)
+        y <- as.matrix(y)
+        colnames(y) <- "reg"
+    } else if (type=="bc_match") {
+        fity <- c(regMat%*%b)
+        bc <- fity[sel] - sapply(res$matches, function(l) mean(fity[!sel][l]))
+        y[sel] <- res$y2hat + bc
+        y <- as.matrix(y)
+        colnames(y) <- "bc"
+    } else {
+        ym <- y
+        ym[sel] <- res$y2hat
+        yreg <- y
+        yreg[sel] <- c(regMat[sel,,drop=FALSE]%*%b)
+        ybc <- y
+        fity <- c(regMat%*%b)
+        bc <- fity[sel] - sapply(res$matches, function(l) mean(fity[!sel][l]))
+        ybc[sel] <- res$y2hat + bc
+        y <- cbind(ym, ybc, yreg)
+        colnames(y) <- c("match","bc","reg")
+    }
+    attr(y, "which") <- which
+    y
+## PSForm is the formula used to compute the propensity score.
+## BCorForm is the bias correction regression model
+matching <- function(form,  balm, data, type=c("ACE","ACT","ACC"), M=4,
+                      adjust=FALSE, matchPS=FALSE, psForm=NULL,
+                      bcForm=NULL)
+    ## If bcForm does not have an intercept it will be added.
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    Call <- match.call()
+    mf <- model.frame(form, data)
+    Y <- c(mf[[1]])
+    T <- c(mf[[2]])
+    if (is.null(bcForm) & adjust)        
+        bcForm <- balm
+    if (is.null(psForm) & matchPS)
+    {
+        psForm <- attr(terms(balm), "term.labels")
+        psForm <- reformulate(psForm, response=colnames(mf)[2])
+    }
+    BC <- NA
+    if (!matchPS)
+    {
+        balm <- attr(terms(balm), "term.labels")
+        balm <- reformulate(balm, intercept=FALSE)
+        X <- model.matrix(balm, data)
+    } else {
+        res <- glm(psForm, data=data, family=binomial())
+        X <- as.matrix(fitted(res))
+        data$PScore <- X
+        balm <- ~PScore-1
+    }
+    X <- scale(X)
+    if (adjust)
+    {
+        bcForm <- reformulate(attr(terms(bcForm), "term.labels"))
+        Z <- model.matrix(bcForm, data)
+    } else {
+        Z <- NULL
+    }
+    typeCor <- ifelse(adjust, "all", "match")
+    if (type == "ACT")
+    {
+        Y0 <- getMissingY(Y, T, X, which="y0", type=typeCor, minn=M,
+                          regMat=Z)
+        NN <- mean(Y[T==1]-Y0[T==1,"match"])
+        if (adjust)
+            BC <- mean(Y[T==1]-Y0[T==1,"bc"])
+    } else if (type == "ACC") {
+        Y1 <- getMissingY(Y, T, X, which="y1", type=typeCor, minn=M,
+                          regMat=Z)
+        NN <- mean(Y1[T==0,"match"] - Y[T==0])
+        if (adjust)                
+            BC <- mean(Y1[T==0,"bc"] - Y[T==0])
+    } else {
+        Y0 <- getMissingY(Y, T, X, which="y0", type=typeCor, minn=M,
+                          regMat=Z)
+        Y1 <- getMissingY(Y, T, X, which="y1", type=typeCor, minn=M,
+                          regMat=Z)
+        NN <- mean(Y1[,"match"]-Y0[,"match"])
+        if (adjust)                
+            BC <- mean(Y1[,"bc"]-Y0[,"bc"])                           
+    }
+    estim <- c(NN=NN, NN.BiasCor=BC)
+    form <- list(balForm=balm, psForm=psForm, bcForm=bcForm)
+    info <- list()
+    method <- ifelse(matchPS, "PS Matching Method", "Covariate Matching Method")
+    details <- list(ifelse(matchPS,
+                           paste("PS formula: ", deparse(psForm), sep=""), 
+                           paste("Covariate formula: ",
+                                 deparse(balm), sep="")),
+                    paste("Min. number of matches: ", M, sep=""))
+    if (adjust)
+        details <- c(details, list(paste("Bias-cor. formula: ",
+                                         deparse(bcForm),sep="")))
+    shortm <- paste(c("","BiasCor_"),
+                    paste(ifelse(matchPS, "ps","cov"),
+                          "Matching", M, "_", type, sep=""),sep="")
+    names(shortm) <- c("NN","NN.BiasCor")
+    shortMet <- shortm
+    new("causalfit", estim=estim, type=type, method=method,
+        form=form, details=details, info=info, data=data, call=Call)
+### ACE using local linear regression matching
+### if h is set, it is used, if not, the optimal h is computed
+### by minimizing the CV. A grid in seq(from, to, length=nh) is
+### first obtain and the brent method is used to complete.
+### In the output, if info=0, it converged, if info=1, the minimum
+### is at from or to, so the brent merhod was not launch, and for info = 2
+### the brent reached the minimum iteration. 
+### the method requires propensity score so PSForm must be provided
+LLmatching <- function(form, psForm, data, type=c("ACE","ACT","ACC"),
+                    kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"),tol=1e-4,
+                    h=NULL, from=.00001, to=5, ngrid=10, maxit=100,
+                    hMethod=c("Brent","Grid"))
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    Call <- match.call()
+    kern <- match.arg(kern)
+    hMethod <- match.arg(hMethod)
+    mf <- model.frame(form, data)
+    Y <- c(mf[[1]])
+    T <- c(mf[[2]])
+    res <- glm(psForm, data=data, family=binomial())
+    X <- as.matrix(fitted(res))
+    if (type == "ACT")
+    {
+        Y0 <- getMissingY.LL(Y, T, X, "y0", h, kern,
+                             from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit, hMethod)
+        ACE <- mean(Y[T==1]-Y0[T==1], na.rm=TRUE)
+        info <- attr(Y0, "h")
+    } else if (type == "ACC") {
+        Y1 <- getMissingY.LL(Y, T, X, "y1", h, kern,
+                             from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit, hMethod)
+        info <- attr(Y1, "h")
+        ACE <- mean(Y1[T==0] - Y[T==0], na.rm=TRUE)
+    } else {
+        Y0 <- getMissingY.LL(Y, T, X, "y0", h, kern,
+                             from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit, hMethod)
+        Y1 <- getMissingY.LL(Y, T, X, "y1", h, kern,
+                             from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit, hMethod)
+        info <- list(Y0=attr(Y0, "h"), Y1=attr(Y1, "h"))
+        ACE <- mean(Y1-Y0, na.rm=TRUE)
+    }
+    estim <- c(LL=ACE)
+    info2 <- unlist(info)
+    method <- "Local-Linear Regression Method"
+    details <- list(paste("Kernel: ", kern, sep=""),
+                    paste("PS formula: ", deparse(psForm), sep=""),
+                    ifelse(is.null(h), paste("Bandwidth select: ",hMethod,sep=""),
+                           "Bandwidth select: Fixed"))
+    if (type == "ACE")
+    {
+        tmp <- paste("h (Y(0)) = ", round(info[[1]][[1]], 6), sep="")
+        tmp2 <- paste("h (Y(1)) = ", round(info[[2]][[1]], 6), sep="")
+        details <- c(details, tmp, tmp2)                                 
+    } else {
+        tmp <- paste("h = ", round(info[[1]], 6), sep="")
+        details <- c(details, tmp)                
+    }                        
+    if (is.null(h))
+    {
+        if (type == "ACE")
+        {
+            tmp <- paste("Conv. code for bandwidth (Y(0)): ",
+                         info[[1]][[2]], sep="")
+            tmp2 <- paste("Conv. code for bandwidth (Y(1)): ",
+                          info[[2]][[2]], sep="")
+            details <- c(details, tmp, tmp2)
+        } else {
+            details <- c(details,
+                         list(paste("Conv. code for  bandwidth: ",
+                                    info[[2]],sep="")))
+        }
+    }
+    if (type == "ACE")
+        info2 <- list(meanh = mean(c(info[[1]][[1]], info[[2]][[1]])),
+                      convergence = max(info[[1]][[2]], info[[2]][[2]]))
+    shortm <- paste("LL", "_", strtrim(kern,3),"_",
+                    ifelse(is.null(h), "autoh", "fixedh"),"_", type, sep="")
+    shortMet <- shortm
+    new("causalfit", estim=estim, type=type, method=method,
+        form=list(psForm=psForm),data=data,
+        details=details, info=info2, call=Call)
+## p is the fitted propensity score
+## The function estimate the counterfactual Y(0) or Y(1) 
+getMissingY.LL <- function(y, z, p, which=c("y0", "y1"), h=NULL,
+                           kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"),
+                           from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit,
+                           hMethod=c("Brent","Grid"))
+    which <- match.arg(which)
+    hMethod <- match.arg(hMethod)
+    kern <- match.arg(kern)
+    if (which == "y0")
+        sel <- z==1
+    else
+        sel <- z==0
+    missY <- llrF(p[sel], p[!sel], y[!sel], h,
+                  kern, from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit, hMethod)
+    y[sel] <- missY
+    attr(y, "which") <- which
+    attr(y, "h") <- attr(missY, "h")
+    y
+cvF <- function(p, y, h, kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"))
+    kern <- match.arg(kern)
+    nh <- length(h)
+    kernF <- tolower(strtrim(kern,1))
+    n <- length(p)
+    res <- .Fortran(F_cvfct, as.double(p), as.double(y),
+                    as.integer(n), as.double(h), as.character(kernF),
+                    as.integer(nh), cv=double(nh))
+    res$cv
+llrF <- function(p1, p0, y0, h=NULL, kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"), 
+                 from, to, ngrid, tol, maxit, hMethod=c("Brent","Grid"))
+    hMethod <- match.arg(hMethod)
+    kern <- match.arg(kern)
+    kernF <- ifelse(kern=="Gaussian", 1L, 2L)
+    n1 <- length(p1)
+    n2 <- length(p0)
+    convergence <- NA
+    if (is.null(h))
+    {
+        resh <- optCVF(p0, y0, kern, from, to, ngrid,
+                       tol, maxit, hMethod)
+        h <- resh$h
+        convergence <- resh$info
+    }
+    res <- .Fortran(F_llr, as.double(p1), as.double(p0), as.double(y0),
+                    as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.double(h),
+                    as.integer(kernF), info = integer(n1),
+                    y0hat = double(n1))
+    y0hat <- res$y0hat
+    y0hat[res$info == 1] <- NA
+    attr(y0hat, "h") <- list(h=h,convergence=convergence)
+    y0hat
+gridcvF <- function(p, y, kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"), from, to, nh)
+    kern <- match.arg(kern)
+    kernF <- ifelse(kern=="Gaussian", 1L, 2L)
+    n <- length(p)
+    res <- .Fortran(F_gridcv, as.double(p), as.double(y),
+                    as.integer(n), as.integer(kernF),
+                    as.double(from), as.double(to), as.integer(nh),
+                    info=integer(1), h=double(3), cv=double(3))
+    cbind(res$h,res$cv)
+### The gricv fortran subroutine returns, if info=0,  a 3x1 vector of h and cv, 
+### such that cv[1]>cv[2] and cv[3]>cv[2]. The minimum is therefore the middle one.
+optCVF <- function(p, y, kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"), from, to, nh,
+                   tol=1e-4, maxit=100, method=c("Brent","Grid"))
+    kern <- match.arg(kern)
+    method <- match.arg(method)
+    kernF <- ifelse(kern=="Gaussian", 1L, 2L)        
+    n <- length(p)
+    res <- .Fortran(F_gridcv, as.double(p), as.double(y),
+                    as.integer(n), as.integer(kernF),
+                    as.double(from), as.double(to), as.integer(nh),
+                    info=integer(1), h=double(3), cv=double(3))
+    if (res$info == 1)
+    {
+        return(list(cv=res$cv[1], h=res$h[1], info=res$info))
+    }
+    if (method == "Grid")
+    {
+        return(list(cv=res$cv[2], h=res$h[2], info=res$info))
+    }
+    res2 <- .Fortran(F_brentcv, as.double(p), as.double(y),
+                     as.integer(n), as.integer(kernF),
+                     as.double(tol), as.integer(maxit),
+                     as.double(res$h), as.double(res$cv),
+                     info=integer(1), h=double(1), cv=double(1))
+    info <- ifelse(res2$info == 0, 0, 2)
+    list(cv=res2$cv, h=res2$h, info=info)
+### Weighting Methods
+ipw <- function(form, psForm, data, type=c("ACE","ACT","ACC"),
+                normalized=FALSE, ...)
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    Call <- match.call()
+    mf <- model.frame(form, data)
+    Y <- c(mf[[1]])
+    T <- c(mf[[2]])
+    mnorm <- normalized
+    info <- list()
+    if (normalized == "GPE")
+    {
+        res <- getGPE.PS(form, psForm, data, ...)
+        X <- res$phat
+        info <- list(res$info)
+        normalized <- TRUE
+    } else {                        
+        res <- glm(psForm, data=data, family=binomial())
+        X <- as.matrix(fitted(res))
+    }
+    if (type == "ACT")
+    {
+        s1 <- sum(T)
+        w1 <- rep(1/s1, s1)
+        w0 <- X[T==0]/(1-X[T==0])/s1
+        if (normalized)
+            w0 <- w0/sum(w0)
+    } else if (type == "ACC") {
+        s0 <- sum(1-T)
+        w1 <- (1-X[T==1])/X[T==1]/s0
+        w0 <- rep(1/s0,s0)
+        if (normalized)
+            w1 <- w1/sum(w1)
+    } else {
+        n <- length(X)
+        w1 <- 1/(n*X[T==1])
+        w0 <- 1/(n*(1-X[T==0]))
+        if (normalized)
+        {
+            w1 <- w1/sum(w1)
+            w0 <- w0/sum(w0)
+        }
+    }
+    ACE <- sum(w1*Y[T==1]) - sum(w0*Y[T==0])
+    estim <- c(IPW=ACE)
+    form <- list(psForm=psForm)
+    method <- "Inverse Probability Weight Method"
+    details <- list(paste("PS formula: ", deparse(psForm), sep=""))       
+    if (mnorm == "GPE")
+        details <- c(details,
+                     list(paste("Method: normalized with GPE method")))
+    else
+        details <- c(details,
+                     list(paste("Method: ", ifelse(mnorm, "normalized",
+                                                   "non-normalized"), sep="")))
+    if (mnorm == "GPE")
+        details <- c(details,
+                     paste("Convergence of optim for PS: ",
+                           info[[1]][2], sep=""))
+    shortm <- paste("IPW", "_",
+                    ifelse(mnorm=="GPE", "GPE",
+                    ifelse(mnorm, "normalized", "unnormalized")),
+                    "_", type, sep="")
+    shortMet <- shortm
+    new("causalfit", estim=estim, type=type, method=method,
+        form=list(psForm=psForm),
+        details=details, info=info, call=Call)
+getGPE.PS <- function(form, PSForm=z~kX, data, ...)
+    {
+        mf <- model.frame(form, data)
+        Y <- c(mf[[1]])
+        T <- c(mf[[2]])
+        X <- model.matrix(PSForm, data)
+        g <- function(theta, T, X)
+            {
+                kX <- c(X%*%theta)
+                G <- plogis(kX)
+                e <- (T-G)/(1-G)
+                m <- as.matrix(e*X)
+                mean(colMeans(m, na.rm=TRUE)^2)
+            }
+        res <- glm(PSForm, data=data, family=binomial())        
+        res1 <- optim(coef(res), g, method="BFGS", T=T, X=X, ...)
+        b <- res1$par
+        fit <- c(X%*%b)
+        phat <- plogis(fit)
+        phat[phat>.999] <- .999
+        list(phat=phat, info=c(obj=res1$value, convergence=res1$convergence))
+    }
+## print
+setMethod("print", "gmmfit",
+          function(x, model=TRUE, ...) {
+              theta <- coef(x)
+              if (model)
+                  print(x at model)
+              ntype <- matrix(c("Two-Step GMM", "Iterated GMM", "CUE",
+                                "One-Step GMM with fixed weights","Two-Stage Least Squares",
+                                "Evaluated at a fixed Theta; No estimation",
+                                "One-Step Efficient M.D.E.",
+                                "twostep","iter","cue","onestep","tsls", "eval","mde"),
+                              ncol=2)
+              type <- ntype[match(x at type, ntype[,2]),1]
+              spec <- modelDims(x at model)
+              if (spec$q==spec$k && x at type != "eval")
+                  type <- "One-Step, Just-Identified"
+              cat("\nEstimation: ", type,"\n")
+              if (!is.null(x at convergence))
+                  cat("Convergence Optim: ", x at convergence, "\n")              
+              if (!is.null(x at convIter))
+                  cat("Convergence Iteration: ", x at convIter, "\n")
+              cat("coefficients:\n")
+              print.default(format(theta, ...), print.gap=2L, quote=FALSE)
+          })
+## show
+setMethod("show","causalfit", function(object) print(object))
+## print
+setMethod("print", "causalfit",
+          function(x, digits=5, ...) {
+              cat(x at method, "\n")
+              cat("**************************\n")
+              cat("Type of causal effect: ", x at type, "\n", sep="")
+              if (length(x at estim)==1)
+              {
+                  cat("Causal estimate: ",
+                      format(x at estim, digits=digits, ...), "\n")
+              } else {
+                  cat("Causal estimates: \n")
+                  for (i in 1:length(x at estim))
+                      cat("\t", names(x at estim)[i], " = ",
+                          format(x at estim[i], digits=digits, ...),
+                          "\n", sep="")
+              }
+              if (length(x at details))
+              {
+                  cat("Details:\n")
+                  for (i in 1:length(x at details))
+                      cat("\t", x at details[[i]], "\n")
+              }
+              invisible(x)
+          })

Modified: pkg/causalGel/man/causalGEL.Rd
--- pkg/causalGel/man/causalGEL.Rd	2020-11-09 13:42:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ pkg/causalGel/man/causalGEL.Rd	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -118,5 +118,11 @@
 fit2 <-  causalGEL(g, balm, nsw, gelType="EL")
+## This is REEL, which is EEL with restriction in pt to be positive.
+## It is based on the quadprog package
+fit3 <-  causalGEL(g, balm, nsw, gelType="REEL")

Added: pkg/causalGel/man/causalfit-class.Rd
--- pkg/causalGel/man/causalfit-class.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalGel/man/causalfit-class.Rd	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{Class \code{"causalfit"}}
+This is the class for causal effect estimates other than GEL.
+\section{Objects from the Class}{
+Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("causalfit", ...)}.
+But, it is created by \code{\link{matching}}, \code{\link{LLmatching}},
+or \code{\link{ipw}}.
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{estim}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{type}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{method}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{form}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{details}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{info}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{data}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} ~~ }
+    \item{\code{call}:}{Object of class \code{"callORNULL"} ~~ }
+  }
+No methods defined with class "causalfit" in the signature.

Added: pkg/causalGel/man/otherCausal.Rd
--- pkg/causalGel/man/otherCausal.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalGel/man/otherCausal.Rd	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+\title{Popular Causal Effect estimation methods}
+\description{ This documentation file presents a collection of popular
+methods used to estimate the average causal effect, the causal effect on
+the treated and the causal effect on the non-treated.
+matching(form,  balm, data, type=c("ACE","ACT","ACC"), M=4,
+         adjust=FALSE, matchPS=FALSE, psForm=NULL,
+         bcForm=NULL)
+LLmatching(form, psForm, data, type=c("ACE","ACT","ACC"),
+           kern=c("Gaussian","Epanechnikov"),tol=1e-4,
+           h=NULL, from=.00001, to=5, ngrid=10, maxit=100,
+           hMethod=c("Brent","Grid"))
+ipw(form, psForm, data, type=c("ACE","ACT","ACC"),
+    normalized=FALSE, ...)
+  \item{form}{A formula that links the outcome variable to the treatment
+    indicator. For the moment, only one treatment group is allowed.}
+  \item{balm}{A formula or a matrix with balancing covariates to be
+    matched.}
+  \item{data}{A data.frame or a matrix with column names.}
+  \item{type}{The type of causal effect to compute. \code{ACE} stands
+    for average causal effect, \code{ACT} for causal effect on the treated
+    and \code{ACC} for causal effect on the control or non-treated.}
+  \item{M}{The minimum number of matches}
+  \item{adjust}{Should we apply a bias correction to the estimate.}
+  \item{matchPS}{Should we match the propensity scores instead of the
+    covariates.}
+  \item{psForm}{It is the \code{formula} argument passed to
+    \code{\link{glm}} to estimate the propensity scores by a logistic
+    regression.}
+  \item{bcForm}{A formula that represents the right hand side in the
+    regression used for the bias correction.}
+  \item{kern}{The type of kernel to use in the local linear regression
+    method.}
+  \item{tol}{The tolerance level for the stopping rule used to compute
+    the optimal bandwidth.}
+  \item{h}{A fixed bandwidth. By default, the optimal bandwidth is found
+    by minimizing a cross-validation.}
+  \item{from}{The lower bound for the search of the optimal bandwidth.}
+  \item{to}{The upper bound for the search of the optimal bandwidth.}
+  \item{ngrid}{The number of grid points if the optimal bandwidth is
+    obtained by grid search.}
+  \item{maxit}{The maximum number of iterations for the minimization of
+    the cross-validation.}
+  \item{hMethod}{The method used to find the optimal bandwidth.} 
+  \item{normalized}{Should the weights be normalized. If set to
+    \code{GPE}, the GPE method is used.}
+  \item{...}{Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{optim}} when
+    the \code{GPE} method is used.}
+  All methods return an object of classes \code{"causalfit"}.
+ }
+balm <- ~age+ed+black+hisp:married+nodeg+re75+I(re75^2)
+g <- re78~treat
+ps <- treat~age+ed+black+hisp:married+nodeg+re75+I(re75^2)
+fit1 <- matching(g, balm, nsw, "ACE", adjust=TRUE)
+fit2 <- LLmatching(g, ps, nsw, "ACE")
+fit3 <- ipw(g, ps, nsw, "ACE", normalized=TRUE)

Added: pkg/causalGel/src/Makevars
--- pkg/causalGel/src/Makevars	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalGel/src/Makevars	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/causalGel/src/causal.f
--- pkg/causalGel/src/causal.f	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/causalGel/src/causal.f	2021-02-09 22:33:58 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+      subroutine edist(x1,x2,n,k,dist)
+      integer n, i
+      double precision x1(k), x2(n,k), dist(n)
+      do i=1,n
+         call exprsum((x1-x2(i,:))**2, k, dist(i))
+      end do
+      end
+      subroutine allmin(x,n,nm,loc)
+      integer n, nm, loc(n), indi
+      double precision x(n), tmp1, tmp2
+      logical sel(n)
+      nm = 0
+      sel = .true.      
+      do
+         indi = minloc(x,dim=1,mask=sel)
+         sel(indi) = .false.                     
+         if (nm == 0) then
+            tmp1 = x(indi)
+            nm = 1
+            loc(1) = indi
+            cycle
+         end if
+         tmp2 = x(indi)
+         if (tmp1 == tmp2) then
+            nm = nm+1
+            loc(nm) = indi
+            tmp1 = tmp2
+         else
+            exit
+         end if
+      end do      
+      end
+c     x1 is for group 1 and x2 fro group 2 (either could be treated)
+c     Here units in x2 are matched to THE unit in x1      
+      subroutine findnni(x1, x2, tol, n, k, minn, nn, ind)
+      integer n, k, minn, nn, ind(n), indi
+      double precision x1(k), x2(n,k), dist(n), tmp1, tmp2, tol
+      logical sel(n)
+      nn = 0
+      sel = .true.
+      ind = 0
+      call edist(x1,x2,n,k,dist)
+      do
+         indi = minloc(dist,dim=1,mask=sel)
+         if (indi == 0) then
+            exit
+         end if
+         sel(indi) = .false.                     
+         if (nn==0) then
+            tmp1 = sqrt(dist(indi))
+            ind(1) = indi
+            nn = 1
+            cycle
+         end if         
+         tmp2 = sqrt(dist(indi))
+         if (nn < minn) then
+            nn = nn+1 
+            ind(nn) = indi
+         else
+            if (abs(tmp2-tmp1)<tol) then
+               nn = nn+1
+               ind(nn) = indi
+            else
+               exit
+            end if            
+         end if
+         tmp1 = tmp2
+      end do
+      end
+c     Here units in x2 are matched to every unit in x1
+c     Here we also estimate the missing Y(2) [ Y(2)|Z=1 ] by averaging the Y's
+c     from group 2 matched to group 1.
+c     Y(2) is therefore n1 x 1 using Yi from group 2.
+c     Also, rk is the weights attached to y2. it sums to n1
+      subroutine findnn(x1, x2, y2, tol, n1, n2, k, minn, rk, nn, ind,
+     *     y2h)
+      integer n1, n2, k, minn, nn(n1), ind(n1,n2), i
+      double precision x1(n1,k), x2(n2,k), tol, rk(n2), y2(n2), y2h(n1)
+      rk = 0.0d0
+      do i=1,n1

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/gmm -r 181

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