[Gmm-commits] r139 - in pkg/gmm: . R man src

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Tue May 7 21:43:15 CEST 2019

Author: chaussep
Date: 2019-05-07 21:43:14 +0200 (Tue, 07 May 2019)
New Revision: 139

added an algorithm to restrict the implied probabilities for CUE to be non negative, converted Wu method in Fortran

Modified: pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE	2019-04-24 14:40:34 UTC (rev 138)
+++ pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 importFrom(sandwich, estfun, bread, kernHAC, weightsAndrews, vcovHAC, bwAndrews, meatHC)
 importFrom(methods, is)

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/ategel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/ategel.R	2019-04-24 14:40:34 UTC (rev 138)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/ategel.R	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ATEgel <- function(g, balm, w=NULL, y=NULL, treat=NULL, tet0=NULL,
                    popMom = NULL, family=c("linear","logit", "probit"),
-                   type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"),
+                   type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD","RCUE"),
                    tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100,
                    optfct = c("optim", "nlminb"), 
-                   optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu", "RCue"),
+                   optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"),
                    data=NULL, Lambdacontrol = list(),
                    model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, ...)

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/gel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/gel.R	2019-04-24 14:40:34 UTC (rev 138)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/gel.R	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@
 #  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
 #  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
-.rho <- function(x, lamb, derive = 0, type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "HD", "ETEL", "ETHD"),
-                 k = 1)
+.rho <- function(x, lamb, derive = 0, type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "HD", "ETEL", "ETHD",
+                                          "RCUE"), k = 1)
 	type <- match.arg(type)
-	lamb <- matrix(lamb, ncol = 1)
-	gml <- x%*%lamb*k
+        if (type == "RCUE")
+            type <- "CUE"
+	gml <- x%*%c(lamb)*k
 	if (derive == 0)
 		if (type == "EL")
@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@
 	return(list(lambda = res$par, convergence = conv, 
-                    obj = mean(.rho(gt,res$par, derive=0,type=type,k=k))))	
+                    obj = mean(.rho(gt,res$par, derive=0,type=type,k=k)) -
+                        .rho(1,0, derive=0,type=type,k=k)))
 .Wu <- function(gt, tol_lam = 1e-8, maxiterlam = 50, K=1)
@@ -149,56 +151,104 @@
-.CUE_lam <- function(gt, K=1, control=list(), numSol=FALSE)
+.Wu2 <- function(gt, tol_lam = 1e-8, maxiter = 50, K = 1)
-        if (!numSol)
-            {
-                q <- qr(gt)
-                n <- nrow(gt)
-                l0 <- -qr.coef(q, rep(1,n))
-                conv <- list(convergence=0)
-            } else {
-		fct <- function(l,X,k)
-                    {
-			r0 <- .rho(X,l,derive=0,type="CUE",k=k)
-			-mean(r0)
-                    }
-		Dfct <- function(l,X,k)
-                    {
-			r1 <- .rho(X,l,derive=1,type="CUE",k=k)
-		        -colMeans(r1*X)
-                    }
-                ui <- gt
-                ci <- rep(-1,nrow(gt))
-                res <- constrOptim(rep(0,ncol(gt)),fct,Dfct,ui,ci,
-                                   control=control,
-                                   X=gt,k=K)
-                l0 <- res$par
-                conv <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts,
-                             message = res$message)                
-            }        
+        gt <- as.matrix(gt)
+        res <- .Fortran("wu", as.double(gt), as.double(tol_lam),
+                        as.integer(maxiter), as.integer(nrow(gt)),
+                        as.integer(ncol(gt)), as.double(K),
+                        conv=integer(1), obj=double(1),
+                        lambda=double(ncol(gt)))
+        list(lambda=res$lambda, convergence=list(convergence=res$conv),
+             obj = res$obj)
+    }
+.CUE_lam <- function(gt, K=1)
+    {
+        q <- qr(gt)
+        n <- nrow(gt)
+        l0 <- -qr.coef(q, rep(1,n))
+        conv <- list(convergence=0)
         list(lambda = l0, convergence = conv, obj =
-getLamb <- function(gt, l0, type = c('EL', 'ET', 'CUE', "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"),
+.CUE_lamPos <- function(gt, K=1, control=list())
+    {
+        getpt <- function(gt,lam)
+            {
+                gl <- c(gt%*%lam)
+                pt <- 1 + gl
+                pt/sum(pt)
+            }
+        maxit <- ifelse("maxit" %in% names(control),
+                        control$maxit, 50)
+        res <-.CUE_lam(gt, K)
+        n <- nrow(gt)
+        i <- 1
+        pt <- getpt(gt, res$lambda)
+        w <- pt<0        
+        while (TRUE)
+            {
+                gt2 <- gt[!w,]
+                n1 <- nrow(gt2)
+                if (n1 == n)
+                    break
+                res <-  try(.CUE_lam(gt2), silent=TRUE)
+                if (i > maxit)
+                    return(list(lambda=rep(0,ncol(gt)), obj=0, pt=rep(1/n,n),
+                                convergence=list(convergence=1)))
+                if (class(res) == "try-error")                    
+                    return(list(lambda=rep(0,ncol(gt)), obj=0, pt=rep(1/n,n),
+                                convergence=list(convergence=2)))
+                pt[!w] <- getpt(gt2, res$lambda)
+                pt[w] <- 0
+                if (all(pt>=0))
+                    break
+                i <- i+1
+                w[!w] <- pt[!w]<0
+            }
+        n0 <- n-n1
+        res$obj <- res$obj*n1/n + n0/(2*n)
+        res
+    }
+.CUE_lamPos2 <- function(gt, K=1, control=list())
+    {
+        gt <- as.matrix(gt)
+        n <- nrow(gt)
+        q <- ncol(gt)
+        maxit <- ifelse("maxit" %in% names(control),
+                        control$maxit, 50)        
+        res <- try(.Fortran("lamcuep", as.double(gt),
+                        as.integer(n), as.integer(q), as.double(K),
+                        as.integer(maxit),conv=integer(1),
+                        lam=double(q),pt=double(n),
+                        obj=double(1)
+                            ), silent=TRUE)
+        if (class(res) == "try-error")
+            return(list(lambda=rep(0,q), obj=0, pt=rep(1/n,n),
+                        convergence=list(convergence=3)))
+        list(lambda=res$lam, obj=res$obj, pt=res$pt,
+             convergence=list(convergence=res$conv))
+    }
+getLamb <- function(gt, l0, type = c('EL', 'ET', 'CUE', "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD", "RCUE"),
                     tol_lam = 1e-7, maxiterlam = 100, tol_obj = 1e-7, 
-                    k = 1, method = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu", "RCue"),
+                    k = 1, method = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"),
 	method <- match.arg(method)
+        type <- match.arg(type)
         gt <- as.matrix(gt)
         if (method == "Wu" & type != "EL")
             stop("Wu (2005) method to compute Lambda is for EL only")
-        if (method == "RCue" & type != "CUE")
-            {
-                warning("RCue is for CUE only. optlam set to optim")
-                method <- "optim"
-            }
         if (method == "Wu")
-            return(.Wu(gt, tol_lam, maxiterlam, k))
+            return(.Wu2(gt, tol_lam, maxiterlam, k))
         if (type == "CUE")
-            return(.CUE_lam(gt, k, control, method=="RCue"))
+            return(.CUE_lam(gt, k))
+        if (type == "RCUE")
+            return(.CUE_lamPos2(gt, k, control))
 	if (method == "iter")
 		if ((type == "ETEL") | (type == "ETHD"))
@@ -266,7 +316,8 @@
                                      res$evaluations, message = res$message)
 	return(list(lambda = l0, convergence = conv, obj =
-                        mean(.rho(gt,l0,derive=0,type=type,k=k))))
+                        mean(.rho(gt,l0,derive=0,type=type,k=k))-
+                            .rho(1, 0, type = type, derive = 0, k = k)))
 smoothG <- function (x, bw = bwAndrews, prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols",
@@ -309,15 +360,14 @@
 gel <- function(g, x, tet0 = NULL, gradv = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
-                type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"), 
+                type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD","RCUE"), 
                 kernel = c("Truncated", "Bartlett"), bw = bwAndrews,
                 approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols",
                 tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, 
 		tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100, constraint = FALSE,
                 optfct = c("optim", "optimize", "nlminb"), 
-                optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu", "RCue"), data,
+                optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"), data,
                 Lambdacontrol = list(),
                 model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, TypeGel = "baseGel", alpha = NULL,
                 eqConst = NULL, eqConstFullVcov = FALSE, onlyCoefficients=FALSE, ...)
@@ -353,12 +403,12 @@
 evalGel <- function(g, x, tet0, gradv = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
-                    type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"), 
+                    type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD","RCUE"), 
                     kernel = c("Truncated", "Bartlett"), bw = bwAndrews,
                     approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1,
                     ar.method = "ols", tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9,
                     tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100,
-                    optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu", "RCue"), data,
+                    optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"), data,
                     Lambdacontrol = list(),
                     model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, alpha = NULL, ...)
@@ -385,7 +435,7 @@
 	z <- momentEstim(Model_info, ...)
 	class(z) <- "gel"
-	}
+      }
 .thetf <- function(tet, P, output=c("obj","all"), l0Env)
@@ -427,14 +477,16 @@
                                             k = P$k1/P$k2, alpha = P$CGEL),silent=TRUE)
-        if (P$type != "ETHD")
-            obj <- mean(.rho(gt, lamb$lambda, type = P$type, derive = 0,
-                             k = P$k1/P$k2) - .rho(1, 0, type = P$type,
-                                 derive = 0, k = P$k1/P$k2))
-        else
-            obj <- sum(.rho(gt, lamb$lambda, type = P$type, derive = 0,
-                            k = P$k1/P$k2) - .rho(1, 0, type = P$type, derive = 0,
-                                k = P$k1/P$k2))
+            if (P$type == "ETEL")
+                obj <- mean(.rho(gt, lamb$lambda, type = P$type, derive = 0,
+                                 k = P$k1/P$k2) - .rho(1, 0, type = P$type,
+                                     derive = 0, k = P$k1/P$k2))
+            else if (P$type == "ETHD")
+                obj <- sum(.rho(gt, lamb$lambda, type = P$type, derive = 0,
+                                k = P$k1/P$k2) - .rho(1, 0, type = P$type, derive = 0,
+                                    k = P$k1/P$k2))
+            else
+                obj <- lamb$obj
         if(output == "obj")
@@ -454,6 +506,8 @@
                 eps <- -length(pt)*min(min(pt),0)
                 pt <- (pt+eps/length(pt))/(1+eps)
+        if (type=="RCUE")
+            pt[pt<0] <- 0
         conv_moment <- colSums(pt*gt)
         conv_pt <- sum(as.numeric(pt))

Modified: pkg/gmm/man/ATEgel.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/ATEgel.Rd	2019-04-24 14:40:34 UTC (rev 138)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/ATEgel.Rd	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 ATEgel(g, balm, w=NULL, y=NULL, treat=NULL, tet0=NULL,momType=c("bal","balSample","ATT"),
                    popMom = NULL, family=c("linear","logit", "probit"),
-                   type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"),
+                   type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD", "RCUE"),
                    tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100,
                    optfct = c("optim", "nlminb"), 
-                   optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu", "RCue"), data=NULL,
+                   optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"), data=NULL,
                    Lambdacontrol = list(),
                    model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, ...)
 checkConv(obj, tolConv=1e-4, verbose=TRUE, ...)
@@ -64,31 +64,43 @@
   "CUE" for continuous updated estimator, "ETEL" for exponentially
   tilted empirical likelihood of Schennach(2007), "HD" for Hellinger
   Distance of Kitamura-Otsu-Evdokimov (2013), and "ETHD" for the
-  exponentially tilted Hellinger distance of Antoine-Dovonon (2015).}
+  exponentially tilted Hellinger distance of Antoine-Dovonon
+  (2015). "RCUE" is a restricted version of "CUE" in which the
+  probabilities are bounded below by zero. In that case, an analytical
+  Kuhn-Tucker method is used to find the solution.}
-\item{tol_lam}{Tolerance for \eqn{\lambda} between two iterations. The algorithm stops when \eqn{\|\lambda_i -\lambda_{i-1}\|} reaches \code{tol_lamb} (see \code{\link{getLamb}}) }
+\item{tol_lam}{Tolerance for \eqn{\lambda} between two iterations. The
+  algorithm stops when \eqn{\|\lambda_i -\lambda_{i-1}\|} reaches
+  \code{tol_lamb} (see \code{\link{getLamb}}) }
-\item{maxiterlam}{The algorithm to compute \eqn{\lambda} stops if there is no convergence after "maxiterlam" iterations (see \code{\link{getLamb}}).}
+\item{maxiterlam}{The algorithm to compute \eqn{\lambda} stops if there
+  is no convergence after "maxiterlam" iterations (see
+  \code{\link{getLamb}}).}
-\item{tol_obj}{Tolerance for the gradiant of the objective function to compute \eqn{\lambda} (see \code{\link{getLamb}}).}
+\item{tol_obj}{Tolerance for the gradiant of the objective function to
+  compute \eqn{\lambda} (see \code{\link{getLamb}}).}
 \item{optfct}{Algorithm used for the parameter estimates}
-\item{tol_mom}{It is the tolerance for the moment condition \eqn{\sum_{t=1}^n p_t g(\theta(x_t)=0}, where \eqn{p_t=\frac{1}{n}D\rho(<g_t,\lambda>)} is the implied probability. It adds a penalty if the solution diverges from its goal.}
+\item{tol_mom}{It is the tolerance for the moment condition
+  \eqn{\sum_{t=1}^n p_t g(\theta(x_t)=0}, where
+  \eqn{p_t=\frac{1}{n}D\rho(<g_t,\lambda>)} is the implied probability. It
+  adds a penalty if the solution diverges from its goal.}
 \item{optlam}{Algorithm used to solve for the lagrange multiplier in
   \code{\link{getLamb}}. The algorithm Wu is only for
-  \code{type="EL"}. By default, the analytical solution is used for
-  lambda, which may result in negative implied probabilities. The "RCue"
-  method uses \code{\link{constrOptim}} as for "EL" to restrict implied
-  probabiltities to be positive. If the non-negativity constraint is
-  binding, the samples will not be properly balanced.}
+  \code{type="EL"}. The value of \code{optlam} is ignored for "CUE"
+  because in that case, the analytical solution exists.}
 \item{data}{A data.frame or a matrix with column names (Optional). }
-\item{Lambdacontrol}{Controls for the optimization of the vector of Lagrange multipliers used by either \code{\link{optim}}, \code{\link{nlminb}} or \code{\link{constrOptim}}}
+\item{Lambdacontrol}{Controls for the optimization of the vector of
+  Lagrange multipliers used by either \code{\link{optim}},
+  \code{\link{nlminb}} or \code{\link{constrOptim}}}
-\item{model, X, Y}{logicals.  If \code{TRUE} the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response) are returned if g is a formula.}
+\item{model, X, Y}{logicals.  If \code{TRUE} the corresponding
+  components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response)
+  are returned if g is a formula.}
 \item{verbose}{If TRUE, a summary of the convergence is printed}

Modified: pkg/gmm/man/gel.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/gel.Rd	2019-04-24 14:40:34 UTC (rev 138)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/gel.Rd	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@
 gel(g, x, tet0 = NULL, gradv = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
-    type = c("EL","ET","CUE","ETEL","HD","ETHD"), 
+    type = c("EL","ET","CUE","ETEL","HD","ETHD","RCUE"), 
     kernel = c("Truncated", "Bartlett"), bw = bwAndrews, 
     approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols", 
     tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, 
     maxiterlam = 100, constraint = FALSE, optfct = c("optim", "optimize", 
-    "nlminb"), optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu", "RCue"), data,
+    "nlminb"), optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"), data,
     Lambdacontrol = list(), model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE,
     TypeGel = "baseGel", alpha = NULL, eqConst = NULL,
     eqConstFullVcov = FALSE, onlyCoefficients=FALSE, ...)
 evalGel(g, x, tet0, gradv = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
-        type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"),
+        type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD","RCUE"),
         kernel = c("Truncated", "Bartlett"), bw = bwAndrews,
         approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1,
         ar.method = "ols", tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, 
         tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100, optlam = c("nlminb", "optim",
-        "iter", "Wu", "RCue"), data, Lambdacontrol = list(),
+        "iter", "Wu"), data, Lambdacontrol = list(),
         model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, alpha = NULL, ...)
@@ -46,7 +46,10 @@
   "CUE" for continuous updated estimator, "ETEL" for exponentially
   tilted empirical likelihood of Schennach(2007), "HD" for Hellinger
   Distance of Kitamura-Otsu-Evdokimov (2013), and "ETHD" for the
-  exponentially tilted Hellinger distance of Antoine-Dovonon (2015).}
+  exponentially tilted Hellinger distance of Antoine-Dovonon
+  (2015). "RCUE" is a restricted version of "CUE" in which the
+  probabilities are bounded below by zero. In that case, an analytical
+  Kuhn-Tucker method is used to find the solution.}
 \item{kernel}{type of kernel used to compute the covariance matrix of the vector of sample moment conditions (see \code{\link{kernHAC}} for more details) and to smooth the moment conditions if "smooth" is set to TRUE. Only two types of kernel are available. The truncated implies a Bartlett kernel for the HAC matrix and the Bartlett implies a Parzen kernel (see Smith 2004).}
@@ -74,11 +77,8 @@
 \item{optlam}{Algorithm used to solve for the lagrange multiplier in
   \code{\link{getLamb}}. The algorithm Wu is only for
-  \code{type="EL"}. The last method, is for "CUE". By default, the
-  analytical solution is used for lambda, which may result in negative
-  implied probabilities. The "RCue" method uses
-  \code{\link{constrOptim}} as for "EL" to restrict implied
-  probabiltities to be positive.}
+  \code{type="EL"}. The value of \code{optlam} is ignored for "CUE"
+  because in that case, the analytical solution exists.}
 \item{data}{A data.frame or a matrix with column names (Optional). }

Modified: pkg/gmm/man/getLamb.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/getLamb.Rd	2019-04-24 14:40:34 UTC (rev 138)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/getLamb.Rd	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
  It computes the vector of Lagrange multipliers, which maximizes the GEL objective function, using an iterative Newton method.
-getLamb(gt, l0, type = c("EL","ET","CUE", "ETEL", "HD","ETHD"),
+getLamb(gt, l0, type = c("EL","ET","CUE", "ETEL", "HD","ETHD","RCUE"),
         tol_lam = 1e-7, maxiterlam = 100, 
-	tol_obj = 1e-7, k = 1, method = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu","RCue"),
+	tol_obj = 1e-7, k = 1, method = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"),
         control = list())
@@ -20,15 +20,26 @@
 \item{type}{"EL" for empirical likelihood, "ET" for exponential tilting,
   "CUE" for continuous updated estimator, and "HD" for Hellinger
-  Distance. See details for "ETEL" and "ETHD".}
+  Distance. See details for "ETEL" and "ETHD". "RCUE" is a restricted
+  version of "CUE" in which the probabilities are bounded below by
+  zero. In that case, an analytical Kuhn-Tucker method is used to find
+  the solution.}
-\item{tol_lam}{Tolerance for \eqn{\lambda} between two iterations. The algorithm stops when \eqn{\|\lambda_i -\lambda_{i-1}\|} reaches \code{tol_lam} }
+\item{tol_lam}{Tolerance for \eqn{\lambda} between two iterations. The
+algorithm stops when \eqn{\|\lambda_i -\lambda_{i-1}\|} reaches
+\code{tol_lam} }
-\item{maxiterlam}{The algorithm stops if there is no convergence after "maxiterlam" iterations.}
+\item{maxiterlam}{The algorithm stops if there is no convergence after
+"maxiterlam" iterations.}
-\item{tol_obj}{Tolerance for the gradiant of the objective function. The algorithm returns a non-convergence message if \eqn{\max(|gradiant|)} does not reach \code{tol_obj}. It helps the \code{gel} algorithm to select the right space to look for \eqn{\theta}}
+\item{tol_obj}{Tolerance for the gradiant of the objective function. The
+algorithm returns a non-convergence message if \eqn{\max(|gradiant|)}
+does not reach \code{tol_obj}. It helps the \code{gel} algorithm to
+select the right space to look for \eqn{\theta}}
-\item{k}{It represents the ratio k1/k2, where \eqn{k1=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} k(s)ds} and \eqn{k2=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} k(s)^2 ds}. See Smith(2004).}
+\item{k}{It represents the ratio k1/k2, where
+\eqn{k1=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} k(s)ds} and
+\eqn{k2=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} k(s)^2 ds}. See Smith(2004).}
 \item{method}{The iterative procedure uses a Newton method for solving
   the FOC. It i however recommended to use \code{optim} or
@@ -37,24 +48,20 @@
   from producing NA. The gradient and hessian is provided to
   \code{nlminb} which speed up the convergence. The latter is therefore
   the default value. "Wu" is for "EL" only. It uses the algorithm of Wu
-  (2005). The last method, is for "CUE". By default, the analytical
-  solution is used for lambda, which may result in negative implied
-  probabilities. The "RCue" method uses \code{\link{constrOptim}} as for
-  "EL" to restrict implied probabiltities to be positive.}
+  (2005). The value of \code{method} is ignored for "CUE" because in
+  that case, the analytical solution exists.}
-\item{control}{Controls to send to \code{\link{optim}}, \code{\link{nlminb}} or \code{\link{constrOptim}}}
-It solves the problem \eqn{\max_{\lambda} \frac{1}{n}\sum_{t=1}^n
-  \rho(gt'\lambda)}. For the type "ETEL", it is only used by
+\item{control}{Controls to send to \code{\link{optim}},
+\code{\link{nlminb}} or \code{\link{constrOptim}}} } \details{ It solves
+the problem \eqn{\max_{\lambda} \frac{1}{n}\sum_{t=1}^n
+\rho(gt'\lambda)}. For the type "ETEL", it is only used by
 \code{\link{gel}}. In that case \eqn{\lambda} is obtained by maximizing
 \eqn{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{t=1}^n \rho(gt'\lambda)}, using
 \eqn{\rho(v)=-\exp{v}} (so ET) and \eqn{\theta} by minimizing the same
 equation but with \eqn{\rho(v)-\log{(1-v)}}. To avoid NA's,
 \code{\link{constrOptim}} is used with the restriction \eqn{\lambda'g_t
-  < 1}. The type "ETHD" is experimental and proposed by Antoine-Dovonon
-(2015). The paper is not yet available. 
+< 1}. The type "ETHD" is experimental and proposed by Antoine-Dovonon
+(2015). The paper is not yet available.  }
 lambda: A \eqn{q\times 1} vector of Lagrange multipliers which solve the system of equations given above.

Added: pkg/gmm/src/Makevars
--- pkg/gmm/src/Makevars	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmm/src/Makevars	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/gmm/src/lambda_met.f
--- pkg/gmm/src/lambda_met.f	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmm/src/lambda_met.f	2019-05-07 19:43:14 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+      subroutine prep(gt, lam, n, q, d2)
+      integer n, q, i, info, ip(q)
+      double precision gt(n,q), lam(q), d2(q), dd(q,q)
+      double precision tmp(n), tmp2(n), tmp3(n,q)
+      call dgemv('n', n, q, 1.0d0, gt, n, lam, 1, 0.0d0, tmp, 1)
+      tmp = 1/(1+tmp)
+      call dgemv('t', n, q, 1.0d0, gt, n, tmp, 1, 0.0d0, d2, 1)
+      tmp2 = tmp**2
+      do i=1,q
+         tmp3(:,i) = -gt(:,i)*tmp2
+      end do
+      call dgemm('t','n',q,q,n,1.0d0, gt, n, tmp3, n, 0.0d0, dd, q)
+      call dgesv(q, 1, dd, q, ip, d2, q, info)
+      end
+      subroutine wu(gt, tol, maxit, n, q, k, conv, obj, lam)
+      integer n, q, i, conv, maxit
+      double precision obj, lam(q), tol, gt(n,q), k
+      double precision dif, d2(q), r, tmp(n), tmp2(q)
+      lam = 0.0d0
+      i = 1
+      dif = 1.0d0
+      do while (dif>tol .and. i <= maxit)
+         call prep(gt, lam, n, q, d2)
+         dif = maxval(abs(d2))
+         r = 1.0d0
+         do while (r>0)
+            r = 0.0d0
+            tmp2 = lam-d2
+            call dgemv('n', n, q, 1.0d0, gt, n, tmp2, 1, 0.0d0,
+     *                 tmp, 1)
+            if (minval(tmp)<=-1) then
+               r = r+1
+            end if
+            if (r>0) then
+               d2 = d2/2
+            end if
+         end do
+         lam = tmp2
+         i = i+1
+      end do
+      if (i>=maxit) then
+         lam = 0.0d0
+         conv = 1
+      else
+         lam = -lam
+         conv = 0
+      end if
+      obj = sum(log(1+tmp*k))/n
+      end
+      subroutine ols(x, y, n, m, lwork, nrhs, info, coef)
+      integer n, m, lwork, nrhs, info
+      double precision x(n,m), y(n,nrhs), work(lwork) 
+      double precision coef(m,nrhs)
+      double precision xtmp(n,m), ytmp(n,nrhs)
+      xtmp = x
+      ytmp = y
+      call dgels('n', n, m, nrhs, xtmp, n, ytmp, n, work, -1, info)      
+      lwork = min(m*n, int(work(1)))
+      if (info == 0) then
+         call dgels('n',n,m,nrhs,xtmp,n,ytmp,n,work,lwork,info)
+         coef = ytmp(1:m,:)
+      end if
+      end
+      subroutine lamcue(gt, n, q, k, lam, pt, obj)
+      integer n, q, lwork, info
+      double precision gt(n,q), lam(q), one(n), pt(n), obj, k
+      lwork = q*3
+      one = -1.0d0
+      call ols(gt, one, n, q, lwork, 1, info, lam)
+      call dgemv('n', n, q, 1.0d0, gt, n, lam, 1, 0.0d0,
+     *     pt, 1)
+      pt = pt*k
+      obj = sum(-pt-(pt**2)/2)/n
+      pt = 1+pt
+      pt = pt/sum(pt)
+      end
+      subroutine lamcuep(gt, n, q, k, maxit, conv, lam, pt, obj)
+      integer n, q, i, maxit, n0, n1, conv, ind(n)
+      double precision gt(n,q), lam(q), pt(n), obj, pt0(n), k
+      integer wi(n), wni(n)
+      logical w(n)
+      call lamcue(gt, n, q, k, lam, pt, obj)
+      ind = (/ (i, i=1,n) /)
+      i = 1
+      conv = 0
+      w = (pt < 0)
+      do while (.not. all(pt >= 0))
+         n0 = count(w)
+         n1 = n-n0
+         wi(1:n1) = pack(ind, .not. w)
+         wni(1:n0) = pack(ind, w)
+         if (n1 < (q+1)) then
+            pt = 1.0d0/n
+            conv = 2
+            obj = 0.0d0
+            lam = 0.0d0
+            exit
+         end if
+         if (i > maxit) then
+            pt = 1.0d0/n
+            conv = 1
+            obj = 0.0d0
+            lam = 0.0d0
+            exit
+         end if
+         call lamcue(gt(wi(1:n1),:), n1, q, k, lam,
+     *        pt0(1:n1), obj)
+         pt(wi(1:n1)) = pt0(1:n1)
+         pt(wni(1:n0)) = 0.0d0
+         i = i+1
+         w = w .or. (pt<0)
+      end do
+      if (conv == 0) then
+         obj = obj*n1/n + dble(n0)/(2*n)
+      end if
+      end

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