[Gmm-commits] r101 - in pkg/gmm: . R data man

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Fri May 19 22:51:10 CEST 2017

Author: chaussep
Date: 2017-05-19 22:51:09 +0200 (Fri, 19 May 2017)
New Revision: 101

 Added lots of stuff for ATE estimation

Modified: pkg/gmm/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/gmm/DESCRIPTION	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/DESCRIPTION	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: gmm
 Version: 1.6-1
-Date: 2016-05-17
+Date: 2017-05-19
 Title: Generalized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical
 Author: Pierre Chausse <pchausse at uwaterloo.ca>

Modified: pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 importFrom(methods, is)
 importFrom(graphics, abline, legend, lines, panel.smooth, par, plot, points)
 importFrom(grDevices, dev.interactive, devAskNewPage,  extendrange)
+importFrom(utils, tail)
 export(gmm,summary.gmm,smoothG,getDat,summary.gel,getLamb,gel, estfun.gmmFct, estfun.gmm, estfun.gel, bread.gel, bread.gmm, 
        print.gmm,coef.gmm,vcov.gmm,print.summary.gmm, confint.gel, print.gel, print.summary.gel, vcov.gel, coef.gel, fitted.gmm, 
@@ -14,12 +15,15 @@
        KTest, print.gmmTests, gmmWithConst, estfun.tsls, model.matrix.tsls,vcov.tsls, bread.tsls, evalGmm, momentEstim.baseGmm.eval,
        momentEstim.baseGel.eval, evalGel, confint.gmm, print.confint, sysGmm, getModel.sysGmm, momentEstim.sysGmm.twoStep.formula,
        momentEstim.tsls.twoStep.formula, getModel.tsls, summary.sysGmm, print.sysGmm, print.summary.sysGmm,
-       sur, threeSLS, randEffect, five, bwWilhelm)
+       sur, threeSLS, randEffect, five, bwWilhelm, getModel.ateGel, ATEgel,
+       summary.ategel, vcov.ategel, confint.ategel, marginal, marginal.ategel)
+S3method(marginal, ategel)
 S3method(summary, gmm)
 S3method(summary, sysGmm)
 S3method(summary, tsls)
 S3method(summary, gel)
+S3method(summary, ategel)
 S3method(print, gmm)
 S3method(print, sysGmm)
 S3method(print, summary.gmm)
@@ -28,6 +32,7 @@
 S3method(vcov, gmm)
 S3method(vcov, tsls)
 S3method(confint, gmm)
+S3method(confint, ategel)
 S3method(fitted, gmm)
 S3method(residuals, gmm)
 S3method(plot, gmm)
@@ -38,6 +43,7 @@
 S3method(print, gmmTests)
 S3method(coef, gel)
 S3method(vcov, gel)
+S3method(vcov, ategel)
 S3method(confint, gel)
 S3method(fitted, gel)
 S3method(residuals, gel)
@@ -54,6 +60,7 @@
 S3method(getModel, constGmm)
 S3method(getModel, constGel)
 S3method(getModel, tsls)
+S3method(getModel, ateGel)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.twoStep)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.eval)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.twoStep.formula)

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/Methods.gel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/Methods.gel.R	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/Methods.gel.R	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -299,3 +299,4 @@

Added: pkg/gmm/R/ategel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/ategel.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/ategel.R	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ATEgel <- function(g, balm, y=NULL, treat=NULL, tet0=NULL,momType=c("bal","balSample","ATT"),
+                   popMom = NULL, family=c("linear","logit", "probit"),
+                   type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"),
+                   tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100,
+                   optfct = c("optim", "nlminb"), 
+                   optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter"), data=NULL, Lambdacontrol = list(),
+                   model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, ...)
+    {
+        type <- match.arg(type)
+	optfct <- match.arg(optfct)
+	optlam <- match.arg(optlam)
+        momType <- match.arg(momType)
+        family <- match.arg(family)
+        TypeGel <- "ateGel"
+	all_args <- list(g = g, x = balm, y=y, treat=treat, tet0 = tet0, type = type,
+                         tol_lam = tol_lam, tol_obj = tol_obj, tol_mom = tol_mom,
+                         maxiterlam = maxiterlam, optfct = optfct, 
+                         optlam = optlam, model = model, X = X, Y = Y,
+                         TypeGel = TypeGel, call = match.call(),
+                         Lambdacontrol = Lambdacontrol, data = data,
+                         constraint=FALSE, kernel = "Truncated", bw = bwAndrews,
+                         approx = "AR(1)", prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols",
+                         tol_weights = 	1e-7, alpha = NULL, eqConst = NULL,
+                         eqConstFullVcov = FALSE, momType=momType, popMom=popMom,
+                         family=family)
+	class(all_args)<-TypeGel
+	Model_info<-getModel(all_args)
+	z <- momentEstim(Model_info, ...)        
+        class(z) <- c("ategel", "gel")
+        res <- .vcovate(z)
+        z$vcov_par <- res$vcov_par
+        z$vcov_lambda <- res$vcov_lambda
+	return(z)
+    }
+.momentFctATE <- function(tet, dat)
+    {
+        x <- dat$x
+        k <- attr(dat, "k")
+        ZT <- c(x[,2:(k+1),drop=FALSE]%*%tet[1:k])
+        if (is.null(attr(dat, "family")))
+            e <- x[,1] - ZT
+        else
+            e <- x[,1] - attr(dat, "family")$linkinv(ZT)
+        gt1 <- e * x[,2:(k+1)]
+        gt2 <- sweep(x[,3:(k+1),drop=FALSE],2,tet[(k+1):(2*k-1)],"-")
+        gt3 <- lapply(1:(k-1), function(i) gt2[,i]*x[,-(1:(k+1))])
+        gt3 <- do.call(cbind, gt3)
+        gt <- cbind(gt1,gt2,gt3)
+        if (is.null(attr(dat, "popMom")))
+            {
+                if (attr(dat, "momType") == "balSample")
+                    {
+                        momB <- scale(x[,-(1:(k+1))], scale=FALSE)
+                        gt <- cbind(gt, momB)
+                    }
+                if (attr(dat, "momType") == "ATT")
+                    {                        
+                        momB <- sweep(x[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE], 2,
+                                      colMeans(x[x[,3]==1,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]),
+                                      FUN="-")
+                        gt <- cbind(gt, momB)
+                    }
+            } else {
+                momB <- sweep(x[,-(1:(k+1)), drop=FALSE], 2, attr(dat, "popMom"), "-")
+                gt <- cbind(gt, momB)
+            }
+        return(as.matrix(gt))
+    }
+.DmomentFctATE <- function(tet, dat, pt=NULL)
+    {
+        if (is.null(pt))
+            pt <- rep(1/nrow(dat$x), nrow(dat$x))
+        x <- dat$x
+        k <- attr(dat, "k")
+        q <- dat$nh*(k-1)+2*k-1
+        Z <- x[,2:(k+1), drop=FALSE]
+        ZT <- c(Z%*%tet[1:k])
+        G <- matrix(0, q, 2*k-1)
+        if (is.null(attr(dat, "family")))
+            {
+                tau <- rep(1, nrow(x))
+            } else {                
+                tau <- attr(dat, "family")$mu.eta(ZT)
+            }
+        G11 <- lapply(1:k, function(i) -colSums(pt*Z[,i]*tau*Z))
+        G[1:k, 1:k] <- do.call(rbind, G11)
+        G[(k+1):(2*k-1), (k+1):(2*k-1)] <- -sum(pt)*diag(k-1)
+        uK <- colSums(pt*x[,-(1:(k+1))])
+        G[(2*k):q, (k+1):(2*k-1)] <- -kronecker(diag(k-1), uK)
+        if (attr(dat, "momType") != "bal" | !is.null(attr(dat, "popMom")))
+            G <- rbind(G, matrix(0, dat$nh, 2*k-1))
+        return(G)
+    }
+.DmomentFctATE2 <- function(tet, dat, pt=NULL)
+    {
+        G <- .DmomentFctATE(tet, dat, pt)
+        k <- attr(dat, "k")
+        q <- dat$nh*(k-1)+2*k-1
+        if (is.null(pt))
+            pt <- rep(1/nrow(dat$x), nrow(dat$x))
+        if (attr(dat, "momType") != "bal" & is.null(attr(dat, "popMom")))
+            G <- cbind(G, rbind(matrix(0,q, dat$nh), -sum(pt)*diag(dat$nh)))
+        return(G)
+    }
+.psiGam <- function(object)
+    {
+        n <- nrow(object$dat$x)
+        nh <- object$dat$nh
+        lam <- object$lambda
+        q <- length(lam)
+        k <- attr(object$dat, "k")
+        theta <- object$coefficients
+        gt <- object$gt
+        rho1 <- .rho(x=gt, lamb=lam, derive=1, type=object$type)
+        rho2 <- .rho(x=gt, lamb=lam, derive=1, type=object$type)
+        Z <- object$dat$x[,2:(k+1)]
+        ZT <- c(Z%*%theta[1:k])
+        X <- object$dat$x[,-(1:(k+1))]
+        family <- attr(object$dat, "family")
+        momType <- attr(object$dat, "momType")
+        popMom <-  attr(object$dat, "popMom")
+        if (is.null(family))
+            {
+                tau1 <- rep(1, n)
+            } else {
+                tau1 <- family$mu.eta(ZT)
+                tau2 <- family$mu.eta2(ZT, family)
+            }
+        lG1 <- sapply(1:k, function(i) -(tau1*Z[,i]*Z)%*%lam[1:k])
+        q2 <- nh*(k-1)+2*k-1
+        lamM <- matrix(lam[(2*k):q2], ncol=(k-1))
+        lG2 <- sapply(1:(k-1), function(i) -lam[k+i]-X%*%lamM[,i])
+        lG <- cbind(lG1, lG2)
+        G <- .DmomentFctATE2(theta, object$dat, rho1)
+        G22 <- crossprod(rho2*gt, gt)/n
+        if (momType == "bal" | !is.null(popMom))
+            {
+                Psi <- cbind(rho1*lG, rho1*gt)
+                G11 <- crossprod(rho2*lG, lG)/n
+                G12 <- t(G)/n + crossprod(rho2*lG, gt)/n
+                if (!is.null(family))
+                    {
+                        G12tmp <- lapply(1:k, function(i)
+                            colSums(-rho1*tau2*Z[,i]*c(Z%*%lam[1:k])*Z))
+                        G12.2 <- matrix(0, nrow(G12), ncol(G12))
+                        G12.2[1:k,1:k] <- do.call(rbind, G12tmp)
+                        G12 <- G12 + G12.2/n
+                    }
+                Gamma <- rbind(cbind(G11, G12),
+                               cbind(t(G12), G22))
+                addPar <- 0
+            } else {
+                lG <- cbind(lG, matrix(-tail(lam, nh), n, nh, byrow=TRUE))
+                G11 <- crossprod(rho2*lG, lG)/n
+                G12 <- t(G)/n + crossprod(rho2*lG, gt)/n
+                if (!is.null(family))
+                    {
+                        G12tmp <- lapply(1:k, function(i)
+                            colSums(-rho1*tau2*Z[,i]*c(Z%*%lam[1:k])*Z))
+                        G12.2 <- matrix(0, nrow(G12), ncol(G12))
+                        G12.2[1:k,1:k] <- do.call(rbind, G12tmp)
+                        G12 <- G12 + G12.2/n
+                    }                
+                if (momType == "balSample")
+                    Xi <- rep(1,n)
+                else
+                    Xi <- Z[,-1]
+                nj <- sum(Xi)
+                lam2 <- -sum(rho1)*tail(lam,nh)/nj
+                theta4 <- colSums(Xi*X)/nj
+                G13 <- rbind(matrix(0, 2*k-1, nh), -nj/n*diag(nh))
+                G23 <- matrix(0,q, nh)
+                G33 <- matrix(0, nh, nh)
+                Psi <- cbind(rho1*lG, rho1*gt,
+                             Xi*sweep(X, 2, theta4, "-"))
+                Psi[,(2*k):(2*k+nh-1)] <- Psi[,(2*k):(2*k+nh-1)]-Xi%*%t(lam2)
+                Gamma <- rbind(cbind(G11, G12, G13),
+                               cbind(t(G12), G22, G23),
+                               cbind(t(G13), t(G23), G33))
+                addPar <- nh
+            }
+        list(Psi=Psi, Gamma=Gamma, k=length(theta), q=q, addPar=addPar, n=n)
+    }
+.vcovate <- function (object) 
+    {
+        res <- .psiGam(object)
+        k <- res$k
+        q <- res$q
+        addPar <- res$addPar
+        qrPsi <- qr(res$Psi/sqrt(res$n))
+        piv <- sort.int(qrPsi$pivot, index.return=TRUE)$ix
+        R <- qr.R(qrPsi)[,piv]
+        T1 <- solve(res$Gamma, t(R))
+        V <- T1%*%t(T1)/res$n
+        allV <- list()
+        allV$vcov_par <-  V[1:k, 1:k]
+        allV$vcov_lambda <- V[(k+addPar+1):(k+addPar+q), (k+addPar+1):(k+addPar+q)]
+        if (addPar > 0)
+            {
+                allV$vcov_Allpar <-  V[1:(k+addPar), 1:(k+addPar)]
+                allV$vcov_Alllambda <- V[-(1:(k+addPar)), -(1:(k+addPar))]
+            }
+        allV
+    }
+vcov.ategel <- function(object, lambda = FALSE, robToMiss=TRUE, ...)
+    {
+        if (robToMiss)
+            {
+                return(vcov.gel(object, lambda))
+            } else {
+                object$lambda <- rep(0, length(object$lambda))
+                res <- .vcovate(object)
+                object$vcov_par <- res$vcov_par
+                object$vcov_lambda <- res$vcov_lambda
+                return(vcov.gel(object, lambda))
+            }
+    }
+summary.ategel <- function(object, robToMiss=TRUE, ...)
+    {
+        if (robToMiss)
+            {
+                ans <- summary.gel(object)
+                ans$typeDesc = paste(ans$typeDesc,
+                    "\n(S.E. are robust to misspecification)", sep="")
+            } else {
+                object$vcov_par <- vcov(object, robToMiss=FALSE)
+                object$vcov_lambda <- vcov(object, TRUE, robToMiss=FALSE)
+                ans <- summary.gel(object)
+                ans$typeDesc = paste(ans$typeDesc,
+                    "\n(S.E. are not robust to misspecification", sep="")
+            }
+        ans
+    }
+confint.ategel <- function (object, parm, level = 0.95, lambda = FALSE,
+                            type = c("Wald", "invLR", "invLM", "invJ"), fact = 3,
+                            corr = NULL, robToMiss=TRUE, ...)
+    {
+        type <- match.arg(type)
+        if (type=="Wald")
+            {
+                if (!robToMiss)
+                    {
+                        object$vcov_par <- vcov(object, robToMiss=FALSE)
+                        object$vcov_lambda <- vcov(object, TRUE, robToMiss=FALSE)
+                    }
+                return(confint.gel(object, parm, level, lambda, type, fact, corr, ...))
+            }
+        object$allArg$g <- .momentFctATE
+        object$allArg$y <- NULL
+        object$allArg$treat <- NULL
+        object$allArg$popMom <- NULL
+        object$allArg$momType <- NULL
+        object$allArg$x <- object$dat        
+        return(confint.gel(object, parm, level, lambda, type, fact, corr, ...))
+    }
+marginal <- function(object, ...)
+     UseMethod("marginal")
+marginal.ategel <- function(object, ...)
+    {
+        family <- attr(object$dat, "family")
+        if (is.null(family))
+            return(summary(object)$coef)
+        k <- attr(object$dat, "k")
+        p0 <- family$linkinv(object$coef[1])
+        p1 <- family$linkinv(object$coef[1]+object$coef[2:k])
+        p01 <- family$mu.eta(object$coef[1])
+        p11 <- family$mu.eta(object$coef[1]+object$coef[2:k])
+        A <- cbind(p11-p01, p11)
+        V <- vcov(object, ...)[1:k,1:k]
+        sd0 <- p01*sqrt(V[1,1])
+        sdd <- sapply(1:(k-1), function(i)
+            sqrt(c(t(A[i,])%*%V[c(1,i+1), c(1, i+1)]%*%A[i,])))
+        coef <- cbind(c(p0,p1-p0), c(sd0, sdd))
+        coef <- cbind(coef, coef[,1]/coef[,2])
+        coef <- cbind(coef, 2*pnorm(-abs(coef[,3])))
+        colnames(coef) <-   c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")            
+        rownames(coef) <- c("Control",
+                            paste("Treat", 1:(k-1) , " versus Control", sep=""))
+        coef
+    }

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/gel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/gel.R	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/gel.R	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -382,4 +382,30 @@
+.vcovGel <- function(gt, G, k1, k2, bw, pt=NULL,tol=1e-16)
+    {
+        q <- NCOL(gt)
+        n <- NROW(gt)
+        if (is.null(pt))
+            pt <- 1/n
+        G <- G/k1
+        gt <- gt*sqrt(pt*bw/k2)
+        qrGt <- qr(gt)
+        piv <- sort.int(qrGt$pivot, index.return=TRUE)$ix
+        R <- qr.R(qrGt)[,piv]
+        X <- forwardsolve(t(R), G)
+        Y <- forwardsolve(t(R), diag(q))
+        res <- lm.fit(X,Y)
+        u <- res$residuals
+        Sigma <- chol2inv(res$qr$qr)/n
+        diag(Sigma)[diag(Sigma)<0] <- tol
+        if (q==ncol(G))
+            {
+                SigmaLam <- matrix(0, q, q)
+            } else {
+                SigmaLam <- backsolve(R, u)/n*bw^2
+                diag(SigmaLam)[diag(SigmaLam)<0] <- tol
+            }
+        khat <- crossprod(R)
+        list(vcov_par=Sigma, vcov_lambda=SigmaLam,khat=khat)
+    }

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/getModel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/getModel.R	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/getModel.R	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -205,8 +205,10 @@
                 if (dat$ny > 1)
                         namey <- colnames(dat$x[,1:dat$ny, drop=FALSE])
-                        object$namesCoef <- paste(rep(namey, dat$k), "_", rep(namex, rep(dat$ny, dat$k)), sep = "")
-                        object$namesgt <- paste(rep(namey, dat$nh), "_", rep(nameh, rep(dat$ny, dat$nh)), sep = "")
+                        object$namesCoef <- paste(rep(namey, dat$k), "_",
+                                                  rep(namex, rep(dat$ny, dat$k)), sep = "")
+                        object$namesgt <- paste(rep(namey, dat$nh), "_",
+                                                rep(nameh, rep(dat$ny, dat$nh)), sep = "")
                     } else {
                         object$namesCoef <- namex
                         object$namesgt <- nameh
@@ -426,3 +428,109 @@
+getModel.ateGel <- function(object, ...)
+    {
+        object$allArg <- c(object, list(...))
+        object$allArg$weights <- NULL
+        object$allArg$call <- NULL
+        if(is(object$g, "formula"))
+            {
+                dat <- getDat(object$g, object$x, data = object$data)
+                if (dat$ny>1 | dat$ny==0)
+                    stop("You need one and only one dependent variable")
+                k <- dat$k
+                if (k>2 & object$momType=="ATT")
+                    stop("Cannot compute ATT with multiple treatments")
+                if (attr(dat$mt, "intercept")!=1)
+                    stop("An intercept is needed to compute the treatment effect")
+                if (!all(dat$x[,3:(k+1)] %in% c(0,1)))
+                    stop("The treatment indicators can only take values 0 or 1")
+                if (colnames(dat$x)[k+2] == "(Intercept)")
+                    {
+                        dat$x <- dat$x[,-(k+2)]
+                        dat$nh <- dat$nh-1
+                    }
+                if (!is.null(object$popMom))
+                    {
+                        if (length(object$popMom)!=dat$nh)
+                            stop("The dim. of the population moments does not match the dim. of the vector of covariates")                                 
+                    }
+                if (is.null(object$tet0))
+                    {
+                        tet0 <- lm(dat$x[,1]~dat$x[,3:(k+1)])$coef
+                        tet0 <- c(tet0, colMeans(dat$x[,3:(k+1),drop=FALSE]))
+                        names(tet0) <- NULL
+                        object$tet0 <- tet0
+                    } else {
+                        if (length(object$tet0) != (2*k-1))
+                            stop("tet0 should have a length equal to 2x(number of treatments)+1")
+                    }
+                if (object$family != "linear")
+                    {
+                        if (any(!(dat$x[,1]%in%c(0,1))))
+                            stop("For logit or probit, Y can only take 0s and 1s")
+                        family <- binomial(link=object$family)
+                        if (object$family == "logit")
+                            family$mu.eta2 <- function(x, family) family$mu.eta(x)*(1-2*family$linkinv(x))
+                        else
+                            family$mu.eta2 <- function(x, family) -x*family$mu.eta(x)
+                    } else {
+                        family <- NULL
+                    }
+                q <- dat$nh + 2*k+1
+                if (object$momType != "bal" | !is.null(object$popMom))
+                    q  <- q+dat$nh
+                object$gradv <- .DmomentFctATE
+                object$x <- dat
+                object$gradvf <- FALSE
+                object$gform<-object$g                
+                namex <- colnames(dat$x[,2:(k+1)])
+                nameh <- colnames(dat$x[,(k+2):ncol(dat$x), drop=FALSE])
+                namesCoef <- c(namex, paste("TreatProb", 1:(k-1), sep=""))
+                namesgt <- paste(rep(paste("Treat", 1:(k-1), sep=""), rep(dat$nh, k-1)), "_", rep(nameh, k-1), sep="")
+                object$namesgt <- c(namesCoef,namesgt)
+                if (object$momType != "bal" | !is.null(object$popMom))
+                    object$namesgt <- c(object$namesgt, paste("bal_", nameh, sep=""))
+                if (is.null(names(object$tet0)))
+                    object$namesCoef <- namesCoef
+                else
+                    object$namesCoef <- names(object$tet0)
+                attr(object$x,"ModelType") <- "linear"
+                attr(object$x, "k") <- k
+                attr(object$x, "q") <- q
+                attr(object$x, "n") <- nrow(dat$x)
+                attr(object$x, "momType") <- object$momType
+                attr(object$x, "popMom") <- object$popMom
+                attr(object$x, "family") <- family
+            } else {
+                stop("Not implemented yet for nonlinear regression")
+            }
+        if (object$momType == "ATT")
+            metname <- "ATT"
+        else
+            metname <- "ATE"
+        if (!is.null(object$popMom))
+            {
+                metname2 <- " with balancing based on population moments"
+            } else {
+                if (object$momType == "balSample")
+                    metname2 <- " with balancing based on the sample moments"
+                else
+                    metname2 <- " with unrestricted balancing"
+            }
+        metname3 <- paste("\nMethod: ", object$type, sep="")
+        if (!is.null(family))
+            metname3 <- paste(metname3, ", Family: Binomial with ", family$link, " link", sep="")
+        clname <- "baseGel.mod"
+        object$k1 <- 1
+        object$k2 <- 1
+        object$w <- kernel(1)
+        object$bwVal <- 1
+        object$g <- .momentFctATE
+        object$CGEL <- object$alpha
+        object$typeDesc <- paste(metname, metname2, metname3, sep="")
+        class(object) <- clname
+        return(object)
+    }

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/gmm.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/gmm.R	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/gmm.R	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -46,10 +46,13 @@
-evalGmm <- function(g, x, t0, tetw=NULL, gradv=NULL, wmatrix = c("optimal","ident"),  vcov=c("HAC","iid","TrueFixed"), 
-                    kernel=c("Quadratic Spectral","Truncated", "Bartlett", "Parzen", "Tukey-Hanning"),crit=10e-7,bw = bwAndrews, 
+evalGmm <- function(g, x, t0, tetw=NULL, gradv=NULL, wmatrix = c("optimal","ident"),
+                    vcov=c("HAC","iid","TrueFixed"), 
+                    kernel=c("Quadratic Spectral","Truncated", "Bartlett", "Parzen",
+                        "Tukey-Hanning"),crit=10e-7,bw = bwAndrews, 
                     prewhite = FALSE, ar.method = "ols", approx="AR(1)",tol = 1e-7,
-                    model=TRUE, X=FALSE, Y=FALSE,  centeredVcov = TRUE, weightsMatrix = NULL, data)
+                    model=TRUE, X=FALSE, Y=FALSE,  centeredVcov = TRUE,
+                    weightsMatrix = NULL, data)
         TypeGmm = "baseGmm"
         type <- "eval"    
@@ -58,17 +61,19 @@
         wmatrix <- match.arg(wmatrix)
         if (is.null(tetw) & is.null(weightsMatrix))
             stop("If the weighting matrix is not provided, you need to provide the vector of parameters tetw")
         if(vcov=="TrueFixed" & is.null(weightsMatrix))
             stop("TrueFixed vcov only for fixed weighting matrix")
             wmatrix <- "optimal"
-        all_args<-list(data = data, g = g, x = x, t0 = t0, tetw = tetw, gradv = gradv, type = type, wmatrix = wmatrix, vcov = vcov, kernel = kernel,
-                       crit = crit, bw = bw, prewhite = prewhite, ar.method = ar.method, approx = approx, 
-                       weightsMatrix = weightsMatrix, centeredVcov = centeredVcov, tol = tol, itermax = 100, 
-                       optfct = NULL, model = model, X = X, Y = Y, call = match.call(), traceIter = NULL, 
+        all_args<-list(data = data, g = g, x = x, t0 = t0, tetw = tetw, gradv = gradv,
+                       type = type, wmatrix = wmatrix, vcov = vcov, kernel = kernel,
+                       crit = crit, bw = bw, prewhite = prewhite, ar.method = ar.method,
+                       approx = approx, weightsMatrix = weightsMatrix,
+                       centeredVcov = centeredVcov, tol = tol, itermax = 100, 
+                       model = model, X = X, Y = Y, call = match.call(),
+                       traceIter = NULL, optfct="optim",
                        eqConst = NULL, eqConstFullVcov = FALSE)
@@ -396,6 +401,7 @@
 .momentFct <- function(tet, dat)
         if (!is.null(attr(dat, "eqConst")))

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/momentEstim.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/momentEstim.R	2017-04-28 14:44:25 UTC (rev 100)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/momentEstim.R	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -779,28 +779,17 @@
             G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x)
             G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x, z$pt)
-        khat <- crossprod(c(z$pt)*z$gt,z$gt)/(P$k2)*P$bwVa
-        z$G <- G
-        G <- G/P$k1
-        kg <- solve(khat, G)
-        z$vcov_par <- try(solve(crossprod(G, kg))/n, silent=TRUE)
-        if (class(z$vcov_par) == "try-error")
+        allVcov <- try(.vcovGel(gt, G, P$k1, P$k2, P$bwVal, z$pt),
+                       silent=TRUE)
+        if (class(allVcov) == "try-error")
-                warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrix of the coefficients; matrix singular")
                 z$vcov_par <- matrix(NA, length(z$coefficients), length(z$coefficients))
-            }
-        if (dim(G)[1] == dim(G)[2])
-            {
-                z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(0, dim(G)[1], dim(G)[2])
+                z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(NA, length(z$lambda), length(z$lambda))
+                z$khat <- NULL
+                warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrices")
             } else {
-                z$vcov_lambda <- try(solve(khat, ( diag(ncol(khat)) - G %*% (z$vcov_par*n) %*% t(kg) ))/n*P$bwVal^2, silent=TRUE)
-                if (class(z$vcov_lambda) == "try-error")
-                    {
-                        warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrix of the lambdas; matrix singular")
-                        z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(NA, length(z$lambda), length(z$lambda))
-                    }
-            }
+                z <- c(z, allVcov)
+            }        
         z$weights <- P$w
         z$bwVal <- P$bwVal
         names(z$bwVal) <- "Bandwidth"
@@ -814,7 +803,6 @@
         if(P$model) z$model <- P$x$mf
         if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,(P$x$ny+1):(P$x$ny+P$x$k)])
         if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,1:P$x$ny])  
-        z$khat <- khat
         class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGel, ".res", sep = "")
         z$allArg <- P$allArg
@@ -883,43 +871,31 @@
                 attr(x,"eqConst") <- NULL
                 z$specMod <- paste(z$specMod, "** Note: Covariance matrix computed for all coefficients based on restricted values \n   Tests non-valid**\n\n")
             G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, x)
             G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, x, z$pt)
         z$G <- G
-        khat <- crossprod(c(z$pt)*z$gt, z$gt)/(P$k2)*P$bwVal
-        G <- G/P$k1
-        kg <- solve(khat, G)
-        z$vcov_par <- try(solve(crossprod(G, kg))/n, silent=TRUE)
-        if (class(z$vcov_par) == "try-error")
+        allVcov <- try(.vcovGel(gt, G, P$k1, P$k2, P$bwVal, z$pt),
+                         silent=TRUE)
+        if (class(allVcov) == "try-error")
-                warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrix of the coefficients; matrix singular")
                 z$vcov_par <- matrix(NA, length(z$coefficients), length(z$coefficients))
-            }
-        if (dim(G)[1] == dim(G)[2])
-            {
-                z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(0, dim(G)[1], dim(G)[2])
+                z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(NA, length(z$lambda), length(z$lambda))
+                z$khat <- NULL
+                warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrices")
             } else {
-                z$vcov_lambda <- try(solve(khat, ( diag(ncol(khat)) - G %*% (z$vcov_par*n) %*% t(kg) ))/n*P$bwVal^2, silent=TRUE)
-                if (class(z$vcov_lambda) == "try-error")
-                    {
-                        warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrix of the lambdas; matrix singular")
-                        z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(NA, length(z$lambda), length(z$lambda))
-                    }
-            }
+                z <- c(z, allVcov)
+            } 
         z$weights <- P$w
         z$bwVal <- P$bwVal
         names(z$bwVal) <- "Bandwidth"
         dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
         dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
         if(P$X) z$x <- x
         z$call <- P$call
         z$k1 <- P$k1
         z$k2 <- P$k2
-        z$khat <- khat
         z$CGEL <- P$CGEL
         z$typeDesc <- P$typeDesc
         z$allArg <- P$allArg        
@@ -1108,17 +1084,9 @@
             G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x)
             G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x, z$pt)
-        khat <- crossprod(c(z$pt)*z$gt,z$gt)/(P$k2)*P$bwVa
         z$G <- G
-        G <- G/P$k1
-        kg <- solve(khat, G)
-        z$vcov_par <- solve(crossprod(G, kg))/n
-        if (dim(G)[1] == dim(G)[2])
-            z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(0, dim(G)[1], dim(G)[2])
-        else
-            z$vcov_lambda <- solve(khat, ( diag(ncol(khat)) - G %*% (z$vcov_par*n) %*% t(kg) ))/n*P$bwVal^2
+        allVcov <- .vcovGel(gt, G, P$k1, P$k2, P$bwVal, z$pt)
+        z <- c(z, allVcov)       
         z$weights <- P$w
         z$bwVal <- P$bwVal
         names(z$bwVal) <- "Bandwidth"
@@ -1134,7 +1102,6 @@
                 if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,(P$x$ny+1):(P$x$ny+P$x$k)])
                 if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,1:P$x$ny])
-        z$khat <- khat

Added: pkg/gmm/data/nsw.rda
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/gmm/data/nsw.rda
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/gmm/man/ATEgel.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/ATEgel.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/ATEgel.Rd	2017-05-19 20:51:09 UTC (rev 101)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+\title{ATE with Generalized Empirical Likelihood estimation}
+Function to estimate the average treatment effect with the sample being
+balanced by GEL.
+ATEgel(g, balm, y=NULL, treat=NULL, tet0=NULL,momType=c("bal","balSample","ATT"),
+                   popMom = NULL, family=c("linear","logit", "probit"),
+                   type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD"),
+                   tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100,
+                   optfct = c("optim", "nlminb"), 
+                   optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter"), data=NULL,
+                   Lambdacontrol = list(),
+                   model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, ...)
+\item{g}{A formula as \code{y~z}, where code{y} is the response and
+  \code{z} the treatment indicator. If there is more than one
+  treatment, more indicators can be added or \code{z} can be set as a
+  factor. It can also be of the form
+  \code{g(theta, y, z)} for non-linear models. It is however, not implemented yet.}
+\item{balm}{A formula for the moments to be balanced between the treated
+  and control groups (see details)}
+\item{y}{The response variable when \code{g} is a function. Not
+  implemented yet}
+\item{treat}{The treatment indicator when \code{g} is a function. Not
+  implemented yet}
+\item{tet0}{A \eqn{3 \times 1} vector of starting values. If not
+  provided, they are obtained using an OLS regression}
+\item{momType}{How the moments of the covariates should be balanced. By
+  default, it is simply balanced without restriction. Alternatively,
+  moments can be set equal to the sample moments of the whole sample, or
+  to the sample  moments of the treated group. The later will produce
+  the average treatment effect of the treated (ATT)}
+\item{popMom}{A vector of population moments to use for balancing. It
+  can be used of those moments are available from a census, for
+  example. When available, it greatly improves efficiency.}
+\item{family}{By default, the outcome is linearly related to the
+  treatment indicators. If the outcome is binary, it is possible to use
+  the estimating equations of either the logit or probit model.}

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/gmm -r 101

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