[Gmm-commits] r63 - in pkg/gmmExtra: . R man

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Thu Oct 25 21:23:13 CEST 2012

Author: chaussep
Date: 2012-10-25 21:23:13 +0200 (Thu, 25 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 63

Added Bootstrapping methods

Modified: pkg/gmmExtra/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/gmmExtra/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-15 14:59:30 UTC (rev 62)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Package: gmmExtra
-Version: 0.0-1
-Date: 2012-05-24
+Version: 0.0-2
+Date: 2012-10-25
 Title: Extra tools for GMM estimation
 Author: Pierre Chausse <pchausse at uwaterloo.ca>
 Maintainer: Pierre Chausse <pchausse at uwaterloo.ca>
 Description: Tools for GMM such as additional tests or robust confidence regions. They only apply to gmm class object for the gmm package.
-Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), gmm (>= 1.4), parallel
-Suggests: mvtnorm, car, stabledist, MASS, timeDate, timeSeries
+Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), gmm (>= 1.4), parallel, car
+Suggests: mvtnorm, stabledist, MASS, timeDate, timeSeries
 Imports: stats
 License: GPL (>= 2)

Modified: pkg/gmmExtra/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/gmmExtra/NAMESPACE	2012-10-15 14:59:30 UTC (rev 62)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/NAMESPACE	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+importFrom(car, linearHypothesis)
+export(KConfid, bootGmm, plot.bootGmm, summary.bootGmm, bootJ, linearHypothesis.bootGmm)
+S3method(plot, bootGmm)
+S3method(summary, bootGmm)
+S3method(linearHypothesis, bootGmm)

Modified: pkg/gmmExtra/NEWS
--- pkg/gmmExtra/NEWS	2012-10-15 14:59:30 UTC (rev 62)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/NEWS	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -2,3 +2,12 @@
 o The package only include KConf for now. It has been removed from the gmm package because of the dependency on multicore which is not available on Windows.
   It is very experimental for now.
+Changes in version 0.0-2
+o The dependency on multicore has been replaced by the package parallel. It allows the package to be built for windows
+o bootstrapping methods have been added. The object from the main function bootGmm() can be used to obtain bootstrap p-value for 
+  linear hypothesis tests and J-test

Added: pkg/gmmExtra/R/bootGmm.R
--- pkg/gmmExtra/R/bootGmm.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/R/bootGmm.R	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+.timeSimul <- function(iter,titer,num_proc=NULL,comment=NULL,start=1, every=1, env=.GlobalEnv)
+	{
+	# Function to keep track of the time remaining 
+	# in repeating processes like simulations
+	# usage: put it at the beginning of the processe inside the loop.
+	# iter:  the iteration being done
+	# titer: the total number of iterations
+	# comment (optional) : Some comments to be add in string format. Useful if running several processes and want to know which one is running
+	# num_proc( optional) : If simulation is made on more than one processes, num_proc[1] is the process being done and
+	#            proc_num[2] is the total number of processes
+	if(iter==start)
+		{
+		cat("starting the simulation process", "\n")
+		cat("###############################",  "\n")
+		cat("\n")
+		assign("T_INITIAL_GLOBAL", proc.time()[3], envir = env)
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		T_INITIAL_GLOBAL <- get("T_INITIAL_GLOBAL", envir = env)
+		t1 <- proc.time()[3]
+		tm <- (t1 - T_INITIAL_GLOBAL)/(iter-start)	
+		trest <- tm * (titer-iter+1)
+		tresth <- floor(trest/3600)
+		trestm <- floor((trest-tresth*3600)/60)
+		trests <- round((trest-tresth*3600-trestm*60),0)
+		if ((iter-1)/every==(iter-1)%/%every)
+		{
+		if(!is.null(comment))
+				cat("## ", comment, " ##", "\n")
+		if(is.null(num_proc))
+			cat("iteration ",(iter-1)," from a total of ",titer,"; average time = ",round(tm,2)," sec.",  "\n")
+		else
+			{
+			cat("Process ", num_proc[1], "from a total of ", num_proc[2], "\n")
+			cat("iteration ",(iter-1)," from a total of ",titer,"; average time = ",round(tm,2)," sec.",  "\n")
+			}
+		cat("time left ",tresth," Hrs",trestm," Min",trests," sec.", "\n", "\n")
+		}
+		}
+	}
+.getBlock <- function(x, l)
+	{
+	aX <- attributes(x)
+	x <- as.matrix(x)
+	n <- nrow(x)
+	b <- floor(n/l)
+	reDist <- n-b*l
+	if (reDist != 0)
+		{
+		N <- sample(1:(n-l), reDist, replace=TRUE)
+		i <- lapply(N, function(j) j:(j+l))
+		i <- simplify2array(i)
+		} else {
+		i <- vector()
+		}		
+	N <- sample(1:(n-l+1), (b-reDist), replace=TRUE)
+	i2 <- lapply(N, function(j) j:(j+l-1))
+	i2 <- simplify2array(i2)
+	xF <- x[c(i,i2),]
+	attributes(xF) <- aX
+	attr(xF,"Blocks") <- c(i,i2)
+	attr(xF,"l") <- l
+	xF
+	}
+.getS <- function(gt, Blocks, l)
+	{
+	V <- matrix(0,ncol(gt),ncol(gt))
+	T <- nrow(gt)-l+1
+	j <- 1
+	for (i in 1:length(Blocks))
+		{
+		l <- length(Blocks[[i]])
+		gt0 <- gt[j:(j+l-1),,drop=FALSE]
+		j <- j+l
+		for (s in 1:l)
+			for(t in 1:l)
+				V <- V+outer(gt0[t,],gt0[s,])
+		}
+	V/T
+	}
+.SimByBlock <- function(f, niter, titer, trace=FALSE, ...)
+	{
+	# f is a function of i=1,....,titer
+	# it returns the values as a list
+	# if f(i) fails, the bad component of the list is set to TRUE
+	# niter (number of simultaneous evaluations) is set to titer is niter>titer
+	# X cannot be used in ...
+	res <- list()
+	if (niter > titer)
+		niter <- titer
+	nfin <- 0
+	i <- 1
+	f2 <- function(i, ...)
+		{
+		ans <- list(ans=try(f(i, ...),silent=TRUE))
+		if(class(ans$ans) == "try-error")
+			return(list(bad=TRUE))
+		else
+			{	
+			ans$bad <- FALSE
+			return(ans)
+			}
+		}
+	while (nfin != titer)
+		{
+		if (trace)
+			.timeSimul(i,titer,comment=paste("(",niter," estimations per iteration)",sep=""), env=parent.frame())
+		L1 <- list(...)
+		L2 <- c(L1,list(X=c((nfin+1):(nfin+niter)), FUN=f2))
+		res2 <- do.call(mclapply,L2)
+		for (j in 1:length(res2))
+			res[[(nfin+j)]] <- res2[[j]]
+		nfin <- nfin + length(res2)
+		if ( (titer-nfin) < niter)
+			niter <- (titer-nfin)
+		i <- nfin+1
+		}
+	return(res)
+	}
+bootGmm <- function(obj, N, seed = NULL, niter=8, trace=TRUE)
+	{
+	if(!is.null(seed))
+		set.seed(seed)
+	argCall <- obj$allArg
+	argCall$call <- NULL
+	argCall$t0 <- obj$coef
+	bw <- attr(obj$w0, "Spec")$bw
+	argCall$bw <- bw
+	l <- attr(obj$w0, "Spec")$bw
+	if (!is.null(l))
+		{
+		l <- floor(l)
+		} else {
+		l <- 1
+		}
+	l <- max(l,1)
+	gtBlock <- na.omit(filter(obj$gt,rep(1/l,l)))
+	mustar <- colMeans(gtBlock)
+	if(attr(obj$dat,"ModelType") == "linear")
+		{
+		argCall$x <- obj$dat
+		attr(argCall$x, "oldg") <- obj$g
+		dat <- obj$dat$x
+		} else {
+		dat <- argCall$x
+		attr(argCall$x, "ModelType") <- "nonlinear"
+		attr(argCall$x, "oldg") <- argCall$g
+		}
+	attr(argCall$x, "mu") <- mustar
+	Newdat <- list()
+	for (i in 1:N)
+		Newdat[[i]] <- .getBlock(dat, l)
+	getAll <- function(i, argCall, Newdat)
+		{
+		g2 <- function(theta, x)
+			{	
+			mustar <- attr(x,"mu")
+			gt <- attr(x,"oldg")(theta, x)
+			sweep(gt, 2, mustar)
+			}
+		if (attr(argCall$x, "ModelType") == "nonlinear") {
+			argCall$x <- Newdat[[i]]
+		} else {
+			argCall$x$x <- Newdat[[i]]}
+		argCall$g <- g2
+		argCall$wmatrix <- "ident"
+		res0 <- do.call(gmm, argCall)
+		argCall$wmatrix <- "optimal"
+		argCall$vcov <- "TrueFixed"
+		S <- .getS(res0$gt, attr(Newdat[[i]],"Blocks"), attr(Newdat[[i]],"l"))
+		argCall$weightsMatrix <- try(solve(S),silent=TRUE)
+		if (class(argCall$weightsMatrix) == "try-error")
+			{
+			stop("Singular S")
+		} else {
+			res1 <- do.call(gmm, argCall)
+			res1$S <- S	
+			res1
+		}
+		}
+	res <- .SimByBlock(getAll, niter, N, trace=trace, argCall=argCall, Newdat=Newdat)
+	chk <- sapply(1:N, function(i) !res[[i]]$bad)
+	res <- res[chk]
+	attr(res,"gmm") <- obj
+	class(res) <- "bootGmm"
+	return(res)
+	}
+summary.bootGmm <- function(object, ...)
+	{
+	n <- length(object)
+	if (n == 0)
+		stop("The bootGmm object is empty")
+	coef <- sapply(1:n, function(i) object[[i]]$ans$coefficients)
+	coef <- t(coef)
+	conv <- sapply(1:n, function(i) object[[i]]$ans$algoInfo$convergence)
+	cat("Summary Statistics of Boostrap Estimates (N=",n,")\n")
+	cat("#######################################################\n")
+	print(ans <- summary(coef))	
+	if (!is.null(conv[1]))
+		cat("\nThe number of estimation that did not converge is ", sum(conv),"\n")
+	cat("The original estimates are\n")
+	print(round(attr(object,"gmm")$coefficients,4))
+	}
+plot.bootGmm <- function(x, which = 1, type = c("points", "density"), ...)
+	{
+	if (length(x) == 0)
+		stop("The bootGmm object is empty")
+	type <- match.arg(type)
+	check <- c("main", "sub", "xlab", "ylab") %in% names(list(...))
+	coef <- sapply(1:length(x), function(i) x[[i]]$ans$coefficients[which])
+	ncoef <- names(x[[1]]$ans$coefficients[which])
+	message <- paste("The point estimate is ", ncoef, " = ", round(attr(x,"gmm")$coefficients[which],4), sep="")
+	if (type == "points")
+		{
+		if (!check[1])
+			main <- "Gmm Bootstrap Estimates"
+		if (!check[2])
+			sub <- message
+		if (!check[3])
+			xlab <- "Bootstrap index"
+		if (!check[4])
+			ylab <- ncoef
+		plot(1:length(coef), coef, main = main, sub = sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
+		}
+	if (type == "density")
+		{
+		if (!check[1])
+			main <- "Gmm Bootstrap Estimates (kernel density)"
+		if (!check[2])
+			sub <- message
+		plot(density(coef), main = main, sub = sub, ...)
+		}
+	}
+bootJ <- function(obj)
+	{
+	n <- length(obj)
+	if (n == 0)
+		stop("The bootGmm object is empty")
+	J <- sapply(1:n, function(i) specTest(obj[[i]]$ans)$test[1])
+	J0 <- specTest(attr(obj,"gmm"))$test[1]	
+	F <- ecdf(J)
+	pval <- 1-F(J0)
+	list(test = c(Stats=J0, BootPVal=pval), JCDF = F)
+	}	
+linearHypothesis.bootGmm <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs = NULL, ...)
+	{
+	obj <- model
+	n <- length(obj)
+	if (n == 0)
+		stop("The bootGmm object is empty")
+	Test0 <- linearHypothesis(attr(obj,"gmm"), hypothesis.matrix, rhs=rhs, ...)[[2]][2]
+	# The following is borrowed from the car::linearHypothesis.default
+	if (is.character(hypothesis.matrix)) {
+		L <- car:::makeHypothesis(names(attr(obj,"gmm")$coefficients), hypothesis.matrix, rhs = NULL)
+		if (is.null(dim(L))) L <- t(L)
+		rhs <- L[, NCOL(L)]
+		L <- L[, -NCOL(L), drop = FALSE]
+		rownames(L) <- hypothesis.matrix
+	}
+	else {
+		L <- if (is.null(dim(hypothesis.matrix))) t(hypothesis.matrix)
+				else hypothesis.matrix
+		if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- rep(0,nrow(L))
+	}
+	hyp <- car:::printHypothesis(L, rhs, names(attr(obj,"gmm")$coefficients))
+	##############
+	rhsB <- L%*%attr(obj,"gmm")$coefficients
+	Test <- sapply(1:n, function(i) linearHypothesis(obj[[i]]$ans, L, rhsB, ...)[[2]][2])
+	F <- ecdf(Test)
+	pval <- 1-F(Test0)
+	list(hyp = hyp, test = c(Stats=Test0, BootPVal=pval), TCDF = F)
+	}

Added: pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootGmm.Rd
--- pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootGmm.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootGmm.Rd	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\title{Bootstrap Gmm}
+\description{It produces bootstrap estimates using a given DGP}
+bootGmm(obj, N, seed = NULL, niter=8, trace=TRUE)
+ \item{obj}{Object of class "gmm" returned by \link{gmm}}
+ \item{N}{The number of bootstrap estimates}
+ \item{seed}{Seed for resampling. By default we let R sets the seed}
+ \item{niter}{Number of simultaneous estimates sent to \link{mclapply}}
+ \item{trace}{Should we keep track of the number of bootstraps done and the time left?}
+A list of objects of class gmm.
+ Inoue, A. and Shintani M. (2006),
+  Bootstrapping GMM estimators for time series.
+  \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \bold{133},
+  531-555,
+# Two-stage-least-squares (2SLS), or IV with iid errors.
+# The model is:
+# Y(t) = b[0] + b[1]C(t) + b[2]Y(t-1) + e(t)
+# e(t) is an MA(1)
+# The instruments are Z(t)={1 C(t) y(t-2) y(t-3) y(t-4)}
+getdat <- function(n) 
+     {
+     e <- arima.sim(n,model=list(ma=.9))
+     C <- runif(n,0,5)
+     Y <- rep(0,n)
+     Y[1] = 1 + 2*C[1] + e[1]
+     for (i in 2:n){
+     Y[i] = 1 + 2*C[i] + 0.9*Y[i-1] + e[i]
+     }
+     Yt <- Y[5:n]
+     X <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[4:(n-1)])
+     Z <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[3:(n-2)],Y[2:(n-3)],Y[1:(n-4)]) 
+     return(list(Y=Yt,X=X,Z=Z))
+     }
+d <- getdat(500)
+res <- gmm(d$Y~d$X-1,~d$Z-1,vcov="iid")
+# Just resampling 25 time to save time
+resB <- bootGmm(res, 25, seed = 123, niter = 10, trace=TRUE)

Added: pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootGmmMet.Rd
--- pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootGmmMet.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootGmmMet.Rd	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+\title{Methods for Bootstrap Gmm}
+\description{Some methods to analyze the properties of the bootstrap estimates}
+\method{plot}{bootGmm}(x, which = 1, type = c("points", "density"), ...)
+\method{summary}{bootGmm}(object, ...)
+ \item{object}{Object of class "bootGmm" returned by \link{bootGmm}}
+ \item{x}{Object of class "bootGmm" returned by \link{bootGmm}}
+ \item{which}{which coefficients to plot. Enter either a number or the name of the coefficient}
+ \item{type}{Type of graph}
+ \item{...}{Other arguments to pass to plot}
+"summary" returns a summary statistics of the matrix of bootstrap estimates
+ Inoue, A. and Shintani M. (2006),
+  Bootstrapping GMM estimators for time series.
+  \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \bold{133},
+  531-555,
+# Two-stage-least-squares (2SLS), or IV with iid errors.
+# The model is:
+# Y(t) = b[0] + b[1]C(t) + b[2]Y(t-1) + e(t)
+# e(t) is an MA(1)
+# The instruments are Z(t)={1 C(t) y(t-2) y(t-3) y(t-4)}
+getdat <- function(n) 
+     {
+     e <- arima.sim(n,model=list(ma=.9))
+     C <- runif(n,0,5)
+     Y <- rep(0,n)
+     Y[1] = 1 + 2*C[1] + e[1]
+     for (i in 2:n){
+     Y[i] = 1 + 2*C[i] + 0.9*Y[i-1] + e[i]
+     }
+     Yt <- Y[5:n]
+     X <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[4:(n-1)])
+     Z <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[3:(n-2)],Y[2:(n-3)],Y[1:(n-4)]) 
+     return(list(Y=Yt,X=X,Z=Z))
+     }
+d <- getdat(500)
+res <- gmm(d$Y~d$X-1,~d$Z-1)
+# Just resampling 25 time to save time
+resB <- bootGmm(res, 25, seed=123, niter=10, trace=TRUE)
+plot(resB, 2)
+plot(resB, 2, "density")

Added: pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootJ.Rd
--- pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootJ.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/man/bootJ.Rd	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+\title{Bootstrap J-test for Gmm}
+\description{Compute the Bootstrap ECDF of the J-test and the P-value}
+ \item{obj}{Object of class "bootGmm" returned by \link{bootGmm}}
+A list that includes the test, the pvalue, and the ECDF of the J-test
+ Inoue, A. and Shintani M. (2006),
+  Bootstrapping GMM estimators for time series.
+  \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \bold{133},
+  531-555,
+# Two-stage-least-squares (2SLS), or IV with iid errors.
+# The model is:
+# Y(t) = b[0] + b[1]C(t) + b[2]Y(t-1) + e(t)
+# e(t) is an MA(1)
+# The instruments are Z(t)={1 C(t) y(t-2) y(t-3) y(t-4)}
+getdat <- function(n) 
+     {
+     e <- arima.sim(n,model=list(ma=.9))
+     C <- runif(n,0,5)
+     Y <- rep(0,n)
+     Y[1] = 1 + 2*C[1] + e[1]
+     for (i in 2:n){
+     Y[i] = 1 + 2*C[i] + 0.9*Y[i-1] + e[i]
+     }
+     Yt <- Y[5:n]
+     X <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[4:(n-1)])
+     Z <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[3:(n-2)],Y[2:(n-3)],Y[1:(n-4)]) 
+     return(list(Y=Yt,X=X,Z=Z))
+     }
+d <- getdat(500)
+res <- gmm(d$Y~d$X-1,~d$Z-1)
+resB <- bootGmm(res, 100, seed = 123, niter = 10, trace=TRUE)
+J <- bootJ(resB)

Added: pkg/gmmExtra/man/linearHypothesis.Rd
--- pkg/gmmExtra/man/linearHypothesis.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gmmExtra/man/linearHypothesis.Rd	2012-10-25 19:23:13 UTC (rev 63)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\title{Bootstrap linear hypothesis testing}
+\description{Compute the Bootstrap ECDF of the Chi-square test and the P-value}
+\method{linearHypothesis}{bootGmm}(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs = NULL, ...)
+\item{model}{Object of class "bootGmm" returned by \link{bootGmm}}
+\item{hypothesis.matrix}{Either the R matrix in the hypothesis \eqn{R\theta=c} or a vector of characters (see /link{linearHypothesis})}
+\item{rhs}{The right hand side of the linear test (see /link{linearHypothesis})}
+\item{...}{Arguments to pass to \link{linearHypothesis}}
+A list that includes the test, the pvalue, and the ECDF of the Chi-square test
+ Inoue, A. and Shintani M. (2006),
+  Bootstrapping GMM estimators for time series.
+  \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \bold{133},
+  531-555,
+# Two-stage-least-squares (2SLS), or IV with iid errors.
+# The model is:
+# Y(t) = b[0] + b[1]C(t) + b[2]Y(t-1) + e(t)
+# e(t) is an MA(1)
+# The instruments are Z(t)={1 C(t) y(t-2) y(t-3) y(t-4)}
+getdat <- function(n) 
+     {
+     e <- arima.sim(n,model=list(ma=.9))
+     C <- runif(n,0,5)
+     Y <- rep(0,n)
+     Y[1] = 1 + 2*C[1] + e[1]
+     for (i in 2:n){
+     Y[i] = 1 + 2*C[i] + 0.9*Y[i-1] + e[i]
+     }
+     Yt <- Y[5:n]
+     X <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[4:(n-1)])
+     Z <- cbind(1,C[5:n],Y[3:(n-2)],Y[2:(n-3)],Y[1:(n-4)]) 
+     return(list(Y=Yt,X=X,Z=Z))
+     }
+d <- getdat(500)
+res <- gmm(d$Y~d$X-1,~d$Z-1)
+# Just resampling 25 time to save time
+resB <- bootGmm(res, 25, seed = 123, niter = 10, trace=TRUE)
+T <- linearHypothesis(resB, "d$X2 = 1")

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