[Gmm-commits] r16 - in pkg/gmm: . R man

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Tue Dec 22 16:18:34 CET 2009

Author: chaussep
Date: 2009-12-22 16:18:34 +0100 (Tue, 22 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 16

Modification of the structure of the package

Modified: pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/NAMESPACE	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 	residuals.gmm, fitted.gel, residuals.gel, plot.gmm, plot.gel,formula.gmm, formula.gel, charStable, specTest, 
 	specTest.gmm, specTest.gel, print.specTest, momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep, momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep.formula,
         momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative.formula, momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative, momentEstim.baseGmm.cue.formula, 
-	momentEstim.baseGmm.cue, getModel.baseGmm, FinRes.baseGmm.res)
+	momentEstim.baseGmm.cue, getModel.baseGmm, getModel.baseGel, FinRes.baseGmm.res, momentEstim.baseGel.mod, momentEstim.baseGel.modFormula)
 S3method(summary, gmm)
 S3method(summary, gel)
@@ -32,11 +32,14 @@
 S3method(print, specTest)
 S3method(FinRes, baseGmm.res)
 S3method(getModel, baseGmm)
+S3method(getModel, baseGel)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.twoStep)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.twoStep.formula)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.iterative.formula)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.iterative)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.cue.formula)
 S3method(momentEstim, baseGmm.cue)
+S3method(momentEstim, baseGel.mod)
+S3method(momentEstim, baseGel.modFormula)

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/gel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/gel.R	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/gel.R	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -175,237 +175,77 @@
                 kernel = c("Bartlett", "Parzen", "Truncated", "Tukey-Hanning"), bw = bwAndrews2, approx = c("AR(1)", 
     		"ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols", tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, 
 		tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 1000, constraint = FALSE, optfct = c("optim", "optimize", "nlminb"), 
-                optlam = c("iter", "numeric"), model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, ...)
+                optlam = c("iter", "numeric"), model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, TypeGel = "baseGel", ...)
 	vcov <- match.arg(vcov)
 	type <- match.arg(type)
 	optfct <- match.arg(optfct)
 	optlam <- match.arg(optlam)
 	weights <- weightsAndrews2
-	if (type == "ETEL")
-		{
-		typel <- "ET"
-		typet <- "EL"	
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		typel <- type
-		typet <- type
-		}
 	approx <- match.arg(approx)
 	kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
-	if(optfct == "optim")
-		k <- length(tet0)
-	else
-		k <- 1
-	typeg=0
-	if (is(g, "formula"))
-		{
-		typeg = 1
-		dat <- getDat(g, x)
-		x <- dat$x
-		g <- function(tet, x, ny = dat$ny, nh = dat$nh, k = dat$k)
-			{
-			tet <- matrix(tet, ncol = k)
-			e <- x[,1:ny] -  x[, (ny+1):(ny+k)]%*%t(tet)
-			gt <- e*x[, ny+k+1]
-			if (nh > 1)
-				{	
-				for (i in 2:nh)
-					{
-					gt <- cbind(gt, e*x[,(ny+k+i)])
-					}
-				}
-			return(gt)
-			}
-		gradv <- function(tet, x, ny = dat$ny, nh = dat$nh, k = dat$k)
-			{
-			tet <- matrix(tet, ncol = k)
-			dgb <- -(t(x[,(ny+k+1):(ny+k+nh)])%*%x[,(ny+1):(ny+k)])%x%diag(rep(1, ny))/nrow(x)
-			return(dgb)
-			}
-		}	
-		if (typeg)
-			n <- nrow(x)
-		else
-			n = nrow(g(tet0, x))
+	all_args <- list(g = g, x = x, tet0 = tet0, gradv = gradv, smooth = smooth, type = type, vcov = vcov, 
+                kernel = kernel, bw = bw, approx = approx, prewhite = prewhite, ar.method = ar.method, 
+		tol_weights = tol_weights, tol_lam = tol_lam, tol_obj = tol_obj, tol_mom = tol_mom, 
+		maxiterlam = maxiterlam, constraint = constraint, optfct = optfct, 
+                optlam = optlam, model = model, X = X, Y = Y, TypeGel = TypeGel, call = match.call())
-	if (smooth)
-		{
-		g1 <- g
-		rgmm <- gmm(g, x, tet0, wmatrix = "ident")
+	class(all_args)<-TypeGel
+	Model_info<-getModel(all_args)
+	z <- momentEstim(Model_info, ...)
-		if (is.function(weights))
-			w <- weights(g(rgmm$coefficients, x), kernel = kernel, bw = bw, prewhite = prewhite, 
-                                     ar.method = ar.method, approx = approx, tol = tol_weights)
-		else
-			w <- weights
-		sg <- function(thet, x)
-			{
-			gf <- g1(thet, x)
-			gt <- smoothG(gf, weights = w)$smoothx 
-			return(gt)
-			}
-		g <- sg
-		}	
-	lll <- 1
-	thetf <- function(tet)
-		{
-		if (optlam == "iter")
-			{
-			lamblist <- getLamb(g, tet, x, type = typel, tol_lam = tol_lam, maxiterlam = maxiterlam, tol_obj = tol_obj)
-			lamb <- lamblist$lambda
-			gt <- g(tet, x)
-			pt <- -rho(gt, lamb, type = typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/nrow(gt)
-			checkmom <- sum(as.numeric(pt)*gt)
-			if (lamblist$singular == 0)		
-				p <- sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = typet)$rhomat) + abs(checkmom)/tol_mom
-			if (lamblist$singular == 1)		
-				p <- sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = typet)$rhomat) + abs(checkmom)/tol_mom + lamblist$obj/tol_mom
-			if (lamblist$singular == 2)		
-				p <- 1e50*lll
-			lll <- lll + 1
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			gt <- g(tet, x)
-			rhofct <- function(lamb)
-				{
-				rhof <- -sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = typel)$rhomat)
-				return(rhof)
-				}
-			if (ncol(gt) > 1)
-				rlamb <- optim(rep(0, ncol(gt)), rhofct, control = list(maxit = 1000))
-			else
-				{
-				rlamb <- optimize(rhofct, c(-1,1))
-				rlamb$par <- rlamb$minimum
-				rlamb$value <- rlamb$objective
-				}
-			lamb <- rlamb$par
-			pt <- -rho(gt, lamb, type = typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/nrow(gt)
-			checkmom <- sum(as.numeric(pt)*gt)
-			p <- -rlamb$value + (checkmom)^2/tol_mom + (sum(as.numeric(pt)) - 1)^2/tol_mom
-			}
-		return(p)
-		}
+	class(z) <- "gel"
+	return(z)
+	}
-	if (!constraint)
-		{
-		if (optfct == "optim")
-			res <- optim(tet0, thetf, ...)
-		if (optfct == "nlminb")
-			res <- nlminb(tet0, thetf, ...)
-		if (optfct == "optimize")
-			{
-			res <- optimize(thetf, tet0, ...)
-			res$par <- res$minimum
-			res$convergence <- "There is no convergence code for optimize"
-			}
-		}
-	if(constraint)
-		res <- constrOptim(tet0, thetf, grad = NULL, ...)
+  .thetf <- function(tet, P)
+    {
+    if(!is.null(P$gform))
+      {
+      dat <- P$dat
+      x <- dat$x
+      }
+    else
+      x <- P$x
+    if (P$optlam == "iter")
+      {
+      lamblist <- getLamb(P$g, tet, x, type = P$typel, tol_lam = P$tol_lam, maxiterlam = P$maxiterlam, tol_obj = P$tol_obj)
+      lamb <- lamblist$lambda
+      gt <- P$g(tet, x)
+      pt <- -rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/nrow(gt)
+      checkmom <- sum(as.numeric(pt)*gt)
+      if (lamblist$singular == 0)		
+        p <- sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typet)$rhomat) + abs(checkmom)/P$tol_mom
+      if (lamblist$singular == 1)		
+        p <- sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typet)$rhomat) + abs(checkmom)/P$tol_mom + lamblist$obj/P$tol_mom
+      if (lamblist$singular == 2)		
+        p <- 1e50*proc.time()[3]
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      gt <- P$g(tet, x)
+      rhofct <- function(lamb)
+        {
+        rhof <- -sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typel)$rhomat)
+        return(rhof)
+        }
+      if (ncol(gt) > 1)
+        rlamb <- optim(rep(0, ncol(gt)), rhofct, control = list(maxit = 1000))
+      else
+        {
+        rlamb <- optimize(rhofct, c(-1,1))
+        rlamb$par <- rlamb$minimum
+        rlamb$value <- rlamb$objective
+        }
+      lamb <- rlamb$par
+      pt <- -rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/nrow(gt)
+      checkmom <- sum(as.numeric(pt)*gt)
+      p <- -rlamb$value + (checkmom)^2/P$tol_mom + (sum(as.numeric(pt)) - 1)^2/P$tol_mom
+      }
+    return(p)
+    }
-	if (optlam=="iter")
-		{
-		rlamb <- getLamb(g,res$par, x, type = typel, tol_lam = tol_lam, maxiterlam = maxiterlam, tol_obj = tol_obj)
-		z <- list(coefficients = res$par, lambda = rlamb$lam, conv_lambda = rlamb$conv_mes, conv_par = res$convergence)
-		z$foc_lambda <- rlamb$obj
-		}
-	if (optlam=="numeric")
-		{
-		gt<-g(res$par, x)
-		rhofct <- function(lamb)
-			{
-			rhof <- -sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = typel)$rhomat)
-			return(rhof)
-			}
-		rlamb <- optim(rep(0, ncol(gt)), rhofct, control = list(maxit = 1000))
-		z <- list(coefficients = res$par, conv_par = res$convergence, lambda = rlamb$par)
-		z$conv_lambda = paste("Lambda by optim. Conv. code = ", rlamb$convergence, sep = "")
-		rho1 <- as.numeric(rho(gt, z$lambda, derive = 1, type = typel)$rhomat)
-		z$foc_lambda <- crossprod(colMeans(rho1*gt))
-		}
-	z$type <- type
-	z$gt <- g(z$coefficients, x)
-	rhom <- rho(z$gt, z$lambda, type = typet)
-	z$pt <- -rho(z$gt, z$lambda, type = typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/n
-	z$conv_moment <- colSums(as.numeric(z$pt)*z$gt)
-	z$conv_pt <- sum(as.numeric(z$pt))
-	z$objective <- sum(as.numeric(rhom$rhomat) - rho(1, 0, type = typet)$rhomat)/n
-	if (type == "EL")	
-		{
-		z$badrho <- rhom$ch
-		names(z$badrho) <- "Number_of_bad_rho"
-		}
-	if (!is.function(gradv)) 
-		G <- .Gf(z$coefficients, x, g)
-	else
-		G <- gradv(z$coefficients, x)
-	if (vcov == "iid")
-		khat <- crossprod(z$gt)
-	else
-		khat <- HAC(g(z$coefficients, x), kernel = kernel, bw = bw, prewhite = prewhite, 
-                            ar.method=ar.method, approx = approx, tol = tol_weights)
-	kg <- solve(khat, G)
-	z$vcov_par <- solve(crossprod(G, kg))/n
-	z$vcov_lambda <- ((solve(khat) - kg%*%z$vcov_par%*%t(kg)))/n
-	if (smooth) z$weights <- w
-	if (typeg ==0)
-		{
-		names(z$coefficients) <- paste("Theta[",1:k,"]", sep = "")
-		colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt[",1:ncol(z$gt),"]", sep = "")
-		names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lambda[",1:ncol(z$gt),"]", sep = "")
-		}
-	if (typeg == 1)
-		{
-		namex <- colnames(dat$x[, (dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
-		nameh <- colnames(dat$x[, (dat$ny+dat$k+1):(dat$ny+dat$k+dat$nh)])
-		if (dat$ny > 1)
-			{
-			namey <- colnames(dat$x[, 1:dat$ny])
-			names(z$coefficients) <- paste(rep(namey, dat$k), "_", rep(namex, rep(dat$ny, dat$k)), sep = "")
-			colnames(z$gt) <- paste(rep(namey, dat$nh), "_", rep(nameh, rep(dat$ny,dat$nh)), sep = "")
-			names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lam(",rep(namey,dat$nh), "_", rep(nameh, rep(dat$ny,dat$nh)), ")", sep = "")
-			}
-		if (dat$ny == 1)
-			{
-			names(z$coefficients) <- namex
-			colnames(z$gt) <- nameh
-			names(z$lambda) <- nameh
-			}
-		}
-	dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
-	dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
-	if (typeg == 1)
-		{
-		b <- z$coefficients
-		y <- as.matrix(model.response(dat$mf, "numeric"))
-		ny <- dat$ny
-		b <- t(matrix(b, nrow = ny))
-		x <- as.matrix(model.matrix(dat$mt, dat$mf, NULL))
-		yhat <- x%*%b
-		z$fitted.values <- yhat	
-		z$residuals <- y - yhat	
-		z$terms <- dat$mt
-		if(model) z$model <- dat$mf
-		if(X) z$x <- x
-		if(Y) z$ y<- y
-		}
-	else
-		if(X) z$x <- x
-	z$call <- match.call()
-	class(z) <- "gel"
-	return(z)
-	}

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/getModel.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/getModel.R	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/getModel.R	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -73,4 +73,81 @@
+getModel.baseGel <- function(object, ...)
+  {
+  P <- object
+  if (P$type == "ETEL")
+    {
+    P$typel <- "ET"
+    P$typet <- "EL"	
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    P$typel <- P$type
+    P$typet <- P$type
+    }
+  if(P$optfct == "optim")
+    P$k <- length(P$tet0)
+  else
+    P$k <- 1
+  if (is(P$g, "formula"))
+    {
+    clname <- paste(class(P), ".modFormula", sep = "")
+    dat <- getDat(P$g, P$x)
+    x <- dat$x
+    g <- function(tet, x, ny = dat$ny, nh = dat$nh, k = dat$k)
+      {
+      tet <- matrix(tet, ncol = k)
+      e <- x[,1:ny] -  x[, (ny+1):(ny+k)]%*%t(tet)
+      gt <- e*x[, ny+k+1]
+      if (nh > 1)
+        {	
+        for (i in 2:nh)
+          {
+          gt <- cbind(gt, e*x[,(ny+k+i)])
+          }
+        }
+      return(gt)
+      }
+    gradv <- function(tet, x, ny = dat$ny, nh = dat$nh, k = dat$k)
+      {
+      tet <- matrix(tet, ncol = k)
+      dgb <- -(t(x[,(ny+k+1):(ny+k+nh)])%*%x[,(ny+1):(ny+k)])%x%diag(rep(1, ny))/nrow(x)
+      return(dgb)
+      }
+    P$dat <- dat
+    P$gform <- P$g
+    P$g <- g
+    P$gradv <- gradv
+    }	
+  else
+    {
+    clname <- paste(class(P), ".mod", sep = "")
+    P$gform <- NULL
+    }
+  if (P$smooth)
+    {
+    P$g1 <- P$g
+    rgmm <- gmm(P$g, x, P$tet0, wmatrix = "ident")
+    if (is.function(P$weights))
+      P$w <- P$weights(P$g(rgmm$coefficients, x), kernel = P$kernel, bw = P$bw, prewhite = P$prewhite, 
+               ar.method = P$ar.method, approx = P$approx, tol = P$tol_weights)
+    else
+      P$w <- P$weights
+    P$sg <- function(thet, x, g1 = P$g1, w = P$w)
+      {
+      gf <- g1(thet, x)
+      gt <- smoothG(gf, weights = w)$smoothx 
+      return(gt)
+      }
+    }	
+  class(P) <- clname
+  return(P)
+  }

Modified: pkg/gmm/R/momentEstim.R
--- pkg/gmm/R/momentEstim.R	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/R/momentEstim.R	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -459,9 +459,210 @@
   z$iid <- P$iid
   z$g <- P$g
-  class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")	
+  class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm, ".res", sep = "")	
+momentEstim.baseGel.modFormula <- function(object, ...)
+  {
+  P <- object
+  g <- P$g
+  dat <- getDat(P$gform, P$x)
+  x <- dat$x
+  n <- nrow(x)
+  if (!P$constraint)
+    {
+    if (P$optfct == "optim")
+      res <- optim(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, ...)
+    if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
+      res <- nlminb(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, ...)
+    if (P$optfct == "optimize")
+      { 
+      res <- optimize(.thetf, P$tet0, P = P, ...)
+      res$par <- res$minimum
+      res$convergence <- "There is no convergence code for optimize"
+      }
+    }
+  if(P$constraint)
+    res <- constrOptim(P$tet0, .thetf, grad = NULL, P = P, ...)
+  if (P$optlam == "iter")
+    {
+    rlamb <- getLamb(P$g, res$par, x, type = P$typel, tol_lam = P$tol_lam, maxiterlam = P$maxiterlam, tol_obj = P$tol_obj)
+    z <- list(coefficients = res$par, lambda = rlamb$lam, conv_lambda = rlamb$conv_mes, conv_par = res$convergence)
+    z$foc_lambda <- rlamb$obj
+    }
+  if (P$optlam == "numeric")
+    {
+    gt <- P$g(res$par, x)
+    rhofct <- function(lamb)
+      {
+      rhof <- -sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typel)$rhomat)
+      return(rhof)
+      }
+    rlamb <- optim(rep(0, ncol(gt)), rhofct, control = list(maxit = 1000))
+    z <- list(coefficients = res$par, conv_par = res$convergence, lambda = rlamb$par)
+    z$conv_lambda = paste("Lambda by optim. Conv. code = ", rlamb$convergence, sep = "")
+    rho1 <- as.numeric(rho(gt, z$lambda, derive = 1, type = P$typel)$rhomat)
+    z$foc_lambda <- crossprod(colMeans(rho1*gt))
+    }
+  z$type <- P$type
+  z$gt <- P$g(z$coefficients, x)
+  rhom <- rho(z$gt, z$lambda, type = P$typet)
+  z$pt <- -rho(z$gt, z$lambda, type = P$typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/n
+  z$conv_moment <- colSums(as.numeric(z$pt)*z$gt)
+  z$conv_pt <- sum(as.numeric(z$pt))
+  z$objective <- sum(as.numeric(rhom$rhomat) - rho(1, 0, type = P$typet)$rhomat)/n
+  namex <- colnames(dat$x[, (dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
+  nameh <- colnames(dat$x[, (dat$ny+dat$k+1):(dat$ny+dat$k+dat$nh)])
+  if (dat$ny > 1)
+    {
+    namey <- colnames(dat$x[, 1:dat$ny])
+    names(z$coefficients) <- paste(rep(namey, dat$k), "_", rep(namex, rep(dat$ny, dat$k)), sep = "")
+    colnames(z$gt) <- paste(rep(namey, dat$nh), "_", rep(nameh, rep(dat$ny,dat$nh)), sep = "")
+    names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lam(",rep(namey,dat$nh), "_", rep(nameh, rep(dat$ny,dat$nh)), ")", sep = "")
+    }
+  if (dat$ny == 1)
+    {
+    names(z$coefficients) <- namex
+    colnames(z$gt) <- nameh
+    names(z$lambda) <- nameh
+    }
+  if (P$type == "EL")	
+    {
+    z$badrho <- rhom$ch
+    names(z$badrho) <- "Number_of_bad_rho"
+    }
+  if (!is.function(P$gradv)) 
+    G <- .Gf(z$coefficients, x, P$g)
+  else
+    G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, x)
+  if (P$vcov == "iid")
+    khat <- crossprod(z$gt)
+  else
+    khat <- HAC(P$g(z$coefficients, x), kernel = P$kernel, bw = P$bw, prewhite = P$prewhite, 
+               ar.method = P$ar.method, approx = P$approx, tol = P$tol_weights)
+  kg <- solve(khat, G)
+  z$vcov_par <- solve(crossprod(G, kg))/n
+  z$vcov_lambda <- ((solve(khat) - kg%*%z$vcov_par%*%t(kg)))/n
+  if (P$smooth) z$weights <- P$w
+  dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
+  dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
+  b <- z$coefficients
+  y <- as.matrix(model.response(dat$mf, "numeric"))
+  ny <- dat$ny
+  b <- t(matrix(b, nrow = ny))
+  x <- as.matrix(model.matrix(dat$mt, dat$mf, NULL))
+  yhat <- x%*%b
+  z$fitted.values <- yhat	
+  z$residuals <- y - yhat	
+  z$terms <- dat$mt
+  if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
+  if(P$X) z$x <- x
+  if(P$Y) z$y <- y
+  z$call <- P$call
+  class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGel, ".res", sep = "")
+  return(z)
+  }
+momentEstim.baseGel.mod <- function(object, ...)
+  {
+  P <- object
+  x <- P$x
+  n <- ifelse(is.null(dim(x)),length(x),nrow(x))
+  if (!P$constraint)
+    {
+    if (P$optfct == "optim")
+      res <- optim(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, ...)
+    if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
+      res <- nlminb(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, ...)
+    if (P$optfct == "optimize")
+      { 
+      res <- optimize(.thetf, P$tet0, P = P, ...)
+      res$par <- res$minimum
+      res$convergence <- "There is no convergence code for optimize"
+      }
+    }
+  if(P$constraint)
+    res <- constrOptim(P$tet0, .thetf, grad = NULL, P = P, ...)
+  if (P$optlam == "iter")
+    {
+    rlamb <- getLamb(P$g, res$par, x, type = P$typel, tol_lam = P$tol_lam, maxiterlam = P$maxiterlam, tol_obj = P$tol_obj)
+    z <- list(coefficients = res$par, lambda = rlamb$lam, conv_lambda = rlamb$conv_mes, conv_par = res$convergence)
+    z$foc_lambda <- rlamb$obj
+    }
+  if (P$optlam == "numeric")
+    {
+    gt <- P$g(res$par, x)
+    rhofct <- function(lamb)
+      {
+      rhof <- -sum(rho(gt, lamb, type = P$typel)$rhomat)
+      return(rhof)
+      }
+    rlamb <- optim(rep(0, ncol(gt)), rhofct, control = list(maxit = 1000))
+    z <- list(coefficients = res$par, conv_par = res$convergence, lambda = rlamb$par)
+    z$conv_lambda = paste("Lambda by optim. Conv. code = ", rlamb$convergence, sep = "")
+    rho1 <- as.numeric(rho(gt, z$lambda, derive = 1, type = P$typel)$rhomat)
+    z$foc_lambda <- crossprod(colMeans(rho1*gt))
+    }
+  z$type <- P$type
+  z$gt <- P$g(z$coefficients, x)
+  rhom <- rho(z$gt, z$lambda, type = P$typet)
+  z$pt <- -rho(z$gt, z$lambda, type = P$typet, derive = 1)$rhomat/n
+  z$conv_moment <- colSums(as.numeric(z$pt)*z$gt)
+  z$conv_pt <- sum(as.numeric(z$pt))
+  z$objective <- sum(as.numeric(rhom$rhomat) - rho(1, 0, type = P$typet)$rhomat)/n
+  if (P$type == "EL")	 
+    {
+    z$badrho <- rhom$ch
+    names(z$badrho) <- "Number_of_bad_rho"
+    }
+  if (!is.function(P$gradv)) 
+    G <- .Gf(z$coefficients, x, P$g)
+  else
+    G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, x)
+  if (P$vcov == "iid")
+    khat <- crossprod(z$gt)
+  else
+    khat <- HAC(P$g(z$coefficients, x), kernel = P$kernel, bw = P$bw, prewhite = P$prewhite, 
+            ar.method = P$ar.method, approx = P$approx, tol = P$tol_weights)
+  kg <- solve(khat, G)
+  z$vcov_par <- solve(crossprod(G, kg))/n
+  z$vcov_lambda <- ((solve(khat) - kg%*%z$vcov_par%*%t(kg)))/n
+  if (P$smooth) z$weights <- P$w
+  names(z$coefficients) <- paste("Theta[",1:P$k,"]", sep = "")
+  colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt[",1:ncol(z$gt),"]", sep = "")
+  names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lambda[",1:ncol(z$gt),"]", sep = "")
+  dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
+  dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
+  if(P$X) z$x <- x
+  z$call <- P$call
+  class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGel, ".res", sep = "")
+  return(z)
+  }

Modified: pkg/gmm/man/gel.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/gel.Rd	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/gel.Rd	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     kernel = c("Bartlett", "Parzen", "Truncated", "Tukey-Hanning"), bw = bwAndrews2, 
     approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols", tol_weights = 1e-7, 
     tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 1000, constraint = FALSE,
-    optfct = c("optim", "optimize", "nlminb"), optlam = c("iter","numeric"), model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE,...)
+    optfct = c("optim", "optimize", "nlminb"), optlam = c("iter","numeric"), model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, TypeGel = "baseGel",...)
 \item{g}{A function of the form \eqn{g(\theta,x)} and which returns a \eqn{n \times q} matrix with typical element \eqn{g_i(\theta,x_t)} for \eqn{i=1,...q} and \eqn{t=1,...,n}. This matrix is then used to build the q sample moment conditions. It can also be a formula if the model is linear (see details below).  }
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
 \item{model, X, Y}{logicals.  If \code{TRUE} the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response) are returned if g is a formula.}
+\item{TypeGel}{The name of the class object created by the method \code{getModel}. It allows developers to extand the package and create other GEL methods.}
 \item{...}{More options to give to \code{\link{optim}}, \code{\link{optimize}} or \code{\link{constrOptim}}.}

Modified: pkg/gmm/man/getModel.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/getModel.Rd	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/getModel.Rd	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 \title{Method for setting the properties of a model}
 It collects what is needed by the method \code{momentEstim} (see details). 

Modified: pkg/gmm/man/momentEstim.Rd
--- pkg/gmm/man/momentEstim.Rd	2009-12-21 03:44:34 UTC (rev 15)
+++ pkg/gmm/man/momentEstim.Rd	2009-12-22 15:18:34 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 \title{Method for estimating models based on moment conditions}
 It estimates a model which is caracterized by the method \code{getModel} (see details). 

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