[Georob-commits] r2 - in pkg: . R demo man

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Fri Apr 26 08:58:24 CEST 2013

Author: papritz
Date: 2013-04-26 08:58:23 +0200 (Fri, 26 Apr 2013)
New Revision: 2

Initial import

Added: pkg/ChangeLog
--- pkg/ChangeLog	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ChangeLog	2013-04-26 06:58:23 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+2012-12-18  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* georob.xvalid.R (print.cv.georob, print.summary.cv.georob): return invisible(x)
+* georob.S3methods.R (print.georob, print.summary.georob): return invisible(x)
+* variogram.R (print.summary.sample.variogram, print.fitted.variogram)
+(print.summary.fitted.variogram): return invisible(x)
+2012-12-18  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* georob.S3methods.R (model.frame.georob, model.matrix.georob)
+(nobs.georob): new respective methods for class "georob"
+2012-12-18  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* variogram.R (plot.sample.variogram, plot.georob): correction of error in
+processing col and pch arguments
+2012-12-22  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* georob.S3methods.R (logLik.georob): computation of unrestricted loglikelihood
+(deviance.georob): new function
+2013-01-19  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* georob.predict.R (predict.georob): computation of lag vectors
+2013-01-20  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* NAMESPACE (--): changed imports for constrainedKriging and spatialCovariance
+* DESCRIPTION (--): changed imports for constrainedKriging and spatialCovariance
+* internal.functions.Rd (--): new help file for unexported functions
+2013-04-23  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* georob.exported.functions.R (georob, georob.control): new names for robustness weights
+* georob.predict.R (predict.georob): new names for robustness weights
+* georob.private.functions.R (compute.covariances, update.betahat.bhat, estimate.betahat.bhat, compute.estimating equations, georob.fit): new names for robustness weights
+* georob.S3methods.R (ranef.georob, rstandard.georob, summary.georob, print.summary.georob): new names for robustness weights
+* georob.xvalid.R (cv.georob): changes for parallelization on windows os

--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-04-26 06:58:23 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Package: georob
+Type: Package
+Title: Robust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data
+Version: 0.1-0
+Date: 2012-12-14
+Authors at R: c(
+  person( "Andreas", "Papritz", role = c( "cre", "aut" ), 
+          email =  "andreas.papritz at env.ethz.ch" ),
+  person( "Cornelia", "Schwierz", role = "ctb" ))
+Depends: R(>= 2.14.0), lmtest, nlme, 
+         robustbase, sp(>= 0.9-60)
+Imports: constrainedKriging(>= 0.1-9), nleqslv, parallel, quantreg, 
+         RandomFields(>= 2.0.55), spatialCovariance(>= 0.6-4)
+Suggests: geoR
+Description: The georob package provides functions for fitting linear models 
+         with spatially correlated errors by robust and Gaussian Restricted 
+         Maximum Likelihood and for computing robust and customary point 
+         and block kriging predictions, along with utility functions for 
+         cross-validation and for unbiased back-transformation of kriging 
+         predictions of log-transformed data.
+License: GPL

Added: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2013-04-26 06:58:23 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import( parallel, stats )
+importFrom( constrainedKriging, covmodel, f.point.block.cov, K, preCKrige )
+importFrom( lmtest, waldtest, waldtest.default )
+importFrom( nlme, fixef, fixed.effects, ranef, random.effects )
+importFrom( nleqslv, nleqslv )
+importFrom( quantreg, rq.fit )
+importFrom( RandomFields, Variogram )
+# exported functions
+  bwd.transf,                       # ok
+  compress,                         # ok
+  cv,                               # ok
+  dfwd.transf,                      # ok
+  expand,                           # ok
+  fwd.transf,                       # ok
+  param.bounds,                     # ok  
+  param.names,                      # ok
+  fit.variogram.model,              # ok
+  georob.control,                   # ok
+  georob,                           # ok 
+  K,                                # ok re-export of K{constrainedKriging}
+  lgnpp,                            # ok
+  nleqslv.control,                  # ok
+  optim.control,                    # ok
+  param.transf,                     # ok
+  rq.control,                       # ok
+  sample.variogram,                 # ok
+  validate.predictions              # ok
+# documented but unexported functions
+#   deviance.georob,                # ok
+#   fixed.effects.georob,           # ok
+#   fixef.georob,                   # ok
+#   lines.fitted.variogram,         # ok
+#   lines.georob,                   # ok
+#   logLik.georob,                  # ok
+#   model.frame.georob,             # ok
+#   model.matrix.georob,            # ok
+#   nobs.georob,                    # ok
+#   plot.georob                     # ok
+#   plot.sample.variogram,          # ok
+#   plot.cv.georob,                 # ok
+#   predict.georob,                 # ok
+#   print.fitted.variogram,         # ok
+#   print.georob,                   # ok
+#   print.cv.georob,                # ok
+#   print.summary.cv.georob,        # ok
+#   print.summary.fitted.variogram, # ok
+#   print.summary.georob,           # ok
+#   print.summary.sample.variogram, # ok
+#   random.effects.georob,          # ok
+#   ranef.georob,                   # ok
+#   resid.georob,                   # ok
+#   residuals.georob,               # ok
+#   rstandard.georob,               # ok
+#   rstudent.georob,                # ok
+#   rstudent.cv.georob,             # ok
+#   summary.fitted.variogram,       # ok
+#   summary.georob,                 # ok
+#   summary.sample.variogram,       # ok
+#   summary.cv.georob,              # ok
+#   variogram.georob,               # ok
+#   vcov.georob,                    # ok
+#   waldtest.georob,                # ok
+#   cv.georob                       # ok
+#   cv.likGRF                       # ok
+#   cv.variomodel                   # ok
+# non-documented internal functions
+##   compute.covariances,
+##   compute.estimating.equations,
+##   compute.semivariance,
+##   compute.U,
+##   dcorr.dparam,
+##   estimate.betahat.bhat,
+##   gcr,
+##   georob.fit,
+##   getCall.georob,
+##   gradient.negative.restricted.loglikelihood,
+##   negative.restr.loglikelihood,
+##   prepare.likelihood.calculations,
+##   update.betahat.bhat
+S3method( deviance, georob  )
+S3method( fixed.effects, georob  )
+S3method( fixef, georob  )
+S3method( lines, fitted.variogram )
+S3method( lines, fitted.variogram )
+S3method( lines, georob )
+S3method( logLik, georob )
+S3method( model.frame, georob )
+S3method( model.matrix, georob )
+S3method( nobs, georob )
+S3method( plot, georob )
+S3method( plot, sample.variogram )
+S3method( plot, cv.georob )
+S3method( predict, georob )
+S3method( print, fitted.variogram )
+S3method( print, georob )
+S3method( print, summary.fitted.variogram )
+S3method( print, summary.georob )
+S3method( print, summary.sample.variogram )
+S3method( print, summary.cv.georob )
+S3method( print, cv.georob )
+S3method( random.effects, georob )
+S3method( ranef, georob )
+S3method( resid, georob )
+S3method( residuals, georob )
+S3method( rstandard, georob )
+S3method( rstudent, georob )
+S3method( summary, fitted.variogram )
+S3method( summary, georob )
+S3method( summary, sample.variogram )
+S3method( summary, cv.georob )
+S3method( vcov, georob )
+S3method( waldtest, georob )
+S3method( cv, georob )
+# S3method( cv, likGRF )
+# S3method( cv, variomodel )

Added: pkg/NEWS
--- pkg/NEWS	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/NEWS	2013-04-26 06:58:23 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+2012-12-14  georob Version 0.1-0 released!

Added: pkg/R/georob.S3methods.R
--- pkg/R/georob.S3methods.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/georob.S3methods.R	2013-04-26 06:58:23 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
+#                                   #
+#   Methoden fuer Klasse "georob"   #
+#                                   #
+# model.frame.georob
+# model.matrix.georob
+# nobs.georob
+# print.georob
+# ranef.georob
+# residuals.georob
+# resid.georob
+# rstandard.georob
+# rstudent.georob
+# summary.georob, 
+# print.summary.georob
+# vcov.georob
+# waldtest.georob
+# cv.georob (in separatem File)
+# rstudent.cv.georob
+# summary.cv.georob
+# print.summary.cv.georob
+# 2011-08-11 A. Papritz
+# ToDos:
+# - ...$xy durch ...[["xy"]] ersetzen
+## ##############################################################################
+model.frame.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    formula, ...
+  ) 
+  ## model.frame method for class georob
+  ## 2012-12-19 A. Papritz
+  class( formula ) <- "lm"
+  model.frame( formula, ... )
+## ##############################################################################
+model.matrix.georob <- 
+  function(
+    object, ...
+  ) 
+  ## model.matrix method for class georob
+  ## 2012-12-19 A. Papritz
+  class( object ) <- "lm"
+  model.matrix( object, ... )
+## ##############################################################################
+nobs.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    object, ...
+  )
+  ## nobs method for class georob
+  ## 2012-12-19 A. Papritz
+  class( object ) <- "lm"
+  nobs( object, ... )
+## ##############################################################################
+print.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...
+  )
+  ## Print method for class "georob". 
+  ## Arguments:
+  ## x            an object generated by f.georob.initial.guess
+  ## digits            number of digits 
+  ## 2011-08-13 A. Papritz
+  ## 2012-02-07 AP change for anisotropic variograms 
+  ## 2012-12-18 AP invisible(x)
+  ## code borrowed from print.lmrob for printing fixed effects coeffcients
+  cat("\nTuning constant: ", x[["tuning.psi"]], "\n" )
+  cat("\nFixed effects coefficients:\n")
+  print(
+    format( coef( x), digits = digits ), print.gap = 2, 
+    quote = FALSE
+  )
+  ## print variogram parameters
+  cat("\n")
+  cat( "Variogram: ", x$variogram.model, "\n" )
+  param <- x$param
+  names( param ) <- ifelse(
+    x$initial.objects$fit.param,
+    names( param ),
+    paste( names( param ), "(fixed)", sep = "" )
+  )
+  print( 
+    format( param, digits = digits ), print.gap = 2, 
+    quote = FALSE
+  )
+  ## print anisotropy parameters
+  if( !x$aniso$isotropic ){
+    cat("\n")
+    cat( "Anisotropy parameters: ", "\n" )
+    aniso <- x$aniso$aniso * c( rep(1, 2), rep( 180/pi, 3 ) )
+    names( aniso ) <- ifelse(
+      x$initial.objects$fit.aniso,
+      names( aniso ),
+      paste( names( aniso ), "(fixed)", sep = "" )
+    )
+    print( 
+      format( aniso, digits = digits ), print.gap = 2, 
+      quote = FALSE
+    )
+  }
+  invisible( x )
+## ##############################################################################
+ranef.georob <- random.effects.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    object,
+    standard = FALSE, 
+    ...
+  )
+  ## Function extracts the random effects (bhat) from georob object
+  ## (similar to ranef.lme{nlme})
+  ## Arguments:
+  ## object    fitted georob object
+  ## standard  an optional logical value indicating whether the estimated random effects 
+  ##           should be "standardized" (i.e. divided by the estimated standard error. 
+  ##           Defaults to FALSE.
+  ## ...       further arguments passed to method (currently not used)
+  ## 2011-10-13 A. Papritz
+  ## 2011-12-14 AP modified for replicated observations
+  ## 2012-01-05 AP modified for compress storage of matrices
+  ## 2012-10-18 AP changes for new definition of eta
+  ## 2012-11-26 AP method for random.effects
+  ## 2013-04-23 AP new names for robustness weights
+  object$Valpha.objects <- expand( object$Valpha.objects )
+  object$cov       <- expand( object$cov )
+  bhat <- object$bhat   
+  if( standard ){
+    if( is.null( object$cov$cov.bhat ) ){
+      ## compute standard errors of residuals
+      if( is.null( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.inverse ) || 
+        is.null( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ilcf ) 
+      ) stop( 
+        "'Valpha.objects' incomplete or missing in georob object;\n", 
+        "'Valpha.objects' must include components 'Valpha.inverse' and 'Valpha.ilcf'"
+      )
+      if( is.null( object$expectations ) ) stop( 
+        "'expectations' missing in georob object;\n",
+        "use 'full.output = TRUE' when fitting the object"
+      )
+      if( is.null( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ucf ) ){
+        ## compute upper cholesky factor of correlation matrix Valpha
+        ## which is needed to compute cov( bhat )
+        object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ucf <- t( solve( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ilcf ) )
+      }            
+      X <- model.matrix( 
+        terms( object ),
+        model.frame( object ) 
+      )[!duplicated( object$Tmat ), , drop = FALSE]
+      r.cov <- compute.covariances(
+        Valpha.objects = object$Valpha.objects,
+        rweights = object$rweights,
+        XX = X, TT = object$Tmat, names.yy = rownames( model.frame( object ) ),
+        nugget = object$param["nugget"],
+        eta = sum( object$param[c( "variance", "snugget")] ) / object$param["nugget"],
+        expectations = object$expectations,
+        cov.bhat = TRUE, full.cov.bhat = FALSE,
+        cov.betahat = FALSE, 
+        cov.bhat.betahat = FALSE,
+        cov.delta.bhat = FALSE, full.cov.delta.bhat = FALSE,
+        cov.delta.bhat.betahat = FALSE,
+        cov.ehat = FALSE, full.cov.ehat = FALSE,
+        cov.ehat.p.bhat = FALSE, full.cov.ehat.p.bhat = FALSE,
+        aux.cov.pred.target = FALSE,
+        verbose = 0
+      )
+      if( r.cov$error ) stop( 
+        "an error occurred when computing the variances of the random effects" 
+      )
+      se <- sqrt( r.cov$cov.bhat )       
+    } else {
+      ## extract standard errors of residuals from georob object
+      if( is.matrix( object$cov$cov.bhat ) ){
+        se <- sqrt( diag( object$cov$cov.bhat ) )
+      } else {
+        se <- sqrt( object$cov$cov.bhat )
+      }
+    }
+    bhat <- bhat / se
+  }
+  return( bhat )        
+## ##############################################################################
+fixef.georob <- fixed.effects.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    object,
+    ...
+  )
+  ## Function extracts residuals from georob object (based on residuals.lm {stats})
+  ## Arguments:
+  ## object    fitted georob object
+  ## type      character, type of resdiuals to computed
+  ## ...       further arguments passed to methods
+  ## 2012-11-26 A. Papritz    
+  object$coef 
+## ##############################################################################
+residuals.georob <- resid.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    object,
+    type = c("working", "response", "deviance", "pearson", "partial" ), 
+    level = 1,
+    ...
+  )
+  ## Function extracts residuals from georob object (based on residuals.lm {stats})
+  ## Arguments:
+  ## object    fitted georob object
+  ## type      character, type of resdiuals to computed
+  ## level     integer scalar to select whether ehat (level == 1) or 
+  ##           ehat + bhat (level == 0) is returned, 
+  ##           only effective for type %in% c( "working", "response", "partial" )
+  ## ...       further arguments passed to methods
+  ## 2011-10-13 A. Papritz    
+  ## 2011-12-14 AP modified for replicated observations
+  type <- match.arg( type )
+  if( !level %in% 1:0 ) stop( "wrong level: must be either 1 or 0" )
+  r <- object$residuals
+  res <- switch(
+    type, 
+    working = , 
+    response = r, 
+    deviance = , 
+    pearson = if( is.null(object$weights) ) r else r * sqrt(object$weights), 
+    partial = r
+  )
+  if( level == 0 && any( type %in% c( "working", "response", "partial" ) ) ){
+    res <- res + ranef( object, standard = FALSE )[object$Tmat]
+  }
+  res <- naresid(object$na.action, res)
+  if( type == "partial" ) 
+    res <- res + predict( object, type = "terms" )$fit
+  res
+## ##############################################################################
+rstandard.georob <- 
+  function( model, level = 1, ... )
+  ## Function extracts standardized residuals from georob object
+  ## Arguments:
+  ## model     fitted georob object
+  ## level     integer scalar to select whether ehat (level == 1) or 
+  ##           ehat + bhat (level == 0) is returned, 
+  ## ...       further arguments (currently not used)
+  ## 2011-10-13 A. Papritz   
+  ## 2011-12-14 AP modified for replicated observations
+  ## 2012-01-05 AP modified for compress storage of matrices
+  ## 2012-10-18 AP changes for new definition of eta
+  ## 2013-04-23 AP new names for robustness weights
+  object <- model
+  object$Valpha.objects <- expand( object$Valpha.objects )
+  object$cov       <- expand( object$cov )
+  if( !level %in% 1:0 ) stop( "wrong level: must be either 1 or 0" )
+  if( 
+    ( is.null( object$cov$cov.ehat ) & level == 1 ) ||
+    ( is.null( object$cov$cov.ehat.p.bhat ) & level == 0 ) 
+  ){
+    ## compute standard errors of residuals
+    if( is.null( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.inverse ) || 
+      is.null( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ilcf ) 
+    ) stop( 
+      "'Valpha.objects' incomplete or missing in georob object;\n", 
+      "'Valpha.objects' must include components 'Valpha.inverse' and 'Valpha.ilcf'"
+    )
+    if( is.null( object$expectations ) ) stop( 
+      "'expectations' missing in georob object;\n",
+      "use 'full.output = TRUE' when fitting the model"
+    )
+    X <- model.matrix( 
+      terms( object), 
+      model.frame( object ) 
+    )[!duplicated( object$Tmat ), , drop = FALSE]
+    if( is.null( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ucf ) ){
+      object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ucf <- t( solve( object$Valpha.objects$Valpha.ilcf ) )
+    }
+    r.cov <- compute.covariances(
+      Valpha.objects = object$Valpha.objects,
+      rweights = object$rweights,
+      XX = X, TT = object$Tmat, names.yy = rownames( model.frame( object ) ),
+      nugget = object$param["nugget"],
+      eta = sum( object$param[c( "variance", "snugget")] ) / object$param["nugget"],
+      expectations = object$expectations,
+      cov.bhat = FALSE, full.cov.bhat = FALSE,
+      cov.betahat = FALSE, 
+      cov.bhat.betahat = FALSE,
+      cov.delta.bhat = FALSE, full.cov.delta.bhat = FALSE,
+      cov.delta.bhat.betahat = FALSE,
+      cov.ehat = level == 1, full.cov.ehat = FALSE,
+      cov.ehat.p.bhat = level == 0, full.cov.ehat.p.bhat = FALSE,
+      aux.cov.pred.target = FALSE,
+      verbose = 0
+    )
+    if( r.cov$error ) stop( 
+      "an error occurred when computing the variance of the residuals" 
+    )
+    if( level == 1 ){
+      object$cov$cov.ehat <-r.cov$cov.ehat 
+    } else {
+      object$cov$cov.ehat.p.bhat <-r.cov$cov.ehat.p.bhat 
+    }
+  } 
+  ## extract standard errors of residuals from georob object
+  if( level == 1 ){
+    se <- object$cov$cov.ehat
+  } else {
+    se <- object$cov$cov.ehat.p.bhat
+  }
+  if( is.matrix( se ) ){
+    se <- sqrt( diag( se ) )
+  } else {
+    se <- sqrt( se )
+  }
+  ## compute standardized residuals
+  residuals( model, level = level ) / se
+## ##############################################################################
+rstudent.georob <- 
+  function( model, ... )
+  ## Function computes studentized residuals for fitted georob object
+  ## Arguments:
+  ## model     fitted georob object
+  ## data      data frame that was used to fit model
+  ## ...       further arguments passed to cv.georob
+  ## 2011-12-22 A. Papritz    
+  if( !identical( class( model )[1], "georob" ) ) stop(
+    "model is not of class 'georob'" 
+  )
+  r.cv <- cv( model, ... )
+  rstudent( model = r.cv )
+## ##############################################################################
+summary.georob <- 
+  function (
+    object, correlation = FALSE,
+    signif = 0.95,
+    ...
+  )
+  ## ToDos:
+  ## - Terms Objekt einfuegen
+  ## - ausgewaehlte Angaben zur Fitmethode ausgeben
+  ## - Wald-Test des Modells y ~ 1
+  ## 2012-01-05 A. Papritz
+  ## 2012-01-05 AP modified for compress storage of matrices
+  ## 2012-01-31 AP corretion of error for computing CI for variogram parameters
+  ## 2012-02-07 AP change for anisotropic variograms
+  ## 2012-03-29 AP warning messages inserted
+  ## 2012-05-23 ap correction of error for computing correlation matrix of variogram parameters
+  ## 2012-11-04 AP handling compressed cov.betahat
+  ## 2012-11-27 AP changes in parameter back-transformation
+  ## 2013-04-23 AP new names for robustness weights
+  object$cov       <- expand( object$cov )
+  ans <- object[c(
+    "call", "residuals", "bhat", "rweights", "converged", "convergence.code", 
+    "iter", "loglik", "variogram.model", "gradient",
+    "tuning.psi", "df.residual"
+  )]
+  ans <- c( ans, object$initial.objects["fit.param"] )
+  if( !object$aniso$isotropic ) ans$fit.param <- c( 
+    ans$fit.param, object$initial.objects$fit.aniso
+  )
+  ans$terms <- NA
+  ans$scale <- sqrt(object$param["nugget"])
+  se <- sqrt(diag(expand(object$cov$cov.betahat)))
+  est <- object$coefficients
+  tval <- est/se
+  ans$coefficients <- cbind( 
+    est, se, tval, 2 * pt( abs(tval), object$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE ) 
+  )
+  dimnames( ans$coefficients ) <- list( 
+    names(est), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
+  )
+  if( correlation ){
+    ans$correlation <- expand( object$cov$cov.betahat ) / outer(se, se)
+  }
+  ans$param <- as.matrix( object$param, ncol = 1 )
+  if( !object$aniso$isotropic ) ans$param <- rbind( 
+    ans$param,
+    as.matrix( object$aniso$aniso, ncol = 1 ) * c( rep( 1, 2 ), rep( 180/pi, 3 ) )
+  )
+  colnames( ans$param ) <- "Estimate"
+  ## compute confidence intervals of variogram parameters from observed
+  ## Fisher information matrix (Gaussian REML only)
+  if( !is.null( object$hessian ) ){
+    ## initialization
+    cor.tf.param <- cov.tf.param <- matrix( 
+      NA, nrow = nrow( object$hessian ), ncol = nrow( object$hessian ),
+      dimnames = dimnames( object$hessian )
+    )
+    se <- rep( NA, nrow( object$hessian ) )
+    names( se ) <- rownames( object$hessian)
+    ci <- matrix( NA, nrow = nrow( ans$param ), ncol = 2 )
+    colnames( ci ) <- c( "Lower", "Upper" )
+    rownames( ci ) <- rownames( ans$param )
+    ## select parameters that are not on boundary of parameter space
+    sr  <- !apply( object$hessian, 1, function( x ) all( is.na( x ) ) )
+    if( sum( sr ) > 0 ){
+      t.chol <- try( chol( object$hessian[sr, sr] ), silent = TRUE )
+      if( !identical( class( t.chol ), "try-error" ) ){
+        ## compute covariance matrix of fitted transformed parameters
+        cov.tf.param[sr, sr] <- chol2inv( t.chol )
+        ## correlation matrix and standard errors of fitted transformed
+        ## parameters
+        if( sum( sr ) > 1 ){
+          cor.tf.param[sr, sr] <- cov2cor( cov.tf.param[sr, sr] )
+        } else {
+          cor.tf.param[sr, sr] <- 1.
+        }
+        se[sr] <- sqrt( diag( cov.tf.param )[sr] )
+        ## compute confidence interval on original scale of parameters
+        sel.names <- names( object$param[object$initial.objects$fit.param] )
+        if( !object$aniso$isotropic ) sel.names <- c( 
+          sel.names,
+          names( object$aniso$aniso[object$initial.objects$fit.aniso] )
+        )
+        sel.names <- sel.names[sr]
+        ff <- c( rep( 1, length( object$param ) + 2 ), rep( 180/pi, 3 ) )
+        names( ff ) <- names( c( object$param, object$aniso$aniso ) )
+        ci[sel.names, ] <- t( 
+          sapply(
+            sel.names,
+            function( x, param, f, se, param.tf, trafo.fct, inv.trafo.fct ){
+              inv.trafo.fct[[param.tf[x]]]( 
+                trafo.fct[[param.tf[x]]]( param[x] ) + 
+                c(-1, 1) * se[x] * qnorm( (1-signif)/2, lower.tail = FALSE ) 
+              )
+            },
+            param         = c( object$param, object$aniso$aniso ),
+            f             = ff,
+            se            = se,
+            param.tf      = object$param.tf,
+            trafo.fct     = object$fwd.tf,
+            inv.trafo.fct = object$bwd.tf
+          )
+        )
+        is.angle <- rownames( ci ) %in% c( "omega", "phi", "zeta" )
+        if( sum(is.angle) > 0 ) ci[is.angle, ] <- ci[is.angle, ] * 180/pi
+        ans$param <- cbind( ans$param, ci )
+        if( correlation ) ans$cor.tf.param <- cor.tf.param
+      } else {
+        warning(
+          "Hessian not positive definite:",
+          "\nconfidence intervals of variogram parameters cannot be computed"        
+        )
+      }
+    } 
+  }
+  ans$se.residuals <- if( !is.null( object$cov$cov.ehat ) ){
+    if( is.matrix( object$cov$cov.ehat ) ){
+      sqrt( diag( object$cov$cov.ehat ) )
+    } else {
+      sqrt( object$cov$cov.ehat )
+    }
+  } else NULL
+  class( ans ) <- c( "summary.georob" )
+  ans
+## ##############################################################################
+print.summary.georob <- 
+  function (
+    x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
+    signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
+    ...
+  ) 
+  ## ToDos:
+  ## - Ausgabe df
+  ## - Wald-Test des Modells y ~ 1
+  ## - ausgewaehlte Angaben zur Fitmethode ausgeben
+  ## 2012-01-05 A. Papritz
+  ## 2012-01-31 AP small changes
+  ## 2012-02-07 AP change for anisotropic variograms
+  ## 2012-12-18 AP invisible(x)
+  ## 2013-04-23 AP new names for robustness weights
+  cat("\nCall:")
+  cat( paste( deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),  "\n", sep = "" )
+  cat("\nTuning constant: ", x[["tuning.psi"]], "\n" )
+  if( is.na( x$converged ) ){
+    cat( "\nEstimation with fixed variogram parameters\n" )
+  } else {
+    if(!(x$converged)) {
+      cat( 
+        "\nAlgorithm did not converge, diagnostic code: ", 
+        x$convergence.code, "\n"
+      )
+    } else {
+      cat(
+        "\nConvergence in", x$iter[1], "function and", 
+        x$iter[2], "Jacobian/gradient evaluations\n"
+      )
+    }
+    attr( x$gradient, "eeq.emp" ) <- NULL
+    attr( x$gradient, "eeq.exp" ) <- NULL
+    cat( "\nEstimating equations (gradient)\n")
+    print( x$gradient, digits = digits, ... )
+    if( x$tuning.psi >= 
+      georob.control()$tuning.psi.nr ) cat(
+      "\nMaximized restricted log-likelihood:", 
+      x$loglik, "\n"
+    )
+  }
+  df <- x$df.residual
+  bhat <- x$bhat
+  cat( "\nPredicted latent variable (z):\n")
+  if(df > 5){
+    nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
+    rq <- structure( quantile(bhat), names = nam )
+    print( rq, digits = digits, ...)
+  }
+  else print( bhat, digits = digits, ...)
+  resid <- x$residuals
+  cat( "\nResiduals (epsilon):\n")
+  if(df > 5){
+    nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
+    rq <- structure( quantile(resid), names = nam )
+    print( rq, digits = digits, ...)
+  }
+  else print( resid, digits = digits, ...)
+  if( !is.null( x$se.residuals ) ){
+    resid <- x$residuals / x$se.residuals
+    cat( "\nStandardized residuals:\n")
+    if(df > 5){
+      nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
+      rq <- structure( quantile(resid), names = nam )
+      print( rq, digits = digits, ...)
+    }
+    else print( resid, digits = digits, ...)
+  }
+  cat( "\nVariogram: ", x$variogram.model, "\n" )
+  rownames( x$param ) <- ifelse(
+    x$fit.param,
+    rownames( x$param ),
+    paste( rownames( x$param ), "(fixed)", sep = "" )
+  )
+  ##        print( format( x$param, digits = digits ), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE )
+  printCoefmat(
+    x$param, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE, ...
+  )
+  if( !is.null( x$cor.tf.param ) ){
+    correl <- x$cor.tf.param
+    p <- NCOL(correl)
+    if( p > 1 ){
+      cat("\nCorrelation of (transformed) variogram parameters:\n")
+      correl <- format(round(correl, 2), nsmall = 2, 
+        digits = digits)
+      correl[!lower.tri(correl)] <- ""
+      print(correl[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
+    }
+  }
+  cat( "\nFixed effects coefficients:\n" )
+  printCoefmat(
+    x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, ...
+  )
+  cat(
+    "\nResidual standard error (sqrt(nugget)):",
+    format(signif(x$scale,  digits)), "\n"
+  )
+  correl <- x$correlation
+  if( !is.null(correl) ){
+    p <- NCOL(correl)
+    if( p > 1 ){
+      cat("\nCorrelation of fixed effects coefficients:\n")
+      correl <- format(round(correl, 2), nsmall = 2, 
+        digits = digits)
+      correl[!lower.tri(correl)] <- ""
+      print(correl[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
+    }
+  }
+  cat("\n")
+  summarizeRobWeights(x$rweights, digits = digits, ... )
+  invisible( x )
+## ##############################################################################
+vcov.georob <- 
+  function( object, ... )
+    ## 2012-11-04 AP handling compressed cov.betahat
+    result <- expand( object$cov$cov.betahat )
+    attr( result, "struc" ) <- NULL
+    result
+## ##############################################################################
+waldtest.georob <- 
+  function(
+    object, ..., vcov = NULL, test = c("Chisq", "F"), name = NULL,
+    fixed = TRUE, verbose = 1
+  )
+  ## 2012-02-08 AP change for anisotropic variograms
+  ## refit model with fixed variogram parameters
+  test <- match.arg( test )
+  if( fixed ) {
+    if( verbose > 0 ) cat( "\nWald-Test with fixed variogram parameters of model 1\n\n" )
+    object <- update( 
+      object, 
+      param = object$param,
+      aniso = object$aniso$aniso,
+      fit.param = c( 
+        variance = FALSE, snugget = FALSE, nugget = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
+        a = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, 
+        gamma = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, n = FALSE, nu = FALSE
+      )[names( object$param )],
+      fit.aniso = c(
+        f1 = FALSE, f2 = FALSE, omega = FALSE, phi = FALSE, zeta = FALSE 
+      ),
+      verbose = 0            
+    )
+  }
+  ## Wald-Test
+  waldtest.default(
+    object = object, ..., vcov = vcov, test = test, name = name 
+  )
+## ##############################################################################
+logLik.georob <- 
+  function( object, REML = FALSE, ... )
+  ## 2012-12-22 method for extracting (restricted) loglikelihood
+   val <- if( REML ){
+    val <- object$loglik 
+  } else if( object[["tuning.psi"]] >= georob.control()[["tuning.psi.nr"]] ){
+    D <- deviance( object )
+    -0.5 * ( 
+      D + attr( D, "log.det.covmat" ) + length( object$residuals ) * log( 2 * pi )
+    ) 
+  } else NA_real_
+  attr(val, "nall") <- length(object$residuals)
+  attr(val, "nobs") <- object$df.residual
+  attr(val, "df") <- length(object$coefficients) + 
+    sum( object$initial.objects$fit.param ) +
+    sum( object$initial.objects$fit.aniso)
+  class(val) <- "logLik"
+  val
+## ##############################################################################
+deviance.georob <- 
+  function( 
+    object, ...
+  )
+  ## deviance method for class georob
+  ## 2012-12-22 A. Papritz
+  if( object[["tuning.psi"]] < georob.control()[["tuning.psi.nr"]] ){
+    result <- NA_real_
+  } else {
+    object[["Valpha.objects"]] <- expand( object[["Valpha.objects"]] )
+    G <- sum( object[["param"]][c("variance", "snugget")] ) *
+      t(object[["Valpha.objects"]][["Valpha.ucf"]]) %*% object[["Valpha.objects"]][["Valpha.ucf"]]
+    diag( G ) <- diag( G ) + object[["param"]]["nugget"]
+    object[["Valpha.objects"]] <- compress( object[["Valpha.objects"]] )
+    G <- G[object[["Tmat"]], object[["Tmat"]]]
+    iucf <- try(
+      backsolve( 
+        chol( G ), 
+        diag( length( object[["Tmat"]] ) ), 
+        k = length( object[["Tmat"]] )
+      ),
+      silent = TRUE
+    )
+    if( identical( class( iucf ), "try-error" ) ) {
+      stop( "(generalized) covariance matrix of observations not positive definite" )
+    } else {
+      result <- sum( colSums( residuals( object, level = 0 ) * iucf )^2 )
+      attr( result, "log.det.covmat" ) <- -2 * sum( log( diag( iucf ) ) )
+    }
+  }
+  result

Property changes on: pkg/R/georob.S3methods.R
Added: svn:executable

Added: pkg/R/georob.exported.functions.R

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/georob -r 2

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