[genoPlotR-help] problems installing genoPlotR

cav00004 at nodai.ac.jp cav00004 at nodai.ac.jp
Fri Jul 18 10:58:51 CEST 2014

Dear help service,

I'm having problems to install the package geneplotr.
I've updated my R version to the 3.1.1, and next choosing the CRAN 
mirror "Japan (Tokyo)" (http://cran.ism.ac.jp/   Institute of 
Mathematics, Tokyo), I tape the line for installing the package:

     install.packages("genoPlotR", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")

And it appears the following message:

     Avis : impossible d'accéder à l'index de l'entrepôt 
     Messages d'avis :
     1: In open.connection(con, "r") :
       connexion à 'cran.r-project.org' impossible sur le port 80.
     2: package ‘genoPlotR’ is not available (for R version 3.1.1)

Same message when trying to install the package ade4


> install.packages("genoPlotR")
--- SVP sélectionner un miroir CRAN pour cette session ---
Avis : impossible d'accéder à l'index de l'entrepôt 
Messages d'avis :
1: In open.connection(con, "r") :
  connexion à 'cran.r-project.org' impossible sur le port 80.
2: package ‘genoPlotR’ is not available (for R version 3.1.1) 
> install.packages("ade4")
Avis : impossible d'accéder à l'index de l'entrepôt 
Message d'avis :
package ‘ade4’ is not available (for R version 3.1.1) 
> install.packages("genoPlotR", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
Avis : impossible d'accéder à l'index de l'entrepôt 
Message d'avis :
package ‘genoPlotR’ is not available (for R version 3.1.1) 

I'm just beginning to use R.
Could you please, guide me in solving this issue?

Thank you very much in advance
Best regards
Cristina Andres-Barrao, PhD.
cav00004 at nodai.ac.jp
Laboratory of Fermentation Biochemistry
Department of Fermentation Sciences
Faculty of Applied Biosciences
Tokyo University of Agriculture
1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo 156-8502, Japan
Cristina Andres-Barrao, PhD.
cav00004 at nodai.ac.jp
Laboratory of Fermentation Biochemistry
Department of Fermentation Sciences
Faculty of Applied Biosciences
Tokyo University of Agriculture
1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo 156-8502, Japan

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