[GenABEL-dev] Abstract for the EMGM 2014 conference

L.C. Karssen lennart at karssen.org
Thu Jan 30 20:28:17 CET 2014

Dear list,

I'm planning to go to the EMGM (European Mathematical Genetics Meeting)
in Cologne in April. I'd like to present a poster there and wrote the
abstract below.
Please let me know any comments or suggestions as soon possible as the
deadline for abstract submission is tomorrow (Fri 31 Jan).

Thank you very much,


  Over the last year the GenABEL project has seen a considerable
  number of improvements. These improvements do not only consist of
  updates to the existing packages of the GenABEL suite, but are also
  manifest in the way the development process is being handled and
  the way the packages are made available to the users.

  On our poster we will demonstrate the newly implemented features in
  the various packages of the GenABEL suite. We also welcome a new
  member to the GenABEL family: OmicABEL, a package for rapid
  mixed-model based genome-wide association analysis of multiple
  traits (think metabolomics, glycomics, etc.).

  Recently we started using the open source Jenkins Continuous
  Integration server to help us release software of higher
  quality. Jenkins is a framework that automatically runs several
  tests (e.g. static code analysis, checks for memory leaks) for each
  of our packages. It builds and tests each project after a new commit
  in our version control system. This allows us to detect problems in
  the code at an early stage, before they bug the user.

  After the GenABEL package, ProbABEL is the second package that is
  available as a Debian package. This means that users of upcoming
  Debian releases will be able to install ProbABEL with a simple click
  of a button or a single command. Moreover, since many other Linux
  distributions like Ubuntu and Linux Mint are derived from Debian,
  users of these distributions automatically benefit as well.

  In the coming year more packages are expected to be added the
  GenABEL suite as well as continued efforts to improve the existing
  ones. Moreover, we plan to increase both the ease of installation as
  well as the visibility of the GenABEL suite by adding more packages
  into both the Debian and Red Hat Enterprise Linux repositories (as
  well as derivatives like CentOS and Scientific Linux).

L.C. Karssen
The Netherlands

lennart at karssen.org
GPG key ID: A88F554A

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