[GenABEL-dev] Error wil testing ProbABEL 0.4.2

Jean Mao maoj at mail.nih.gov
Fri Feb 28 19:51:15 CET 2014


Thank you very much for providing this software to scientific community. 
We have installed it in our cluster for NIH scientists.

Recently, while trying to update to 0.4.2 version, I ran into error 
message when testing the installation. Attached is the log file. Any 
help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Jean Mao
Helix Staff
-------------- next part --------------
   ProbABEL 0.4.2: checks/R-tests/test-suite.log

# TOTAL: 3
# PASS:  1
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 1
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

.. contents:: :depth: 2

XFAIL: run_R_test_palogist.sh

Checking logistic regression...
Dose: check consistency of names		OK
Prob: check consistency of names		OK
Check consistency dose <-> prob gtdata		OK
Running ProbABEL...				OK
Comparing R output with ProbABEL output		Error: all.equal(dose.add.PA, dose.add.R, tol = tol) are not all TRUE
Execution halted

FAIL: run_R_test_pacox.sh

Checking Cox PH regression...
Loading required package: splines
Dose: check consistency of names		OK
Prob: check consistency of names		OK
Check consistency dose <-> prob gtdata		OK
Running ProbABEL...				OK
Comparing R output with ProbABEL output		Error: all.equal(dose.add.PA, dose.add.R, tol = tol) are not all TRUE
Execution halted

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