[GenABEL-dev] layout of GenABEL main page

Maarten Kooyman kooyman at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 09:13:37 CEST 2013

Hi Yurii,

Under what kind of licence are the logo's available? Maybe it is handy 
to put them on the website for easy access.

Kind regards,


On 07/15/2013 10:02 PM, Yurii Aulchenko wrote:
> Dear All,
> a small update - I have original vector graphics files from Grant at 
> my disposal; if some people would like to play with these files, send 
> me a message and I can forward the vector files to you.
> best,
> Yurii
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Yurii Aulchenko 
> <yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com <mailto:yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Nicola Pirastu
>     <nicola.pirastu at burlo.trieste.it
>     <mailto:nicola.pirastu at burlo.trieste.it>> wrote:
>         I agree, in the end it's not the coca-cola logo and we have
>         not been using it for years so I don't think people are going
>         to be confused if the Logo changes in a few months.
>     More than that - I really think it should evolve as our project
>     does :)
>         I am actually curious to see how it will look on the forum. I
>         do think that if it's not too much work, the colors of the
>         forum and website should match those of the logo though.
>     Yep. I now start understanding why people were giving the costs
>     estimates of few thousands of euro for the that basic design
>     package: e.g. for facebook we need cover and avatar (latter would
>     do for the twitter as well). So this is whole project :)
>     May be later we should think of inviting some guys from a design
>     school - they must be looking for graduation projects to make, and
>     may be they would be willing to do that for free :)
>     YA
>         Nicola
>         Dr. Nicola Pirastu PhD
>         Research Fellow
>         Medical Sciences, Chirurgical and Health Department
>         University of Trieste
>         Medical Genetics
>         IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
>         Via dell'Istria 65/1
>         34137 Italy
>         tel. +390403785539
>         Il giorno 05/lug/2013, alle ore 14:55, Yurii Aulchenko
>         <yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com <mailto:yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com>>
>         ha scritto:
>>         I suggest that for the moment we go with what we have
>>         (Grant's variant); we can change later.
>>         Please let me know if you have a strong opinion against! - I
>>         really would like to use the logo for my presentation and
>>         also play a bit how well it fits our pages (genabel.org
>>         <http://genabel.org/>, facebook, twitter)
>>         YA
>>         On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Nicola Pirastu
>>         <nicola.pirastu at burlo.trieste.it
>>         <mailto:nicola.pirastu at burlo.trieste.it>> wrote:
>>             Just to add my two cents to the discussion,
>>             I think that the problem is not with the DNA helix but
>>             with the font. I've played around a bit with it and if
>>             you use for example Helvetica or something less
>>             comic-sans-like it does look better. Also for some reason
>>             I'm still disturbed by the green but it is a very
>>             personal opinion..
>>             Nicola
>>             Dr. Nicola Pirastu PhD
>>             Research Fellow
>>             Medical Sciences, Chirurgical and Health Department
>>             University of Trieste
>>             Medical Genetics
>>             IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
>>             Via dell'Istria 65/1
>>             34137 Italy
>>             tel. +390403785539
>>             Il giorno 02/lug/2013, alle ore 14:38, Yurii Aulchenko
>>             <yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com
>>             <mailto:yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com>> ha scritto:
>>>             Dear All,
>>>             I agree with critique of Maarten, and I actually still
>>>             not sure if I like Maarten's or Grant's idea better.
>>>             Interesting thing is that - not sure all realize it -
>>>             Grant's variant is his vision of Maarten's prototype :)
>>>             However, Grant's variant has an important advantage - it
>>>             is ready to serve as logo. And I actually want to use a
>>>             logo in my slides for UseR!-2013.
>>>             So I suggest we take Grant's logo as a working variant.
>>>             No doubt that the logo is going to evolve with time - as
>>>             anything we do in the project - code, documentation;
>>>             logo is no different, I think. The element which is
>>>             going to stay and keep it recognizable is the way of
>>>             spelling the GenABEL :) - Like Gnu's horns in the GNU logo.
>>>             What we can do next is to place an open call on
>>>             site/forum for other users to contribute, but this is
>>>             going to take time, and meanwhile I suggest to stick
>>>             with Grant's variant.
>>>             Yurii
>>>             On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Maarten Kooyman
>>>             <kooyman at gmail.com <mailto:kooyman at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>                 Dear all,
>>>                 It looks really nice ! Credits for who made it.
>>>                  However, I have more the impression that it looks
>>>                 like a polypeptide chain or a rosary. The seventies
>>>                 font is a matter of taste, but it remind me of comic
>>>                 sans(including a upside down e as a). I wonder if it
>>>                 readable if you print it on a poster: I think this
>>>                 is a important use-case of a scientific logo.
>>>                 Kind regards,
>>>                 Maarten
>>>                 On 07/02/2013 01:11 PM, Diego Fabregat Traver wrote:
>>>                     On 28/06/13, Yurii Aulchenko
>>>                      <yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com
>>>                     <mailto:yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>                         How do you like this one?
>>>                     I like it a lot.
>>>                     What do you think about reducing the font size
>>>                     for the subtitle
>>>                     and right-justifying it? Would it still be
>>>                     readable? I liked that
>>>                     detail from the previous attempts with the
>>>                     "Project" subtitle.
>>>                     In any case, this is just a minor detail. It
>>>                     looks great as it is.
>>>                     Thanks to Grant Borodin!
>>>                         YA
>>>                         On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Yurii
>>>                         Aulchenko <yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com
>>>                         <mailto:yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com>(javascript:main.compose()>
>>>                         wrote:
>>>                             Dear Nicola, Diego, Lennart,
>>>                             Thanks for your feedback! I will ask
>>>                             Grant Borodin, who kindly designed these
>>>                             logos, if he could change C according to
>>>                             your comment (capital "ABEL" and
>>>                             "statistical genomics" as in F).
>>>                             Yurii
>>>                             On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Diego
>>>                             Fabregat Traver
>>>                             <fabregat at aices.rwth-aachen.de
>>>                             <mailto:fabregat at aices.rwth-aachen.de>(javascript:main.compose()>
>>>                             wrote:
>>>                                 Congrats to whoever designed these
>>>                                 logos, they look very nice :)
>>>                                 With respect to my preferences, I
>>>                                 fully agree with Lennart: "C with
>>>                                 capital ABEL and statistical
>>>                                 genomics below it" would be my choice.
>>>                                 Best,
>>>                                 Diego
>>>                                 On 20/06/13, "L.C. Karssen"
>>>                                  <lennart at karssen.org
>>>                                 <mailto:lennart at karssen.org>(javascript:main.compose()>
>>>                                 wrote:
>>>                                     Wow! Those look really nice!
>>>                                     I like options C and F the most.
>>>                                     Actually a combination would be even
>>>                                     better IMHO: use C with capital
>>>                                     ABEL and statistical genomics
>>>                                     below it.
>>>                                     Looking forward to head the
>>>                                     opinion of others,
>>>                                     Lennart.
>>>                                     On 20-06-13 09:34, Yurii
>>>                                     Aulchenko wrote:
>>>                                         Please find attached few
>>>                                         more logo variants
>>>                                         Yurii
>>>                     _______________________________________________
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>>>             -- 
>>>             -----------------------------------------------------
>>>             Yurii S. Aulchenko
>>>             [ LinkedIn
>>>             <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/yuriiaulchenko> ] [ Twitter
>>>             <http://twitter.com/YuriiAulchenko> ] [ Blog
>>>             <http://yurii-aulchenko.blogspot.nl/> ]
>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>             genabel-devel mailing list
>>>             genabel-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
>>>             <mailto:genabel-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org>
>>>             https://lists.r-forge.r-project.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/genabel-devel
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>>         -- 
>>         -----------------------------------------------------
>>         Yurii S. Aulchenko
>>         [ LinkedIn <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/yuriiaulchenko> ] [
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>     -- 
>     -----------------------------------------------------
>     Yurii S. Aulchenko
>     [ LinkedIn <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/yuriiaulchenko> ] [ Twitter
>     <http://twitter.com/YuriiAulchenko> ] [ Blog
>     <http://yurii-aulchenko.blogspot.nl/> ]
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Yurii S. Aulchenko
> [ LinkedIn <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/yuriiaulchenko> ] [ Twitter 
> <http://twitter.com/YuriiAulchenko> ] [ Blog 
> <http://yurii-aulchenko.blogspot.nl/> ]
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