[GenABEL-dev] problem with MixABEL

William Astle william.astle at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue Feb 12 21:47:16 CET 2013


I think this is fixed. I don't have access to a compiler on Mac OS X. Would you mind testing it for me Yurii?



On 12 Feb 2013, at 15:16, Yurii Aulchenko <yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com<mailto:yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com>>

This is a possible bug report:

I am trying to build latest MixABEL on Mac OS using the 'makedistrib' script


I get

> time0.fmm <- proc.time()
> fmm <- FastMixedModel(Response=res,
+ Explan=expl,
+ Kin = gkin,
+ Cov=covariates)

 *** caught bus error ***
address 0x105639487, cause 'non-existent physical address'

 *** caught bus error ***

 *** caught bus error ***
address 0x105639487, cause 'non-existent physical address'
address 0x105639487, cause 'non-existent physical address'

 *** caught bus error ***
address 0x105639487, cause 'non-existent physical address'

 1: .Call("rint_flmm", as.double(Explan), as.double(Response), as.integer(dim(Explan)[1]),     as.integer(dim(Explan)[2]), as.double(t(Covariates)), as.integer(dim(Covariates)[2]),     as.double(t(GenVar)), as.double(nu_naught), as.double(gamma_naught))
 2: FastMixedModel(Response = res, Explan = expl, Kin = gkin, Cov = covariates)
aborting ...


.Call("rint_flmm", as.double(Explan), as.double(Response), as.integer(dim(Explan)[1]),  1:  1:     as.integer(dim(Explan)[2]), as.double(t(Covariates)), as.integer(dim(Covariates)[2]), .Call("rint_flmm", as.double(Explan), as.double(Response), as.integer(dim(Explan)[1]), .Call("rint_flmm", as.double(Explan), as.double(Response), as.integer(dim(Explan)[1]),     as.double(t(GenVar)), as.double(nu_naught), as.double(gamma_naught))    as.integer(dim(Explan)[2]), as.double(t(Covariates)), as.integer(dim(Covariates)[2]),     as.integer(dim(Explan)[2]), as.double(t(Covariates)), as.integer(dim(Covariates)[2]),
    as.double(t(GenVar)), as.double(nu_naught), as.double(gamma_naught))    as.double(t(GenVar)), as.double(nu_naught), as.double(gamma_naught)) 2:

FastMixedModel(Response = res, Explan = expl, Kin = gkin, Cov = covariates) 2:  2:
FastMixedModel(Response = res, Explan = expl, Kin = gkin, Cov = covariates)FastMixedModel(Response = res, Explan = expl, Kin = gkin, Cov = covariates)aborting ...

... SO ON
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