[GenABEL-dev] New upload of PredictABEL

L.C. Karssen lennart at karssen.org
Mon Jul 23 19:42:48 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I just committed some changes to PredictABEL (rev. 932) sent to me by
Suman Kundu, the package maintainer. If no bugs are found in the coming
days we intend to release this as version 1.2-1 to CRAN on Friday.

So, please have a look and let us know if you find any bugs or other

For those running Ubuntu 12.04 please note that the libtktable Ubuntu
package isn't available in the repositories (as it used to be). This
package is needed by the PBSmodelling R package, a dependency of
PredictABEL. I haven't found a quick work-around yet...

Best regards,


L.C. Karssen
The Netherlands

lennart at karssen.org

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